The Music

Click on the name of a song to see a description and details about origin and production.

Track Name Vorbis MP3 OPUS FLAC

Edge Of Lunacy D OGG MP3 OPUS FLAC
There And Back Again D OGG MP3 OPUS FLAC
After Me (unreleased) D OGG MP3 OPUS FLAC
Chunk (After Me, 2002) I C OGG MP3    
Aphrodisiac (2002) I C OGG MP3    
Epic (Day Of Rain, 2002) I C OGG MP3    
Insanity's Realm (2002) I C OGG MP3    
Nameless (2002) I C OGG MP3    
There And Back Again (2002) I C OGG MP3    
Good Clean Fun I J   MP3    
Losing My Soul I J OGG MP3 OPUS FLAC
Aphrodisiac (experimental ending) I J OGG      
Wrapped In Thorns (partial mix) I J   MP3    
There And Back Again L OGG MP3    
Insanity's Realm L OGG MP3    
Nameless L OGG MP3    
After Me L OGG MP3    
All Alone L OGG MP3    
Edge Of Lunacy L OGG MP3    
Day Of Rain L OGG MP3    

Tag meanings:
- L: A current version of a song that was recorded live at one of our shows. Quality is usually low.
- D: A studio recording of a song meant to be used as a promotional device. Quality is good, but not album release level.
- I: Instrumental.
- C: A computer was used to generate the drum track on these recordings.
- J: A clip from a jam or rehearsal session. Generally an unedited recording including mistakes. Quality can range from terrible to near studio.

The music of Delusional Mind is hard to put into a single category. It runs the spectrum from heavy metal, to southern rock, to music with a jazz and blues feel. Delusional Mind is not about a type of music, but more an idea of music. Our music is all original.

Feel free to download any of the songs above.

We released our demo CD, entitled Death Grip, on November 8, 2008. The songs on that demo are the first four available for download above.


Please see our licensing terms for more details about limits on the use and copying of our music.

Wondering what all this OGG, MP3, OPUS, and FLAC stuff is? Please see our explanation of file types.

We support Vorbis (ogg), Opus, and FLAC audio compression technologies for their open and free philosophy and superior sound quality for a given file size. We provide most of our songs in the inferior mp3 format as well.

If you are running Windows and want to play OGG Vorbis and FLAC files in Windows Media Player, you can download the Windows codecs, absolutely free, from Most media player software supports OGG and FLAC natively.


Our next production was to be an album titled "Insanity's Realm". It is no longer being produced.

We provide printable album covers, inserts with lyrics, and CD labels so you can make your own official CD's. You can access the artwork, CD inserts, and lyrics we have released by clicking the Album Art and Lyrics link below.

Album Art and Lyrics

All music, html, video, and images on this site are Copyright © 2000-2009 Delusional Mind represented by Richard Faulkner, Robert Faulkner, John Ward, Ryan Judkins, and Russell Eldridge unless otherwise noted.