Fan Forum

Welcome to Delusional Mind's Fan Forum. This was a forum used by the fans and band to communicate with each other during the years the band was active. It also served as a means for allowing Bob to notify users of his hosted services of various down times and upcoming maintenance, etc.

At this time the forum is closed and you may no longer post to it. It is preserved here in a form which will better survive the evolution of web technologies and platforms.

Anything goes here so if you're easily offended, you've been warned.

Anything posted on this board should not be construed to be the official opinion or position of Delusional Mind.

-- The Forum Begins --
Wed Oct 16 19:49 2024
I've largely completed the conversion to all static content on the site.

At this point the only remaining dynamic content is the Play function on the music page.
I'm leaving that as is and when I eventually die and this site gets parked somewhere
in an archive that functionality will just break. It's minor enough I don't want to
bother coming up with a static alternative. 


Mon Sep 18 16:29 2023
I've discontinued the cloud services. I don't think anyone other than me was using them anymore.


Thu Aug 24 18:14 2023
It's been about 5 years since the last person other then me posted on here. 
I will be working in the next few months to convert everything on this site to static
html pages to help future proof the site against platform deprecation and to make it 
easier to sustain the site should something happen to me. At that time no new posts 
will be possible on this forum and the entire history of posts on this forum will be 
presented on every visit.


Thu Aug 3 11:37 2023
Interestingly enough I just found someone added us to the metal-archives site back in 2009.


Thu Dec 22 12:58 2022
We also sadly have to announce that Robert "Mouse" Riness, our original drummer and a 
founding member of Delusional Mind, was murdered while on the job in December of 2021. 
This was learned when we were trying to contact him to let him know about Rick's 
death. His unique character and talents will be missed. Please keep his family in your 

Tue Nov 22 23:52 2022
It's with a heavy heart that we announce that our brother, Rick Faulkner, passed away today.

Wed Feb 24 19:23 2021
I forgot to post a notice here, but I upgraded my internet connection to 1Gbps 
downstream and 40Mbps upstream on Monday. You shouldn't notice much difference 
except when downloading songs, or if you use my cloud services. There was a little 
downtime Monday while the Comcast guy swapped out my modem.


Sun Jun 7 01:09 2020
There will be intermittent down time on Monday while I redress the cable 
management on my rack to make it a little easier to work on (and prettier, and
I just want to, etc).


Fri Jan 10 21:47 2020
RIP Neil Peart

His contributions to music and humanity will endure.

Tue Dec 31 16:26 2019
I did a major structure cabling project over the last month. This involved some
very short periods of downtime while I rerouted the cabling between the modem
and my rack.

Those changes are complete so no further interruptions due to them are expected.


Fri Sep 6 11:22 2019
In case you missed it, services are updated.


Fri Aug 30 12:42 2019
Services will be upgraded this coming Sunday-Tuesday. It should be fairly seamless.


Fri Aug 16 13:27 2019
The upgrade went as planned.


Wed Aug 7 23:54 2019
I'm planning on upgrading the OS on the server next Monday or Tuesday. 
There will be some minor downtime to reboot to the new kernel. 


Wed Jul 3 11:30 2019
There was some downtime yesterday while I swapped out the circuit breakers that
serve my basement to bring the electrical system into code compliance. This
resulted in some downtime as I had the service to the house disconnected longer
than my UPS could safely hold up the system.


Thu Apr 4 17:06 2019
Well the Dell C1100 was short lived. I tried to flash the BMC firmware which
threw an error, and the system will no longer POST, so it's a boat anchor.


Tue Mar 19 12:04 2019
Maintenance yesterday went smoothly. We're on fresh UPS batteries and I took the
downtime opportunity to blow the dust out of the servers. I got a Dell C1100
server which I racked as a spare server as well. I retired a spare lower end
server to use as a test bench and spare parts machine.


Wed Mar 13 16:01 2019
All services will be going down next Monday the 18th to swap out the UPS batteries.


Fri Feb 22 12:28 2019
UPS batteries have given up again. I've ordered replacements which will arrive
next week. I'll have to take down all services during the swap. I'll be ordering
a second UPS to provide more redundancy some time soon as well. 


Thu Dec 20 23:56 2018
I do, but it's my site so I doubt that counts.


Fri Dec 7 16:31 2018
Does anyone ever come here anymore?

Mon Sep 3 21:18 2018
Upgrades complete.


Mon Sep 3 04:07 2018
I'll be upgrading the OS on the server sometime on September 3rd so some
downtime should be expected.


Mon Jul 2 20:27 2018
Server has been swapped as of today. Hopefully we don't have any issues. If we
do we can revert to the old server.


Thu Jun 28 11:28 2018
Swapped out the switch last weekend.

I'll likely swap servers this weekend, but that's still up in the air.


Tue Jun 19 15:31 2018
I didn't do the move yesterday. I unexpectedly came into possession of a 52 port
managed switch which I spent the day configuring. I'll be moving over to that
switch soon as well. I'll likely end up moving servers and switches around with
no warning.


Tue Jun 12 14:40 2018
Monday I'll be upgrading the main server to one a couple of generations newer
which is both faster and lower power. The new server chassis will be 2U which
gives me more expansion options such as eventually moving to 10Gb ethernet for
SAN storage, etc. Other than the downtime you shouldn't notice any changes since
the existing server is already massive overkill for this application.


Fri Apr 27 11:37 2018
The internet upgrade was completed last week so download speeds should have
improved for all visitors.

I also migrated the cloud from owncloud to nextcloud which is more feature rich.


Tue Apr 17 01:10 2018
I'm upgrading my internet connection from 10Mbps upstream to 20Mbps. It should
be transparent when it happens. It probably won't be noticeable except when
downloading larger files from the site and other services I host.


Mon Dec 11 19:09 2017
Due to the snow storm on December 8th my internet connection was down from the
morning of the 9th through early this morning.

As an update, the storage shelf has been installed and currently has 26TB of
storage installed with enough open bays to increase that to an eventual 72TB
using drives of the same capacity as I'm currently using. 8TB of the existing
capacity is a hot backup set, so currently 18TB is being used for live storage.
With redundancy there is 9TB usable.


Sat Nov 18 13:09 2017
I'll be doing some hardware upgrades tomorrow so some downtime will occur. I'm
installing a 24 bay storage shelf which will allow me to extensively expand
storage going forward with no downtime required.


Sat Jul 8 17:07 2017
The replacement UPS batteries installed last November were bad so I've replaced
them again last night. This caused some downtime. Hopefully this set will give
us a few years of good service.


Wed Jun 14 21:52 2017
I finally moved all the server and network gear to the new rack this past
Monday. There was about 45 minutes of downtime during the move. I'm in the
process of acquiring a storage enclosure and SAS HBA so I can move the existing
storage array out of the 1U server it's currently in and open up much more room
to expand storage as the need arises.


Tue Apr 4 11:38 2017
Due to unforeseen circumstances the equipment move didn't happen yesterday.
Currently planning to try again next Monday or the one after that.


Fri Mar 31 12:35 2017
I'm moving the server and other gear into the new rack on Monday April 3rd. I'll
try to keep downtime under control but there may be a couple of hours of
downtime while I transplant everything. After that there may be random short
outages while I route and tie cables.


Fri Mar 10 13:55 2017
I updated the services to FreeBSD 11 several weeks ago. I'm getting a nicer
server rack in a couple of weeks and will be transplanting all the gear to it
shortly afterward. I'll update when to expect downtime.


Sun Nov 13 21:54 2016
The UPS batteries have been replaced and the new SSD installed.


Sat Nov 12 13:15 2016
The batteries in the UPS for the servers died and took down the UPS yesterday,
so I'm going to get new batteries today and replace them. I'll either do that
tonight or tomorrow. I'll install the new SSD at the same time.


Thu Nov 10 19:21 2016
I'll be shutting down the server for a period on this coming Monday to install
the second SSD into the server.


Mon Sep 19 13:37 2016
The move to the new server is complete. I deployed on FreeBSD 11.0 release
candidate 3. I've had no issues during testing and the only release critical
bugs don't impact anything I'm running. Once the final release comes I will
upgrade to that, which will require only a quick reboot.

In a month or so I will pull the SSD from the old server and install it in this
one to mirror the OS drive. That will require another reboot as the OS drive is
internal to the server.

I have not yet upgraded the services to FreeBSD 11. I will likely do that after
the official release.

Throughput to the main ZFS array quadrupled with this upgrade. Between that and
the move from 2 cores to 8 cores, and 6GB of memory to 24GB, users of the more
cpu intensive services should see an improvement in responsiveness.


Sat Sep 17 18:25 2016
I'll be moving the services to the new server under FreeBSD 11 tomorrow. You
should expect all services to be down for an extended time. If all goes as
planned downtime should be limited to just a few minutes. If anything major
comes up I'll revert back to the existing server and OS.


Wed Aug 24 19:09 2016
The move into the rack is completed. FreeBSD 11 is expected to release in early
September so shortly after that I plan to move the services off the old trusty
desktop acting a server, to the new actual server. I may get a wild hair to
deploy on a FreeBSD 11 release candidate as so far it's been rock solid stable.


Tue Aug 16 19:27 2016
I'll be taking the server down on Sunday to move everything into the rack. This
will likely result in a couple of hours of down time while I get everything all
nice and tidy. The services will probably still be hosted on the current server
after the move. I have FreeBSD 11 release candidate 1 installed on the new
server and I'm moving configuration files over to it and testing, but I want to
be a little closer to the release version of FreeBSD 11 before I put it in
production. After that move I'll upgrade all the service jails in one operation.
We'll have to wait and see what that breaks, if anything.


Thu Aug 4 18:18 2016
I'm going to be replacing the current server, which is a decade old dual core
Dell desktop machine, with a real server running dual quad core Xeons and 24GB
ECC memory. The ZFS array drives will also be moving from an external esata
enclosure where they share a single sata channel into the hot swap bays on the
server where they will each have a dedicated channel. 

This will require a good amount of downtime as I'll be installing a server rack
to house the new servers. I'll also be moving all existing gear to the rack and
relocating my wall mounted monitor since it's currently where I plan to put the

A few weeks ago I also replaced the old 8 port unmanaged switch with a 24 port
fully managed rack mount switch. The new switch is fiber ready so if Google ever
decides to run fiber out my way....

It's unlikely this move will result in any perceivable performance increase for
the general sites, or for standard email services. If you use the webmail or
cloud services you will likely see a dramatic improvement on those.


Tue Apr 12 20:54 2016
Also, last month I updated the video page to use the Youtube HTML5 player
instead of the flash player.


Thu Mar 17 19:23 2016
I failed to mention it here, but there was some downtime a few weekends ago
while I upgraded the ZFS pool to 6TB of fully redundant storage. It's now
running on 4 x 3TB drives in a ZFS striped mirrors (RAID 10) config.


Tue Dec 29 02:49 2015
RIP Lemmy.


Mon Sep 7 01:17 2015
Attention users of the Delusional Mind / Treborlogic mail server:

I have made several improvements over the course of this year to increase
security and remove some convenience barriers. 

I have changed the webmail service to Roundcube webmail which has finally
matured to a point where I now consider it usable. The interface is much more
pleasing and intuitive than the old Squirrelmail system we were using before. 

I have changed the webmail URL from to
just I have changed the link on the Delusional
Mind page to send you to the new URL. Any attempts to access the old URL will be
automatically redirected to the new one. 

I have eliminated support for Internet Explorer on Windows XP due to Microsoft's
intentionally not keeping either up-to-date over the last 10 years. They lack
SNI support so anyone using that old garbage will be unable to access their
owncloud accounts anymore. Clients incapable of SNI will get the webmail site by

I have purchased a validated SSL certificate for so when
you visit the webmail site you will no longer get a security warning.

The mail server is fully and securely accessible via SSL/TLS and/or STARTTLS
methods. This means you are now able to access your email via other services
such as Gmail and Hotmail by adding your account on this server. You may also
now send email through the Treborlogic server via authenticated SMTP sessions
when connected via SSL/TLS or STARTTLS. You may now send and receive through
this service from any machine or device, including phones.

When the destination mail servers support SSL/TLS all mail sent through this
server will be delivered over entirely encrypted channels. While this depends on
the destination server having support, the Treborlogic server will always
encrypt if possible for both sending and receiving mail. 

The and DNS zones are now cryptographically
signed via DNSSEC so if your DNS provider (ISP, etc) are DNSSEC compliant you
can trust that when you look up our services the results are authentic. 

All outgoing mail from the Treborlogic server for both the and domains are now cryptographically signed by the server using
DKIM. The public keys used to validate them are published in DNS which is
another reason the DNSSEC compliance mentioned before is important. This
provides assurance to receiving mail servers that the message did in fact
originate from our server and was not modified in transit.

I have dramatically increased the spam rejection on the server so your spam
levels should have decreased.

If you want to configure your phone, computer, or other webmail provider to send
and receive your and mail use the details below:

For both sending (SMTP) and receiving (POP3 or IMAP) the server name is 

POP3 port configuration:
Using STARTTLS, port 110
Using SSL/TLS, port 995

IMAP port configuration:
Using STARTTLS, port 143
Using SSL/TLS, port 993

Sending mail (SMTP):
Using STARTTLS, port 587

Authentication method should be normal password or plain, which is fine since
SSL/TLS and STARTTLS are encrypted channels. When sending email (SMTP) the
server will not accept authentication at all (nor your mail) unless the
connection is secure.


Thu Feb 26 21:32 2015
Bob, go on youtube and pull up jawga boyz and listen to a song called chillin in
the back woods. listen to it and then listen to losing my soul and tell me what
you think.


Mon Jan 12 19:22 2015
It was rough since it was such an early attempt at it, but to me the potential
was worth preserving.


Sun Jan 11 05:31 2015
I wish we had worked on that ending more, it was slightly confusing but it had

Sat Jan 3 20:43 2015
Anyone paying attention may have noticed the forum was down yesterday and part
of today. I built a new FreeBSD 10.1 jail for apache and that caused a problem
with the Graffiti Wall executable since in FreeBSD 10.1 they dropped GCC, so the
libraries it was compiled to link against were missing. 

I unfortunately found that I had, in error, deleted all the development source
code tarballs for Graffiti Wall in one of the previous server moves, None of my
existing backups dated back far enough to contain them. 

Luckily I still had the 4 Seagate Cheetah SCSI drives and the DPT RAID
controller which were retired from service years ago laying around. I was a bit
nervous since they hadn't been spun up in several years after having been run
continuously for 10 years at the time I retired them. I put the card in one of
my spare machines, connected all the drives, fired it up and it happily booted
into my ancient Linux server install which allowed me to copy the source code
onto a thumb drive. 

Day saved! I compiled the code under the new FreeBSD 10.1 development
environment and all is well. I now have the code safely stored on my fault
tolerant ZFS array which is externally backed up weekly.


Wed Nov 26 02:22 2014
I added a clip to the music page from a 2007 jam session where we were toying
with an experimental change to the last section of Aphrodisiac. It's very rough,
and I'm pretty sure this is the only remaining evidence of the changes we were
planning for the song. There are mistakes and tonality issues, but that's to be
expected since this is probably the first time we played through this new part
of the song together and none of our parts were set in stone.


Fri Nov 14 17:05 2014
I upgraded the server's OS this week to FreeBSD 10. I also took the opportunity
to swap the OS drive to a new SSD so the OS is nice and snappy. I dedicated 32GB
of the new SSD to act as ZFS L2ARC for the storage array so all frequently
accessed data (like the websites, mail, cloud data, etc) will be cached to the
SSD in addition to the in memory ARC. This means as the L2ARC builds itself over
time virtually all service read requests will be served from the SSD. This
should help alleviate performance issues which may happen when I have the
storage array under heavy IO such as when I'm playing Counter Strike or Borderlands.


Mon Nov 10 23:55 2014
Not that this is a huge event, but I added an Opus version of Losing My Soul to
the Music page. 

I've also begun a very long term project to remaster There And Back Again, and
Edge of Lunacy. Once completed they will be released on the Music page and
tagged as remastered so the old version will remain available for those who
prefer it. I am also working on putting together a very badly mixed and mastered
version of Wrapped In Thorns for release someday. It's one of my favorite songs
we performed but we have no decent recordings of it.


Fri Jun 20 20:44 2014
I'm planning to release more interesting clips from our recorded sessions in
time. I've just been working lately on cleaning up my storage and deleting
redundant copies of stuff to reduce the clutter on the storage array. I've also
been slowly configuring FreeBSD 10 in a virtual machine getting ready to update
this server. 

The really sad thing is we seem to have rarely recorded our rehearsals since
2007 so I don't have a lot of selections with the full band to pull from.


Mon Jun 16 15:53 2014
Hey Bob,
Why isn"t there a copy of Glad yer Gone or the one we called chicken something?
I can't remember what we called it now but once you here it you will remember
it. THe song I am referring to had a Clapton-esque sound to it. I can't remember
the rest of them, but there were some good jams from the old days.


Fri Mar 7 16:37 2014
Also, the site has been up and down a few times over the last couple of weeks.
This wasn't due to failures. I was testing various configurations in
anticipation for upgrading to FreeBSD 10. I've also added a new 3TB ZFS mirror
to the data pool so we have north of 3TB of available space available. This
should hold us over for quite some time.

The upgrade to FreeBSD 10 will happen some time in the next month or 2 and will
involve down time. 


Thu Mar 6 22:34 2014
I am now officially reminding Kristi:

"Mon May 19 14:53 2003

I'll remind you of that when you get to my age..


I was 31 at that time.. She has since reached that age and now passed it by
several years.. So, by her own definition she is old.. I love her more than ever
though, even if she is an old lady!


Sun Jan 19 22:06 2014

Wed Jan 15 21:49 2014
Go to Options, Personal Information, Edit Advanced Identities.

There you add other identities.


Mon Jan 13 14:19 2014
When I send an email it sends from the delusional account. Can you make it from
treborlogic instead?


Tue Dec 24 07:16 2013
Merry Christmas!!!!

Sun Oct 20 00:54 2013


Wed Oct 9 06:09 2013
talk talk talk talk talk

Tue Jul 16 22:40 2013
See! No talk!


Fri May 3 11:25 2013
Better than no talk!


Thu May 2 05:49 2013
Wow a lot of tech talk.


Mon Apr 22 22:58 2013
I actually did most of those things last Friday.. 

The only thing left is getting Subsonic back up and running and the problem
there is openjdk just doesn't want to compile for me in FreeBSD.


Tue Apr 16 15:37 2013
I'm starting a new Linux System Admin job in a couple of weeks and will have
about a week off between the end of my notice at IBM and starting the new job. I
plan to transition the server ZFS storage array from USB based to an esata
external enclosure during that time, and I will be adding ram to the server as
well. I'll also take that time to finish bringing cloud services back online as


Mon Mar 25 03:30 2013
Webmail service is back online..

Cloud services and music streaming should come up by the end of next weekend. My
time to work on the server is tremendously limited lately so it's been very slow


Sun Mar 10 21:03 2013
Now running on the new server. 

Webmail and other extended web services (cloud, music streaming, etc) are
offline with no planned ETA for restoration. My main goal this weekend was to
get moved and the websites back up with the critical internal services running..
All that is done. I'll restore the other services over time as I get the other
service jails set up. The site may be flaky while I work on that. On the plus
side all the data on this server is now more protected than it ever has been.

Having said that, things may be a little slow for awhile as I'm now going to
snapshot the host and data pools and back them up externally.


Fri Mar 8 05:11 2013
I'll replace the server this weekend.. Expect large amounts of breakage, or
maybe not. We'll see.


Thu Feb 21 20:19 2013
I'll be replacing the server in a couple of weeks. It will be going from a 1GHz
Athlon with 512MB of RAM to a 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo with 2GB of RAM. I'll also take
the opportunity to again upgrade the OS to the latest version of FreeBSD, and
I'll be switching over entirely to ZFS. Once done the server will offer 1TB of
storage dedicated to services and data hosted on a ZFS mirror. The users of our
cloud services will notice the available free space for the service will go from
about 60G to north of 500GB. I'll also be further partitioning services to
improve performance and enhance security beyond the already overkill levels I've


Wed Feb 13 00:25 2013
Ryan is an excelleny drummer, some of the fastest fills I have ever heard.


I also miss jamming with him.

Sun Jan 6 04:38 2013
Ryan rocks the drums! Miss playing with you in the garage back in Sarasota after
school!!! Keep jamming baby!!


Thu Jan 3 23:32 2013
The server will be going down for some time this weekend to add more RAM and
replace the LAN NIC with a new gigabit card. That won't impact server
performance externally but it will greatly improve internal services hosted on
the server =)
The internal network is mostly gigabit and it's annoying being limited to 100Mb
at the server.

I'm in the process of planning a fresh reinstall when I move to FreeBSD 9.1 with
an eye for scalability and security. The current setup is already very secure,
but it's not well suited for my goal of exploiting the capabilities of ZFS.


Fri Dec 14 23:30 2012
Prayers and sympathies for the parents of the children lost today in Conneticut
and the six people that died trying to protect them. I hope the killer rots
slowly in hell.

Mon Dec 10 18:38 2012
All the critical infrastructure and cabling changes are done. There should be no
further down time due to our moving the workstations out of the basement. 

The next outage will be to upgrade the private lan network interface card in the
server to gigabit ethernet to facilitate faster network backups. That won't
happen for awhile though.


Tue Dec 4 23:03 2012
The first batch of Opus files are posted. The initial batch are our official
demo songs. 

Opus is a brand new codec so playback support is still spotty but most recent
releases of the major open audio player software out there now support it. Even
Firefox 15+ will play it natively.

Enjoy the low bit rate quality of this great new codec. If you think it's great
for storing music, wait until you hear what it will do for real time
communications on the internet and cell phone call quality in the future!

Details about the codec can be found at


Mon Dec 3 22:32 2012
In celebration of the first fully open and royalty free advanced lossy audio
codec to be standardized by a major standards body, I will be releasing all our
FLAC sourced files encoded with the newly approved Opus codec. The IETF
(Internet Engineering Task Force, the body that standardizes the protocols used
on the Internet) has ratified the Opus audio codec as RFC 6716
( I will encode our files in the Opus
format at 96kbps VBR. I'll make the changes on the music page to link to the new
versions once ready.

This represents a major leap forward in the fight for media distribution freedom
on the internet as since Opus is an IETF standard and a required codec for the
coming WebRTC standard, any device or software that implements WebRTC in the
future (they all will) will be required to support a fully free as in freedom,
open source, and royalty free audio codec.

We've had a modern free codec for over a decade in the form of OGG Vorbis, but
we've never had it recognized and promoted by a major standards body. This will
hopefully be a turning point away from the closed and patent encumbered AAC.
Opus even matches or outperforms both Vorbis and AAC!

Keep an eye on the music page.. I'll likely release them in the next week or 2.


Mon Dec 3 02:16 2012
It'll be so short when it happens that no one will notice..


Sat Dec 1 19:16 2012
YAY!!!! Downtime...

Thu Nov 29 22:29 2012
We're in the process of moving all the workstation computers upstairs to be more
convenient for us. The server and most networking gear will stay where it is.
The move will call for very short amounts of downtime while I recable
everything. I'm pulling the random cable nightmare that currently exists and
will be doing a proper cable management system, including defined cable runs and
color coded cables.

There may be random short periods of down time over the next couple of weeks
while we move everything.


Wed Nov 28 20:13 2012
Most of the upgrade for the web server is done. I've changed the webmail link so
that it now opens in a new window/tab instead of in a frame within the DM site.

I still have several more rounds of updates to go, and there may be some odd
behavior related to that, but most of the really visible stuff is done.


Tue Nov 27 06:04 2012
I'm in the process of upgrading the server OS. Expect odd behavior the next few


Sat Nov 3 14:54 2012
Russ graciously allowed me to use the lyrics to Day of Rain so I can record the
song. I went back and listened to the Masquerade show on 10/30 and now realize
just how good that song really is. It gave me goose bumps listening to it. I
will send the finished product to my brother Bob pnce it is done and he can add
bass and a computerized drumline so it can be done completely, Russ has also
offered to lay some tracks also. We will se what transpires. I don't know how
many people know how time consuming the recording process is. I hope everyone
will enjoy the finished product. Bob or I will post on the forum when it is done
and on the music page.

Thu Nov 1 16:16 2012
Just released another clip from the days of old. 

Losing My Soul was our first real attempt at writing and recording a song. It
was recorded live in my basement, late 2000 to early 2001.

Now available on the music page in OGG Vorbis, MP3, and FLAC formats. More will
be on the way next week!


Tue Oct 30 02:16 2012
The first release from our old rehearsal sessions is available on the Music
page. You'll notice the name of the "song" is actually a link. The link will
take you to a page giving you background on the clip.

This clip is an example some of the lighter stuff we would come up with while

Stay tuned, there are more coming soon!


Tue Oct 9 23:01 2012
The Delusional Mind Music account system is now sunset.

The music page will load MUCH faster now. As has been the case since the band
broke up, all downloads are free.

Remember that I will be releasing gems from our rehearsal recordings spanning
about a decade, so keep checking in for new releases!


Fri Oct 5 14:39 2012
I will be sunsetting the Delusional Mind Music Account system sometime in the
next week or 2. Since all downloads are free and the highest quality available,
the account system no longer has a purpose. 

Currently when the music page is viewed the song list is dynamically generated
because it would depend on what you'd purchased. That overhead on the server is
no longer needed since everyone now gets the exact same list. I'll be converting
the system to only regenerate the list when the database of songs changes
instead of every time the page is viewed.

Also, I will be releasing various recordings made during rehearsals. Some will
have singing, many will not. Some may have certain band members missing as they
were absent the day of the recording or not in the band at the time. It will be
a mix of recordings spanning from the 90's all the way to the end, with quality
from ranging abysmal to excellent. Some will be previously unreleased recordings
of jam sessions where we were working on never before heard songs. 

I have literally weeks worth of recorded jams and rehearsals. I even have some
old videos I'll post selections of. This will all happen over a very long time
as I get around to it, but keep checking back for updates!


Fri Aug 10 20:01 2012
He had a massive heart attack while driving a semi truck. The truck ran off the
road but he was gone before that happened. No one else was injured.


Tue Jul 31 23:36 2012
Was just looking for Grey on the Internet. We were best friends in fourth and fifth grade in Baltimore 
and had such fun together. I was heartbroken to see that he passed away. Can someone tell me 
what happened? Thanks. 

Thu Apr 5 17:34 2012
A sad thing indeed..

RIP Jim Marshall


Tue Mar 6 21:51 2012
In case you didn't notice, we're running on new UPS batteries and I swapped out
the cpu fan on the server.. Much quieter in here now!


Tue Jan 24 22:57 2012
This weekend I will be taking all services down to replace UPS batteries and to
replace worn out cpu fans on several machines.

I don't expect downtime to exceed a couple of hours.


Tue Dec 13 21:21 2011
We're running on comcast now.. It will take a few days for the DNS changes to
propagate, but things should be normal after that. For those who get the site,
it should be much quicker.


Thu Dec 8 16:36 2011
only 2 options around here.. at&t, which is what I'm currently running, and
comcast.. so we're going comcast.

at&t has been very unreliable lately, and my contract just expired.. They are
wanting to jack up my rate to keep what I have. Comcast will give me double the
downstream and 4 times the upstream capacity for a touch less than I paid at&t
under my old contract, so here we are..


Wed Dec 7 05:46 2011
which provider are you going to?


Wed Dec 7 00:01 2011
I'll be changing internet providers next Tuesday. The new connection will have
substantially higher upstream capacity so site performance should improve by
quite a nice margin.

Expect down time, and for there to be a period of time of spotty up time while
DNS propagates the new info.


Fri Oct 14 16:54 2011
I changed the webmail system to Squirrel mail.. The interface isn't as slick,
but it performs a LOT better than Roundcube and has a lot more features.. The
old Openwebmail system we used to run won't work in the current server


Wed Aug 10 18:07 2011
I'm going to be moving the webmail system back to the old software as it turns
out to be a LOT faster and reliable, as well as much more full featured. I'll
admit that while roundcube looks nicer, it's very rough where it counts.

Expect weird crap to happen with the webmail over the next several weeks.


Thu Apr 14 16:32 2011
I removed the Mailing List link from the site's menu. I've decided to retire the
mailing list since the band is defunct. 


Fri Apr 8 17:20 2011
Most services should now be back up and usable.
We changed webmail software. The new software doesn't have as many features as
the old, but it's still being developed and consumes dramatically less resources
on the server.

Things are still very buggy, and I still have a lot of firewall rules to write,
so expect quirks here and there. Spam filtering is still not running so you're
likely to see an increased amount of spam.


Wed Apr 6 17:19 2011
As you may have noticed, there have been several service interruptions. 

Email services *should* now be functioning, but it's running in a very basic
mode and no spam filtering is active. 

Webmail is still down. I'll likely be changing webmail software as openwebmail
development has stalled and it's performance has been lacking in my opinion. I'm
looking at either squirrelmail or roundcube as a replacement.  

Continue to expect issues over the next several weeks.


Sun Apr 3 04:34 2011
We're running on the new OS.. There is a LOT of stuff still broken, most notably
all mail service is still down.

I'm working on it, but it will take awhile.


Fri Apr 1 12:39 2011
The site will go down this weekend for the swap over to the new system.

Expect major breaking of virtually every service, and for things to not get back
to normal for at least several months. I hope to have an acceptable service
level running within a week.


Sat Mar 5 13:08 2011
Move is complete. This server has half the cpu power and half the RAM, so
performance may be a little off until I bring the old server back online under
the new OS, We're moving to FreeBSD on the main server. I haven't abandoned
Debian Linux, it's just going to be running ancillary services.


Wed Mar 2 14:25 2011
The site and all services will be down for a short period this coming weekend
(March 5-6) while I migrate this server's drives to a temporary server.
Performance may suffer after the move due to the temporary server being less
robust than the current server.

I will be installing and configuring a new OS on the current server hardware.
Once up and running with a minimal secure configuration I will transfer the
primary services back to this server under the new OS. Not all services will be
available immediately. There are many years worth of tweaks and features on this
server that will have to be recreated from the ground up, and that will take
some time. It will take at least a few weeks to have the current server with the
new OS configured sufficiently to be placed back into production with minimal


Fri Jan 21 07:05 2011
Different Grave Danger. 


Sun Jan 16 20:25 2011
I don't remember John being a member of the band Grave Danger.  I saw them many
times in the late 80's to around 92 and dont remember him?  Were you in the
Grave Danger that opened for Quiet Riot?

Wed Nov 10 18:01 2010
The internet radio stations are now decommissioned. Maintaining them is not
feasible for a dead band. All the content that was on them is available on the
Music page.


Wed Oct 6 22:42 2010
I've released a video clip from a jam session taped in April of 2002 to Youtube.
It's the original melody that morphed into the song All Alone.

This predates Ryan and Russ's involvement and features our original drummer,
Robert Riness. 

You can access it here:

There will be more of this kind of stuff released over time so stay tuned!


Wed Aug 4 16:40 2010
Added some old masters from the archive to the music page. These are old
versions of some of our songs recorded back in 2002 using a computer for the
drum lines. They are instrumental since we had no vocalist at the time. Some of
these songs predate their lyrics and therefore are named differently. In these
cases we included the modern version name in parentheses. The recordings are
near studio quality. These tracks feature only Rick, John, and Bob.


Sat Jul 24 22:12 2010
Talk about karma.. After posting about the radio stations being flakey
yesterday, the main server blew it's network card. It even downed the server it
fried so bad.

After a quick nic swap and a recompile, all is well again, for now.


Fri Jul 23 12:09 2010
The internet radio stations have been, and will continue to be for the immediate
future, unstable. I'm planning a major software upgrade on the web server, and
at that time I will move the streaming daemons onto the web server instead of
streaming from a separate machine. The current streaming server will be retired
at that time. That old Pentium 3 800MHz machine with 128MB of RAM has earned
it's retirement. The transition is still many months away at the earliest, so
expect radio service to be spotty until then.


Wed May 26 12:30 2010
And we lost Paul Gray of Slipknot.

This is shaping up to be a sad year for Metal.


Sun May 16 18:30 2010
Today we lost Ronnie James Dio.. His memory will live on in his music. 


Tue Mar 16 17:00 2010
We've released an old rejected demo version of the song "After Me" from early 2008.

It's available on the Music page in OGG, MP3, and FLAC formats.


Tue Mar 2 11:18 2010
I put together a compilation video of clips taken during rehearsals and shows
from 2007 through our last show.

For now it's available on our Multimedia page and youtube.


Thu Feb 25 10:37 2010
It must be your fault.. Since you were the 1st to chime in that it wasn't.


Sat Jan 23 01:38 2010
don't blame me,, i didn't do it.

The Mighty Pewbert.

Mon Jan 18 17:43 2010
We've found some old video on VHS dating back to 2002, so expect some old school
video to be released some time this year which features the original DM lineup
of John, Rick, Bob, and Robert Riness on the drums.

I'm also working on a compilation video which will have clips from rehearsals
and shows spanning our most active period, 2007-2009.


Mon Dec 7 10:51 2009
We had hoped to keep DM alive as a jam band, but it appears that any free time
that comes up will be diverted to working on other projects rather than playing
together. So, DM is now officially defunct. The web site will remain in place to
act as a distribution point for the music we made, and for historic reference.

There may be releases in the future, but it will likely be songs put together by
subsets of the former members rather than a full group effort.

We thank all our fans for their interest in our music.

John, Ryan, and Russell have formed a new band called Severity.
Their website is
Their myspace is


Wed Nov 11 10:16 2009
We would like to extend our thanks and deep appreciation to those who have
volunteered their service, and their lives, to protecting this country and our

Please remember to thank any veterans you meet for your freedom.


Fri Nov 6 10:31 2009
Sales of the demo album have ended. Everything you need to create one of your
own, including CD quality versions of the songs, front and inside cover images,
and the CD label image are available on the web site for free download. Even the
bonus pictures are in the Multimedia gallery. The included video is posted on


Fri Oct 30 13:35 2009
We forgot to announce this when we did it, but we've released the demo songs in
the highest quality versions possible on the Music page. The OGG Vorbis files
are now encoded at quality 8, the MP3's are VBR somewhere in the 224Kbps range,
and we've released the FLAC files as well so you can download the best copies in

We've released the live recordings of our songs from the 1st show as well on
that page. Keep checking back as we will be pouring over our archive of jam
session recordings, rehearsal videos, and show videos, which we will release
here and there. Expect some special internet radio broadcasts of selected jam
session recordings as well. 

And last, but not least, Happy Halloween!


Fri Oct 30 13:05 2009
i'll give it shot. the thing is becoming an eye sore here at my shop. i'll let
ya know how it turns out. 


Fri Oct 30 11:44 2009
Should run just fine. Debian supports powerpc, and even if your machine is
slower and lacks ram, you can run some of the lightweight window managers on it
just fine.


Fri Oct 30 00:29 2009
hey fret,

how well or if at all will linux run on a G4 notebook? i happen to have one here
with the Mac OS on it and of course its no better then windows crap, its
corrupted and DOA but everything else seems fine so was thinking about loading
debian on it. let me know..


Thu Oct 22 11:30 2009
Pics from the show on September 18th are now posted in the multimedia gallery.
Also, a video of us playing "Rage" at that show is also now posted there.

Delusional Mind has changed status from an active, primary band for it's
members, to a moniker under which we will all play together casually. We will
continue to work together over time. The first album is still on the agenda as
well, though the release date will likely be in the range of several years. We
will also make rare stage appearances, also with a frequency measured in years.

The members will be forming/joining other projects which we will also announce
here. Some of the songs you've enjoyed from Delusional Mind will be transferred
to at least one of those projects.

The songs that will remain with Delusional Mind are: After Me, Rage, Day Of
Rain, Nameless, All Alone, There And Back Again, Edge Of Lunacy, Aphrodisiac,
and Insanity's Realm. You can bet money that will be the song list on our album.

My Pain, as it was released on our demo, will remain as a staple of Delusional
Mind, though you will likely find it under one of the new projects as well.

We wish to thank all those who have enthusiastically followed the band, the fans
who have cheered us on, the venues and promoters who have hosted us, and our
families for their love and support. 

We hope to still see you out there screaming and throwing up the horns at our
future shows as Delusional Mind, and under our various new projects as well!

This is NOT the end of the Delusional Mind.


Tue Sep 22 09:57 2009
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us last Friday night at the Local. We had
a great time!


Thu Sep 17 22:10 2009
Web based ticket sales for the show tomorrow have ended. See you all there!


Mon Sep 14 09:53 2009
Ticket sales on the site will end Thursday night. The shipping option has been
removed today. Be sure to get tickets ASAP!

See you all at the show!


Thu Sep 3 12:52 2009
Posted pictures from the show on August 15th in the Multimedia section. Check em


Mon Aug 24 11:41 2009
Tickets for the September 18th show at the Local are now on sale on our site!


Thu Aug 20 21:32 2009
Awsome drummer and lead guitar guys...hope to see a show soon.  Post some new 
music soon that would be great!


Sun Aug 16 16:27 2009
Thanks for coming out to the show lastnight. We had a great time and hope every
one enjoyed it.


Thu Aug 13 14:20 2009
RIP Les Paul. Thanks for your contributions to the art!


Thu Aug 13 10:43 2009
Ticket sales on the site have ended for this show. Tickets are still available
so contact a band member to get yours! Keep an eye on the site for the September
18th show tickets! 

See you all on Saturday!


Wed Aug 12 09:54 2009
This is the last day to get tickets for the show this Saturday from our site. If
you're going to the show, we'll see you there!


Wed Aug 5 16:57 2009
Less than 2 weeks until we play at the Masquerade and just over a month until
we're opening for Ravage at The Local! Tickets for the show at the Masquerade
are still on sale on the web site so get them while you can! We will start
selling tickets for the show on September 18th as soon as we get some in. 

Keep checking in for more updates!


Sat Jul 4 12:17 2009
Happy 4th of July to those fans in the US!

We have received our stash of tickets for the show on August 15th at the
Masquerade. They are on sale now at the web site for $13. If you can get one
from a band member in person they are $12, and door price is $15.

We'll let you know when we get tickets for the show on September 18th!


Fri Jun 19 19:05 2009
Good to hear from you! You guys sound great!!! I notice you still hit the snare 
in the same spot every time, i can see the marks on your drumhead in the pics!
Holler when you're in Sarasota!
Mark and Michelle

Sat Jun 6 19:46 2009
The pics from the May 23rd show are now posted!


Fri Jun 5 17:06 2009
We added a few more pics from the February 7th show to the gallery for that
show, provided courtesy of Kristie Neese. Check em out. You'll find them on the
3rd and 4th pages of the gallery.

We should have pictures of the May 23rd show up this weekend. I know I promised
they'd be up this week, but someone took the CD they were on so we have to wait
until tomorrow to get them.


Fri May 29 12:25 2009
We should have pictures from the 05/23 show up on the site next week. Keep
checking back with us for them. 


Mon May 25 09:47 2009
Great! I'm looking forward to seeing em!

Thanks to everyone who came out to see us on Saturday night. It was a great
show. Every band there was a force to be reckoned with!


Sun May 24 11:42 2009
Awesome job last night guys! You guys played phenomonally at Insomnia! Can't 
wait for the next show! I have the cd of pictures for you guys so will drop it 
off at the next practice.


Wed May 20 10:51 2009
We'll be playing this Saturday May 23rd at the Insomnia venue in Villa Rica, GA.
We go on at 7:30pm and are kicking off a full night of skull splitting metal.

Tickets are $7 at the door and the show is all ages.
See the link on the left side of the page for a map.

See you all there!!


Tue Apr 28 12:26 2009
Some very interesting instruments, but some of them would be quite impractical.
Very cool ideas in there though!


Thu Apr 16 10:14 2009

Thought you guys might get a kick out of these.


Tue Mar 31 11:55 2009
Delusional Mind will be playing Saturday, April 18, 2009 at The Warehouse in
Kennesaw, GA. The show begins at 7pm and we will take the stage at 10pm.

The other bands playing before us are:
7:45 Misery's Tragedy 
8:30 Garden of Stone (A Tribute To Pearl Jam)
9:15 Vile Candy

The 7pm slot is still open so that band is TBA.

Tickets are $7 at the door and this is an all ages show!

See you there!

Wed Mar 25 12:52 2009
The site is undergoing some updates so expect a little odd behavior over the
next few days.


Wed Mar 18 09:56 2009
yep.. I passed it along to Ryan through our internal communications system..
Like I said, he can be hard to reach during the week.


Wed Mar 18 09:11 2009
did you get the e-mail? - Danica

Mon Mar 16 15:07 2009
THANKS!!! I'm e-mailing now - D.

Mon Mar 16 12:14 2009
well hello there stranger, how the heck are you i see you know I'm in a band
what do you think??? Its been a while how are you Danica. I'm good living in Ga.
and engaged to be married. I hope all is good with you I would love to hear from
you sometime MY # is XXX XXX XXXX call me sometime K WELL HOPE TO TALK
  RYAN (drummer DM)

*edited by Bob to remove the number. Danica, send email to 
dm AT delusionalmind DOT com 
and we'll get you in touch with Ryan that way. 

Mon Mar 16 09:51 2009
It may take awhile to get a response from him.. He's usually hard to reach
during the week.


Sun Mar 15 21:06 2009
Hey I'm trying to get a hold of Ryan. I'm an old friend from High School,
Danica. Tell Him to look me up on facebook or post here how I could get a hold
of him. THANKS!

Tue Mar 3 13:47 2009
Due to schedule conflicts, the upgrade on the 7th will not occur. I'll post when
the next attempt is coming.


Fri Feb 27 12:08 2009
The site will be down for an extended period on Saturday March 7th. I'll be
upgrading the server to the latest release of Debian. If all goes well the
downtime will be short.


Sun Feb 8 11:49 2009
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us last night! We had a blast! Pictures
from the show are now posted in the Multimedia gallery and more will be added
soon. We may have video from the show available soon as well! Keep an eye on the
page for new show dates. 


Fri Feb 6 14:20 2009
We finally got our latest order of official demo CD's in and they are once again
available for purchase from our main site! They will also be available for
purchase at our shows.

Sorry for the long wait, but they came out great!


Wed Feb 4 18:33 2009
We pulled the site sales of tickets to the show at the Warehouse. We never got
around to getting any, and it would cost more to buy them here than at the door
anyway. We're all pumped up and looking forward to the show this Saturday. See
you all there!


Fri Jan 23 11:01 2009
After almost a full year, we are stepping back on stage February 7th! We'll be
playing at The Warehouse in Kennesaw, GA. We are scheduled to go on at 9:15
for a 30 minute set. The other bands for the night are not yet determined. The
door price is $7. The tickets can be purchased on our site for $8 as well. We
should have demo CD's available at the show!!

If you've been patiently waiting to see us back on stage, your wait is over!
We'll be playing some new material and a couple of songs from the demo. This
will also be your first chance to hear some of the new songs that will be on
our first album as well!

We'll see you there!


Wed Dec 31 16:01 2008
DM wishes all it's friends and family a very happy New Year!!!

Also, I will be rebooting the server this evening as part of the OS updates that
were applied. I'm getting the server ready for the move to Debian 5.0 once it is


Wed Dec 31 14:11 2008
Doing some OS updates on the server. Hopefully there will be no issues involved.


Thu Dec 25 10:06 2008
Merry Christmas!!

Delusional Mind has decided to release the demo songs for free download! They
are available on the music page of the site in OGG and MP3 formats. They are
also playing 24/7 on our radio stations. The official demo CD will still be
available for purchase from our web store as well, though we are still waiting
for the next shipment of CD's to come in. They should be here either this week,
or early next week.

Remember that demo cd's will have the inside cd cover signed by all 5 band members!


Thu Dec 18 16:48 2008
Ok, AT&T finally saw reason and fixed their issues. So no wacky stuff with the site!


Wed Dec 17 16:47 2008
The site will be undergoing some weird stuff over the next several weeks. I'm
moving our hosting to another provider since AT&T is useless.. I never thought
I'd say I miss Bellsouth..


Sat Dec 13 19:36 2008
Maintenance complete!


Sat Dec 13 12:51 2008
The site will be going down by 2pm today for maintenance. It could be down for
several hours.

Thanks for your patience!


Thu Dec 11 17:02 2008
Hey John and Russ, this is Alex from the store.  You guys rock! We need more 
metal-jazz amalgams in my opinion.  My current band is just getting done 
recording our first album, and we'll be playing some shows soon.  We should 
combine forces and destroy some venues around here.

I'll see you guys around!


Thu Dec 11 13:16 2008
The site will be down this Saturday for server upgrades. Downtime is unknown but
expect from around noon until I get finished. It could be several hours.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Delusional Bassist

Tue Dec 9 07:58 2008
In memory of one of metals true guitar legends.

Dimebag you are truely missed!!!

Thu Dec 4 12:19 2008
One of AT&T's sales weasels took down our internet connection on Tuesday. He was
told by us not to mess with our account but apparently he decided we really
meant YES when we told him NO we don't want you to upgrade our account.. So he
proceeded to "upgrade" our service, which reset us to a different IP block,
which eliminated our internet presence.. After haggling with their support group
for the last 2 days trying to get them to correct our IP block assignment, they
came back and said we can't have our old block back. Period.. Soo, we registered
the new addresses in the root DNS system and now that info will take a couple of
days to propogate through the DNS system. Our site will probably not be back to
100% normal for a couple more days.

Anyway, we should have new demo cd's in stock in the next 2-3 weeks. Sorry for
the delay!!


Mon Nov 24 16:27 2008
We burned through our initial stock of Death Grip CD's already. We have an order
in place for a batch that should hold us out for quite some time. It will
unfortunately be a couple of weeks before we get our hands on them. Sales have
been suspended on the website until we have stock again. We'll let you know as
soon as we get the shipment in.

Thanks for your patience!


Sat Nov 8 20:37 2008
Delusional Mind is excited to announce the release of our demo album, Death Grip!

The songs can be listened to on our music page, and on our myspace page. The
demo is available for purchase in our web shop for $4. That gets you access to
download the songs in OGG Vorbis and FLAC formats, and a CD shipped to you. 

As a bonus, if you put the CD in your computer, it also contains copies of all 4
songs in OGG and FLAC formats, a video of Delusional Mind playing "There And
Back Again" live at a show, and a full complement of photos from our show at
Sidelines in Atlanta on 12/29/2007! It also contains the demo CD cover and label

For a limited time all CD's ordered will have the inside of the cover
autographed by all the band members!

Give it a listen, and thanks for supporting the Delusional Mind!

Fri Oct 31 17:48 2008
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of you fiends!


Wed Oct 15 17:38 2008
I like the new songs! Thanks Bob for telling me about them. I want to get by 
one day and hear you guys live. 

Philly Phil Craven

Wed Oct 15 11:48 2008
We've released the DEMO version of "My Pain". This is a new song we've not
played at any shows. This is the first time anyone outside the band and our
families have heard this song.

It's available to listen to and for purchase on the music page, and is
purchasable in our web shop. You can also hear it on our myspace site.

We are working hard to get the next, and last, demo song mixed and released.
We'll be compiling the 4 demo songs into a demo EP and releasing it for sale in
our shop as well. After that we'll be 100% focused on recording the albums for
several months.

Let us know what you think of "My Pain"!


Thu Oct 2 18:48 2008
We've launched the Delusional Mind web store with the ability to buy our demo
songs as they are released! The songs are playable from our Music page, but if
you choose to buy them, they are available for download in OGG Vorbis format at
quality 8, and FLAC format for the true audiophile. They're only 50 cents so if
you enjoy our music please support us by purchasing the demo songs! 

The live recordings from our October 13th, 2007 show are still free for the playing!


Thu Sep 25 10:49 2008
We're working hard on getting the demo versions of "There And Back Again" and a
new song none of you have heard yet called "My Pain" ready for release. Expect
releases of both of these songs in the coming weeks!


Mon Sep 15 18:21 2008
The web server will be down for potentially a few hours tonight. I'm doing some
security updates. The down time will probably be less than half an hour, but
could take a few hours if there are complications.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Delusional Bassist

Thu Sep 11 23:09 2008
Hey I'm from John's class at KSU.

Just listened to the radio and every guitar solo was freaking sweet.

Keep rockin

Wed Aug 27 16:00 2008
Keep checking in! We're done recording the demo tracks and are mixing down the
remaining 3 songs. We'll have those posted as soon as they are ready!

Delusional Bassist

Tue Aug 26 16:07 2008
Hey there greetings from Indy!! The drummer's mother sent me an email with your 
new track.I am the drummers cousin.A couple of you met us when we were there in 
G.A. I just wanna stop by and say...YOU GUYS ROCK !!! Hope you make it to INDY 
sometime because I would love some tickets to the show! Well Best Wishes and 
keep Rockin!! Danny and Kelly !

Tue Aug 26 13:15 2008
The new track Ryan e-mailed me sounds great....Will have to plan a trip up to 
GA soon to see you all again.....maybe I can blow up there on one of the 
hurricanes going by.....Kathy Judkins.....BIG TIME fan!!!

Thu Jul 31 10:12 2008
Those of you who are on our mailing list already know this:

We had some network hardware failures this month. The main network switch
failed a couple of weeks back and we were limping along on a 4 port wireless
router/switch since then. This past Sunday I got a new 8 port gigabit switch
and installed it. There was a problem with the installation that I didn't have
time to resolve until Monday night. That resulted in the site and all services
being inaccessible until Monday night. 

We apologize for the inconvenience.

On the music side of things, we have finished recording all 4 songs that will
be on the demo! We are mixing the songs now, and you can expect to see some
new demo releases from us in the next few weeks!

The 4 songs on the demo are (in no particular order)
Edge Of Lunacy,
There And Back Again,
My Pain.

Now that the demo is nearing completion, our focus will be shifting to getting
back on stage, and recording our 2 debut albums!

Keep checking the site for updates as they happen!


Tue Jul 8 09:57 2008
We had a hardware failure last night. The ethernet switch failed which disrupted
access to the site. The site is now operating off the built in 4 port switch on
the wireless router. The main result of this is the radio streams are down since
the stream server was on the switch that failed. We will get the services back
up as soon as possible.


Mon Jun 23 12:01 2008
Delusional Mind would like to acknowledge and remember George Carlin. His humor
insight, and wit will be sorely missed in this world.


Mon Jun 2 14:05 2008
As mentioned in the post before this one, we have released our first DEMO track
of the song "Edge Of Lunacy". You can download it or listen to it from our music
page, or listen on our myspace page. 

Let us know what you think, and more will follow soon!


Sun Jun 1 21:38 2008
The EOL demo sounds awesome, very tight!!! You guys rock!! So much of your
dedication to your music is expressed in that one song, therefore, i can't wait
to hear what is yet to come!!!  Also, looking forward to see you guys live
again, soon, i hope.... Rock on!!!
AMV, soon to be AMJ :)

Mon May 26 16:02 2008
Delusional Mind would like to thank all those who serve the cause of freedom.
Those who have given their life to gain it, and to protect it, deserve our
unending gratitude.

It is their sacrifice that makes it possible for us to make and perform our
music without having our voices silenced by the oppression of others.


Wed May 21 13:49 2008
We should have a demo version of Edge Of Lunacy up shortly. Keep checking the
music page for updates!


Thu May 8 17:39 2008
We're still working hard on writing the new songs and getting some new covers
nailed down. Expect some new songs at our shows in the near future!


Fri Apr 4 12:35 2008
Just an update. We're hard at work on new material for both the 1st and 2nd albums. 

Stay tuned!


Fri Mar 14 09:57 2008
Hi Dana! Sign up to our mailing list and you'll get an email anytime we have a
show coming up! That way you'll know about them, even if John slacks!

I'm all about learning to play bass.. I'm still learning!! Jeff, I'll help ya
get started if you want. Make sure to buy cheap crap to start. If you decide
down the road you don't want to keep up with it you won't be out a ton of money.
If you make it a year or 2 and still have the desire to keep learning, you can
upgrade gear then.. Playing an instrument is almost like an arranged marriage.
You won't know if it'll be a happy marriage until you've been together awhile.


Fri Mar 14 06:15 2008
Dana here. John, call me. I am thinking I might not have a current number for you.
I can't believe you haven't been calling and updating me about the shows!
Anyway, Hey everybody, Good to see you have gotten some good gigs. Hopefully
Jeff and I will make the next one. He has it in his head he wants to learn how
to play bass.... 

dana :)

Tue Mar 11 12:19 2008
Pictures from the show last Friday are now in the Image Gallery!


Wed Mar 5 18:22 2008
Delusional Mind has setup a mailing list server to provide an easy and
convenient path to keep interested fans updated on band related news. In
addition, those who sign up to the list can post to the list. This will provide
an email based forum for discussing the band and music in general.

You can access the list, and sign up for it, by clicking the "Mailing List" link
on the left side of the page!

And make sure to come out and see us this Friday at the Masquerade, on the
Heaven stage! We're playing with 3 other power house bands which will make this
a great show! You can get tickets by visiting our shop on the left of the page
as well!


Fri Feb 29 10:11 2008
Remember we have a show coming up next week on the 7th of March at the
Masquerade! We need everyone to be there! It's going to be an awesome show with
4 southern, thrash, and progressive metal inspired bands laying siege on heaven!


Wed Feb 20 18:21 2008
Added some new rehearsal pics to the Image Gallery. 


Wed Feb 20 12:41 2008
Was a fun show.. Glad you got a chance to see Ryan throw down on stage!!


Sat Feb 16 10:57 2008
I sure enjoyed the show at the Seven Venue on February 15,2008.  Thanks for
putting the show together while I was in town.  It was so great to see you all
play.  You sounded awesome, can't wait to see you play again.  Kathy Judkins

Fri Feb 15 10:21 2008
Hey guys! Sorry we won't be able to make it out tonight to watch you! I am sure 
you will rock as always! We will definitely be there at the Masquarade 
Have fun!!!
Angie & Joey

Mon Feb 11 11:55 2008
Added a new album insert with the lyrics for "After Me" and "Insanity's Realm"
to the album art page. You can access it through "The Music" link on the left,
and then scrolling down near the bottom of the page.


Wed Feb 6 21:52 2008
Date change for The 7 Venue.... We will be playing on the 15th of Feb. Not the
29th. Tickets will be available here on the site or from band members. Doors open 
at 6PM...



Sat Feb 2 19:43 2008
Delusional Mind gave me a big dose of reality!  

Thu Jan 31 17:10 2008
We have a show scheduled for March 7th at the Masquerade, Atlanta, on the Heaven
stage. We'll be playing with Night's Watch, and Eclipsed By Sanity. This will be
a great show so come out and see us!


Mon Jan 28 09:59 2008
It's not publicly accessible.

When we get closer to releasing the album we'll make the lyrics available as an
album insert.


Sun Jan 27 09:30 2008
I am looking for the lyrics link...

Fri Jan 25 18:17 2008
Live concert recordings from a camcorder just doesn't do bass any favors. Keep
checking back. We're working on the demo and album right now, so we should have
some decent quality stuff up on the site before too long.


Fri Jan 25 17:46 2008
Delusional Mind is something new, and to be quite honest... VERY Testamentish 
with a hint of Metallica.... never thought I would say that.  Bob.... keep them 
guitarists in check Bro.... you sound awesome when I can hear you.  Oh, and 
tell your drummer to spring for some Sabian AA series... studio and crash have 
an awesome sound to them in comparrison to others on the market.

If you ever get good publicity, I would want to be your manager.  I would make 
you BIG, so long as your patient  :o)  

In all... aside from my personal critiques.... to sum this post up in as few 
words as possible.


Good luck guys,

Orocular Flamewave,
Arcanist of Prexus
The Rathe

Tue Jan 8 14:37 2008
The live recordings of most of our songs are now up on the music page!


Mon Jan 7 09:50 2008
There are a ton of new pics in the Image Gallery from the show on December 29th
at Sidelines Rock Live. Check em out!


Wed Jan 2 13:25 2008
Well, my feelings about fender basses are no secret to anyone I know.. Of the
basses I own, the Lotus is the only P copy bass(it was my 1st), and it also
lives up to my expectations of that type of instrument. The only way to make it
playable was to lower the action so low it buzzes more than anything else, but
it's livable. 

Anyway, my Smith is my pride and joy, and probably has more to do with spoiling
me against most other basses out there than any other factor. Once you've played
perfection.. The Smith is the bass you'll hear in our recordings of all standard
tuned songs that don't go below E, which is all of them right now. I'm writing
"You Stand Accused" which is based on the 5-string, so until I can get the cash
together for a Smith 5, that will be played/recorded on the Brice.

Keep checking back! We're working hard on the album right now. We'll have
release songs ready before too long..


Wed Jan 2 13:09 2008
Greetings DM, picked up on a discussion thread at musicplayer's bass forum 
wherein Bob was dissin' the Fender line of Bass Guitars, hahaha. So I thought I 
would have a look at the DM website he has posted and checked out the gear and 
the music, after all if someone is going to stand up with a statement like 
that, I feel it's only respectfull to check out Why that opinion is held and so 
I have. I like it, I like it all. There are too many people in this world who 
fall into that old cliche about opinions and ass-holes and it is refreshing to 
hear someone express a heartfelt opinion on an issue, that has a basis in 
reality and not just offered because it's trendy of expected, know what I mean?
Personally I can't see myself pay any amount of money to buy some guitar with 
some companies logo pasted on it, when I can apply a little bit of study and 
research, and a little creativity and build my own instrument.I am in the 
process of building my own Jazz style Bass, so I'm always interested to see 
what others are building and playing, and I especially like that Ken Smith 
custom BSR Elite G. Nice looking instrument indeed. I hope that is the primary 
instrument used on your recordings, because the sound is sweet and I'm looking 
at the composition of the materials used in that Bass and am getting some ideas 
about my own effort conclude, nice to meet ya'll, don't know if you 
will ever make it up to North Bay Ontario Canada, but if you do I'll certainly 
come see ya and make a proper intro then. Oh and looking forward to your album 
release :))

North Bay 

Tue Jan 1 01:08 2008
The members of Delusional Mind would like to say thank you for a great 2007 and
we hope you and yours have the very best New Year!
We hope to see you all at our next show!!!!!!!!!!

Sun Dec 30 02:10 2007
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us tonight at Sidelines! We had a blast
and look forward to doing it all again as soon as possible!


Sat Dec 29 10:15 2007
This message is for my sister and her wonderful husband, not to forget my 2 
nieces and my nephew: HAPPY NEW YEAR!  

With lots of love........

Coming soon, to a state near you


Fri Dec 28 20:30 2007
Be sure to come see us live tomorrow night at Sideline's Rock Live off Roswell
Rd tomorrow night!


Thu Dec 27 09:51 2007
Online ticket sales for the show tonight have ended. See you at the show tonight!


Mon Dec 24 19:24 2007
I forgot to sign that one too


Mon Dec 24 19:11 2007
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  A 8 string Jackson 
flying V.

On the Second day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Two Boogie Stacks and 
an 8 string Jackson flying V.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me. Three g4 Processos, Two 
Boogie stacks and an 8 string Jackson flying V.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Four vipers racing, 
Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string Jackson flying V.  

On the Fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Jessica Biel!!!  Four 
vipers racing, Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string Jackson 
flying V.

On the Sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Six groupies groping,  
Jessica Biel!!!  Four vipers racing, Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and 
an 8 string Jackson flying V.

On the Seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Seven record Deals, 
Six groupies groping,  Jessica Biel!!!  Four vipers racing, Three G4 
Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string Jackson flying V. 

On the Eight day of Christmas my true love gave to me. 8 guitars endorsing, 
Seven record Deals, Six groupies groping,  Jessica Biel!!!  Four vipers racing, 
Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string Jackson flying V. 

On the Ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me. 9 sold out concerts, 8 
guitars endorsing, Seven record Deals, Six groupies groping,  Jessica Biel!!!  
Four vipers racing, Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string 
Jackson flying V. 

On the Tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Ten million Dollars, 9 
sold out concerts, 8 guitars endorsing, Seven record Deals, Six groupies 
groping,  Jessica Biel!!!  Four vipers racing, Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie 
stacks and an 8 string Jackson flying V. 

On the Eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me.  Eleven Star Wars 
movies, Ten million Dollars, 9 sold out concerts, 8 guitars endorsing, Seven 
record Deals, Six groupies groping,  Jessica Biel!!!  Four vipers racing, Three 
G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string Jackson flying V. 

On the Twelfth day of christmas my true love gave to me.  Twelve cool Light 
Sabers, Eleven Star Wars movies, Ten million Dollars, 9 sold out concerts, 8 
guitars endorsing, Seven record Deals, Six groupies groping,  Jessica Biel!!!  
Four vipers racing, Three G4 Processors, Two Boogie stacks and an 8 string 
Jackson flying V. 

Mon Dec 24 11:01 2007
Delusional Mind wishes all their fans a delusional Christmas!

We'll see you at the shows this Thursday and Saturday!


Fri Dec 21 10:14 2007
Tickets for the show on the 27th are on sale now on our site! Just click on the
Shop/Tickets link to the left to get yours. Tickets are $9 and will be waiting
for you at the door the night of the show!


Sun Dec 16 18:46 2007
We added some more pics of the show on 11/24/07 to the gallery. Take a look,
then come see us in person on the 27th and 29th of this month!


Fri Dec 7 13:11 2007
We have confirmed another show! We will be headlining the Heaven stage at the
Masquerade on Thursday December 27th! We will have tickets for sale on the site


Tue Dec 4 10:19 2007
We have added pics from the show on 11/24 to the show gallery. We also added a
video of us playing There And Back Again at that show. We changed over the video
page on this site to play the videos using youtube.


Mon Dec 3 18:21 2007
Happy Birthday Dreah!!

From Bob, Kristi, Caine, and Tiffany

Sat Dec 1 15:03 2007
Love your music, hope to see ya'll soon. Uncle Tom says maybe you might need an 
artist for some album art. I would love to show you some of my work and maybe 
work through a session of yours. That's how it works for me, i feel it, it 
comes out, and by the way, doesn't GOD rock!!!!!!!!!!Peace my friends

Mon Nov 26 19:30 2007
Kevin DuBrow, front man for the eighties heavy metal band Quiet Riot, died in
his home in Las Vegas yesterday.
Quiet Riot was the first metal band to have a number 1 album on the charts with
the Slade cover "Cum on Feel the Noize" and "Bang Your Head ( Metal Health )"

Kevin DuBrow died at the age of 52.


Sat Nov 24 16:59 2007
The action happens in 4.5 hours.. See you there!


Fri Nov 23 11:51 2007
Just a reminder to come see us tomorrow night in Hell at the Masquerade! Tickets
are at the door. Be sure to mention you came to see us!


Sat Nov 17 21:07 2007
The show on the 24th is in Hell at the Masquerade. Doors open at 7pm and be sure
to tell them you came to see us. We should have the stage around 9:30 to 9:45.
See ya there!!!!


Fri Nov 16 17:19 2007
We've also picked up a show on Saturday the 24th at the Masquerade. We're not
sure which stage we'll be on yet, or what time we'll go on. There are no advance
tickets, just make sure to mention you're there to see us at the door!


Wed Nov 14 14:20 2007
Just an FYI in case you missed the little bit of info on the left of the page:

We are currently booked to play at the Sidelines/Darkside (whichever name they
want to go by at the time) venue off Roswell Rd in Marietta on the 29th of
December. Ticket availability hasn't been worked out yet, but we'll let you know
as soon as we do.

We're also looking into doing a show between now and then, but nothing solid has
been lined up yet.


Mon Nov 12 12:30 2007
Delusional Mind would like to thank all those men and women who put their lives
on the line in the name of protecting our freedom. Without the sacrifices you
have made, and continue to make, we would not live in a world where we are free
to listen to and produce our music without fear of oppression.


Mon Nov 5 18:29 2007
You may need to refresh the page where you select either the show, reheasal, or
videos. That page changed and the old one in your browser's cache won't work


Mon Nov 5 18:08 2007
There are no pictures in the show gallery.....

Mon Nov 5 12:34 2007
The Show gallery is back up and there are now pics of the November 2nd show up
as well.


Mon Nov 5 11:48 2007
The show image gallery is currently broken while I do some work on it.


Sun Nov 4 18:37 2007
Added some new pics of the October 13th show to the Image Gallery. We have more
which we'll add over time.



Sat Nov 3 10:40 2007
I've changed the way the media player works on the Music page. It will no longer
load when you first open that page. It now only loads if you choose to play a
song. I also dumbed down the way it works so it should also now work with
Internet Explorer. 


Sat Nov 3 09:47 2007
I'll be working on parts of the site today so if you see something broken,
that's why.


Sat Nov 3 09:05 2007
Thanks to everyone who came out to see us last night at the Masquerade. The set
was cut a bit short due to time constraints but we still had a blast.


Thu Nov 1 17:27 2007
Delusional Mind will be performing tomorrow night at 10pm in Hell at the
Masquerade. We got a last minute booking. If you missed our previous shows or
are just looking for more DM, we'll see ya there!


Thu Nov 1 09:54 2007
Final tally was 379 unique visitors to the site in October. That breaks the old
1 month record by 21 visitors! Here's looking forward to that number continuing
to grow as the band continues to progress!


Wed Oct 31 17:02 2007
Here's hoping all our fans have a ROCKIN Halloween!


Wed Oct 31 09:53 2007
In true form, I forgot to move the server to the UPS.. So I'll try again tonight..


Tue Oct 30 10:27 2007
The site may be down briefly tonight. I'm going to move the server onto a dinky
crap UPS just to have some kind of backup. The server has been running straight
off the line power for a month now since the main UPS died. Somehow we haven't
had so much as a blink in that time, but luck will only hold out for so long.


Mon Oct 29 18:47 2007
The site just broke a record! We are at 360 unique visitors this month. The
previous record for the most unique visitors in a single month was 358. We've
beat that by 2 and still have 2 days left in the month!


Mon Oct 29 12:49 2007
We just got hold of a batch of 190 pictures of the show on the 13th that Paul
from Manic took for us. Once we go through them and cherry pick the best, adjust
the colors and lighting as needed, etc, we'll throw them into the Image Gallery
for the show! Keep an eye on the site over the next several days. I'll be adding
them over the course of a week or more.

In other news, we got a lot of Edge Of Lunacy recorded yesterday. Once we record
the vocals, John's parts, and my bass part, we'll be much closer to releasing a
song never before available from the site. 


Fri Oct 26 16:35 2007
This just needs to be shared:



Thu Oct 25 10:34 2007
Consider this the final call if you want to get your hands on the old versions
of the songs on the Music page. As we get the new versions recorded and mastered
we will be releasing them on the site and pulling down the old versions that are
currently available. Once we pull them down they will likely not be available to
the public again from us.


Wed Oct 24 19:34 2007
Ok I'll pull the old one down tonight and replace it with Edge of Lunacy and
possibly remove one of the other songs to place TABA.

If you have an objection to this you had better call me before 10pm tonight!


Wed Oct 24 15:55 2007
Agreed on putting up the live copy of TABA.


Wed Oct 24 14:40 2007
I say we take down the old copy of There and Back Again as its..well..old. and 
put up the live version of it. Im all about putting up Edge of Lunacy!

Wed Oct 24 11:18 2007
I say we take down all alone or day of rain and put up edge of lunacy.. It's a
song most of our fans have never heard unless they went to a show..


Wed Oct 24 01:38 2007
Posted 3 songs from our October 13th show at The Masquerade on our myspace site.
Give us some feedback!!!!


Tue Oct 23 19:12 2007
What's this thing called love that you speak of?

Tue Oct 23 19:09 2007
I think the stone wall band photo kicks ass!!! I'm glad you set it to pop up
randomly.... I was going to suggest that you guys use that pic for a album
cover, flier, or something cause it is awesome!! And thanks to everyone for the
congrats.  Glad to see that I started a love confessional on the wall for a day
or two....LOL!!!

Tue Oct 23 17:52 2007
I wrote a little script to randomly select a pic each time the front page is
loaded. It will randomly select between the ocean of blood and the stone wall
band photos.


Mon Oct 22 20:05 2007
I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!! even though he didn't put our anniversary up here like
everyone else, it was 2 years on the 18th. It was also my birthday, so shame on
him twice I will spank him later (hehehe).


Mon Oct 22 18:29 2007
I can't believe I found a woman that will endure my attitude!!!!!
I Love My Wife!!!!

Congrats Angela and Ryan!!!!


Mon Oct 22 16:30 2007
Congrats and stuff.


Mon Oct 22 16:20 2007
I uploaded video of 2 of our songs from the show on the 13th to YouTube.

They can be seen at the following URLs:
Nameless -
All Alone -


Mon Oct 22 13:34 2007
Grats guys!! 

I still find it hard to believe that Kristi and I have been together for over 5
years and married for over 3!


Mon Oct 22 12:01 2007
Today is our 2 year anniversary from when we started dating.... Wow how time
flies!! We have come through alot of ups and downs, like any couple, but I can't
wait to see what the future has in store for us!! Today also marks 5 months of
us being engaged, we are planning the big day in June 2008. That day too will be
here before we know it. I just wanted to share our celebration with our friends
and family and say it loud..... I LOVE RYAN!!!!

Sun Oct 21 18:22 2007
If you missed the show on October 13th at the Masquerade, or want to hear it
again, the audio from the video taken at the show is now playing 24/7 on both
radio stations accessible in the upper left corner of the site. The 2 cover
songs have been removed due to copyright issues. 



Sun Oct 21 10:18 2007
We hope everyone had fun yesterday at the Verus music fest. We were slated to
play in Hell but they moved us to Purgatory. We still managed to pull in a
decent crowd though. We should have some pics soon. Keep checking the site and
we'll post any new show dates we schedule.


Sat Oct 20 10:35 2007
We've received our time slot at today's show. We'll be playing at 6:30pm today..
See you all at the show!


Fri Oct 19 10:39 2007
Online ticket sales for the show on the 20th have ended. We look forward to
having a great time tomorrow!


Thu Oct 18 09:51 2007
Just an FYI. We've been informed we have to turn in our tickets and money Friday
night. Since there would not be enough time to do the accounting for any web
sales on Friday, we'll be taking down the option to buy tickets on the site
tonight. So, if you want to get tickets via the web site, do it today!!


Wed Oct 17 18:18 2007

Just mark Door for the pickup option, which right now is the only option due to
the time left. 

That, or see if one of the guys can meet up with you somewhere to get them. It's
$10 in person, $11 on the site (to cover paypal charges).


Wed Oct 17 17:38 2007
Can I buy my tickets on line and Will Call them? I still don't have a final head

Wed Oct 17 10:19 2007
We hit 4100 unique visits to the site today!


Tue Oct 16 10:35 2007
Hey!  I had to miss the show, but I know you were awesome....I have heard you 
practice before.  Can't wait to get to GA to see you sometime.  I think you 
should do a road trip to Sarasota, FL.  I would be there cheering you all on.  
I have to say the drummer is my favorite.  He gives me goose bumps. He is very 
cute too....

Mon Oct 15 10:45 2007

Sun Oct 14 23:08 2007
Hey Bob,
thanks for fixing my post, I was afraid it would not work but wanted to try
anyway. The show kicked ass!

Sun Oct 14 13:38 2007
Also, the first set of pics and video from the show last night are available
under the image gallery link on the left of the page! Check em out!


Sun Oct 14 13:36 2007
FYI, this wall was written by me. It does not understand BBcode. It's something
I've been thinking really hard about implementing, but I just don't have the
time to do it right now. In the mean time, I fixed your post so it will display


Sun Oct 14 13:13 2007

Sun Oct 14 09:22 2007
Delusional Mind kicks ass!!!  Ya'll were awesome last night guys!

Sun Oct 14 09:03 2007
Delusional Mind would like to thank everyone who came out to party with us, and
cheer for us on our first show.

Remember that we have another show coming up next Saturday at the Masquerade, in
Hell this time! 

We'll have pictures and video (with really bad sound!) of the October 13th show
on the site soon.


Sun Oct 14 01:14 2007
Russ,Bob,Rick,John and Ryan....You all Rocked Hard last night.

P.L. - Manic - Black -

Sat Oct 13 23:42 2007
I just left you guy's first show at the Masquerade and I gotta admit...
I had the slight hint of an erection!!!  
No seriously, you guys kicked my ass.  Great show!


Fri Oct 12 11:36 2007
Don't forget to buy your tickets to see us at the Verus Music Festival on
October 20th! Tickets are $11 on the site and $12 at the door! Orders are still
being taken for both shipping and will call(door) options. The shipping option
will go away as of Sunday night!


Fri Oct 12 09:46 2007
Last day to buy your tickets on the site at a discount. After that it's $12 at
the door! I'll be removing them tonight after our last rehearsal before the show
so buy any and all you need while you can!


Thu Oct 11 10:38 2007
Just 2 more days until the show! If you're looking for tickets you can get them
by clicking the link on the left side of this window called "Shop/Tickets".
Payments are accepted via paypal and don't require a paypal account. With so
little time left before the show they are only available on a "Will Call" (pick
em up at the door) basis. Price is $7 on this site and $12 the day of the show!
The option to buy them on the web site will expire Friday night so get em now!


Tue Oct 9 15:20 2007
There was an error in the merchandising system that was preventing orders for
tickets to the show on the 13th from going through. This error was introduced
Sunday evening. It has been corrected. Make sure if you are ordering that you
check the box to pick it up at the door! If you attempted to order a ticket for
this show and got an error, please try it again!


Sun Oct 7 15:54 2007
Cool new pics! And i can't help myself, I gotta say it, DAMN your drummer is
hott!! ;)

Sun Oct 7 13:39 2007
Added some new rehearsal pics to the Image Gallery


Sat Oct 6 09:30 2007
hey bob, i have tried to send you my bio TWICE now i hope it worked this time

Fri Oct 5 20:32 2007
It's a Southpark closet!


Fri Oct 5 19:31 2007 this a literal or figurative closet???


Fri Oct 5 19:22 2007
Bob you were the one who said Shaggy was in the where is he????


Fri Oct 5 18:47 2007
But.. He's not IN the closet..


Fri Oct 5 18:08 2007
Mr. Shaggy you have to come out of the closet.....


Fri Oct 5 17:26 2007
Guilty!! I just wanted to write some funny stuff to make the wall lighthearted
again. Looks like it worked.

Anyway will somebody let Shaggy out already??


Fri Oct 5 16:17 2007
Nope, he's still locked in there..

You guys need to start signing posts.. I assume that was Phyllis since the post
came from her house.


Fri Oct 5 15:42 2007
Did Shaggy come out of the closet yet? 

Fri Oct 5 15:15 2007
NO FAIR BOB! How did you know it was me? I was trying to be inconspicuous, 
i even sent it from my cell! Damn, your good!              ang 

Fri Oct 5 14:22 2007
No putty tat's around here Angela.. I think Scooby got rabid and ate em..


Fri Oct 5 13:44 2007
It's amazing what a difference a complete band makes isn't it?


Fri Oct 5 12:44 2007
CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG...I did not want to say antyhing yesterday 
LOL...Sorry had to do it. You guys sounded GREAT the other day. Enjoyed 
listening to the set. The songs have come alive since the last time I heard 


Fri Oct 5 12:39 2007
No shaggy..... But, I thought i saw a putty tat..... 

Fri Oct 5 11:16 2007
I think he's in the closet. He won't come out.


Fri Oct 5 11:12 2007
I thought I saw Shaggy at some point... but I guess not :(

Fri Oct 5 10:49 2007
Ya, I didn't see Scooby running around anywhere in here..


Fri Oct 5 10:29 2007
*POOF* is good I like *POOF* I also like WHAM! and POW! and ZOINKS! although
ZOINKS! wouldn't apply in this case.

Fri Oct 5 09:50 2007

Wed Oct 3 16:40 2007
We're a metal band. We're supposed to be pissed at the world.. I mean WTF?!?!

This is the last band image I'm doing anytime soon. I'm going to work on getting
Ryan and Russ's head shots on the band page changed to the new ones, but that's
about all the graphics work I'm gonna do in the next month or 2. I have too much
work to do on mixing and mastering songs, and I've painfully neglected my family
way too much lately in the interest of the band. 

Now if it's just live action BS shots then that's doable. Like fodder for the
image gallery. We need more pictures of Russ and Ryan in there.

You may have noticed I added the show dates to the link bar on the left. It's
just informative. I realized we had no place on the site to post them other than
the shop. I may make a read only graffiti wall page to post show dates on or
something. Maybe write another script that will pull the info out of the
merchandising system to an unsecured page. But for now, there they are.


Wed Oct 3 15:04 2007
Any suggestion for something diffrent besides crossing the arms I am up for.  
In fact I would love some suggestions.  We should try a bunch of different 


Wed Oct 3 07:54 2007
K. Thanks. And i dont know why that message re posted, sorry.  ang 

Wed Oct 3 07:52 2007
Phyllis, Thought u might of sent that shirt back my way with Rick Sun or 
tonight. Could you send it soon so i can swap it out for something else that 
way we still have time to get it done before the show....thanks.  :) 

Tue Oct 2 23:00 2007
I have to pick it up and then bring it to you. Maybe I can do it tomorrow night.


Tue Oct 2 22:53 2007
Phyllis, Thought u might of sent that shirt back my way with Rick Sun or 
tonight. Could you send it soon so i can swap it out for something else that 
way we still have time to get it done before the show....thanks.  :) 

Tue Oct 2 20:58 2007
that's the address...I copied it from the website.


Tue Oct 2 20:08 2007
Or is that just how the myspace URL is listed??

Tue Oct 2 20:03 2007
On the flier, where the myspace address is printed, it cuts the 'delusionalmind'
part of the myspace address off at 'm', the rest of the word 'mind' is not
there.  Is that just how it came across looking on the email attachment? I took
the size down from the default of 150% to a normal size of 100%, but that didn't
fix the way it appeared on the attachment file....WTF??

Tue Oct 2 19:02 2007
I think you all look mad at the world...and cross arms always give a negative image.

Delusional Wives - check your emails.  I emailed the fliers in pdf format.  


Tue Oct 2 16:00 2007
I didn't make any changes to our position. I just cut us out of the background,
so however you're leaning is how you were leaning when the pic was taken. Notice
I'm leaning to the left.

Lemme know if you find a river or ocean of blood. That would save me a lot of
graphics work.

I kinda like the V, it helps to draw attention to the edges. Human tendency is
to focus on the center of an image, but with the larger images on the edges it
helps to spread the focus to the edges. You end up seeing all the members and
not just the guys in the middle.


Tue Oct 2 15:50 2007
I Am Crooked again ;o(  We make a V.  My arms are pale :o(.  V is for Making 
very lots of money.  I thought I was standing straight. :o( My Tea is Hot :o)
Maybe if we actually stand in a river of blood on a day when the clouds are red 
we can take a bunch of pictures.  Just a Thought.........


Tue Oct 2 13:20 2007
Hmmm...I wonder if the UPS unit I prop my feet on while in the office's an APC 650...whatever that means - ha!

The flyer is done!  Looks good.  I'll try to email it to everyone.  You can 
pick up copies from John at work tomorrow or stop by the house.


Tue Oct 2 11:53 2007
It's not. That was a $1200 UPS when it was new. If it's dead I'm not sure how
we'll replace that functionality. We can't really have the server running
unprotected for very long, but we're in no position to cough up $500 or more to
get an equivalent unit.


Tue Oct 2 10:51 2007
That does not sound very good.


Tue Oct 2 09:50 2007
The batteries in the main UPS that the servers run on failed last night and
cooked all night long. It released a horrible smell in the basement. I had to
down all the servers this morning and take the UPS out of service. All the
servers are running on just the house power right now, so expect a little flaky
behavior as our power likes to flicker a lot. It may have killed the UPS as
well, I'll have to investigate that more later. 


Mon Oct 1 22:04 2007
The new band image is up. Refresh the browser on the main page. A larger version
is also in the image gallery. I may tweak it a little but that's basically it.


Mon Oct 1 21:19 2007
Put the Oct. 20th tickets on the Merch page.


Mon Oct 1 17:37 2007
I'm dense some times. They're camouflage, of course you can't find them!


Mon Oct 1 17:30 2007
I think we were going to use the new picture.  And My Camouflage sheet joke was 
totally missed.


Mon Oct 1 17:30 2007
Well, I was planning on working on the new picture tonight when I get home as
well. What takes me 8 hours to do at work takes about 30 minutes there.


Mon Oct 1 17:22 2007
ok, so what I gather from that dissertation is that we'll go with the old photo
for the it or not.


Mon Oct 1 17:14 2007
Any solid color is usable. It's best if it's different than what we're wearing,
or our skin/hair color. Black is good only because dark hair is easier to make
look natural with it, but if I'm placing our image against a bright background
it can look a little unnatural. Also since we tend to wear black shirts it makes
pulling the edges of the shirt a little more complicated. A bright green or blue
would be really good for sharp boundaries on our bodies, but hair would be more
difficult to blend. Each color has benefits and drawbacks. In the end I would
likely pick black for most things.

Camouflage would be a bad choice since it's not a uniform color. That's the
problem with taking it against the house, the shadows from the siding, the
angles on the garage doors, etc, all generate edges I have to work out of the


Mon Oct 1 16:38 2007
Where is the black back drop?  Anybody got black sheets or a lot of black 
fabric maybe some black spray paint?  Bob, is black the best color for you to 
work with?  I had some camouflage sheets but I can't find them :o)


Mon Oct 1 16:19 2007
Slowly. I have to do graphics work between calls and even then it's over the
internet, which crawls.. I'm still working on isolating us from the background
since we took the pic against a bad backdrop.


Mon Oct 1 16:09 2007
The Cheapest I found online to get silkscreen shirts made was 5.00 but you had 
to get 25 of them.  So the total was like 180.00.  One of the silk screen kits 
I saw was 125.00.  So at first either way it will cost close to the same but 
the kit will be cheaper in the long run depending how much the shirts cost.


Mon Oct 1 14:59 2007
Bob - how's the picture coming?


Mon Oct 1 13:07 2007
So obviously I have never had anything embrodered. But that makes perfect sense 
about the ribbed tank top not working. Big fat DUH on my part!! Sooooo i'll be 
shopping this week. Hope that will still give time to get it done if I can get 
it to you this weekend, or Friday, if they jam.

Mon Oct 1 11:13 2007
I checked out some prices to have shirts screened you can get quotes online.Per
shirt the cheapest I found with just the name was $17. 

I also checked out the self screen printing online. It's fairly easy, a little
time consuming as far as drying in between colors and stuff but I could do it 
initially if you think it's better.


Sun Sep 30 23:42 2007
So it was suggested to me that we could try screen printing our own shirts.  We 
could get a Screen printing kit and stuff.  


Sun Sep 30 22:47 2007
Karen we made a mistake on the ticket price the actual price is $6 from a band
member $7 on the site and $12 at the door.
John was supposed to tell you yesterday.


Sun Sep 30 19:54 2007
Check your DM webmail. I sent you a message about this weekend and next.

Sun Sep 30 17:47 2007
Uh, Bob...why is the ticket price $7 on the site?!?!?!?!  I thought you all said
$8 on the site, plus charges, and $12 at the door...WTF?!


Sun Sep 30 16:06 2007
I found the home button :o) 

Sun Sep 30 15:32 2007
Good, so IE 7 apparently pops up a notice to let you bypass. I must have missed
it yesterday. That's at least acceptable. I added a blurb to that launch page
about it. 

I don't use Microsoft software anymore, so my knowledge on the newer crap is
limited to what I do on other people's machines. 

The shirts are not yet available because we need to, as a band, decide on what
designs we're going with. The notes about embroidered items is there as a
general notice that they take longer to ship than normal merchandise. 

The links on the left refresh every 5 minutes to update the mail counter for
you. If you've logged into webmail before you'll get a notice under the Webmail
link that tells you how many mails or new mails you have. If it came up blank
then either IE had an issue, or either your connection or mine went down
momentarily. Service here has been a little spotty lately due to road
contruction.. I haven't had any major outages, but it's gone down for a minute
or 2 here and there.

I fixed the mispelled word.. Thanks! I type fast and screw up often..

Your browser should have a Home button. If you're looking for a link to take you
back to the main Delusional Mind page just click on the Delusional Mind logo at
the top of the page.


Sun Sep 30 15:12 2007
Ok, so when I clicked on shop tickets it had the stuff talking about stuff.  I 
clicked on the Enter shop button. and it was white page.  Then a window popped 
up asking if I noticed the thing on the top left hand of the screen.  I did so 
I clicked on it then I clicked display blocked content.  Afterwards it sent me 
back to the Main page which I then repeated steps 1 through 4 but this time it 
went directly to the page for the tickets.  

Where is the thing for the shirts?  It has a paragraph talking about the 
emroidery on the shirts but no shirt pictures.  

The word signing is spelled wrong. In the first splash page about the whole 
security thing.

Also the links to the left dissapeared about ten minutes ago and I had to 
restart Internet Explorer.

Where is the Home Button?


Sun Sep 30 14:12 2007
I added a launch page to get to the Shop. It will detail the issues with our
self signed certificates and explains how to get around it in Internet Explorer. 

I made the instructions purely from memory from when I did it yesterday on
Russ's computer, so if someone with IE 7 (Russ?) could test it and make sure
those instructions are correct, it would be helpful. 

I looked up the free CA (certificate authority) and while they work, they are
not acknowledged by most browsers as being a trusted authority so users will get
exactly the same issues as they already get with our self signed certificates. 

I looked into Verisign, and It's $400 a year, $1000 for 3 years, to have them
sign our certificates. 


Sun Sep 30 03:00 2007
We are taking a new band picture on Sunday.... That is all.

Kick ass job today Angela!!!!!


Sat Sep 29 19:09 2007
The merchandise page is up and running now. Tickets can be purchased online.


Sat Sep 29 19:02 2007
Anything for the most kick ass band in town!! Nothing like a unrehearsed
commercial to get the word out. I was just calling the station to see who i
could  contact about making an announcement about the show and the DJ said "go
ahead, we'll record one now and i never do this, its a one time thing". So i
just started talking.... What are the chances?? Too cool!! You guys are just
meant to be famous!! Rock on!!!!!!

Sat Sep 29 17:40 2007
Angela you RULE!!!!!

Have Ryan make you something special for dinner.


Sat Sep 29 17:03 2007
The Merchandise page will be up and running by 7pm to get your tickets!! 


Sat Sep 29 14:45 2007
What Picture?

Sat Sep 29 13:07 2007
I'll confirm the picture today when we go to get the tickets and post it later.


Sat Sep 29 11:20 2007
I think we are taking pictures this Sunday.


Sat Sep 29 10:08 2007
So...I guess we'll be using the same picture for the flyer??


Sat Sep 29 08:33 2007
Don't forget your mic on Sunday Russ. I guess I'll have to use my wireless so I
can share John's mic.... I'll make double sure to brush my teeth John...and I
won't belch on the mic.


Sat Sep 29 00:24 2007
I want to record the Rehearsal Sunday so we can replace the ones on MYSPACE.


Fri Sep 28 23:12 2007
Hey Bob..... We get the tickets tomorrow.


Fri Sep 28 18:24 2007
Ok guys. I need to know when we get our hands on tickets. The merchandising
system is ready to go. All I need is product to ship.


Fri Sep 28 14:54 2007
I forgot my password to mine ;o(


Fri Sep 28 09:53 2007
I'm sure John can come up with a password for me - it's not hard.


Fri Sep 28 09:44 2007
Also, Rick, John, and Ryan. Get with your wives and find out what they want as
their password on their email accounts. Write em down and bring it over tonight
and I'll create the accounts this weekend.


Fri Sep 28 09:42 2007
Guys, just a reminder to not post people's email addresses on this wall or any
other public forum. You're basically asking every spammer on the planet to rape
that address. I have masked the address below. If you need it let me know Rick..


Thu Sep 27 23:09 2007
Russ.... OK


Thu Sep 27 22:40 2007
Rick, I need you to Email Paul from Manic and tell him the Email to the guy for 
the show on the 20th.  His Email is XXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXXX.  

Thanks and stuff

Thu Sep 27 21:12 2007
Just a reminder of one of Metals lost heroes......

Clifford Lee Burton
Born 2/10/1962
Died 9/27/1986

He is missed but still remembered.


Thu Sep 27 18:13 2007
    Delusional Mind at the Maquerade on October 20th for the Verus Music Festival.
Ticket sales will be announced very soon....


Thu Sep 27 17:59 2007
The tickets are coming to me for the 20th show. I made contact with the promoter
through the wonders of e-mail. He called me today and we are confirmed for the
20th.... We should have the tickets in a couple of days according to him.

On another note I need to talk to you Bob... call me tonight on your way's important.


Thu Sep 27 17:37 2007
We'll stop selling them with a shipping option about 4 days before the show, and
pull the door pickup option the day of the show. I've built the merchandising
system to be fairly robust in that regard. I have the interface done and now I'm
working on the interface to paypal. With any luck I'll be able to launch it


Thu Sep 27 16:56 2007
I added more videos to my page.  One of them Rick will like especially.  It is 
Little Wing.


Thu Sep 27 16:34 2007
Ok. I may be able to go. I will have to see about a sitter since i will already
be getting one for the show that following night and now for the 20th also....
By the way guys....WOO-HOO on the confirmation for that show!!!!!!

Thu Sep 27 16:21 2007
No, the Friday night before the show...October 12.


Thu Sep 27 16:17 2007
Karen, Your not talking about tomorrow night, right?

Thu Sep 27 15:00 2007
Bob - I just thought of something...yeah, I hurt a little!  If we are
selling tickets on the website, we'll need a cut off time or something.  If we
are all at the show and someone buys a ticket right before the show, how will we
know?  We can take a laptop, but not sure we'll have a connection.  Any thoughts...?


Thu Sep 27 14:31 2007
Don't worry Russell, they'll be lots of girls at the show!  And, if memory
serves me...alcohol and long-haired, hot musicians is all it takes for some of
us girls!  Just ask John...:-) 

I've got one of the flyers done, just waiting on the new picture.  I did full
and half sizes for the ones w/a picture.  I still need to do the one for the
tables for Friday night (just words).  Who will put these on the tables?  I
would love to, but since John works til 8:00 and I have two small kiddos...I'm
sort of limited.  But, I'm not opposed to see if I can work out something...just
need a partner.


Thu Sep 27 14:15 2007
As far as the 8 girls, most of them are taken. And the "they have friends" thing
was more on the lines of word of mouth so more people find out about the show.
But hey, ya never know, someone may bring along a single lady, and you know us
gals have a weakness for musicians!!! ;) 

Thu Sep 27 12:46 2007
I'm poor so I can't pay for pictures.. Though I'll try to get Kristi to take
some with our camera. 

Also, John, we need to know when we're getting the tickets, and don't make any
official announcements about it until it's confirmed with the venue. They still
show another show scheduled that day.

The merchandising system is almost ready.. I have to write in some more sanity
checks, and write the program to handle payment notifications from paypal, then
it will be ready.


Thu Sep 27 11:43 2007
Ricks brain could possibly be bleeding.  In on direction he is direct line of 
fire from my amp when I hit the solo button.  In the other he is hearing me 
Sing through the PA.  In the other he has his beautiful chainsaw distortion.  
Then finally he has the Almighty Snare.  So it is quite possible that at the 
end of each jam his brain could be bleeding.  Along with mine of course for 
trying to do laps in my room.  

I think we should build a speaker like the one in Back To The Future and see 
what we can break with sound.  

I am going to have the same guy who took pics for Manic take pics for us on the 
13th.  It will cost 40 bucks.  

My room isn't cold today
Did I hear someone say 8 girls want to come to the show and they have friends?
Lets all remember the Russell Referal Program. :o)

Thu Sep 27 10:48 2007
Its official. We are on for the gig on Oct 20th at the Masquerade!


Thu Sep 27 09:58 2007
Well, Russ nixed the new pic we had of him so we're going to take a new group
photo this weekend.


Thu Sep 27 07:16 2007
Thanks Rick. I guess gals with black hair can still have 'blond moments', ha,ha!!
I think the ladies had thought it would be good to wait till the weekend prior
to the show, the 6th or 7th, to put out fliers. But i'm sure we are all up for
putting them out whenever. We had kinda felt like putting them out too early,
people may forget, esp if they don't make plans that far in advance AND that the
fliers may get ripped down, rained on, etc..... But you guys just let us know
what you think about it. I have around 8 girls at work who want to come and, of
course, they all have friends, so getting fliers in hand to give people would be
great.... Last i heard Karen was waiting on a new pic before she printed,
hopefully one where Ryan is tobogganless, lol!! I'll send my shirt with Ryan
Friday. Thanks.

Wed Sep 26 21:13 2007
Thanks for the well wishes Angela...
The initials are as follows....

RRE - Russ
Bob - Bob
KF  - Kristi
K~  - Karen
J   - John
RAF - Rick
PMF - Phyllis
RAJ - Ryan
Ang - Angela

That should clear everything up!!!!! (HEHEHE)


Wed Sep 26 21:08 2007
Angela... you can give your shirt to Ryan to give to Rick on Friday I will get
it done ASAP. 

As for hitting the pavement we should probably do it sooner rather than later
right?? So maybe this weekend if the fliers are ready? Just a thought.


Wed Sep 26 20:42 2007
OH YEA my top 10
0.delusional mind
2.perfect circle
7.kill switch engage


Wed Sep 26 20:33 2007
dude pay no attention to ANGELA.......... she's new at this and doesn't quite
know all initials yet HA HA, but ill get her up to SPEED

Wed Sep 26 19:54 2007
And Rick, i hope you are not really wounded. Im not being unsympathetic....i
assumed you were just kidding about the brain bleed....

Wed Sep 26 19:47 2007
Rick, could you stop bleeding long enough to ask Phyllis what i need to do about
getting my shirt done.....Thanks! :)

Wed Sep 26 19:07 2007
I tried that and I tripped on a guitar chord and hit my head against the music 
stand and now I have a concussion.   

So now my brain is bleeding and I am still cold.


Wed Sep 26 19:00 2007
If you run around your room in circles you wont be cold anymore.


Wed Sep 26 18:50 2007
It is cold in my room.  


Wed Sep 26 10:56 2007
That's cool.  I didn't mean to do it now, just wanted to know if it was
possible.  We'll do the book at the show and get folks names and email address
for future reference.  I'd say no to the wall updates.  People don't like spam.
 If they want to know what is going on with the band on a regular/daily basis,
they can check the wall.  You could send something like a monthly
update/newsletter type thing to everyone on the list telling them what shows are
coming up or what's going on in general.  Just my 2 cents.


Wed Sep 26 10:13 2007
I can set up a mailing list server on this site. The software for it already
exists, but it's something we will need to implement after the show. Right now
I'm expending all available time on pictures and writing the code to support the
merchandising system.

I would say we go ahead and do the book at the show and once I get the server
running we can manually put in those addresses. I could even set it up so the
graffiti wall updates can be sent out on a weekly basis or something if we want.

Top ten:

1. Iron Maiden
2. Dream Theater
3. Cliff era Metallica
4. Rush
5. Slayer
6. Megadeth
7. Randy era Ozzy
8. Pantera
9. King Diamond (the music, not the voice)
10. Marcus Miller (because he's a bad ass, not my style of bass, but bad ass
none the less)


Wed Sep 26 09:53 2007
Removed several posts at the request of John and Rick, and with my concurrence.


Wed Sep 26 09:01 2007
My Top 10:

1.Dream Theater
2.Iron Maiden
4.Metallica(Cliff Era)
8.Van Halen(DLR Era)
9.Al DiMeola
10.King Crimson


Wed Sep 26 08:15 2007
The Delusional Wives talked about a mailing list.  We are going to have a book
or something for folks to sign up at the show. Bob, can you do something like
that also on the website?  I know Excel pretty well.  We use it to do budgets at
work - lots of formulas, linking, etc.  So, I'll be glad to do it.  Actually,
Access is a database (Microsoft).  I haven't used it in years, but might try to
figure it out again if Excel isn't the best program to use.  Really depends on
how we manipulate the info.  

Top 10...:  #1 - Bruce Springsteen - The BOSS!!
Tom Petty
Sara McLachlan
Stevie Nicks
Melissa Ethridge
Pink Floyd

or 8...


Wed Sep 26 00:07 2007
Actually I can't say I have a top ten... I do Know that Jimi Hendrix and Stevie
Ray Vaughn were the top 2... Eric Clapton is one of my all time favorites...
Damnit man I can't say top ten at all I like everything blues, rock , and metal.


Wed Sep 26 00:05 2007
So I found another site with some cool info.  I first went there to read more 
about stage presence but there is all this other stuff.  It had lots of cool 
ideas on promoting the gig and stuff after the show.  One of the things I got 
out of it was a mailing list.  I plan to promote the alot 
and all but it couldn't hurt to have a  Mailing list as well.  If anyone knows 
how to use excel we could use it to make a database of the emails so were not 
double emailing people.  Below is the link to the site. So Thoughts anyone?


Wed Sep 26 00:04 2007
Must be a Russ post.... but as for my top ten.

1. Jimi Hendrix
2. Stevie Ray Vaughn
3. Rush
4. AC/DC
5. Dream Theater
6. Megadeth
7. Slipknot
8. OTEP ( Thanks Russ )
9. Metallica ( Cliff Burton ERA )


Tue Sep 25 23:32 2007
List your top Ten:

1. Dream Theater
2. Outworld
3. Korn
4. Pantera
5. Skid Row
6. Iron Maiden
7. Slipknot
8. Megadeth
9. Metallica
10. Otep

Tue Sep 25 20:46 2007
Phyllis, I got my tank. Should I send it via Ryan to give to Rick to give to
you?? And when should it be done with the embroadering? (is that how you spell
it? lol!! Surely not!!) Anyways, I think the plan was to be able to wear it when
Karen & I hit the pave on the 6th....thanks.

Tue Sep 25 19:45 2007
I liked the other one better.  I am crooked and I am making a funny face.
We need to do it again.


Tue Sep 25 16:49 2007
Yes it is difficult to get clean.  But here recently I have been using herbal 
essence's 2 in 1 shampoo.  

On another note.  In the Hal Leanord book for Ride the lighting they have the 
tempo at 184 bpm for Creeping Death.  Power Tab and Guitar Pro have it set at 
200 bpm.  

Either we have to take the wall of doom death down or we are going to have to 
count out the begining.  I am fine with either but I don't want to guess 
anymore on where to play.


Tue Sep 25 16:28 2007
Well I'm most of the way done now. I'm trying to get your hair clean at this point.


Tue Sep 25 16:09 2007
Ok then,  well instead of working forever on it then we should take another 
one.  Anyone got a Black sheet?  Or we could paint your hallway black.  :O)


Tue Sep 25 15:55 2007
There was only 1 for the front page that is usable.. There was only 1 for the
band page that has any hope but whoever took the shots cut off the top of your
hairline so you may have a flat top.. I'm still working on isolating your image
for the front page. As I said, it's really slow work over the net, and you have
kinda frizzy hair, even more so than mine, so that's really hard to get blended
out of a light background. We need to start doing pics in front of something black..


Tue Sep 25 15:33 2007
Are my pics Useable?


Tue Sep 25 14:31 2007
I'm working on it.. It's a little more involved than cut and paste. Doing
graphics work over the internet is slow and painful.


Tue Sep 25 13:05 2007
Hmmmm... well I dont think that would increase our chances  for us getting a
second gig there.


Tue Sep 25 13:03 2007
I'm guessing peeing on the people in front is out?


Tue Sep 25 10:53 2007
Define "be an ass between songs".

OK, ill try to remember to turn off the time stamp.


Tue Sep 25 10:23 2007
Also, John, next time you're going to take band pics, turn off the timestamp in
the camera. Most of the pics you sent me are not usable because of it.


Tue Sep 25 09:49 2007
Unfortunately, that's about all I can do while playing.. I plan to be an ass
between songs though =)


Tue Sep 25 09:26 2007
Yes we are going to do a banner for sure. It will be rather large and I dont
think that we will have the time to have one ready for the Oct 13th show but it
is something that will happen down the road. 

On the whole "image" thing. I think we are ok with what we wear, its more of our
presence on the stage. Standing in one spot like a bump on a log staring at our
fretboards is going to lose the interest of the crowd no matter how intense the
music is. 


Tue Sep 25 07:17 2007
do you think we should somehow create a banner or something to go behind us on 
the stage?? just a random thought

Mon Sep 24 23:07 2007
I get what Russ is trying to convey in his message. Wear what you want, ( I will
be wearing a West Coast Chopper shirt with the sleeves removed of course and my
normal attire as in some old ratty jeans ). Just when you are on the stage make
your presence known by playing to the audience not for the audience. I myself as
well as John are going to be back and forth on the stage and playing with the
crowd while we play. Edge of Lunacy is gonna be fun ( I think Russ should tell
the audience to form a circle in the front and let the mosh pit begin ) John and
I will be moshing as well. I may not be as theatrical with the head movements
because my head may separate from my neck due to previous injury.

The whole idea is for the audience to have a great time while we have a great
time. The more we put into our performance the more people will tell their
friends about us. It's the same as when me, John and Ryan went to see
DragonForce and Kill Switch Engage, Chimaira was there also. Chimaira's bass
player was to say the least a hefty sized guy. He didn't run back and forth
across the stage but he was in the audiences face most of the show. ( I'm not
saying that you should do this Bob ) But I remember the fact that he was up
front and playing to the audience. DragonForce was all over the place on stage
and had excellent showmanship. Everyone in the band including the drummer was
pushing the audience to join in and have fun with them. Kill Switch Engage was
the same way. The singer was involved with the audience as much as the band.

Take every concert you have ever been to and remember how the bands made you
feel at that time. This is what we need to pull out of the audience, we want
them to walk away saying to themselves... Those guys kicked ass what a great
show did you the the skinny fucker when he was playing that solo.... how the
hell did he get his fingers to bend that way? And OMG the Bass play was all over
the neck of that bass... how did he do that with no frets?

This is what I expect people to be saying to us when we walk off that stage on
the 13th. 


Mon Sep 24 22:45 2007
I was totally planning on wearing that.  What if the panties were red instead?

All I am saying it is something we should think about and that I am more 
concerned about presence as a whole not just what we wear.  I would like to 
play out a lot.  There are a lot of bands out there who have great music.  The 
ones who put on the best shows get more shows. Not neccesarily the ones who 
have the better music.  Not everyone in our audience will be a musicians so 
they won't care about the music as much.  When I started playing guitar I 
wasn't listening to the music as much as I thought the band was cool.  I was 
playing for years before I noticed the music more.  Anyways I didn't want this 
to some big drawn out thing but I thought it was something everyone should keep 
in mind.  
We need to own the stage.    


Mon Sep 24 21:34 2007
Don't wear pink panties with purple polka dot stockings and it won't too much of
a cluster bomb...


Mon Sep 24 21:09 2007
Metallica had an image when they had cliff.  Image can be a lot of things.  
It's not being a sell out.  If you want people to listen to our music then they 
need to enjoy it visually and not be a clusterbomb of different directions.


Mon Sep 24 21:01 2007
Yes on all 3 prices, though we need to downplay the door price because we want
people to buy from us so we get our tiny pittance of a cut. We get nothing from
the door sales. 

As far as image, I'm going up there, wearing my normal clothes (shirt and
jeans), and playing bass. Part of my idea of metal is to not have an "image"..
That's too close to being a sell out.. See Metallica post Cliff for an example
of focusing on your image and not the music. The rest of the guys can wear what
they want.


Mon Sep 24 19:41 2007
Good advice Russell!!  John thought I was nuts when I mentioned the band's
"image." (Luv ya Sweetie!)  Not that he didn't listen - I think he thought I was
talking about having some gimmick, which I wasn't. Just need to make a statement
and grab everyone's attention.  What you wear, how you interact with the
audience, and all that makes a huge difference to success!  You have to OWN the
stage and the audience!  I'm going to read more about all that and the
management of a band just we aren't caught off guard.  

I don't mean to preach or act like I know everyting, because I don't!!!  Just
trying to help!  Image is a lot in any business, especially in the public eye.

So on the prices...We want to show all three prices??  

Mon Sep 24 19:11 2007
Ok so what image does our music portray... I myself perceive my image as the
destroyer of worlds.(hehehe)


Mon Sep 24 18:59 2007
I want everyone to take a second to think about stage presence.  Below is a 
link to an article I found on it.  Unfortunately we can't depend on our music 
alone.  The main thing I got out of the article so far was everyone needed to 
be going for the same image and the image needs to match the music.


Mon Sep 24 18:51 2007
Karen, tickets at the door are $12.00 the other prices you have are correct. We
are going to take another photo soon...I think.... The guys need to be coming up
with ideas for it. I already have an idea but I need to run it past everyone else.

Bob.. you need to specify on the shop page that the ticket price is 8 dollars
and 1 dollar processing fee that way there is no confusion by the varying ticket


Mon Sep 24 18:25 2007
To clarify, tickets are $8 in person, $9 on the website, and how much at the
door...$8?  Or do we not worry about the door price?  I'll put this on the flyer.


Mon Sep 24 17:59 2007
I was told that there is going to be a Fourth band.  So our set may be back to 
30 or 40 minutes.  


Mon Sep 24 17:52 2007
Delusional Mind is pleased to announce our first show will be at the Masquerade
on October 13th. Details are available on the Masquerade website. Ticket price
is $8 in advance if bought in person, $9 (including processing fees) through the
web site. I will launch the merchandising system in the next day or so to
facilitate ticket sales.

Doors open at 7pm.

Come cheer us on!


Mon Sep 24 17:16 2007
So I just got the Definate word on the show on the 13th and we are good to go.  
So no worries about that and stuff.  How are we going to build the cages?


Mon Sep 24 13:13 2007
The Delusional Wives decided to be hitting the pavement on Saturday, October 6, 
with the flyers.  I think I have all the comments incoporated - just need the 
new band photo.  We'll have the full size sheets and the smaller one to put on 
the tables at the Masquarde on Friday, as Russ suggested.  We also talked about 
doing a half size one to leave with some places. Bob, can you have the picture 
ready this week so I can start printing/copying it next week?  I'll post more 
about where all we talked about posting them.  I'm at work and I think our 
server doesn't like this server...


Sun Sep 23 22:45 2007
Practice Tuesday night a 7:30 P.M.!!!! We are going to go untill around 9:30 to
10 depending on what time Russ gets there. If he gets there around 8:30 then we
go to 10. If he gets there at 8:15 we stop a little earlier so we don't wipe out
the kids school activities. We need to set a schedule for either Friday Night or
Saturday night depending on Russ' practice with Manic.


Sun Sep 23 14:53 2007
Believe me you would not want me to be on drugs.  Either one or two things 
would happen.  

Situation A,  I would probably convince myself I was invincible or a Jedi or 
both and I would be atempting to stop Semi Trucks with my mind.  Or end up in a 
battle on a distant desert planet and I would go to war with just a Neon bulb.

Situation B, I would become completely insane and The band would have to keep 
me in a cage with a Mic, a Guitar, lunchables, and some dog food.

Either way it would be a disaster.


Sun Sep 23 11:11 2007
I'm just getting into the swing of reading the postings on the wall...better
late than! Read about a weeks worth, think that brings me up to
speed on what's going on. Ryan tells me the "guy version" of the details, but
now I know specifics. See you ladies at 1. Looking forward to helping out. You
guys sounded awesome last night. And Phyllis, it was nice to meet you yest.

Sun Sep 23 10:25 2007
I'll highlight both sites.  It was a draft for comments.  I also thought about
adding wording about how to actualy buy the tickets - on the web and at the
door.  Russell mentioned doing a smaller flyer to put at at the Masquerade the
night before - good idea.  It would just be wording, no picture.  Speaking of
which, when will the new picture be ready, Bob?

Russell, Dude...share the drugs!! LOL!!


Sun Sep 23 09:25 2007
How about hardwood flooring?  and dirt colored carpets until the staimakers 
unlearn there ways of the stainmaking.  Which could be a long time.  I spent 4 
years in Staimaker's Anonymous.  I met some interesting types there.  A lot of 
people dressed up like the cat in the hat and various other mess making 
creatures.  You know, Ogres, Gremlins, Dragons, Trolls, and bored Heavy Metal 


Sun Sep 23 00:07 2007
Bob I just listened to the mix, the kick drum is way too low. Bring it up and we
should be gtg. The bass and guitars are pretty much equal in levels.
Over all the lower end of the drums need to come up some and it will be good.


Sat Sep 22 23:33 2007
Karen the flier looks really good. Bob wants the actual web site to be
highlighted. I say highlight both sites that way they both get the attention.


Sat Sep 22 22:19 2007
Ok, 1:00 is cool.  I left a copy of the flyer there for the guys to give their
opinion.  I know they want to change out the picture.  We might need to add more
wording - not sure.

See ya tomorrow.


Sat Sep 22 21:26 2007
Well, the guys usually don't get together until later on, like 5:30 or so.  That
won't work because it's too late.  1:00 is good I think.  That ought to give us
plenty of time.  I have to clean a little too, but I have given up putting
things where they belong for the next few years.  Besides, the more crap Tiffany
piles in the floor, the cleaner it keeps the carpet.  Of course, the carpet was
already beyond hopeless way before I moved in, so it doesn't matter much.  Next
time we get carpet I want it to be dirt colored or something!

Anyway, I did manage to get both car seats in my car better than I thought, so
we won't have to take the van after all.  As long as no one else has to sit in
the backseat we are okay.  If so, they might have to go either on top or in the
trunk, LOL.


Sat Sep 22 15:23 2007
One day I will be a Billionaire and I will buy Hawaii and DM will use it for a 
really big Rehearsal space.


Sat Sep 22 14:38 2007
Let's see when the guys are getting together and set the time around them. 
However, 1:00 is probably good.  I'm open...just trying to clean house as Dreah
drags every thing out that I put up! haha!

Happy Birthday to Dale!  Wow...John and I were in Hawaii this time last
year...woohoo!  Can't wait to go back!!


Sat Sep 22 14:16 2007
I am already a step ahead of ya.  There is a on the floor vocal processor that 
would have compression and other weird things.  It is made by digitech and John 
is looking into it.  It is 199.99 on Musicians Friend.  I don't know if it will 
sound any good but it might be enough to get started.  The other Vocal 
Processors I saw started at 500.00.   That is a lot of Crispy Chicken 

I am working on memorizing the completely insane lyrics to There And Back Again

Sat Sep 22 13:52 2007
Ask him if there is a compressor for vocals only. If there is find out how much
one would cost.


Sat Sep 22 13:44 2007
If you can figure how to use the compressor that is suppose to help alot with 
voclas according to the studio guy here at Ken Stanton


Sat Sep 22 13:38 2007
The levels were set right... he wasn't clipping anything on the mixer and when
we played it back it sounded really good.. I also said to call me when you got
ready to do the mixing so I could show you the right tracks to much for


Sat Sep 22 13:25 2007
I sang way less harder when I did the last takes on sunday.  I am not cupping 
the mike. My hand is a the bottom the whole time.  It might be the Filter 


Sat Sep 22 12:09 2007
You guys need to record the vocals for After Me again. I sat down to mix the
song last night and while Russ's voice was great, you overdrove the crap out of
either the mike, or the mixer, so they're unusable..

The clipping didn't occur in the computer, so it had to have been at the mixer
or the mic.

Russ, don't sing so hard and don't cup the mike, and let someone other then Rick
set the levels!!


Sat Sep 22 11:46 2007
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthdy to you!!!
Happy Birthday dear Dale!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!

(Imagine it sung with a kind of Hetfield meets Sebastion Bach voice)

Ok, Tonight while John is recording his part to After me I want to get a new 
picture of me.  
Also what are we doing tonight?  
If we want to record any vocals we want to do it before we do the set.  
Which I do think we should do the set tonight maybe twice.  We could probably 
get the All Alone Idea done real quick.  
Then maybe do the set a couple of times.  
I think we are going to have an hour to play on the 13th.     


Sat Sep 22 11:27 2007
Well, maybe around lunch time, like 12:30 or 1:00?


Sat Sep 22 10:32 2007
Oh, I guess we need to determine a time...


Sat Sep 22 10:25 2007
LOL!!  You go Kristi!!  I don't see how folks survive these days without
driving!  (Didn't she drive before you met her?!)  

Ok, so it sounds like it's my house for tomorrow? Kids and all.  I'll have my
two here.  Hopefully, Ryan will check the board and let Angela know.  If not,
John and I will get in touch with them/her. I've got a draft of a flyer for the
show on the 13th.  John said it looked cool.  I can print it out and bring it
over this evening so you all can see it.  Then, if there are any
comments/suggestions from ya'll, we can incorporate them. I kept it simple and
to the point.  

To catch up on other comments:  Thanks for the anniversary comments!  And what a
first year it's been! Looking forward to the rest of our lives together!! :-) 
Russ, thanks for the kinds words!  I've always supported John in what he does
and will continue to do so!  I'm sure the other wives feel the same.  :-)  It's
just what we do! It works both ways for us.  


Sat Sep 22 08:34 2007
No I have not yet heard back from the promoter about the 20th. I will give him
another call on Monday. 


Sat Sep 22 01:19 2007
ok you guys can take the van to John and Karens, someone get in touch with
Angela so she can ride with you guys to Karens... no since in wasting a lot of
gas when everyone is going to the same house.


Fri Sep 21 22:46 2007
Just make sure she isn't taking pointers from you Rick.  That would be scary! 
On that note, we would probably do better to take the van.  My car is pretty
small to be trying to squeeze in 2 car seats.  Even if they would both fit, the
kids could probably reach each other.  That would not be a good thing for long I
am sure.


Fri Sep 21 22:29 2007
Phyllis is still working on the driving thing.... it is taking a little time but
she is getting there.


Fri Sep 21 22:27 2007
Ok Kristi.... JOHN!!!! have you heard anything on the 20th yet? 
RUSS... there is still no mention on the Masquerade website about the 13th.
Call me on Saturday before 3 pm. I'll be running all over the place and cutting
grass but my phone will be answered by someone and they will get me.


Fri Sep 21 22:17 2007
Well, Phyllis needs to drive!  J/K.  We'll figure it out.  No worries!


Fri Sep 21 22:06 2007
Umm only one flaw in the meeting place.... Phyllis doesn't drive. Unless she
gets to kristi's with me then we load up another car seat in her car OR they can
load Tiffy's seat in our van and take it. Either way Kristi and Phyllis can talk
about it on Saturday at the party for Dale.
As for the guys recording and getting it on the sites.... Russ and I have
discussed an option for All Alone and I like it A LOT!!!!. We just have to
convince Ryan and Bob to like it to. We will talk about it on Sat. and Again on


Fri Sep 21 18:11 2007
That's what we're for Russ, and when you score yourself a hot blonde babe to be
your muse and stuff she can help us too.  In fact, we can add that to the fliers
if you'd like ;)


Fri Sep 21 18:03 2007
I would just like to thank the Delusional Mind Ladies.  Karen, Kristi, Angela,  
and Phyllis.  I hope I spelled everyone's name right.  Ya'll are awesome and 
you rule!!  I think the industry term for all of you would be the Delusional 
Mind Street Team.  Ya'll could make a myspace up and stuff. I see it advertised 
on other bands a lot.  Anyways, Thanks again for the support.



Fri Sep 21 17:44 2007
I am game for Sunday, but I have to be back home before 6pm.  It is Caine's
weekend w/his dad and they will be dropping him off.  That being said, I will
only have one munchkin in tow.  Of course it is the more difficult of the two,
but what can ya do?  At least she is cute, right? Anyway, Bob is working until
fairly late Saturday, and as Rick mentioned the guys will be invading me then
too, so other than the party I am open that day as well (again w/Tiff in tow). 
I can do either or both days, I don't care. I brainstormed a little at work
today on some ideas (mind numbingly slow day at the office), so I will bring my
notes and we can combine everyones ideas and see where it gets us.  Of
course,GUYS - it is your job to get new stuff recorded and on the site(s) so all
our promotion efforts are not in vain. We can only do so much you know ;)


Fri Sep 21 11:57 2007
wow...lots to read when ya get behind!  How about us wives getting together this
Sunday since the guys are practicing?  My house..?  We can work on the flyer and

Kristi, bring your shirt and we'll see who can wear it - if ya want.  I need to
get John and I one each.  


Fri Sep 21 10:51 2007


Fri Sep 21 10:21 2007
I got someone at work to swap with me. I now have the 13th off.


Fri Sep 21 00:49 2007

best video ever


Fri Sep 21 00:18 2007
ROFLMAO!!!!! especially Bob!


Thu Sep 20 23:04 2007
We need to get all the wives shirts etc to wear.  I have one, but I am too fat
for it now, sigh.  It was almost to small to begin with, but now there is no
question.  One of you other girls may be able to wear it if you want to try.  We
need to have a wife meeting so we can bounce ideas around as far as promotion
etc.  We need to focus on that and let the guys focus on playing.  Making them
multi task could be dangerous.


Thu Sep 20 21:36 2007
OK as long as you still have the 20th off everything is cool. Angela... Kristi
wants Ear Plugs...Lots and Lots of ear plugs... JK ... Karen get my number from
John so I can get you all lined up to get the promotional stuff together if you
would.. please. Phyllis has some pretty good Ideas and you have the background
to get it done. As far as the rest of us... PRACTICE A LOT!!!! Angela ... you
have my number call me and I'll give you Phyllis' number so everyone stays in
touch during the blitzkrieg. 

Laters all,

Thu Sep 20 19:25 2007
hey it's Angela just wanted to say HEY to the best band out there... and i also
would like to know from Karen, and Kristi what i can do to get more involved in
the band... so let me know thanks

Thu Sep 20 18:47 2007
I'm only switching to work on the 14th instead of the 13th.. I still have the
20th off..


Thu Sep 20 18:26 2007
Bob, Don't change days off we are playing the 20th and it is an all day thing
and you need it off!!!!!! We will do the load in on the 13th you just get there
asap after you get off from work.


Thu Sep 20 17:04 2007
So I am working on memorizing some lyrics.  I changed some words in Insanity's 
Realm.  I was reading somewhere that if you have an Attractive Blonde Woman to 
help you memorize it goes a lot smoother.  So if you see any tell them I need 


Thu Sep 20 13:15 2007
Good.. Now you just need to be able to pull it off every time, and you have 3
weeks to get there.. I don't envy you man.. You need to have all the lyrics
committed to memory in short order.. 

I'm still working on getting that Saturday off.. I'm seeing if one of the other
persons working sunday that weekend will swap weekend days with me so i can be
off all day to do the load in and crap..


Thu Sep 20 12:47 2007
Great!!!!  I can Jam as late as yall want too on Saturday and stuff.

As for the recording thing,  we all know I like Nameless
Day of rain Seems to get stuck in your head.
My Students seem to like There And Back Again alot.
I think Aphrodisiac has the most complicated parts in it.

On another note I finished my solo for There And Back Again.  It is going to 
break me.  


Thu Sep 20 10:11 2007
I work 10-7 on Saturday 10/13/07.. FYI..

I'll see if I can trade with someone to get that day off..


Wed Sep 19 21:08 2007
Ryan, John, Russell.... Practice Saturday night!!!! and Sunday Night this weekend.
I have cleared it with Bob and Kristi. Bob will be at work and I don't know till
what time on Saturday so we will catch him up on Sunday. I'll be there both nights.
John and Russ you guys need to let me know what time you are getting off from
work on Saturday so we can set a time to let Kristi know when we are invading.


Wed Sep 19 20:22 2007
As of today we need to get a demo album together at the least and like I said
earlier we need to get the harder stuff done to showcase our abilities. Three
songs at least, if we can that is.

Input from other members of the band needed here:


Wed Sep 19 19:11 2007
Well we're back from vacation.. Happy Anniversary John and Karen!! I won't be at
Dale's party as I have to work that day. 

I'm thinking we should get After Me finished and published, then Day of Rain.
Then we can do Nameless, There And Back Again, and Edge of Lunacy in any order..
I don't care..


Wed Sep 19 09:59 2007
Solo sounds good Russ. I think the next song we record should be either Nameless
or Edge of Lunacy. Dont know about a video of next session, will have to see who
is available.


Wed Sep 19 00:14 2007
I finally got through the part for my second solo in There And Back Again.  I 
added a video of it to Myspace.   
I also added the videos on you tube.  
We need more videos!!  
Who wants to video some of the next recording session?  
What song are we doing next?  
I sent my guitar to get intonated.  I will have my petrucci with me.  Are we 
going to get together Saturday after Dale's Birthday bash and stuff?
I am cool for sunday too.


Tue Sep 18 22:13 2007
Russ I have a surprise for you also.


Tue Sep 18 21:05 2007
Just a reminder.... Dales 1st Birthday is Saturday the 22nd. We are having a
party for him at our house. Since the band is considered family you all had
better be here. I may make an exception for Russ since he works 7 days a week,
but he might want to call and wish Dale a happy B-day.

Call me to find out what time.


Tue Sep 18 19:27 2007
You guys need help or you have entirely too much time to think.


Tue Sep 18 19:20 2007
Nope, neither N nor Z are roman numerals. While yes it is sad for the plight of
Z always bringing up the rear, lets not give it false hopes of acceptance.


Tue Sep 18 16:05 2007
Check again.  Also if you turn "N" sideways it becomes a "Z" Which I think in 
the roman numeral system is a number and if it isn't is should be cause "Z" is 
an important number.  We all seem to forget about the number "Z" because it is 
last in the alphabet.  So lets all give a hell yeah for the Number "Z"

Also on a another note E=mc square is in accurate.  I believe it is E=mc Circle 
this is the formula for time travel and at the same time for some smoking hot 


Tue Sep 18 11:40 2007
Ummmm...... last time I checked "N" was not a "number".


Tue Sep 18 10:40 2007
Today's show was brought to you by the number "N"

"N" for Nameless


Tue Sep 18 10:33 2007
I vote for Nameless.  Nameless rules.  Did I mention I like Nameless.  The song 
of the day is Nameless.  I like Nameless.  Nameless is cool. 

I started my Bio. 


I like Nameless

Tue Sep 18 08:14 2007
Well that was going to happen anyways since our efforts are focused on recording.
Once we get stuff done it will be posted both on this site and on the myspace.
Its just  matter of getting it done.


Mon Sep 17 21:42 2007
Russ and Ryan... you guys need to write your bios for the band page. Not trying
to rush ya or nuthin....


Mon Sep 17 21:40 2007
The vocals need to be on There and Back Again also and the drums!!!!!
Didn't want to offend our singer and drummer.


Mon Sep 17 21:38 2007
Ok.... We need to get some of the harder stuff on My Space also. There and Back
Again is still the most listened to song on the page. After Me is going to go
over good but I think we need to get Nameless and Edge of Lunacy on there also.
Any input from the rest of you?


Mon Sep 17 17:34 2007
My phone works now.


Mon Sep 17 09:50 2007
Thanks guys!


Sun Sep 16 22:39 2007
Happy Anniversary John and Karen!

RAF & Family

Sun Sep 16 14:09 2007
Ladies and Gentleman today is a special day.  Today is the One Year Anniversary 
of John and Karen Ward.

In celebration of this special occasion I am going to start production for STAR 

In theaters Summer 2038!


Sun Sep 16 13:51 2007
So I fried my phone today.  If it is possible I would like to try to do my 
vocals for After Me a few more times tonight. I have to leave at 8:30.
So if anyone need to get a hold of me You have to call Ken Stanton.  


Sat Sep 15 08:19 2007
Nope.  This is a person.


Fri Sep 14 23:16 2007
Your an Oyster.


Fri Sep 14 23:12 2007
Who am I?  You know, it is like a riddle or something.  

Oh Yeah I forgot to sign the last one.


Fri Sep 14 23:08 2007
WTF are you talking about?


Fri Sep 14 22:54 2007
Pop Quiz!!

I was born without a Father.  No matter how hard I try I always end up hurting 
someone.  My Children hated me all my life.  I don't like sand.

Who am I?  

Fri Sep 14 09:54 2007
Turns out I won't be able to get down there until about 3pm, but you 2 can get
started recording Rick's track at 2pm if you want.


Fri Sep 14 07:24 2007
i have a birthday party to go to at 6:30 so 2 to 6 would be great!!!!!

Thu Sep 13 09:57 2007
I'm wondering why Ryan isn't able to on Saturday. We can start at about 2pm or
so.  We can get Rick's track recorded, then mine, then Ryan. That gives us
Saturday night to get John and Russ done. Once we have a decent track for each
of us I can spend some time mixing and mastering it next weekend.


Thu Sep 13 07:07 2007
so are we recording at all on saturday? IFSO what time??

Wed Sep 12 20:56 2007
Ryan will have to record his parts on Sunday since he won't be able to do it on
Saturday. I'm up for it though and I agree that we need to get some better
recordings on the sites. Bob is gonna be busy when he gets back from vacation.


Wed Sep 12 19:14 2007


Wed Sep 12 18:35 2007
I agree and After Me would be easy to get done.


Wed Sep 12 17:58 2007
We need to get something new recorded. If we had actually won that battle we
would have been empty handed when asked for a demo to submit..


Wed Sep 12 16:11 2007
So John and I were thinking that Saturday before we get there yall should try 
recording your parts for After Me.  Then when we get there we can do our parts 
and we can have something new on the Website.  It will be easier to get done 
than Day of Rain.  


Tue Sep 11 23:02 2007
To those whose lives were changed by 9/11/2001 and for the U.S. Military still
not home with their families. You are all in our prayers.

RAF & my family

P.S. Bob's and my father served our country in the Armed Forces until he retired
in 1986. We know the uncertainty of not knowing if someone is coming home or not
when they are called to duty.

Tue Sep 11 22:09 2007


Tue Sep 11 21:36 2007
Dude, you gotta sign your posts man.  We are all far to easily confused to be
trying to figure that kind of stuff out on our own. It's like work and stuff,
and my brain doesn't take kindly to it.


Tue Sep 11 19:38 2007
I just put a video of me playing my first solo on There And Back Again on my 
Myspace account.

Also, if you like it do you want to add it to

Tue Sep 11 16:30 2007
I work Until 6:00 so Maybe we should make it a recording day.


Tue Sep 11 15:57 2007
The server update is complete. Let me known if you see anything that's broken.


Tue Sep 11 12:13 2007
I'm doing an upgrade on the server's OS today. The site and all other services
may be intermittent during the day. 


Tue Sep 11 07:18 2007
saturday is good for me also but, i need to be somewhere at 6:30. So if we can 
start earlier in the day that would be great!!!!

Mon Sep 10 22:36 2007
That sucks.  If there is an upside to it, I guess it is that you found out
fairly early in the game, before tickets were sold and had to be refunded, etc.
 I'm sure there will be other shows soon.


Mon Sep 10 19:05 2007
Due to the promoter giving us the wrong date... and the real date is the 11th of
October. The show is canceled for Delusional Mind. There are too many obstacles
for the band to schedule around on a Thursday night for the time being.
 I would like to apologize to everyone that was looking forward to seeing us
live for the first time. 
 There will be shows in the near future and will be posted here and on our My
Space account.

Again we are sorry for the delay,
Rick Faulkner

Mon Sep 10 17:36 2007
Saturday is awesome for me.. I would love to get in a rehearsal before taking
off. Sunday you guys can do anything you want.. all day long if you want.. 

I'm all for playing during the week, we just can't play a show that starts that
early on a day I have to work with this kind of notice.. IBM tends to want a LOT
of notice to take time off.. That being said, I'm off on Tuesday Oct 16th so if
you can find us a little gig that night I'm cool with it =)


Mon Sep 10 16:59 2007
Well that sucks.  I would probably not be able to play if it was thursday 
either but if we can't play weekday shows it will be tough.  most clubs are not 
going to let us play weekends until we have played there a couple of time 
during the week.  

On Another note I think I can rehearse with DM Saturday this week and I would 
be willing on doing Sunday as well.  Maybe get some recording done and stuff.


Mon Sep 10 15:57 2007
It appears the show at the Vinyl has turned into a train wreck. I attempted to
verify the date with the venue and it turns out the show is not on the 14th.
It's on the 11th, which is a Thursday. The show starts at 6pm, which means we
would have to be there at 4pm for load-in. All of us would need to take the day
off or leave work pretty early, including our wives as they are going to be our
ticket agents, etc. 

Personally, it's an act of congress to get a day off at my work on that short of
notice, so it's a high probability I would not be able to get there until the
7:45 to 8pm range, and since we won't know where we'll be in the line up that
isn't practical. 

Rick is going to talk with the promoter and see if he can come up with
something, but unless those talks are fruitful our show is basically canceled.

if so we'll see if we can find another venue for later in October or early November.


Mon Sep 10 13:29 2007
I retired the delusional account on the mail server. The new one is dm.
delusional will remain a valid address for another week then i'll delete the

If you want to send email to the band, use the new dm at delusionalmind dot com


Sun Sep 9 19:06 2007
I'm thinking about deleting the delusional mail account on the server. It's
basically useless due to it being listed on the main page of the site, and
therefore it gets an obscene amount of spam. About 98% of the load on the mail
server is just handling spam on that 1 account. It's useless as a point of
contact for the band since wading through the mass of spam to find anything
useful is near impossible to do unless it's your job. That account gets
somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 spam messages a day. Keep in mind my spam
filters catch about 90-95% so that 150 is only 5-10% of the total messages
hitting the server for that account. (If it catches 90% then we're getting 1500
messages a day on it)

Anyway, I'll replace it with something else like dm at delusionalmind dot com so
the spammer's web crawlers can't pick it up so easy, but it will make it more
difficult for fans/agents to email the band in general.



Sun Sep 9 11:12 2007
The picture on the front of the site is available in the image gallery on page
4. It's a higher resolution version as well so it will look better on a printing.

If you go to the music page, scroll to the bottom, and click on the link to show
album art, you'll find a high res version of our album cover. I can strip the
name of the album off the bottom and that would make a great flyer background.
In fact, I can recreate the effect from the original image which is friendlier
to the dimensions of a sheet of paper. Also, We need to keep track of where we
put up fliers so we can take them down after the show.. 

I have a concern I will bring up at the band meeting tonight. No one over
promote the show until we can verify something. I'll give you more details tonight.


Sun Sep 9 10:09 2007
uh...I just noticed that the picture of you all - full bodies - isn't there
anymore.  That one was the one I was thinking of using.  We can always take a
picture of you all, with instruments, and use it.   

With only a couple of weeks before the show...time is of the essence!!  This
needs to be done in the next week to allow for printing and posting.



Sun Sep 9 10:05 2007
Yes, we need one with just DM on it.  Having one for the "battle" itself is all
well and good, but we want to promote DM and get folks out to cheer for you all.
 Not to mention building a fan base!  

Bob - can the graphics on this site be copied or will they have to be
downloaded?  I like the homepage setup that shows you all.  That would make a
good center for the flyer. 

As much as I hate to loose more of my husband's guys need to
practice, practice, practice!!!  I know you're in sync now, but you need to be
in sync with an audience of strangers.  Not that I'm telling you anything you
don't already know...


Sun Sep 9 00:15 2007
On another note.... It doesn't matter wethewr we win lose or draw at this thing
because we get a lot of exposure from this type of event. This won't be the last
Battle of the Bands we do either. People remember the bands that play them and
come to see the shows. As long as everyone in the band steps up and gives 110%
plus some then we should have no problems getting gigs and side shows.


Sun Sep 9 00:11 2007
The promoter is supposed to send us a flier on the myspace acct. When we get it
we are supposed to do the leg work i guess to promote the show. I agree with
Karen and Kristi... we need to get as many up at KSU and other places. Spam in
this case may not be such a bad word. Hehe... Also if Karen would like to make
up some fliers to promote just DM at the Vinyl that would also work in our
favor. Never the less we need to sell as many tickets as possible.


Sat Sep 8 19:48 2007
The promoter guy from the contest is supposed to be making fliers up and getting
them to the bands for mass distribution from what I understand.  Then we can
spam everywhere and everyone with them.  Hehehe...


Sat Sep 8 15:10 2007
We need to do a flyer to post at KSU to get a crowd and anywhere else so folks
come out.  We'd show the website address and my space so they can hear what you
all sound like.  The fans are the judges in these battles, right? Need to draw a
crowd somehow!!

I can help with laying it out - I've done a lot of stuff like this at work.


Sat Sep 8 10:03 2007
thanks Susan, October 14th... we are playing our first show, Im excited as is
the rest of the band.. when might you and Kathleen come visit us in GA?? I Miss
ya both lots And i wouldn't mind seeing David again either


Sat Sep 8 02:32 2007
Happy???? I'm Fuggin Excited !!!!


Fri Sep 7 22:08 2007
I'm happy to announce Delusional Mind's first public show will be at Vinyl,
located in downtown Atlanta, on October 14th. If you've been wanting to see us
live. This is your chance. We will be participating in a Battle of the Bands
event so be sure to come cheer us on and vote!

More details will come out as we get them!


Fri Sep 7 18:21 2007
You are gereat Ryan, wish I could hear the band in person, your godmother, Susan

Thu Sep 6 19:20 2007
I don't remember that part and stuff.  I don't like spam.  It smells funny and 
looks gross.  


Thu Sep 6 18:48 2007
There is a timer to keep people from spamming the page Russ. If you try to
repost too quickly it will not post the second post and the cool part is it
tells you when you do and it also tells you how long you have to wait to repost.


Thu Sep 6 13:36 2007
Oh I see.  So What Mistake did you make?  I entered the Text and clicked Apply 
the Paint and nothing happened.  It seems to work now but this has happened 
twice so far.  Yesterday and Today. 


Thu Sep 6 13:13 2007
I investigated the problem and found it to be operator error.


Thu Sep 6 12:49 2007
Hey I Tried writing back to say i forgot to sign the last one and when I 
clicked apply the paint it would not post it.  ?Por Que Senor?


Thu Sep 6 10:36 2007
Congrats Bro!!!!

Thu Sep 6 10:02 2007
Today marks 5 years that Kristi and I have been together. It's been a wonderful
5 years!! I look forward to many more happy years together. 


Wed Sep 5 18:39 2007
Oops i forgot to sign



Wed Sep 5 18:38 2007
Then use Iceweasel! 


Wed Sep 5 18:36 2007

Wed Sep 5 17:47 2007
In firefox? It looks like a house..


Wed Sep 5 16:33 2007
The is no home button.  Where is the home button?
?Donde Esta Casa de botón?


Wed Sep 5 16:23 2007
I Like Kate Beckinsale In Underworld.  She makes me happy


Wed Sep 5 08:07 2007
It does. I have heard it before.


Tue Sep 4 21:16 2007
My phone rings..


Tue Sep 4 19:24 2007

Geez I have asked you to call me so we can talk about things we need to do to
accomplish our goals and you keep fucking ignoring me.


Tue Sep 4 15:47 2007
Site is back up. Most of the updating is done, but is not live yet. expect more
downtime tomorrow as I finish the upgrades.


Tue Sep 4 13:07 2007
The site will be going offline within the hour, for an undetermined amount of
time. I'm in the process of updating software on the server to newer versions.

It may be up and down during this time. Until you see me post here that all is
well, expect anything you try to access to be unstable.


Tue Sep 4 11:06 2007
Just to let you know. Every vocal track you recorded is useless. You turned up
the tape input to the main output on the mixer, which mixed the output from the
computer (read us playing and the metronome) into the main outputs, which were
supposed to be the vocals we were trying to record.. That's why Russ could hear
us playing in the headphones on the headphone output jack, because you were
recording the computer output along with his vocals..

The tape input is to be mixed into monitor channel A which drives the PA.


Mon Sep 3 21:53 2007
After reviewing the practice recordings from the 090207 rehearsal I have made a
list of the songs that are in desperate need of work. I will bring it with me
next Sunday. Bob I need to talk to you on the Freakin Phone!!!! Me and Ryan may
have found a way to record using the headphones as a monitor and have complete
control over the volume and no effect on the actual recording. One night this
week I will come over and we can try it to see if it works. If it does then we
will have no more problems recording except maybe timing issues hehe.


Mon Sep 3 18:51 2007
Edit profile then Manage Songs maybe?

Anyway, I'd leave em up a little longer.. At least a week.. Myspace is not the
fastest place to get a reaction from. We've done no advertising at all other
than on the wall that they are even up yet..


Mon Sep 3 18:38 2007
Call me and tell me how to remove the songs on Myspace. I only wanted to let
people know that we are doing stuff, also to see if we get a reaction from the
people that they were removed.
Marketing 101.


Mon Sep 3 18:00 2007
From what I am learning the head phones lie..... If it sounds even in the head
phones it is probably f'd up on the recording. I have already made adjustments
to Russ' vocal settings.... well hell we are going to have to reset them again
as we changed them to record the vocal tracks. By the way guys we are all going
to have to re-record all of our parts on Day of Rain. Just giving you a heads
up. I'll try to do mine sometime this week.


Mon Sep 3 14:39 2007
It sounded even in the headphones. Dont know...


Mon Sep 3 13:34 2007
John mixed the vocals.. I blame him!!


Mon Sep 3 12:23 2007
im listening to the recording and russ's vocals are very distant.  We will
eventually get this recording thing down HA HA.   but other than that it sounds
great............ john,bob,rick and my self have a great mix. i guess when russ
says he cant here himself we should listen 


Mon Sep 3 09:45 2007
It's up.


Sun Sep 2 22:35 2007
Put up the rehearsal recording so I can cut it down.


Sun Sep 2 14:49 2007
They are there only to let people know that we are working on putting a show
together and there will be recordings of higher quality coming soon.


Sun Sep 2 10:16 2007
I put the rehearsal recordings of Day Of Rain and All Alone on the myspace page
at Rick's request.


Sat Sep 1 22:31 2007
Russ.... You have a talent with words man. You can take any comment and turn it
into a short story.


Sat Sep 1 17:52 2007
War on Demand.  I like it.  Yes I like it a lot.  Reminds me of endless blood 
shed during battle.  Back when I was a young man this was common place with the 
war of the bones and all.  If only I knew then what I know now.  Things would 
be different.  Would she still be here?  I don't know.  She was a crazy one 
that one was.  But we all loved her.  Some of us loved her to much and they 
paid for there transgression with their own tongues.  Yes those were the days.  
When you worst sin was sometimes you only friend.  When the very air you 
breathe still tasted of the sweet nectar of Blood and Sweat.  So where so we go 
from here you ask?  Well I say does it matter.  Why do you want to know 
anyway.  Are you nervous of the coming days.  Only now do you understand the 
true power of Hatred and Fear.  Now, walk with me until you understand these 

Sat Sep 1 15:39 2007
You forgot:

War on Demand
Wrath of Domination
Warriors of Death
Ways of Destruction

maybe a few more out there.


Sat Sep 1 11:23 2007
It depends.  What does it mean?

Weapons of Destructions
Wings of Destiny
Window of Desolution
With out Deviation
World of Doom
Where Outwold Demands
Winter Overkill Death

Did I come anywhere close?

On another note I fixed Internet Explorer.  I had to reset all its defaults.  I 
figured it would have done that already since I reloaded it twice.


Fri Aug 31 23:23 2007
W.O.D. sounds like an interesting title to a new song......
What do you guys think?


Fri Aug 31 10:39 2007
Rick, if you want to throw up some of our songs from jam sessions then use the
webdisk feature in webmail to upload them to the server. I'll do a quick
mastering on them to get them sounding a little better and put em up there. 


Fri Aug 31 09:55 2007
Can't do it in the am.. Got a bunch of crap to do that day so the recording
efforts will have to me in the evening.


Fri Aug 31 07:16 2007
I went to my dads yesterday and looked at the (WALL OF DEATH) and i think it 
will work just fine, bob i need your truck to transport it to the Studio... so 
saturday we can do this ill call you and let you know when we can do it. I 
think the best thing would be too just meet me at my house saturday morning and 
we can ride over there together, im sure i can get angela to pick me up from 
your house afterwards.


Thu Aug 30 21:48 2007
I'm glad all I do is play guitar.


Thu Aug 30 14:57 2007
Russ's turn is coming.. If the cubicle works well for the drums we're gonna make
him sit in it when we record his vocals to kill the room acoustics.


Wed Aug 29 16:54 2007
So it is a wall of Death.  Poor Ryan.   The streets will flow with the blood of 
non believers.

Wed Aug 29 15:59 2007
that should not be a problem BOB ill let my father know bout it tonight COOL

Wed Aug 29 11:25 2007
It's just a plain cubicle. we're filling it with drums and mics.. nothing more.. 

we're topping it with a comforter so ryan will be encased in a dark, hot, box to
play his drums..

Sounds fun doesn't it?


Wed Aug 29 11:18 2007
Cubicle?  Something seems out of place here.  Is Cubicle a secret code for Box 
of death?  Or on Saturdays is everyone wearing suits and ties?  I have a suit.  
I think it has cake on it from the last time I wore it four years ago.  

So were going to have to move you down to storage room B.  We need to make room 
for some boxes and such.  

So back to the cubicle.  What is on the inside?  is there a top?  Should there 
be a top?  Are there spikes covering the inside.  If so why?  Are there posters 
for inspiration and stuff?  Is so whom?  If the cubicle can contain 100 gallons 
of water and you fill it with 20 gallons of Milk with red food coloring and 
Count Chocula how long would it take for the milk to turn to gold?

Wed Aug 29 10:28 2007
Ryan, saturday afternoon to evening we'll bring the cubicle over and work on
trying to get your track reocrded for day of rain.

lemme know if there's any issues with your schedule..


Tue Aug 28 23:32 2007
I sent you an it and read it slowly so you get what I mean. I'm
not being an ass I just want you to get what I am saying in the E-mail. I know
how you can skim an E-mail.


Tue Aug 28 17:48 2007
So Mossilla Hates me Now My Internet explorer doesn't work.  what the hell!!!
I think it is a conspiracy that orignated back before the time of the ancient 
and wise one.  The Master of Puppets, the King of all kings,  the Shiznit, The 
one who needs no introduction.  What was I talking about?  Damn it all, Never 

I learned some of Power Slave.   

Tue Aug 28 15:03 2007

Stuff and Things.


Tue Aug 28 14:48 2007
fyi, i'm off this weekend.


Mon Aug 27 22:39 2007
I separated the tracks worth keeping from the Sunday practice.
Russ is still a little loud and John is still buried in the mix, but you can
hear him if you listen really hard. Ryan's kick could use some adjustment to the
higher side of the volume scale. It is present but still hard to make out. It
still sounds good as far as a basement recording goes. Call me after you get off
from work on Tuesday.
As for the rest of you guys.... I'm going with distortion from the beginning of
the fast part of Aphrodesiac. I dunno if I spelled that right. I listened to the
recording several times and the change from clean to distorted is too abrupt at
the harmony. If I go distorted from the beginning it shouldn't be as easy to say
WTF was that?


Mon Aug 27 20:09 2007
I changed the coloring on Russ's pic since he wants to stay with the one he
has.. His skin should now match the rest of the tones, but I left zones of
warmer color around his eyes, nose, and mouth. I figured the face should stand
out more.. Let me know if you like it, I can make the face the same as the rest
of the skin if wanted. 

I also added the pic to the myspace page.


Mon Aug 27 18:02 2007
Not every single one!

Ass hat!


Mon Aug 27 17:48 2007
Russ practices with Manic on Saturday Night Dip Stick!


Mon Aug 27 17:44 2007
Cool, we should pick a saturday night soon and hit all of them to scope out the
places. Then we can make a call on where to start.. 

By the way, I bumped up the outbound limit on my traffic shaper, so the site and
anything downloaded from it should come across a little faster. I bumped the
throttle point from 240kbs to 340kbps.


Mon Aug 27 16:38 2007
Club 29
Blue moose
Sweet Water
The vinyl
Tasty treats.

These are all smaller venues we can try and stuff.   

On another note Ice Cream is way better than cake. 

Mon Aug 27 14:42 2007
Thanks everyone!  

Here's a laugh for ya...once upon a time I was picking out shots on my I'm picking out deserts!  Ha!  Funny how things change!  Of
course, I love these days and damn sure don't miss the hangover days!!  


Sun Aug 26 22:40 2007
When you get a chance put Russ' picture on the Myspace acct so it will balance out.


Fri Aug 24 09:46 2007
I was waiting for a final version.. i really just put this one up as a place
holder.. I had altered the code, and without a pic there it looked broken.

This weekend we'll work on trying to get a good pic of him for the final
version. We also need to get a new band photo.. If anyone has a black sheet,
bring it!


Thu Aug 23 23:51 2007
Bob, you need to add Russ' pic the myspace page. It's still just his name and no


Thu Aug 23 18:32 2007
Russ, also bring over as much of your gear as possible so I can get pics to add
to the equipment page.


Thu Aug 23 12:50 2007
Russ, I need a Bio from ya for your profile page.. And you too Ryan!!


Wed Aug 22 23:21 2007
Damn thing it's before midnight I realized I forgot to tell karen....HAPPY
FREAKIN BIRTHDAY  TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RAF and Family

Wed Aug 22 22:14 2007
Happy Birthday Karen and Russ!


Wed Aug 22 21:19 2007

RAF and Family

Wed Aug 22 19:46 2007
Hey i also want to wish Karen and, russle happy birthdays. And to say that
Russ's pic looks Great and i agree with what has been said about the
mix......... AND WOW bob actually said his volume needs to come down MAN OH MAN


Wed Aug 22 18:49 2007
Ok, I have a rough version of a band header up on the band page, and used the
current pic I made for Russ there. 

We need a new group shot. The one we took the other day was too uneven in the
lighting to be useful.


Wed Aug 22 12:58 2007
Well, I had a great teaser planned for the fans to keep them on the edge of
their seats. If anyone was listening to the MP3 radio station for a short time
they got a small taste of our jam session this past sunday. No sooner had I put
it up and posted the announcement of the sneak preview on the wall, I remembered
we play our cover songs during the session.. Since I don't feel like getting
sued into the dirt because we dared to air ourselves playing a song someone else
wrote 25 years ago, I took it back down..

Sorry guys.. Don't blame me, blame the ridiculous copyright laws on the books
that gives people a virtually unlimited copyright..


Wed Aug 22 12:43 2007
Happy Birthday to my loving wife Karen and my good friend Russ!


Wed Aug 22 10:04 2007
Happy Birthday Karen!!

B,K,C, and T!

Tue Aug 21 21:38 2007
Bob dude that picture is awesome!!  I am happy with that but if you want to do 
the hand on the leg that would be cool too.  Either way great job.  I am really 
impressed.  On another note is that women seeing anyone? 


Tue Aug 21 18:19 2007
I want to get a new pic of him looking at her and his right hand on her thigh.


Tue Aug 21 17:55 2007
That is a good picture to work with Bob!!!


Tue Aug 21 17:53 2007
OMG!!!!!!!! Bob said he needs to turn down..... This is the official notice that
the world will end tomorrow and hell has already started to freeze!!!!!!!


Tue Aug 21 16:31 2007
The video came out pretty good.. Really the only improvements I could see would
be bringing the vocals down just a touch, me down a touch, ryan's kick drum up
(we need to cut the hole!) and john up a whole lot.

Russ, I made a pic for you but I want your stamp of approval before I put it up
anywhere official. I put it in the image gallery on page 9. We can take a new
picture if you want. I have a really good idea of how to really exploit that
picture with a new picture.

The one in the image gallery should give you a good basis to start from though.


Tue Aug 21 00:48 2007
After we cut the tracks out..... forgot to mention that earlier.


Tue Aug 21 00:29 2007
I have listened to the rehearsal track from last night. The mix is off a
little.... but we are getting closer to getting a really good mix for an overall
recording. John is hidden and Russ' vocals are still a little too much. Bob
needs to come down a touch more. Ryans' drums need to be brought out a little
more. Mine and Russ' guitars are good as far as volume but my guitar needs a
little tweaking on the sound as far as lows and mids. Once we correct these the
mix will be almost  good enough to put on the myspace account or even the web
site for demo purpose only.


Fri Aug 17 23:12 2007
Fuck modesty!!!! The song Russ and John wrote is brutal for someone that has had
as much damage to their hands as I have. My fingers don't bend that way as easy
as they used to.

The moral to this story.... Don't hurt your hands if you play guitar or bass,
you might have to move your fingers in strange directions at a high rate of speed.


Fri Aug 17 17:12 2007
OK, then we need someone to take the picture.


Fri Aug 17 17:00 2007
Guys, we need to get a full band picture this weekend, and also need to get a
pic of Russ for the band page.


Fri Aug 17 09:55 2007
Really? I think maybe you shouldn't publicly air the things you 2 are up to.. I
mean.. How about a little modesty!


Thu Aug 16 22:38 2007
My friggin fingers hurt Russ......


Thu Aug 16 17:42 2007
Ok, most of them are in the repository.. I went through and fixed most of the
typos and added attribution..


Thu Aug 16 15:12 2007
I sent you the Lyrics 


Wed Aug 15 18:15 2007
I wasnt saying you ya buttplug, it was directed in genreal.


Wed Aug 15 14:06 2007
Get to splicing!! I'm not the only one with a computer!


Wed Aug 15 13:18 2007
Hence why ya need to splice it up into something that is worth listening to.


Wed Aug 15 09:55 2007
It's 2.5 hours long. A CD will only hold 80 minutes..


Wed Aug 15 07:36 2007
hey can i get someone to burn me a copy of the recording we did last sunday.... 
i have heard it and it sounds good but i want a cd so i can listen to it in the 
car or anywhere besides my computer.  So if i can get some to burn it for me 
that be great THANKS


Tue Aug 14 22:42 2007
An ingenious ploy!


Tue Aug 14 12:20 2007
Well, you're my dedicated groupie =)

Russ plans to get on stage and announce that he's the only single guy in the
band so all the girls should only bother trying to see him after the show.


Tue Aug 14 07:41 2007
Will that make us girls groupies?  That sounds fun ;)


Mon Aug 13 11:32 2007
Rehearsal last night was a lot of fun. For those who know where to look, it's
posted on the server. 2.5 hours worth of our practice! 

We are working hard on improving our existing material and writing new material
as well. If all goes well, we should have final mix versions of some of our
songs on the site in the next 2 months, and possibly most of the album by year end.

Also, keep your eyes and ears open, because Delusional Mind may be playing in
Atlanta area clubs in the next couple of months.

Keep checking back here for details. We'll post when and where we are going to
be playing.

It's an exciting time for the Delusional Mind.


Sun Aug 12 15:13 2007
I'm looking for a good pic of a stake on a hill.. Then I'll be pretty much done.


Thu Aug 9 23:01 2007
When are you gonna finish the artwork for You Stand Accused Bob?


Thu Aug 9 20:51 2007
Yeah he had a rough concept done but didnt really like it so he is starting over.


Thu Aug 9 17:54 2007
John, have you had any movement on getting that artwork done for Edge of Lunacy?


Thu Aug 9 07:54 2007


Wed Aug 8 23:47 2007
 I tried to find the power tab site but it doesn't look anything like the one I
have used before. Link it for me so I can find it again.


Wed Aug 8 18:17 2007
I was going to say that!


Wed Aug 8 11:24 2007

Mon Aug 6 23:34 2007
Another link for you to add Bob.


Sun Aug 5 13:49 2007
The concert last night was kick ass... to say the least. After the first 2 bands
came up and did their sets Manic took the stage and began their assault.
They basically took the audience chewed them up and spit them out and then
stomped on them. They were fantastic, full of extreme energy and showmanship. I
personally had a fuckin blast!  The Papa Luigi Project also had a really good
set. They played exceptionally well and the harmony guitars were of Maiden
quality. All in all it was a fantastic time had by all.


Sat Aug 4 18:19 2007
Ok, Rick's effects processor is now on his amp gear page. 

I'm patiently waiting to get off work so I can head down to the Manic show.


Fri Aug 3 13:34 2007
We got Rick's part of Day Of Rain recorded, for the most part. We were unable to
get After Me recorded because, well, Rick sucks..

Anyway, we also took some pics to work on the artwork for You Stand Accused..


Thu Aug 2 14:03 2007
Russ, can you type up the lyrics for Day Of Rain and After Me and email them to
me so I can stick em in the lyrics database..

Also, remind me this weekend to set up your email account.


Thu Aug 2 09:46 2007
I didn't record the last part yet anyway.. I need the guitar there to groove to
or else it doesn't sound right..


Thu Aug 2 00:48 2007
Yes Bob redo your part for Day of Rain with the new harmony. You recorded your
part before we added it.


Wed Aug 1 22:59 2007
Yes, don't be recoring the wrong one!


Wed Aug 1 18:49 2007
Make sure you are recoring the new harmony to Day of Rain.


Wed Aug 1 17:42 2007

Wed Aug 1 13:42 2007
Rick, if you can, come over tomorrow night, NOTE I WILL EAT DINNER BEFORE WE
START SO EAT DINNER BEFORE YOU COME OVER, so we can record some. Also come
prepared to take some pictures and crap for singles art, etc. We'll put 1.5 to 2
hours into it. We should be able to get Day Of Rain and After Me done in that time. 

I recorded my parts for both songs in about 30 minutes.


Tue Jul 31 23:14 2007
I just like to confirm my knowledge.


Tue Jul 31 22:40 2007
Rick- why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?

Tue Jul 31 19:22 2007
Kristi.... Does he bitch like this all the time????? hehehe


Tue Jul 31 19:10 2007
Well, if you were the person that the song is supposed to be about, you would be
happy to have your freedom I suppose.

Tue Jul 31 18:48 2007
That computer is at home, currently turned off.. If it was running I would have
put it up from work while on lunch or something.. 

I could turn it on as I went out the door in the morning, but then I have to
burn a steady 300-500W all day long, just to get a pic off the drive. 

I'll get to it eventually. Probably no later than Saturday. I have to work
Saturday and it's mind numbingly boring anyway so I'll probably leave it on so I
can work on it from here..

As far as the Internet Explorer issue is concerned: is all of humanity to toil
under an electronic tyranny forever, simply because we're too stupid/lazy to
spend 5 minutes downloading a completely free program that actually does what
it's supposed to?

Would you stay in a room where some ass hat nailed you in the head with a hammer
every 2 minutes when all you had to do was open the door and walk out? 

BTW, Kristi came up with an interesting idea for the lyrics on nameless. I need
to get with Russ so we can work out the lyrics to fit with the music.

I'm a little concerned that the music is a little too happy and festive for the
topic though.. 


Tue Jul 31 18:16 2007
Hey Bob,
 The other day you and I took pictures of my processor and downloaded them to
your computer. I know you have them because the pictures of Russell were in that
particular download. As far as Microsoft is concerned.... You have to expect
that the everyday computer user has some version of windows on their computer
and you are just going to have to accept that. Not everyone is as fluent in
computers as you are....mainly because we don't give a fuck, in general, I hate
computers except for the fact that I have to use them for work and we need them
to get our music out there to the public, Simply put, quitcherbitchen and post
the pic of the processor.......PRETTY FUCKIN PLEASE!!!!!!


Tue Jul 31 15:13 2007
The "norm" is the standards set by the bodies that govern how the internet
works. Everyone else plays by the rules, except Microsoft. I already revamped
the Band page to work correctly even in that broken POS browser. The Play button
on the music page will never be fixed because IE has a broken object model and I
don't feel like recoding from the ground up because MS can't follow a simple

If you want to play the songs in the browser, use a decent browser. If you're
determined to use IE, download the files and enjoy.


Tue Jul 31 14:30 2007
Well I suppose thats the price for deviating from the norm.


Tue Jul 31 12:26 2007
Well, I got a chance to look at the site in IE 7 last night, and found that it
is still too horribly broken to properly display a standards compliant web site
like this one.. So, I'm going to have to spend some time bastardizing the code
on the site to get it to work acceptably in that hellhole of company's broken
POS browser.


Mon Jul 30 19:31 2007
If anyone wants to know what processor I am using, it's a Boss GT-8. If you
would like more info go to our links page and go to the Boss website. They have
a video presentation on this kick ass processor ( Thanks again John!!! )


Mon Jul 30 14:56 2007
It's all part of the same point though.
I have my reasons for running everything in the environment I do.

And the fact this site is hosted in a unix environment has nothing to do with
putting his picture up in the gear page. 

He has a camera.

He has the same graphics software I use on his computer.. It's all free baby!!

Changing the picture in his page is as simple as dumping the image file in the
right directory on the server, and changing the name of the file to be displayed
in the HTML file. It's mind numbingly easy. I just haven't had time to do the
graphics work because I'm using all my free time getting Russ added to
everything, and practicing on my bass!


Mon Jul 30 14:38 2007
Thats not the point I was going for and you know it.


Mon Jul 30 14:00 2007
And how often does the site go down?


Mon Jul 30 13:41 2007
Russ's Pick = Alice in Chains - We Die Young


Mon Jul 30 13:37 2007
Your the one that insists on having everything in Unix, so.....


Mon Jul 30 13:02 2007
Rick, Ryan, and myself had the pleasure of attending the rehearsal of Russ's
other Band, Manic, on Saturday. In turn, Vic and Bob of Manic attended ours on

It was a lot of fun, and it served to inspire the heavier side of our style.

In other news, Rick and John have again changed their cover songs.

As of now the covers I know of are:
Bob's pick: Iron Maiden - To Tame A Land
John's pick: Metallica - Creeping Death
Rick's Pick: Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
Russ's pick: Alice In Chains - (I really don't know which one yet)
Ryan's pick: Tool - Schism


Mon Jul 30 10:47 2007
When you learn how to do it yourself, then you can complain!


Sun Jul 29 01:30 2007
Bob, Where's the pic of my processor?



Fri Jul 27 09:52 2007
Yep.. I can feel it in my bones..


Thu Jul 26 13:47 2007
Happy-B day Bob, you old bastard!


Thu Jul 26 09:23 2007
Yes thats much better Bob.


Wed Jul 25 23:12 2007
Yes, that is much better.  I actually agreed w/Rick.  It was scary!


Wed Jul 25 17:03 2007
I added a little instruction line to the Band page.. Is that better?


Tue Jul 24 20:48 2007
Yes... I figured it out but you might add something to point that out to site


Tue Jul 24 16:01 2007
Did you happen to try pointing your mouse at it?


Tue Jul 24 15:59 2007

Tue Jul 24 15:43 2007
Ok Bob, I checked it using Firefox and the Band Page is Blank except for the header.


Tue Jul 24 11:18 2007
I changed the band page in preparation for adding Russ. Check it out and let me
know if you see any major issues. If you're using Internet Explorer 6 and it
looks wrong, I don't care!


Mon Jul 23 15:02 2007
Welcome to the family man..

I've updated the image on the front page to add Russell. There are a couple of
pics of him in the Image Gallery, and I've added him to the band history page.
I'll need some time to get the band page updated. I'll have to redo the banner
and figure out an intersting way to handle 5 images.


Sun Jul 22 22:30 2007
Bob, Rick, John and Ryan would like to announce that we have found a
singer!!!!!!!! (bout damn time!!) Please welcome to Delusional Mind Russell
Eldridge. Russell is also the singer/songwriter for Manic. He will be pulling
double duty performing with both bands, but we couldn't pass up the talent and
musical input he will be bringing to the band. As well as singing he is also an
accomplished guitarist and will be adding to the instrumentals.

So everyone please join us in welcoming Russell to the Delusional Mind family.


Sat Jul 21 10:41 2007
Bob, get a photo of Rick's effects processor and other things.


Sat Jul 21 09:31 2007
Way to go!


Fri Jul 20 20:34 2007
Bob, I'm reminding you that we need to get new photos of my new effects
processor and other things.


Fri Jul 20 18:24 2007
Rick, this weekend we need to get a photo of your new effects board, and other
things.. Remind me!


Thu Jul 19 16:00 2007
Karen and the baby are doing good.


Thu Jul 19 00:16 2007
Bob must have been playing on the Myspace page....... 
John call me sometime tomorrow afternoon....How's Karen and the kids?


Wed Jul 18 18:14 2007
I was going to say that!

Wed Jul 18 17:13 2007

Tue Jul 17 19:11 2007
OK..... I don't wear panties..... And if you are thinking about me wearing
panties, then maybe you have some issues that you need to discuss with someone
in the mental health profession. Aside from that, The reason I asked him is
because no one else has a clue what Bob has on his mind besides Computers.
So....Bob when you get a chance call me.

Cya later,


Tue Jul 17 12:29 2007
Maybe he'll do it right about the time you get your panties out of a wad about 

Mon Jul 16 23:41 2007
I still haven't got them downloaded completely. It ties up my computer and we
can't get anything else done. When are you going to announce the addition to the
band? Or do you want me to do it?


Mon Jul 16 23:17 2007
Positive, because I stopped that after I got to work.


Mon Jul 16 20:46 2007
You sure it wasn't what you were downloading?


Mon Jul 16 18:35 2007
Man, you guys are slowing down the site downloading from the server.. 


Mon Jul 16 01:35 2007
I tried to download those files Bob, I never got them, couldn't get past 14%.
Make me a disk or let me know and I'll bring one over and copy it.


Fri Jul 13 21:54 2007
Sunday at 5:30... I'm going early to teach Bob the bass line to breaking the law.
I'm then going to pick up Russel and bring him to practice.


Fri Jul 13 11:41 2007
I'm off both days this weekend. So Rick and Ryan, what day do you guys want to jam?


Wed Jul 11 12:02 2007
Grats guys on the new carpet critter!! Gonna have to make room on the Family
Image Gallery for more pictures!

from Bob, Kristi, Caine, and Tiffany

Mon Jul 9 18:27 2007
CONGRATULATIONS to John and Karen!!!!!!! Baby Logan is here!!!!!!

Rick, Phyllis, Savanah, Bailey, Meghan and Dale.

Sun Jul 8 18:28 2007


Sun Jul 8 10:07 2007
Thanks for the comments! We are working hard recording all our existing catalog
again, with better sound, and with Ryan pounding the drum lines out. We're also
actively auditioning singers. We've come across some promising candidates, and
we're confident this void will be filled in the next few weeks.. 

Believe me when I tell you I personally want a singer, not a screamer. I like a
little grit in the voice when it's called for, but growling is not what I'm
after.. Keep checking back from time to time. As we get the old songs remastered
and the new songs recorded, they'll be showing up on the site.


Sat Jul 7 21:35 2007
Nice riffs, I was scanning the metal channels on and found you. Sounds
like music from Sauerbraten. Things will change for you and your sound once you
get a singer, or one of you attempts to sing. I wouldn't go the death metal zero
talent screaming route. You won't sell many CDs that way let alone get a record
deal. Good luck, hope you can get the real drums into the recordings, the
computer sounds so lame, like Crossfade's 1st album. lol Peace ;)

Fri Jul 6 22:26 2007
Fuck it I'll say what I have to say tomorrow night.


Fri Jul 6 09:54 2007
No.. that would be brown.. Unless there's something very wrong with you, then it
it could be red.. But that would be bad..


Fri Jul 6 08:45 2007 looks like shit!

Thu Jul 5 17:44 2007
I see.


Thu Jul 5 15:46 2007
I was poking fun at Karen for mentioning it..


Thu Jul 5 15:36 2007
So then what was the point of changing the color in the first place?


Thu Jul 5 10:36 2007
And now back to red like it's supposed to be..


Wed Jul 4 15:07 2007
Ok, now it's a very light shade of grey.. Is that better?

Not that it matters, I'll be setting it back to red soon..


Tue Jul 3 20:39 2007
Try a different color...Hell white was better than this shit!


Tue Jul 3 17:18 2007
Also, no jamming on the 4th guys. Spending the day with the wife and kids, not
the band.. 

In site news, I finally got around to going through every single page on the
site and fixing all the deprecated HTML issues and crap. Every page on the site
I wrote, or wrote the program that generates it, now certifies HTML 4.01
transitional compliant per the W3C.

I still have a little more to clean up as I'm aiming for eventual XHTML 1.0
strict compliance.


Tue Jul 3 17:04 2007
How about flamer pink?


Tue Jul 3 16:42 2007
The blue looks gay. Go back to white.


Tue Jul 3 12:37 2007
No, blue isn't gonna work.  What about black or white?

We're on the countdown...not counting today, 5 more days and Logan is here! 


Tue Jul 3 10:17 2007
Guess that's what I get for taking color advice from someone who is color
blind.. Anyone else want to go into convulsions after reading this?


Tue Jul 3 09:55 2007
Well I don't like the blue too much personally..


Tue Jul 3 01:53 2007
White lettering is a little too much Bob, try a shade of blue. It might contrast
on the red better.


Mon Jul 2 18:51 2007
Well, as well as playing bass my brother is also the terms and conditions
reader. In a way I guess that's a good thing. The other bands may not have read
the T and C Bob. 


Mon Jul 2 18:12 2007
I read the terms on that hardaxe site and I'm not going to sign up or upload any
of our stuff to it. We basically have to sign over any and all rights to our
music to the point they could take our music, make an album from it, put it in
every record store in the world and rake in the cash, never having to pay us a
single red cent for the priviledge. 

I don't need them that badly.. 

I find it hard to believe any band would accept those terms just for a few MB of
web space.. Even myspace isn't that draconian in their terms of service.


Mon Jul 2 16:41 2007
And to explain the reason the site was so red;

Our first album is named Insanity's Realm. The title song on the album is about
a guy who has a nightmare about the world ending in a flood of blood, then wakes
up to find blood red clouds gathering in the sky..

Hence, the album cover is an ocean of blood with a red sky, and the site is
modeled after the album cover.

Anyway, the beauty of CSS shows itself in the fact I can change something like
the color of all the text on the site by editing a few lines in a file!


Mon Jul 2 16:29 2007
He lives in his own wonderful world. Well, if the site was too red, how is it now?


Mon Jul 2 16:06 2007
What fantasy world are you living in???????


Sun Jul 1 15:37 2007
I think they would let me have it cause I'm so damn charming and nice.


Sat Jun 30 22:46 2007
Hmmm Rick.  See, the problem with that is I bet they would want you to pay money
for it.  Some people suck that way.


Sat Jun 30 22:28 2007
Copy the link Matt made and get us on there, John that guitar kicks total ass
and I want one..... NOW!!!!!!


Sat Jun 30 21:31 2007
WOW, 2 post, 1 night. hehe..have you all seen this?


Sat Jun 30 18:56 2007
Hey gang. Its been awhile. Thought you all might like this. This is the guitar 
I was talking about John.

Everyone take care and see you all later


Sat Jun 30 00:32 2007
Man this sucks I finally get DSL at my house and something somewhere is F"d up.
I can't even get certain pages to load.


Fri Jun 29 17:12 2007
The new background on here sucks!  Damn Bob...there's a lot of Red.  Is there
something we should know...?!  ha!

Fri Jun 29 13:49 2007
BTW, it appears jam session this weekend is Sunday at 5ish..


Fri Jun 29 12:14 2007
Hah! Cool, I will be sure to check it out Sunday night.

Ya dude, dont know whats up with the computers.


Fri Jun 29 09:48 2007
Hmm, well it's kinda odd that every machine I've tried it on, even several here
at work, works just fine.. I'll have to look at your computers to see what's wrong.


Fri Jun 29 09:46 2007
John, I forgot to tell ya, and I forget every time we talk, so here... This
Sunday at 11pm on Cartoon network they are showing a Star Wars themed Robot


Thu Jun 28 23:55 2007
And why has the text size gone from normal to enormous?


Thu Jun 28 23:53 2007
I didn't use explorer I used firefox and I also downloaded the java scripts 
when it promted me. So it doesn't work.


Thu Jun 28 22:54 2007
I'll reiterate, if you use a broken browser, like Internet Explorer, you
shouldn't expect anything to work right..

And I wasn't too expectant it would work very well on Win98 anyway.

You probably need to install Java on your machine Rick. I don't even know if Sun
supports windows 98 anymore..


Thu Jun 28 22:32 2007
It didn't work.... and as far as slackers.... the picture of my new effects 
proccessor is still not on the equipment page. Oh my DSL is up and running btw.


Thu Jun 28 17:22 2007
You have to use a computer that doesn't suck first!

Anyway, John, you need to update your bio as it ends with Mouse still in the
band, same with you Rick, and Ryan.. well.. Where's that email with yours in it!?!?!

Slackers all!!


Thu Jun 28 17:18 2007
I have to see it work before I can comment on it.


Thu Jun 28 16:30 2007
Don't everyone comment on the new music player at once!


Tue Jun 26 16:03 2007
Alrighty then...

Anyway, I have the music page setup so you can now play the songs within the
browser window without having to use an external media player. It's a java
applet, which is a little buggy, but it works well enough. The player will show
up at the bottom of the page so if you scroll down to the bottom you will see
it. Abuse it for me and let me know about any issues you find with it.

The other nice thing is the applet will also play theora video files in the
browser, so we'll be able to host some lower res video on the site.
I already have one of our jam videos up, but you need to know where to go to get
to it =)


Tue Jun 26 14:26 2007
I work 10-6 every Saturday intil baby gets here. I am working extra hours to
make up for the time I have to take off for the baby. Since Im still not
considered full time at KSM, I dont get vacation, so I have to eat every day i
take off.


Tue Jun 26 09:48 2007
Well, what about Saturdays?


Mon Jun 25 19:43 2007
Well I am working every Sunday untill Logan is born. If we just focus on 
recording, then you guys can start early and I can just lay down my track when 
I get there at 5:30.


Mon Jun 25 17:40 2007
I'm working on adding the ability to play our songs, and eventually some video
within the browser, with no need for an external media player or codecs to be
installed. All you'll need is Java. Expect the music page to look a little weird
for the next few days while I add in the code to handle this.


Mon Jun 25 15:20 2007
Sunday was fun guys. Maybe next weekend we can start earlier. I get the sneaky
suspicion we will need to redo the recordings of everyone's part due to the
apparent clipping on some of the tracks we did last time. We did record Ryan's
drums as a test and after mastering that track it sounds really good.


Fri Jun 22 09:44 2007
Ok, I guess Sunday at 5:30 it is..


Thu Jun 21 19:46 2007
I work 1-5 on Sunday so I will be there at 5:30


Thu Jun 21 18:20 2007
Ok, Rick needs the jam session to be on Sunday this weekend. I'm off both days
so I'm open for whatever. John and Ryan, input!


Thu Jun 21 16:20 2007
Right on. Cant wait for my boy to get here!!!!


Thu Jun 21 11:51 2007
We'll come annoy you after a day or 2 in the hospital. Can't wait to see the
little bugger =)


Thu Jun 21 10:26 2007
Eighteen more days and Baby Logan will be here!!  Woohoo!  We are so excited!! :-)

We're scheduled for a 6:45 AM delivery on Monday, July 9th, at Northside
Hospital.  We have to be there at 4:30 AM...not like we'll sleep the night
before anyway!

I'm pretty sure he's taking after his Da-Da...I can tell he's going to be longer
than Dreah was at birth...I'm full and he's still growing!  ha!


Wed Jun 20 23:43 2007
Naa... Haven't had time to really mess with it. 


Wed Jun 20 20:44 2007
OK have you fixed ardour yet?


Tue Jun 19 20:51 2007
ROFL!!!  I didn't even get through the first paragraph!  More DNS crap... 


Sat Jun 16 11:35 2007
Bob's 30min disertation on how to turn on a light switch.


Sat Jun 16 10:32 2007
Well, I removed some CSS filters from the graffiti wall and music pages. Their
effect on the visual layout were minimal but they caused Firefox to be
incredibly slow when scrolling the page. In the end I decided to remove them
because the effects they produced weren't worth the screen lag they generated.
My bet is no one will notice they're missing.

I'm also toying with adding fixed background textures to the tables. All this is
of course very broken in Internet Explorer 6 since it's an atrocity of a browser
that never should have been released. 

My plan is to make these textures based on our songs. The current one is based
on a song I'm writing for the album entitled "You Stand Accused". Once we have
more created I will set the server to cycle through them hourly.


Wed Jun 13 12:30 2007
Thats a bummer. I use to love his show.


Wed Jun 13 11:06 2007
Sad news. Mr. Wizard has died. 
He helped light the fire of inspiration for many children who grew to be
scientists and engineers.


Mon Jun 11 13:04 2007
I thought the same kernal was on both machines???
Its a odd issue to say the least. I would guess that would be the way the sound 
card is reading it, but it could be the Jack program itself interacting with 
the different sound cards, if that makes any sense. hehehe. I know you will 
finger it out though.


Mon Jun 11 12:33 2007
Nope. Still working on it.. Once Kristi came home I abandoned my efforts for the
evening. I have a few ideas though. I did find that the onboard audio chipset is
locked at 48KHz sampling rate and ALSA should upsample to that rate. I'm
thinking the daemon is just having issues getting the capabilities it needs from
the kernel. I'll work on it more.. I would really rather do the final mixing and
mastering on that machine.


Mon Jun 11 10:57 2007
Any luck with the frequency issue Bob?


Fri Jun 8 13:43 2007
Stuff and Things!


Thu Jun 7 15:59 2007
Practice will be on Saturday. Rick and John come over around 3pm. We're going to
lay down some tracks. Ryan will get there after 5pm.


Tue Jun 5 10:41 2007
This was sent to our myspace account. Posting it here for general consumption:

 	Hi dudes! I'm jimi (formerly from marietta lol) My good friend russel in Manic
told me about y'all & how y'all were looking for a singer for your band! Well,
I've been a singer for many, many years, but have never really found the right
band to sing w/. I'm currently in a local rock/metal cover band called The
Velveeta Brothers, granted I love what we are doing, but I honestly & truly
wanna sing for an awesome Power/Prog Metal band more than anything!!! My fave
singers & singers that highly influenced me are Paul Di'Anno, Bruce Dickinson(UP
THE IRONS! :D) Rob Halford(The Metal God!), Dio, Geoff Tate, Eric Adams (Manowar
The Kings Of Metal!), Jon Oliva (The ORIGINAL Mountain King!), Matt "fucking"
Barlow (Iced Earth Rule!) I'm also highly influenced by Geddy Lee, Jim Morrison
& Glenn Danzig, Layne Staley, & Chris Cornell, I know these are not metal
singers, but I do appreciate a great voice as well as heaviness & technicality!
I'm also a huge Rush fan also & love just about EVERY and I do mean EVERY Good
Power Metal band I hear! So I guess you could say I eat, sleep & drink Power
Metal 24/7! :D Anyhoo, just message me back & let me know when & where exactly
y'all practice & shit, I'd really love the oppurtunity to auditition for you
guys! okay? Oh one more thing, I'll just bet john has just as many Maiden shirts
as I do now! lol ;) (I currently have about 30 something so far!)
Thanks & keep the flame of Metal alive!

Mon Jun 4 13:28 2007
Good from what I heard from Ryan and Rick. Went really smooth.


Mon Jun 4 09:56 2007
So how did the move go guys?


Thu May 31 19:26 2007
Good stuff man!


Thu May 31 18:45 2007
For those who know where to look, I finished the lyrics for There and Back
Again. Take a look and tell me what you think.


Thu May 31 15:46 2007
Back to the grind.


Wed May 30 12:51 2007
Sometimes I wonder if its enough to keep me here though.


Tue May 29 09:51 2007
That would be money.


Mon May 28 13:44 2007
Bored at work today!!!
Why am I here again???


Mon May 28 00:22 2007
I like to make things very clear.

Anyway, we just passed 3500 unique visitors to the site.


Sat May 26 12:00 2007
HAHA, when has Bob ever given a simply explanation?????? He always has to give 
a 30min disertation on how to turn on a light!!!


Fri May 25 21:00 2007
Blah blah blah...... so much info..... keep it simple we are recording again....
expect newer versions of our allready recorded material.... live drummer 
instead of a compter... nuff said.


Fri May 25 17:12 2007
To keep our hordes of fans updated:

We're about to start the process of recording all our songs again under a
completely free environment. Expect the updated versions to be a little
different in places as solos have evolved, bass lines have evolved, we've
switched over to recording the guitars via microphones to give them more life,
and there is a real live person playing the drums instead of my trusty computer.
We're moving from the proprietary Cakewalk platform to Ardour, Rosegarden, and
Jamin, all running under Linux, for recording and mastering our music.

Once we get the songs recorded and mastered, we'll start posting them to the
site and on the radio stations.


Mon May 21 10:48 2007
Good jam session on Saturday guys.. I had a lot of fun.
It's looking like this coming weekend will be a Saturday night jam. Something
like 6 to 8:30 or so.


Thu May 17 09:48 2007
Ok, jam session is Saturday at 5. John and Rick can come over at 3:30 or 4 and
we'll work on writing or something.


Tue May 15 17:25 2007
Ryan said he could only do it on Saturday this week, so sounds like Saturday is
the plan, he will be there at 5. I get off work at 2 so the 3 of us can work on
stuff until Ryan gets there.


Tue May 15 11:35 2007
ok guys.. lets hear input on what time to jam this weekend.
i'm off both days. john gets off at 2pm sat and is off sunday.
that's all i know at the moment.


Fri May 11 16:23 2007


Wed May 9 18:00 2007
It's the real "you're married" anniversary.

Buy a house with a basement so we can all come over and make ridiculous amounts
of noise, and piss off your neighbors for a change!! 


Wed May 9 15:15 2007
Ahhh...isn't that sweet!  Is this the first anniversary of the first " I do's?"?

I'm sure John will be taking off practicing in July while we welcome Logan to
the World!  Won't be long now...:-)

Then we'll be putting this house up for sale - woohoo!  We already need more
room and we're expanding!  I'm hiring movers for the big stuff!!  F lift our
heavy-ass furniture!  

K - back to work now.  Just wanted to leave my mark as one of the wives!


Wed May 9 14:28 2007
Consider this notice guys.. No practice the 1st weekend in June. I have to work
that saturday and it's Kristi and my anniversary so the rest of the weekend I'm
spending with her.


Mon May 7 22:17 2007
You can get DSL at the new place?  I wouldn't think it would reach out there.

Mon May 7 21:29 2007
Once we get DSL at the house Phyllis will stop by more often.


Mon May 7 18:59 2007
Yeah well, you know.


Mon May 7 15:57 2007
This board just isn't anywhere near as entertaining since the wives stopped
posting as much =(


Wed May 2 22:14 2007
I'll play injured or not.....Pain is nothing to me.


Wed May 2 12:59 2007
Just have that wrist ready to jam on Sunday.


Tue May 1 22:44 2007
My wrist is not broken, just sprained. Thanks for all the help guys, if it 
hadn't been for you the move wouldn't have happened in time. We are now in the 
process of unpacking everything which takes a whole lot longer than the actual 
packing. Other than that everything is going great.


Thu Apr 26 11:59 2007
Happy B-day to Rick and John.. You old bastards!


Wed Apr 25 22:23 2007
Don't forget about the move on Sunday..... This weekend guys. I'll call you on 
Friday to remind you again.


Sun Apr 22 14:34 2007
Well it was definitely a short jam session yesterday.. The plan next weekend is
to get Ryan's drums fully miced with the new mics John bought. We'll see if we
can get a decent recording with the kit properly miced. If we can then expect
all the songs on the site to soon be replaced with new versions with the
computer generated drums replaced with real ones!


Fri Apr 20 17:12 2007
just another day to me now.. 

By the way, whatever we're doing jam wise this weekend will be tomorrow night
about 6ish.. I think Rick will be there earlier than that. I won't be home
before then most likely. John won't be there. Short session, etc.


Fri Apr 20 16:28 2007
My favorite day of the year!


Mon Apr 16 14:18 2007
Added some pictures to Rick's guitar page and my bass page of all our guitars
and basses together. Also, we rearranged the studio to more of a stage-like
layout. You can get somewhat of a feel for the new layout from the pics as well
if you are familiar with the studio.

The higher resolution versions are also posted in the Image Gallery. I'll get
new pics of the studio once everything has been finalized.


Sat Apr 14 18:31 2007
We are closing on our house on the 26th of April. We are moving the following 
weekend. We will be loading the heavy stuff on Sunday the 29th, John and Bob 
have already been enlisted, Ryan you're next. I am also going to get a couple 
guys from work to help. I will remind everyone a few days before the move so no 
one will forget. See ya Sunday for practice. 



P.S. There will be a house warming party a couple weeks after we move in. 

Fri Apr 13 15:02 2007
Ryan, what web browser are you using to post to the wall from? It's not
formating the data correctly and I have to go in and reformat your posts every
time to get them to fit in the table correctly.


Fri Apr 13 14:48 2007
Gary At Guitar Center Is Replacing All The Defective Parts On The Kit: The Rims
There Are Two Bent Rims  And The Snare Lug Will Be Replaced As  Well Plus Spare
Parts  Although Im Not Getting The Kit Replaced Its Good To Know That Something
 Is Being Done About It

Fri Apr 13 09:49 2007
It's looking like, if we're going to jam this weekend, it's going to be Sunday
evening. John will be unavailable during the day either day, and I have a
birthday party tomorrow evening. 

Ryan, how's the snare drum?


Tue Apr 10 19:38 2007
Ill check when Im at work tomorrow. It would prolly be a good idea for you to
call me and remind me.


Tue Apr 10 15:52 2007
I figured out the problem with the Dean 5 string and why it sounded so anemic.
The volume pot was toast and in effect had the preamp turned almost all the way
down. For now I soldered a jumper wire across the pot to short it out, which
effectively sets it to an unadjustable full volume. It now sounds really nice. 

John, I need a 30Kohm pot! How much?


Mon Apr 9 19:24 2007
I was going to post something humorous and funny but I forgot what it was.


Sat Apr 7 21:38 2007

Need your bio for the site!!!!!!!
No practice this weekend due to Easter holliday, but be ready next weekend.


Mon Apr 2 09:44 2007
Good jam on Sunday guys, other then the fact we suck.


Fri Mar 30 08:21 2007
I have her first year's wardrobe waiting!!  I just pulled a bunch of clothes out
of her armoir and she only wore some of them once!!  If I was having another
girl, I'd be set!  But, that's cool.  Looking forward to buy little boy stuff! 
Of John has his "Princess Leia and Luke"  Someone help me!!  LOL!!!


Thu Mar 29 21:18 2007
Actually it is today, the 29th, so you were right on time!


Thu Mar 29 10:17 2007
Happy Belated 1st Birthday to Tiffany!!  Wasn't it the 27th?


Thu Mar 29 08:45 2007
Sorry Guys My Bad Can We Play From Noon To Three My Other Plans Are Back On
    Again Sorry For Being So Wishy  Washy 

Thu Mar 29 08:26 2007
Band Practice Is Back On Guys So Sunday At What Time     Noon To Four?

Wed Mar 28 16:40 2007
Ryan, we still need you to write up a bio for your member page!


Mon Mar 26 14:04 2007
Good jam session on Sunday guys.. I had a lot of fun.


Fri Mar 23 17:30 2007
4-7pm Sunday guys.. Make your plans!


Wed Mar 21 13:34 2007
There's a concert in my basement every weekend.. Well, most weekends at least.


Wed Mar 21 11:59 2007
Yo....when is a concert scheduled?! I'm going out of my "Delusional" mind!!!!

Timothy Philip Craven

Mon Mar 19 16:03 2007
My new practice 5 string fretless is scheduled to arrive this week!

It's cheap, but hey, it's meant for me to beat the crap out of.


Fri Mar 16 22:12 2007
Welcome back!


Fri Mar 16 20:48 2007
After 6 months and going the distance with Bellsouth. I HAVE DSL!!!! 
This Internet thing is cool. Was this just created?


Fri Mar 16 19:29 2007
I'll be ready....


Fri Mar 16 15:59 2007
Looking like we're doing a Sunday evening jam this weekend guys.


Wed Mar 14 16:33 2007
...the less you care!  ha!


Tue Mar 13 09:49 2007
The more you know!


Sat Mar 10 11:37 2007
John enlightened me - I never thought about those eyes visiting the site!  Sorry
- now I know!  


Fri Mar 9 21:01 2007
No rude Fucking comments on the site....
Everyone play nice!!!



Fri Mar 9 17:13 2007
No, that's already public knowledge, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

I told John about it, if he remembers he can tell ya. Or I can tell ya later.


Fri Mar 9 13:48 2007
Yeah, so...what was said that is not for public knowledge?  Oh wait...I was about you being lazy!  LOL!


Thu Mar 8 09:56 2007
Wow.. Ok.. Remember this is a public forum and anyone can read it!!


Thu Mar 8 09:16 2007
Goodness...You would think they'd have an idea with seeing several cases!  If
not, they should be all over it in case it is something highly contagious!  How
does he feel?

Let us know what you find out.


Wed Mar 7 19:26 2007
Well, the pediatrician has no idea what he has. It could be chicken pox, but
they aren't positive.  Whatever it is, they have seen 3 cases of it this week. 
That tells me it is contagious whatever it is.  They said to watch him and see
tonight and in the morning, and if it gets worse I might should keep him home
tomorrow too, but if not he "should" probably be okay to go to school.  I really
don't want "shoulds" and "mights."  I need to know these things.  He is supposed
to go with his dad this weekend, but his stepmom is pregnant, and I don't want
to send him not knowing what he does or doesn't have.  I am thinking about
taking him to that kids urgent care over off Chastain to see if they can
actually give me a diagnosis.


Wed Mar 7 13:04 2007
Yikes!  Yeah, better stay away.  

Cool - keep us posted.


Wed Mar 7 11:32 2007
Looks like it may have to wait.  I have to take Caine to the doctor at 1:30
today.  I think he has chicken pox- yippie!!  He got the shot, but they say they
can still get a mild case.  It doesn't look too bad yet, but I just noticed it
yesterday.  Maybe I'll get lucky and it will be something else.  I can't imagine
all that time off work, because then you know Tiffany will get it.  That's like
two weeks or more out of work!  Anyway, preggos can't be around the pox, so that
will definitely do away with us getting together for awhile.  I'll update after
the doctor visit once I know for sure.


Wed Mar 7 08:22 2007
You think you have a lot...I have 6 or 8 boxes in the garage for you to go
through!  It's the older 1 year and up stuff.  Probably still a lot of pink, but
I tried to not buy so much.  Most all girl clothes come in it though.  We'll
have to get together soon and go through it all!  I'm open this weekend so far.
 I don't have much room here either and I'm trying to get the house ready to put
on the market so we can fill up new one!  The one thing I was planning on buying
new is an infant carrier.  But if we can find some energy for Bob, then we'll
use yours.  Have to tell him to "get the lead out" haha!

Dreah has found the walker and some other stuff in the garage and has been
sitting in them - it's so cute!  I'm not sure she quite understands she has a
baby brother on the way - it should be interesting.  She'll probably tell me to
take him back!  haha!

Let me know when you want to get together.


Mon Mar 5 22:50 2007
Well, I've been cleaning Tiffany's room again.  I have one question now...What
am I supposed to do with this holy (insert fowl language here) ton of baby girl
clothes in boxes all over the place?  Cuz Karen you know how many their were
when you gave them to me...well...add in two baby happy sets of grandparents and
OMG the clothes!!!  I went through them and took out any that could go for boys
and set them aside.  There weren't many to be honest.  Lots of pink and purple.

I have a baby tub and a bath ring too if you need them; and infant seat bases. 
Actually soon we'll have the infant seat free too.  Bob refuses to give it up
until he absolutely has to.  He's too lazy to work the other one.  Also, I have
your moblie too; the remote controlled one.  Tiff sure loved that thing bsck in
the day. It's hard to imagine she is almost a year old already!

Anyway...let me know what you want/need.  Most of it was yours anyway, and what
wasn't I'll be more than glad to part with at this point.  She is working real
hard on walking, and the less stuff for her to get in to the better :)  


Sat Mar 3 19:42 2007
There was spell check?!


Sat Mar 3 18:10 2007
You married me!

Anyway, webmail should be back up and upgraded to the latest greatest version.
Let me know if you find any problems. Spell checking is currently broken for
some reason. I checked and it was broken in the previous version as well.

Who knows.


Sat Mar 3 18:05 2007
I keep telling hum that...


Sat Mar 3 17:17 2007
Your Flaky!


Sat Mar 3 15:50 2007
I'm gonna be working on the webmail server this afternoon so if it's flaky,
that's why.


Sat Mar 3 10:33 2007
Oh no...I have to take some of the credit/blame!  She has a lot of me in her! :-)
Help us all!!!  LOL!


Fri Mar 2 19:29 2007
Are you sure she isn't a little bit(just a little bit) like a little Karen?  You
can't blame it all on John.  Well, you can I guess if you really want to.  Or,
you could just tell people that she came that way.  That's what I do :)

Seriously though...grats!  One of each is cool. There is a big difference though!


Fri Mar 2 13:11 2007
Congrats John And Karen .. Oh No A Little Johnny 

Fri Mar 2 11:50 2007
Yup - our package is now complete!  A little Karen and a little John!  Of
course, in our case they'll both be "little Johnnies!!!"  LOL!  Dreah is already
a mess!  She's well on her way to being a Daddy's Girl too!  I told him!!  :-)

Now to hope the little guy isn't a 10-pounder...!


Wed Feb 28 14:42 2007
Woot! You get the full package deal!


Wed Feb 28 13:05 2007


Wed Feb 28 12:19 2007
ITS A BOY!!!!!!


Mon Feb 26 18:18 2007


Mon Feb 26 14:48 2007
Yeah Boy!!!!!  New Rush album comes out May 1st!!!!


Sat Feb 24 13:40 2007
Fuck off Bob!


Fri Feb 23 10:20 2007


Thu Feb 22 17:02 2007


Thu Feb 22 13:49 2007
YO! WHAT'S UP?!!!!!


Wed Feb 21 16:15 2007


Wed Feb 21 14:35 2007
There's no cure for an empty head!


Mon Feb 19 14:10 2007
Probably should see a doctor Rick.


Sun Feb 18 14:26 2007
Sorry I couldn't make practice guys. My back is getting better and I will be 
ready next weekend. Bob have you been able to come up with a new configuration 
for recording?


Sat Feb 17 15:45 2007
I have commanded that no new gear pics go up until pictures of the baby go up
first.  There are like a million pictures of gear and the newest pictures of
Tiffany are from September or some crap.  So...tell him to get on it!!!!!!!!!!!


Fri Feb 16 18:30 2007
Well then hurry up and take some different pics and get them on the site!!!


Fri Feb 16 17:42 2007
BTW John, you suck at taking gear pictures. I'm gonna have to do take different
pics to use on the site.


Fri Feb 16 11:36 2007
Indeed!!!! :o)


Fri Feb 16 09:54 2007
Well.. Sounds like a good return on an investment to me! Cost ya nothing and you
got roses and chocolates out of it! WTG!!


Fri Feb 16 09:47 2007
I did!!  My Sweetie gave me red roses and a box of chocolates - YUMMY!!  :-)

I gave him..................a good time!  ha!


Thu Feb 15 14:03 2007
I hope everyone had a good valentine's day


Wed Feb 14 08:48 2007
Shake a leg Bob!


Mon Feb 12 19:07 2007
Get busy then!!!!


Mon Feb 12 17:26 2007
Gotta download em off the camera first.


Mon Feb 12 16:17 2007
Post them pics damnit!!!!


Thu Feb 8 13:54 2007
"good" as in better than before!  ha!


Thu Feb 8 09:48 2007
Depends on what you call "good"..

Ryan, you can start practicing after work now. Just remember to lock up when you


Thu Feb 8 08:48 2007
I have to admit I was floored that Bob was doing manual labor!!  And,
voluntarily doing it!  I had to check the interent for some type of catastrophic
happening in the world!  LOL!!  

I bet it looks good!


Thu Feb 8 07:24 2007
hey just curious.but now that part of the walls are done, does that mean i can 
practice or do i need to wait longer.... either way im in no hurry. i havent 
really had any spare time to do so, but let me know either way plz


Wed Feb 7 14:59 2007
Hey gang..I am so bored sitting here at work. So I decided to check out the 
wall... Thanks Bob, it was no problem and isn't that was family does. Oh by the 
way Still no Internet LOL tlak to everyone later


Mon Feb 5 14:51 2007
I am not a carpenter! We got most of the sheetrock hung and the door mostly
installed for the studio. Gotta thank Matt. He hung in there with us for a long

We're going to finish up on Tuesday. I'd say the next goal will be getting some
heating and air piped into the studio, then finishing the bathroom.

After that we'll finish the walls of the studio itself and do something with the
floors, then put in the drop ceiling and finish the last bits of the sound
proofing and acoustical damping.


Sat Feb 3 13:41 2007
Yeah it sucks.


Sat Feb 3 12:58 2007
I really hate working weekends =/


Fri Feb 2 19:02 2007
"You swing too hard, ASS!!!... I SWEAR!!!"


Fri Feb 2 10:44 2007
Yeah...Bring it!!! 


Wed Jan 31 17:30 2007
By all means.. Go there!!


Wed Jan 31 14:56 2007
I'm not even going there...

Tue Jan 30 10:02 2007
I'm all about heavy and fast.


Mon Jan 29 17:55 2007
I got something new to lay on you guys this weekend. Came up with it today. 
Very heavy, very fast....very cool.


Fri Jan 26 07:29 2007
hey starting saturday i have community service from ..9-5 and sunday 1-5 so we 
will be able to work around that schedule no prob.

Thu Jan 25 10:38 2007
True!  That's probably because "fun" has no price tag.  Hell, I remember
dropping $100 at the bars on the weekends - ha!  Of course, that did come with a
price...AKA HANG OVER!  LOL!


Wed Jan 24 15:30 2007
It's soooo easy to lose a ton of money in casinos. It's odd because you tend to
look at money differently when there. If you dropped $100 walking down the
street and figured out later it was gone you really feel it. If you lose $100 on
the roulette wheel it doesn't seem to sting quite as bad..


Wed Jan 24 13:34 2007
Vegas was a blast!!  My meeting went well too.  We didn't really win or loose. 
I hit on the slots, but only 70 and 80 bucks to which I immediately cashed in! 
John and I played roulette for about 3 hours - I at least walked away with most
of what I started with - it was fun!  Some dude walked up, laid $400 on black to
win an lost - he simply walked away like it was nothing.  I was like WTF dude -
give me that money if you don't need it!!  

We saw Carrot Top - left that show with our stomachs hurting from laughing so
hard!!  We also saw a Hypnosis Gone Wild XXX show.  Not much XXX about it just a
few sexual innunedoes...darnit!  

Back to reality...blah...

And John Jr., as I call it, is doing well!  I'm right at 14 weeks today.  It's
an active little guy.  We'll know for sure the sex next month.


Wed Jan 24 12:34 2007
Why not, we do for everything else.


Mon Jan 22 14:35 2007
Don't blame me.. 


Sun Jan 21 18:14 2007
just read the lyrics to 'you stand accused' Bob you are twisted!


Sat Jan 20 12:03 2007
4 straight hours at the craps table lastnight.....down 2 drinks
for 4 hours = slightly hammered John! :o)


Sat Jan 20 08:49 2007
Looking forward to it!! 1p till when? And are we gonna record??

Fri Jan 19 10:18 2007
I'm thinking we should jam at 1pm Sunday guys. John is just SOL since he'll be
on a plane at that time.


Thu Jan 18 19:44 2007
Well I st through an hour long lesson for the craps table so maybe that will help!


Thu Jan 18 14:13 2007
Hopefully John will avoid the craps!


Tue Jan 16 20:51 2007
yeah my chicken was quite delish.. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tue Jan 16 09:56 2007
I'm a carnivore. My system would have went into shock.. I admit..


Tue Jan 16 08:46 2007
ROFL!!  And your body would have went into convulsions!!


Mon Jan 15 12:17 2007


Mon Jan 15 10:16 2007
You could have had a salad...LOL!


Mon Jan 15 09:48 2007
mmm.. Prime Rib.. mmmm. hole in wallet...


Sun Jan 14 08:30 2007
thanks RICK and in case you were unaware we going to dinner tonight at 7:00 or 
so. We will be going to out back for ME B-DAY after practice


Sat Jan 13 15:17 2007
Happy get another year older day!


Thu Jan 11 21:44 2007
just wanted to say whats up guys and, that im having a somewhat party at my 
dads for my birthday.  I dont know what time it will be over but i would still 
like to mabey go out later that night, and would enjoy the company of the 
badest band in ATLANTA YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  PEACE


Thu Jan 11 09:51 2007
Look for a minimum of 6 months to go by before either happens. We are still
getting up-to-speed on the existing material, looking for a singer, and writing
the rest of the songs that would fill out an album.


Wed Jan 10 22:55 2007

any updates on when a CD is going to be cut, or if your gonna book any shows
anytime soon?


Wed Jan 10 18:45 2007
Because your a tool.


Wed Jan 10 18:07 2007
Why is it there always seems to be a new picture in the image gallery that 
consists of me flippin someone off?


Wed Jan 10 18:01 2007
How does the download counter look?


Mon Jan 8 18:48 2007


Mon Jan 8 11:09 2007
Added a couple more pictures to the image gallery.


Sat Jan 6 18:06 2007
Fixed. And we just passed 3000 unique visitors on the main page counter.


Sat Jan 6 17:53 2007
Bob and John's names are backwards.


Sat Jan 6 16:28 2007
Looks awesome!!

Fri Jan 5 15:42 2007

Fri Jan 5 13:52 2007
Much better!


Fri Jan 5 10:13 2007
I updated the band image on the main page. I also created a new banner image on
the band page which includes Ryan. Lemme know what you think.


Thu Jan 4 15:43 2007
You swallow!


Thu Jan 4 14:15 2007
You suck!


Thu Jan 4 12:59 2007
I work 10-6 on Saturday and 1-5 on Sunday.


Thu Jan 4 09:46 2007
I'm off both days, guess it depends on John's schedule.
Just copy em on your laptop and bring that over.


Wed Jan 3 17:49 2007
sure thing i was i would beable to get those to ya ill 
bring them with me on (?) what day have we decided to jam??

Wed Jan 3 16:54 2007
Ryan, make sure to bring me those pictures that were taken on your camera on
Monday. We need new pictures for the gallery!


Wed Jan 3 11:36 2007
Lets all make this a fantastic year!!!!!!


Tue Jan 2 09:50 2007
Happy New Year everyone. This year should see the release of our first album!


Sun Dec 31 14:21 2006
another graphic for the band.


Sun Dec 31 14:05 2006

Sun Dec 31 13:43 2006
You are more than welcome to use the image however you want.
Can't wait for the CD to be recorded and released.


Sat Dec 30 20:05 2006
Thanks man, I like the image as well....nice job. Hope you enjoy the music.
We will be recording soon and adding some more to the site. 


Sat Dec 30 12:37 2006
I fixed it so it would display correctly. Looks cool man..

Mind if I download it and add it to the Image Gallery?


Fri Dec 29 18:10 2006
hey- I made the image from scratch.  I'm a friend of Ryan's from his work.


Fri Dec 29 17:21 2006
Where the hell did that last post come from?


Fri Dec 29 16:49 2006

Fri Dec 29 09:50 2006
I'm all for starting early and playing most of the day. Rick has a guy that
wants to come sing for us so we'll also try to squeeze that in as well.

I can bet you're chomping at the bit to play man. I hate that you can't play
more often than we jam because the kit is in my basement. Finding a practice
space more accessible to you during the week is also on the agenda for this year.


Fri Dec 29 07:31 2006
ide like to play all day if at all possible... i got a digital camera xmas so 
there will be lots of new pix to be taken YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Fri Dec 29 07:29 2006
cant wait till monday........its really killing me not being able to play the 
DRUMS ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy its killing me.... how long have we decided to play??

Wed Dec 27 16:48 2006
And lots of it..


Wed Dec 27 16:11 2006
Stuff and Things!!


Tue Dec 26 10:54 2006
There are now an ungodly amount of pictures on the family site from John and
Karen's wedding.



Mon Dec 25 20:54 2006
Happy Holidays to all.......


Sun Dec 24 17:43 2006
Once you've logged into your webmail account from that machine it will remember
who you are and tell you if you have new email or any events listed on your
calendar that are coming up.


Sat Dec 23 18:34 2006
why does it say ryan's calendar at bottom?     and merry........... to 
everyone and even happier new year...

Fri Dec 22 19:56 2006
BAH HUMBUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fri Dec 22 10:03 2006
There won't be any jamming this weekend due to the Christmas holiday. Just way
too much running around to do for us all to mesh our schedules together. We
shall pick up again New Year's weekend.

Happy/Merry [insert holiday] to everyone!


Thu Dec 21 08:35 2006
Thanks!  It's still sinking in...

Those "tards" also schedule graduation the day after finals so if you're border
line on a really don't know if you're graduating, but get to go
through the motions!  How F Uped is that?!  But, I got 2B's and an A so it was
real for me - woohoo!

I did allow myself 1 glass of wine given my 'condition' :-)

Wed Dec 20 13:50 2006
They are tards on a grand scale!!!


Tue Dec 19 10:28 2006
Those tards over there...


Sun Dec 17 13:26 2006
Yeah, what tards schedule graduation during the day on a week day?  Not cool!


Fri Dec 15 22:02 2006
Congrats Karen!!!
hope to see ya'll soon!

Fri Dec 15 18:18 2006
Grats!! Now all we need is to get John's 15 year college education completed!!

I wanted to go, but who knew the bastards would schedule it during work hours..


Fri Dec 15 17:33 2006
Well, I finally did it...GRADUATED!!!!  Happy Dance!!!  Holly hell I didn't that
day would ever get here!  

Time for life now!  :-)


Wed Dec 13 15:43 2006
We've decided that when we start to play shows, we're going to likely have to
come off with at least a few cover tunes. To that end we have decided that each
person in the band will pick a song which we will cover. We're not a cover band,
and in general we would rather devote our time to composing and practicing our
own music. 

We're dedicating our covers to the bands and songs that tend to define our
individual influences. The list of our current planned cover songs follows:

Rick's pick - Before I Forget - by Slipknot, album: The Subliminal Verses
Ryan's pick - Schism - by Tool, album: Lateralus
John's pick - Tornado Of Souls - by Megadeth, album: Rust In Peace
Bob's pick - To Tame A Land - by Iron Maiden, album: Piece Of Mind

Once we get a singer he/she will also pick a song to cover.


Tue Dec 12 14:06 2006
The energy the 4 of us are creating when we jam is getting intense. The flood
gates are about to burst and we are really going to have some kick ass
compositions for everyone to enjoy soon. We are just trying to get caught up on
recording and getting this album put together. Keep on checking the website and
stay tuned for some serious shredding!!!!


Mon Dec 11 13:28 2006
Doing just fine here. Keep checking the site. As soon as we can we'll likely
throw up some jam session recordings, etc. 

I'm sure we'll do another get together again soon. Though my guess is it will
likely be in the spring.


Sun Dec 10 18:56 2006
Just stoppin by to say HELLO!!! Looking forward to hearing how you guys sound
with the new drummer. I am no longer working nights and weekends, so perhaps we
could have a little get together again soon. I would be glad to host if everyone
dosent mind driving to marietta....
hope everyone is good....

dana and jeff

Sat Dec 9 13:26 2006
Just a reminder, Dimebag Darrel, guitarist for Pantera, was killed by a 
lunatic on Dec. 8, 2004. He is missed and not forgotten by those who
are still influenced by his unique and unequalled gift to the music world.

Rest well Dimebag.

Fri Dec 8 07:12 2006
awesome looking forward to it very much...........and that be great thanks


Thu Dec 7 17:35 2006
We're due to jam a good bit this Sunday. We might even get a little rough
recording of us practicing. We'll let ya know.


Thu Dec 7 10:39 2006
Sure thing man. I'll happily wipe windows and install Linux for ya..


Wed Dec 6 17:54 2006
can i bring my computer over on sunday and you can help me with what ever i 
need to do to get it workin??

Tue Dec 5 20:30 2006
I'm not so sure you want me to email you 14MB


Tue Dec 5 18:35 2006
still have not been able to get that DAMN song................HELP!!!!! can 
you email it to me or something??


Tue Dec 5 11:47 2006
It might help!


Mon Dec 4 10:05 2006
Am I going to have to break out the bug spray?


Sat Dec 2 23:18 2006

Fri Dec 1 22:47 2006
Crickets chirping................

Thu Nov 30 10:15 2006
I look forward to some interesting times ahead as well..


Wed Nov 29 12:52 2006
just wanted to thank the 3 of you guys for allowing me the privallige of being 
in THE band. I see great things ahead of us LATER 

Mon Nov 27 11:34 2006
It was so good it would almost be worth the listeria.


Fri Nov 24 20:50 2006
Thanks to Honey-Baked Ham, there may be a massive drop in the human population


Fri Nov 24 17:56 2006
There was a massive drop in the Turkey population recently!


Thu Nov 23 10:05 2006
Happy Turkey Day!


Thu Nov 23 09:36 2006
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


Mon Nov 20 18:04 2006
Get your new drummer hooked on Everquest.  Gratz!  Now come tour California.


Sun Nov 19 11:38 2006
Ya.. That's what we did last night after you left.

That new bass effects processor kicks ass.. I'm going to program some effects
into it tonight. 


Sun Nov 19 10:36 2006
Ryan's pic looks real cool in the Band section!


Thu Nov 16 10:25 2006
John just bought himself a new practice amp! 

So John, send me a picture of it with specs so I can add it to your gear page.

Ryan, I need you to type up a bio of yourself and your music background so I can
add it to your band member profile. While you're at it I could use specs and
pics of any music gear you have.


Tue Nov 14 13:34 2006
I added some new pics to the Image Gallery


Mon Nov 13 18:07 2006
congrats on on getting a new drummer


Sun Nov 12 18:44 2006
Delusional Mind is pleased to welcome Ryan Judkins into the band on percussion. 

Once he has gotten up to speed with the existing songs we will have him lay down
new drum tracks for them and release the updated versions. We will then be
looking to forge ahead in getting the newer material recorded and mixed.

Sat Nov 11 13:46 2006
I hope she has enough pain killers to withstand the noise level of the drums 
and bass combination, cause as everyone knows, guitars aren't that noisy.

Hurry up and get better sis!!!


Thu Nov 9 23:32 2006
Kristi lived through getting her wisdom teeth removed today.. She's a little
doped up and talks funny. But other than that she's fine.


Thu Nov 9 22:52 2006
no prob. the next time I go out there i will bring the satch model with me. i 
am happy you enjoyed the cd

Wed Nov 8 17:24 2006
I want to congratulate the owner of the IP for the accomplishment
of getting me to ban them from ever connecting to my server again. (not that
they can read this from that address now).

I really don't mind someone running a stream ripper to record our radio station,
but letting it run for 8 hours when we have maybe 30 minutes of content just
rubs me the wrong way.


Wed Nov 8 09:55 2006
I wrote up a very brief history of the band from it's roots in 1992 to the
present. It's available from the Band page. 

Mouse, if you read this, I linked to one of your pictures as a past member of
the band. If you have a problem with your picture being on here let me know and
I'll remove it.


Tue Nov 7 10:55 2006
We're going to have a guest drummer sitting in with us this weekend. I'm looking
forward to playing with a human drummer again. 

That means we'll be spending this weekend's session jamming and not recording
though, so don't expect any releases this week!


Sun Nov 5 17:29 2006
I changed the layout of the music page a little to simplify the layout of the
songs on the page.


Fri Nov 3 20:21 2006
Yeah Eddie I listened to it, there are some really awesome tracks. 
Next time you guys come up bring the Satriani with you, I wouls like to check 
it out on an amp.


Wed Nov 1 19:29 2006
whats up rick? it is your brother inlaw Eddie can't wait to play some guitar 
together again even though I am horrible. did you check out the cd i made for 
you? let me know what you think

Wed Nov 1 09:20 2006
Dreah had a blast lastnight her first time trick-or-treating! She really got
into it. Cant wait till next year!!


Tue Oct 31 12:45 2006
Happy Halloween!


Sat Oct 28 17:48 2006
oh she's just growing up - that's all!

Poor Cain...too many and at such a young age too!


Fri Oct 27 13:33 2006
It's been a rough year for my wife =(


Fri Oct 27 13:16 2006
Pie, I like pie.  If like a woman talked to me like that I'd be like:  "HEY! 
Get your bitch ass in the kitchen and make me some pie!"  But anyway...

Took Caine to the dentist again today.  He's up to 3 root canals/crowns now. 
We've got one to go and a filling that may turn into another crown once they get
in and get a look at it.  Poor little guy; he grinds his teeth apparently.  He
is a trooper though, doesn't faze him at all to have all that work done.  Me on
the other hand..I get to go on the 9th and get all my wisdom teeth cut out.  I
am not really looking forward to that.  They are at least going to knock me out
though.  I expect I'll be out of commission for a few days after that one.


Thu Oct 26 15:15 2006

Thu Oct 26 13:00 2006
I like pie.


Wed Oct 25 12:33 2006
Tell me about it


Mon Oct 23 16:21 2006
Ya Ol Fart!

Sat Oct 21 21:30 2006
And a daunting question it is. We'll see what we can come up with. Being done
with school kicks ass. I'm quite happy I'm done. Though it's been 10 years since
I graduated from college.. God damn I'm old.


Sat Oct 21 15:05 2006

Dude...between school, work, raising a little one and dealing with family
issues, I'm getting my butt kicked!  Just got around to visiting the wall today
- yup, it's been a while.  

Not to mention, John and I hardly get to see each other much these days...

Rick - saw the baby pictures - he's a cuttie!  I'm sure you're a proud!

If school doesn't kick my butt, I graduate in December - WOOHOO!!  Expect a
party! It's been a long, but fun and educational road!  I'm glad it's about over

Ok, the little one just woke up...back to being Mommie. 

Don't forget we are due a night of cards - when we exactly squeeze it into our
schedule is the question...



Thu Oct 19 20:58 2006
The Voices keep me company.


Wed Oct 18 16:58 2006
Your never alone.


Wed Oct 18 16:00 2006
I feel so lonely on here now =(


Mon Oct 16 12:24 2006
We jammed yesterday, we kicked ass yesterday. Planning on recording next weekend.


Fri Oct 13 20:27 2006
Everyone is busy atm.......


Fri Oct 13 14:46 2006
I fear activity on the board has dropped significantly.. We need Kristi and
Karen to chime in more. We aren't getting enough abuse anymore.


Tue Oct 10 12:08 2006
We jammed on Sunday evening. We sucked. But that's to be expected after almost 2
months of not jamming. I'm guessing next weekend we will jam again so we can
work out the kinks. Hopefully we'll be ready to start recording again the
weekend after that.


Sat Oct 7 16:21 2006
Thanks for the kind words!


Fri Oct 6 21:51 2006
You guys kick ass.. Looking forward to your first release!!


Wed Oct 4 15:30 2006
I have another new one in the works also. I'll tell ya more later.


Wed Oct 4 14:32 2006
We're set to start jamming again this Sunday. It will be yet another climb back
onto the saddle but hopefully we should get the kinks worked out this weekend
and start recording the weekend after that.


Sun Oct 1 10:17 2006
Matt, I never got a chance to look at the page you listed below. Lemme know if
you need hosting. I can host it on this server. But it'll be up to you to
register a domain unless you want to live with


Fri Sep 29 13:16 2006
It wasn't by choice. The people at the hospital didn't bother to show up to put
in the epidural until she was 8cm dialated and contracting so hard and fast that
she couldn't hold still long enough for them to get the needle into her spine.


Fri Sep 29 00:28 2006
Impressive! I dont think I will be able to be that brave if and when I ever have
on of my own. Im a wuss.


Thu Sep 28 17:21 2006
He was natural, with no pain meds at all..


Thu Sep 28 17:13 2006
Just looked at the new baby pictures. What a GORGEOUS little man!! I bet mama
and daddy are really proud. Was he c-section? He looked too pretty to be
Congrats again.

On another note.... My husband Jeff GOT A JOB!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Wed Sep 27 19:36 2006
As far as a band update goes:

Now that the weddings, honeymoons, births, etc are out of the way, we should be
getting back on track jamming and recording regularly over the next several weeks.


Tue Sep 26 16:32 2006
Pictures of Dale Robert Faulkner are now available on the family site.


Sun Sep 24 22:34 2006
Congrats on new baby!! 

Sat Sep 23 21:13 2006
HEY everyone, I have finally decided to add my mark to the wall. Hope everyone 
is well.  I am currently working on a couple projects, school and fun stuff. 
Finally have my server up with a little web page. the following IP will be good 
for a few hours (I believe). Everyone take care. Still have not forgotten about 
the pics Bob. Congratulations Rick and Phyllis


Fri Sep 22 18:34 2006
Congratulations Rick and Phyllis on the birth of their son!


Thu Sep 21 14:15 2006
Well you will get them tonight, I'll go by and send them to you.


Thu Sep 21 12:09 2006
she still hasn't sent them to me.


Thu Sep 21 07:59 2006
Just add the pics Mom sent you to the family site.


Wed Sep 20 21:01 2006
just give me a good reason to add code to filter trailing new lines..


Wed Sep 20 13:38 2006
But that is how my posts stand out.


Wed Sep 20 12:07 2006
The radio stations appear to be down. The server that runs them is down for some
reason. The power strip that supplies that machine from the UPS is about 20
years old and has been a little unreliable lately. It may have finally given up
the ghost. I'll try to get it back up and running tonight.


Wed Sep 20 12:03 2006
Nope. And just so you know, the wall will automatically add white space to the
end of your post so you don't need to hit enter 12 times after your name.


Wed Sep 20 08:23 2006
Did mom send you the pics she has on her camera from the wedding yet?


Tue Sep 19 12:07 2006
Not sure, but it's working fine for me. I was adding some pictures last night
when you posted, but adding them should not have caused any problems for you.


Mon Sep 18 22:15 2006
Not there either, but I remembered what it was. I show the page with the links,
but when I click them I get not found on server. Are you working on it, or do I
need to do something else???

Mon Sep 18 22:04 2006
Check your bulk email folder. yahoo hates my mail server.


Mon Sep 18 21:49 2006
I didn't get anything from ya. Hmmm.....
Can you try again?


Mon Sep 18 16:48 2006
That is only an 1/8th of the pictures taken. There are more coming whenever Bob 
decides to post them.


Mon Sep 18 15:03 2006
I emailed you the address, and I covered up your email address on the wall.. I
don't like feeding spammers any more addresses than we have to.


Mon Sep 18 14:37 2006
Can you email me the family site? We werent able to get back from florida in
time to make the wedding. Email I dont want to have to
wait till they get back from hawaii to see them!!

Sun Sep 17 13:05 2006
For anyone who is confused, John and Karen were married yesterday at 3pm in
Woodstock City Park. For those that know the address to the family site, I am
starting to put up the amateur pictures now. I'll add the pro shots once we get
them in (couple of weeks).


Sun Sep 17 00:43 2006
Grats guys!  Here's to many long and happy years together, and all the happiness
life can bring!  Have fun; see ya when you get back!

Kristi, Bob, Caine, and Tiffany

Sat Sep 16 21:12 2006

and family.

Thu Sep 14 20:07 2006
That's exactly the quality of discussion I want people to see when they visit
the band's website!


Thu Sep 14 18:48 2006
With your farts, I'm sure it would not be a problem.


Thu Sep 14 18:32 2006
maybe if you aim at it.


Thu Sep 14 16:47 2006
What about farting during the ceremony??? Do you think the mic will be 
sensitive enough to pick up the sound?


Thu Sep 14 16:28 2006
are you going to freak out when i fart in the microphone as you're walking down
the gazebo steps?


Thu Sep 14 09:07 2006
Your error is of not my concern, just that you get there at 4! 

We'll be done by 5!


Thu Sep 14 07:55 2006
I'm not kidding I thought it was at 5, I arranged to get off from work at 4.


Wed Sep 13 22:26 2006 two are funny!


Wed Sep 13 16:58 2006
I'll try to get off.. err.. nm


Wed Sep 13 15:06 2006
I was told 5.... I'll try to get off from work earlier.


P.S. I've been there 3 times I pretty much know the drill hehe.

Wed Sep 13 14:18 2006
Yes, be there at 4:00 sharp!


Wed Sep 13 11:59 2006
Are we meeting at the gazeebo for the rehersal?


Wed Sep 13 11:38 2006
3 more days!!!!!!


Tue Sep 12 12:10 2006
we had some file name overlap apparantly. i'll dig up the images that were
replaced, then rename and restore them.


Tue Sep 12 08:11 2006
Bob, on the family site if you click on the 2 pics of dad holding Tiffany 
different pictures pop up.


Mon Sep 11 21:15 2006
5 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mon Sep 11 20:45 2006
that place has gone downhill when it comes to the games available. most of those
games could be run on a 5 year old pc.


Mon Sep 11 16:51 2006
And the shooting gallery.... It is amazing how we have the technology of today 
and we spend the most time on the simplest game in the place.


Mon Sep 11 12:13 2006
Drunken pod racing!


Mon Sep 11 08:27 2006
The party was fantastic! We had a blast. I dont remember getting home, so it
must have been good!!


Sun Sep 10 17:17 2006
So John, how was the party? Or, better yet, how's your head?


Fri Sep 8 15:38 2006
No hours, minutes, and seconds?


Fri Sep 8 15:09 2006
No comment needed.


Fri Sep 8 14:41 2006
EIGHT MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fri Sep 8 12:24 2006
No comment.


Wed Sep 6 15:18 2006
I believe there is a God and a heaven....because I have been through hell!


Wed Sep 6 12:39 2006
That priest giving us all the "look" all 80 times he mentioned the word
"nonbelievers" was epic.


Tue Sep 5 19:49 2006
We are infidels you know!


Sun Sep 3 22:06 2006
Not really


Sun Sep 3 16:43 2006


Sat Sep 2 13:00 2006
They all know I am a sinner as soon as they see me!


Sat Sep 2 09:22 2006
Can't be any worse than the Greek Orthdox experience!  Talk about standing out!
 Actually, that part was kinda cool :-) 

It's actually in the Fellowship Hall part of it - meant to say that.

14 more days...


Fri Sep 1 17:47 2006
Can I yell, "It burns us!" when I walk into it?


Fri Sep 1 15:36 2006
Right on!

BTW - We have officially moved the reception due to capacity issues.  It's now
at the Woodstock Community Church, right across the street from the Woodstock
Park where everyone will park - how convenient?!  We'll have official flyers in
the Program so everyone will know.

15 more days!!


Thu Aug 31 20:45 2006
By the way John and Karen, after you get back from the honeymoon be prepared to
play some cards.. We haven't played in a while.


Thu Aug 31 09:08 2006
Everything will fall into place, lets just hope its not us that does the falling!!!


Wed Aug 30 15:55 2006
I'm glad Rick cleared up the fact that they don't suck in any good ways.

What will happen is in the middle of the ceremony I'll fall on Rick, and we'll
fall like dominoes down the steps.


Tue Aug 29 20:47 2006
Just balance yourself so you're not in the middle and break it!  

Now, that would be funny!


Tue Aug 29 18:19 2006
Hell even if you're wearing no shoes be careful on those steps. THEY SUCK IN 


P.S. and none of them are good.

Tue Aug 29 13:30 2006
My balance has deteriorated over the years. Due to various.. um.. things..

All I can say is if you're going to be wearing heels, be careful. 


Tue Aug 29 13:04 2006
I don't bitch I gripe..... there's a difference.


Tue Aug 29 12:47 2006
Damn, you big ol sissy's - can't you balanace after all these years?

There will be no bitching except from the Bride - got that?! :-p


Tue Aug 29 07:57 2006
Yeah the steps on the gazeebo are not very sturdy. But on the upside we fall we 
sue Woodstock.


Mon Aug 28 22:15 2006
"I'm not quite sure this floor is entirely stable!"


Mon Aug 28 20:18 2006
I fear the gazebo.


Fri Aug 25 09:44 2006
Black Label Society- The Blessed Hellride.


Fri Aug 25 09:07 2006
No, Silly...we're playing Highway to Hell by AC/DC!


Thu Aug 24 19:46 2006
We're playing Slayer - Raining Blood as you walk down the aisle right?


Thu Aug 24 19:28 2006



Tue Aug 22 18:27 2006
Oh well, saved me the gas and gave John a good reason to stop by on the way home

Be sure to check out Rick's new picture on the The Band page.
Can we say, guitar god?


Tue Aug 22 14:59 2006
Hey - thank you!!  I was actually here, just on the phone with my boss and
couldn't click over.  Thanks for the gift!!  

I meant to post earlier...I wasn't mad or anything when I posted below.  It was
really a joke between me and John, but that doesn't really come across in the
post...hard to do that on email...It's all good.  I'm trying not to stress...for
the most part it's working.  Once I tie up a few loose ends, I'm chillin til
it's time to party!!  And a few good laughts! :-)


Mon Aug 21 16:22 2006
Happy Birthday (tomorrow) Karen! I was going to drop your present off today but
you weren't home when I called.  Sooo, John is gonna bring it to you tonight.


Fri Aug 18 19:40 2006
It's not about me.. It's about the band.. Missing a weekend isn't a disaster,
but we just have too much of a history of missing 12 weekends in a row. If I
seem rigid on maintaining a once a week schedule please keep this in mind; This
album has been in "production" for 4 years. I don't want it to be 4 more before
it's finished.

Don't stress out about the wedding. You're supposed to enjoy the occasion, not
give yourself high blood pressure over it! Everything will go fine. And if it
doesn't, we'll all have something to sit around and laugh about 20 years from now.


Fri Aug 18 09:04 2006
It's certainly is a change! practice on Saturday...because it's not all about Bob!

We still have wedding stuff to do.  If ya want to practice, practice setting up
the gazebo.  We start classes next week so it's crunch time and the Bride is
starting to stress...


Thu Aug 17 16:26 2006
Well congrats on the new job! I know how you feel Karen, I sort of dread Jeff
getting a job after he graduates. Im used to him being available any time I need

Wed Aug 16 15:42 2006
I bet. There are days that go by where I barely get to see my family. It sucks.


Wed Aug 16 13:10 2006's been quite a change for me and Dreah.  We're used to John being here
every day...:-(  But, at least he has a job he likes going to every day!


Wed Aug 16 08:54 2006
I now work for Ken Stanton Music.


Tue Aug 15 17:06 2006
New Job? 
Details please....

Tue Aug 15 11:03 2006
Its gonna be rought getting it together soon. My new job has me working on every
other sunday.


Mon Aug 14 21:24 2006
We're still putting the song together, we have a lot of parts worked out, the
challenge now is weaving them together.. I'm hoping within a month or 2 to have
it posted.


Mon Aug 14 19:43 2006
When are you going to get the new music up???

If Jeff gets his job he interviewed for, and I get off weekends, I will have
everyone for a cookout soon. We DID get the gaping hole in the deck fixed :P


Mon Aug 14 14:51 2006
Didn't notice any difference at all.


Mon Aug 14 13:16 2006
Don't everyone post at once.. Don't know if the server can handle it.


Sun Aug 13 02:16 2006
Wow, well.. That was what you call a hard upgrade.. Turns out the primary hard
drive on the server was in the final stages of dying horribly, and when I shut
down the server to do the upgrade, it pretty much gave up.

Since I have no more small/old drives lying around, I had to pull the storage
drive off my file server to use on this machine. So, the machine has moved from
a pentium 200 mmx with 96MB of ram, to a pentium 3 500 with 128MB of ram. It's
also moved from an old 3.8GB PIO mode 4 drive to a 27GB UDMA 66 drive.

We shouldn't have any space issues on the web server for some time.
Luckily, the day I happened to do this fell right on the day my file server
makes an automatic backup of this server, so I was able to restore the machine
to the state it was in at 6am today. I did manage to recover the graffiti wall
database and such off the dead drive, so we even got back our posts that
happened today. 

Those who use the wall, and webmail, should notice a pretty drastic difference
in speed.


Sat Aug 12 14:58 2006


Sat Aug 12 10:37 2006
Just to let people know, I'm planning on doing some upgrades on the server 
tonight(add memory, move to a faster cpu, etc). So expect some downtime tonight.


Sat Aug 12 09:01 2006
Always nice to see someone new stop by.


Sat Aug 12 07:18 2006

ood luck, I know how hard the road is that a musician / entertainer lives, I 
lived it myself.  Best of luck to Dilusional Mind (once they find a vox).

Fri Aug 11 16:43 2006
I installed a new log analyzer on the server. Yields some interesting info about
how much traffic the site sees.

I'll show you guys on Sunday.


Fri Aug 11 16:10 2006
More bordom to go around.


Thu Aug 10 15:33 2006
Another day, another new version of the wall..


Thu Aug 10 13:29 2006
It was my fault. I couldnt resist after Rick's post.


Thu Aug 10 12:30 2006
Somehow we were derailed into quoting Megadeth lyrics..


Thu Aug 10 08:02 2006
What do ya mean I don't support the system?

I go to court when I have to.

If there's a new way...
I'll be the first in line....
but itd better work this time.

Wed Aug 9 20:40 2006
what do you mean i ain't kind?

just not your kind..

Wed Aug 9 12:30 2006
Peace sells.......But who's buying?

Wed Aug 9 09:08 2006
"whadda ya mean I hurt your feelings??...I didnt know ya had any feelings!"

Dave Mustaine

Wed Aug 9 08:01 2006
ouch..... You hurt my feelings.

Wed Aug 9 07:48 2006


Tue Aug 8 20:59 2006
When we get a new picture of you where you don't look gay.


Tue Aug 8 20:38 2006
um didn't know you made one till last night.
When is mine gonna be done?


Tue Aug 8 17:57 2006
And no mention of mine =(


Mon Aug 7 12:28 2006
John's pic for the band page kicks ass.


Sun Aug 6 10:00 2006
Well, the program seemed to work fine.  Just have to buy ink for the printer so
we can print it out.


Sat Aug 5 18:51 2006
Someone needs to remember music that we write and not what they just spewed
from their memory. 


Sat Aug 5 17:59 2006


Sat Aug 5 17:38 2006

Fri Aug 4 16:26 2006
Don't worry.. We won't..

Especially after I add that I have completely removed the function that reads
and parses the wall's configuration file and replaced it with a class I have
developed which manages the configuration file as an object. The class is
completely independant of graffiti wall so I can use it in other projects now =)


Fri Aug 4 13:06 2006
Don't everyone talk at once!


Thu Aug 3 07:55 2006
More DNS, please...

Hey - Kristi - how did the will program work?  


Wed Aug 2 13:24 2006
I added some more features to the wall's code. I'm doing a review to look for
obvious security holes, but other than that the code is final and is now at
version 1.0!


Tue Aug 1 15:23 2006
I changed the code for the wall some more! I set it so that the default mode
(classic or tables) can be set by the admin (me). This wall will now default to
tables the 1st time you visit.

I also added an option so the admin (again, me) can set what character the wall
will generate to seperate the date and text of a post when in classic mode.
Before it was hard coded to be a '='. I have set it to '-' for now. If you have
an interesting idea for a character to use, let me know.


Tue Aug 1 08:00 2006
The writing process takes time and then the recording process takes even longer.
We should have the song in around 3 weeks total and then practice it till it 
makes our fingers bleed. Then we record it. So it takes some time.


Mon Jul 31 16:40 2006
Honestly we got alot done yesturday. If we can have a few weeks like that then
we should atleast have 1 song done.


Mon Jul 31 15:20 2006


Mon Jul 31 15:08 2006
What year?


Mon Jul 31 13:18 2006
Just to provide a bit of band news, we jammed yesterday and worked out quite a
bit of a new song. I know the updates are coming slow and the releases are even
slower, but we ARE working on new material. I would like to have the album ready
to release (sans real drums and vocals) by the end of the year.


Sun Jul 30 12:44 2006
They have been only slightly altered, if at all. And when I alter them, I don't
use photoshop. They were GIMPed!


Sat Jul 29 08:38 2006
Those were photoshopped!!!!!


Fri Jul 28 23:22 2006
There are pictures of you wobbling in the family gallery!


Fri Jul 28 21:34 2006
You dont have pictures, or video. You cant prove a thing!!


Fri Jul 28 17:17 2006
So have I..


Fri Jul 28 15:57 2006
I've seen you wobble John!


Fri Jul 28 12:56 2006
Im stable....I dont wobble or nothin!!!


Fri Jul 28 11:03 2006
While none of us may be stable, I would like the Graffiti Wall to be.


Fri Jul 28 07:58 2006
What's this stable you speak of?

Thu Jul 27 16:16 2006
Ok, I made more changes and I'm not convinced it's stable..

We'll see.


Wed Jul 26 22:11 2006
Weirdness and DNS...what a combination!



Wed Jul 26 15:50 2006
when you email all the info to me like i said to.


Wed Jul 26 12:43 2006
When are you going to add the links Johm and I suggested?


Wed Jul 26 11:11 2006
That was the goal.

I'll be working on it further today so expect some weirdness.


Wed Jul 26 08:15 2006
Seems the same as it did yesturday.


Tue Jul 25 22:13 2006
You suck!!!!!!

Yeah, it's working right.


Tue Jul 25 20:02 2006
I have made some more changes to the guts of this beast. I *think* it's working
right now. We'll see.


Tue Jul 25 14:49 2006
I'm testing some more changes in the wall's code. Please be patient if it's
acting odd.


Tue Jul 25 08:00 2006
May be the system here at work.


Mon Jul 24 17:54 2006
Doesn't seem any slower to me when I click it. Comes right up.


Mon Jul 24 16:58 2006
No, when I hit the add your mark button it takes a few seconds to load.


Mon Jul 24 14:24 2006
How is it slow? Are you still having it display all 1400 entries?


Mon Jul 24 14:14 2006
Does slow as hell count as a problem?


Mon Jul 24 13:19 2006
I've made some very major changes to the guts of Graffiti Wall. For all intents
we're running new code for the database engine. More changes are to follow, but
as with any new code, watch for any problems and let me know about them.


Sun Jul 23 20:50 2006
A couple of new pics of Rick and John are in the image gallery. And new pictures
of John's new Jackson and my Smith are in the equipment section.


Thu Jul 20 15:00 2006
I was thinking the same thing.


Thu Jul 20 12:49 2006
Hmmm..... 2 new guitars, new sounds, new song in the works, sounds like a plan.


Wed Jul 19 20:01 2006
A picture of John's new guitar is also in the equipment section.


Wed Jul 19 11:13 2006
A picture of Rick's new guitar is in his guitar section under the Equipment
section of the site.


Tue Jul 18 16:18 2006
I'm going tonight. It will be there Sunday.


Tue Jul 18 13:18 2006
Bring it Sunday so we can see/hear it!!


Tue Jul 18 08:01 2006
Well there is a new addition to my collection of guitars.
I got it yesterday, pictures available soon.


Mon Jul 17 11:12 2006
Thanks, I just figured it would be nice to have a picture of us that wasn't 3
years old.


Mon Jul 17 01:09 2006
I forgot to sign that last post. I like the new look!

Mon Jul 17 01:07 2006
Sweet new look to the pic on the front page!

Sat Jul 15 23:34 2006
And a stuck CAPS LOCK key it seems.


Sat Jul 15 21:29 2006

Sat Jul 15 15:06 2006
at least 4 years Bob.... get it right!


Fri Jul 14 20:16 2006
We jam this Sunday. We're slowly working on a new song so you should be hearing
it in a couple of years!


Thu Jul 13 19:07 2006
hukt on foniks wurked 4 john


Wed Jul 12 23:08 2006
Well, You can't say he had a boring life.


Wed Jul 12 16:18 2006

That sucks.


Wed Jul 12 08:41 2006
Yeah, I heard about that yesturday. Sad news indeed.


Tue Jul 11 19:42 2006
For those who missed it, Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd died last Friday.


Mon Jul 10 11:06 2006
Just to keep people informed, I reorganized a fair amount of the code in
graffiti wall. It appears to be working fine, just wanted to let you know. In
case you run into bugs, tell me about them.


Fri Jul 7 08:02 2006
We just started to work on a new song last week. It is a long and tiring 
process but the end result pretty much rocks.


Thu Jul 6 22:10 2006
Well in that case....

Jeff and I would LOVE to come hear you guys practice some time. We really
enjoyed the clips you posted, you guys need to put some new stuff up!

Thu Jul 6 11:14 2006

And Dana, Rick is right. This wall is here to serve as a place for whoever to
say whatever they want. It does not have to be band related. Anyone is allowed
to post here for any reason. In fact, the best use this wall has had is to
provide an easy way for old friends to reconnect.


Thu Jul 6 10:20 2006
BTW, due to new circumstances I will be able to make practice this coming 
Sunday. So get ready slackers.


Thu Jul 6 08:00 2006
You can post here as much as you want, there is no intrusion.
This is basically what this wall is for. Keeping in touch and having fun.
Feel free to post anytime you want.


Thu Jul 6 01:39 2006
Hi all,

Posted to the Memorial page, if you want to read my memories of Gray.
I probably wont post on your grafitti wall  again. I dont want to intrude on you
guys. I would love to keep in touch though, if anyone wishes to reach me, John
has my number and he and Matt both have my email addresses. Hope everyone had a
safe and happy Fourth, and I hope to hear from you guys.


Mon Jul 3 20:23 2006
already have plans to go to my dad's for a cookout. but happy b-day!


Mon Jul 3 15:13 2006
i got a three day weekend!!  and i get to turn a year older on tuesday...if you 
all wanna come by daddy's house for a cookout you're more than welcome!!

Mon Jul 3 10:25 2006
What is this thing called "work" you all speak of???


Sun Jul 2 23:16 2006
well put!


Sun Jul 2 20:52 2006
Well, then you suck.  

Sun Jul 2 20:05 2006
I get a 4 day weekend..... rub rub rub rub rub.....


Sun Jul 2 17:35 2006
way to rub it in


Sun Jul 2 10:22 2006
I do too, but at least I work from home - woohoo!


Sun Jul 2 00:47 2006
who gets a 4 day weekend? i work on monday.


Sat Jul 1 14:37 2006

Sat Jul 1 11:53 2006
Happy July 1st!  

There's a new post :-)


Fri Jun 30 12:38 2006
Since nobody feels like posting anything I'll just say I made an update to the
Image Gallery code which adds arrows to go to the previous and next pages, in
addition to the direct page links that were already there.

In other news, I have spent the last week or so heavily modifying the code for
Graffiti Wall. You should notice little difference in what you see here. Other
than the post acknowledgement page to get rid of double posts, the changes were
to the internal nuts and bolts. More is to come.


Wed Jun 28 17:48 2006
well, the server went down this morning. luckily my lovely wife brought it back
up when she got home. now i have something to play with until i get off work.


Tue Jun 27 00:32 2006
The radio stations should be back up and running. Enjoy!


Mon Jun 26 15:23 2006


Mon Jun 26 11:10 2006
The power went out this morning at about 8:50am. My UPS held the server up until
just after 10 but that was all it could do. The servers went down at that point.
The power was still off when I left for work, so I left the network set up to
*hopefully* come back up on it's own. By the time I made it to work the power
was restored and the server had brought itself back up. The server that hosts
the radio stations didn't come back up on it's own so until I get home tonight,
the radio stations are down.


Sun Jun 25 18:19 2006
Nothing yet. Still waiting for his family to provide them. I think Matt is
supposed to be scanning them and sending them to me. When I have them, they'll
be up on the memorial. I added some more pics to the memorial last night.


Sun Jun 25 04:28 2006
Any luck getting any pics of gray when he was little? I would love to see some
of those added. Hope everyone is doing well, sorry to hear about your guildie. I
will put his family  in my prayers. 


Fri Jun 23 15:24 2006
I second that sentiment.


Fri Jun 23 15:21 2006
Lets hope there is not a 3rd.


Thu Jun 22 15:30 2006
They come in 3's. If you believe in superstition that is.

Sorry to hear that another life has been taken at such a young age.
Please give my regards to those that knew him in the game and send 
his family my condolences.


Thu Jun 22 12:58 2006
I just logged on the guild forum and found out another guild member has died.
Hard times for the League. Another relatively young man, husband, father to an
11 year old son, victom of a heart attack. We missed the memorial service in the


Wed Jun 21 19:02 2006
Double posts are the devil!


Wed Jun 21 16:35 2006
No more double posts?   Stop the insanity!!!!

Wed Jun 21 15:09 2006
Ok, I added a post acknowledge function to the wall. It will display a little
page to let you know your post has been applied and then should redirect you
back to the wall. Hitting refresh on the wall should no longer cause a double post!

I had to make a lot of changes in the code to get this to work so there may be
some bugs floating around.


Wed Jun 21 11:05 2006
That was actually a very interesting tour. At the end of it the park ranger
wound up recruiting John to help change the flag, and Kristi and Karen to help
remove and fold the flag that was taken down. 


Tue Jun 20 15:24 2006
that is so cool that you guys went to fort mchenry!  we used to go there every 
year when i was spending summers up there.  we spent my birthday up there a 
couple times.  i was looking at the pics thinking, "i have some of these same 
pictures..."  fun times.  i like going there.

john, you remember sitting on the cannons up at kennesaw mountain when we 
should have been in school?  

Tue Jun 20 08:01 2006
Well get to it slacker.....


Mon Jun 19 23:19 2006
I've been putting off writing a routine to check for duplicate posts. There is a
repost timeout that prevents double posting within 2 minutes. I'll come up with


Mon Jun 19 20:59 2006
hmmm...did i refresh?  i'm not sure.  like i said my computer is a piece of 
crap.  i would rather blame the machine than have it be operator error.  :)

Mon Jun 19 20:56 2006
If you hit the refresh button it double posts.  One of those DNS things.

Mon Jun 19 20:39 2006
i found 'em!!  all of 'em.  yay!!  i don't know how i double posted but oh 
well.  my computer sucks the big one.  blame it on that.  anyone out there know 
anything about computers?  heehee.  :)  hope everyone had a great father's day.

Mon Jun 19 20:03 2006
Oh, and pictures are under the general section at


Mon Jun 19 20:00 2006
I'm gonna have to break down and add code to squash the double posts =(

And I DEFINITELY never claimed to be a spelling ace!


Mon Jun 19 17:25 2006
i wanna see pictures!  anyone else show up after i left?  hope to see everyone 
really soon!!  i miss everyone from the old days and it's great to finally meet 
the women that snagged the fellas!  boys, you done good!!

love to all!

Mon Jun 19 17:01 2006
i wanna see pictures!  anyone else show up after i left?  hope to see everyone 
really soon!!  i miss everyone from the old days and it's great to finally meet 
the women that snagged the fellas!  boys, you done good!!

love to all!

Mon Jun 19 14:33 2006
That's my husband....way to spell honey!!!!

Mon Jun 19 11:08 2006
Yes, I think falling through a hole in a deck would be a mood killer.

It was definately very nice to see everyone again.


Sun Jun 18 04:07 2006
It was great getting to see everyone over at John and Karen's today. Hopefully
we can do it again soon. I will volunteer my house as soon as I get the hole in
the deck fixed! 

Sat Jun 17 12:11 2006
No time to slack.... As they say, no rest for the wicked.


Fri Jun 16 22:30 2006
Happy Father's Day to all the guys!!!  Be sure to slack off this weekend in
honor of the holiday!


Wed Jun 14 13:09 2006
Yeah he does, we need to get my computer updated Bob, in case I
decide to log in after he goes to bed. Never hurts to be prepared.


Wed Jun 14 12:02 2006
Now Caine plays on his account =)


Mon Jun 12 08:50 2006
I quit playing EQ 2 years ago.


Sun Jun 11 21:26 2006
Well, since I can't even find time to play my main anymore, I don't need to
waste time on new characters I suppose- so I guess that would be a no for me as


Sun Jun 11 10:08 2006
Since the unlocking of expansions is going to be server-wide on Combine, I will
not be starting a toon on it since it will just be like every other server in a
few months.


Sat Jun 10 18:16 2006
I think John was looking into it. I'm not all that interested. Just another
ruleset for them to implement poorly. I'm pretty much done doing the level
grind. Fretlon is 70 and geared out the ass. I don't intend to start over on
another EQ server.


Sat Jun 10 08:35 2006
What?!  Must be more of that DNS stuff...


Sat Jun 10 06:28 2006
hey are you guys thinking of doing the combine server?


Fri Jun 9 19:24 2006
Yeah, no kidding Dude - I'd stayed home!


Fri Jun 9 16:08 2006
awwww.  i feel so special now! it was funny when my boss said "what are you
doing here today" when i told her why i was waddling around the office.


Fri Jun 9 14:26 2006
Bob is being a very big boy!  I am very proud of him!


Fri Jun 9 11:02 2006
They're in the freezer right now. I'm at work and I brought a ton of ice for the
day. the peas will come into play once i get home.


Fri Jun 9 09:04 2006
I can relate! Poor baby!!

Dreah has her 18-month checkup this morning and she gets MORE shots!  Poor thing
- I cried when she got her first shots!  Of course, now she looks at the
lady/nurse like what the *$(#* did you do that for?!  That's my girl!

How's Bob?  Are the Jolly Green Giant Frozen Peas his best friend?!  hahahaha


Thu Jun 8 13:14 2006
Nothing wierd here, cept the occasional 360 degree head rotation and 
regurgitation of green pea soup with potatoes. Hmmm.. I don't remember eating 
that.... oh well. Hope everything is going better for Tiffany now that the 
torture is over.


Thu Jun 8 09:59 2006
Nope...nothing weird here that I can think of.  Poor Tiffy had to have her 2
month check up, though.  Four shots this go round!  It was a rough rest of the
day, LOL!


Thu Jun 8 09:18 2006
Did anyone have anything freaky happen on 6-6-06?  I was on a conference call
with work and just had to let everyone know it was guy was like, oh
thanks, Karen - I have a flight this afternoon!  LOL!!  I try...hahaha!


Wed Jun 7 11:11 2006
alternatively, if you click on the links button on the left side of this page,
his memorial site is the 1st link listed.

I got a picture of the flowers you sent, but since i didn''t want to use the
flash it's too blurry to read the cards.


Wed Jun 7 10:16 2006

go here:


Wed Jun 7 07:49 2006
Scroll down to Gray's pic and click on it. That will take you to the site.


Wed Jun 7 00:30 2006

  Where is the memorial page, let me know, thanks,

 Shane s. darby

Mon Jun 5 03:22 2006

Thanks for the pics from the funeral. I wish I could have gone. I wonder if
Sandy would be willing to share any pics from when Gray was little for the

Congrats on your new addition! Perhaps I will get to see you and meet your wife
and baby soon..


Sun Jun 4 20:02 2006
We're back from Gray's funeral. I've added pictures to the memorial page.


Wed May 31 21:51 2006
yeah i checked there, i found his there, but your never went threw i guess. 


Wed May 31 16:33 2006
It may have gone into the bulk folder.  I sent it from my treborlogic email; I
know when Bob sends me mail from his treborlogic mail to my yahoo account, it
goes into my junk mail.

Wed May 31 16:22 2006
It could happen.  My typing ability sux as bad as you spelling ability.


Wed May 31 14:34 2006
well i got the one from bob, kristi, your spelling must be off. since i read 
this a few hours ago i'm pretty stumped on what to think. the world has become 
smaller than it was yesterday.


Wed May 31 13:20 2006
Kristi sent you an email at your yahoo account to let you know. I'll send you


Wed May 31 13:02 2006
hey guys, its me passing by from paradise. i just read the thing about gray,, 
one of you email me what happened?

Wed May 31 12:51 2006
hey guys, its me passing by from paradise. i just read the thing about gray,, 
one of you email me what happened?

Wed May 31 11:12 2006
Our sun-FRIED knees are feeling much better today!  We can now bend without
pain.  It's actually it's called...USING sunscreen...LOL!


Wed May 31 07:59 2006
It's probably going to be fairly quiet in here for a week or so. The holiday 
was ok. Not the greatest weekend ever but it was nice to hang out with everyone 
and let the kids have some fun. But anyway gotta get to work. 


Tue May 30 19:33 2006
Don't everyone post at once or anything!  Hope everyone had a nice holiday 
weekend.  How goes the sunburn J and K?


Sat May 27 12:46 2006
In this life we come across many souls, some kind and some not. When we lose a 
kind soul such as Gray's, it hurts not just those that knew him, but also the 
people that will never get to meet him and know his wit and charm. Gray was a 
friend that can never under any circumstances be replaced in this lifetime and 
will be greatly missed and always remembered. My heart goes out to his family 
and the friends of his that I never got to meet, but we share the same grief. 

Until we meet in the afterlife my friend,
Rest in peace.


Sat May 27 07:48 2006
Rest in peace Gray
Thanks for the memorial

Fri May 26 13:06 2006
--- In memorial ---

William Gray Sarandos February 22, 1971 - May 25, 2006 He will be remembered, and missed.
Fri May 26 07:51 2006
I cut my left index finger anyway Bob. And it is a pretty bad cut. To the bone 
but it was a clean cut and yes it hurts. But if John wasn't going out of town I 
would still play. I need to come and pick up my black guitar and take it to Ken 
Stanton to get the bridge reset. Give me a call Bob and maybe we can go down 
there Sat. 


Thu May 25 21:51 2006
Guess that drives a nail in the coffin for my plans to jam on Sunday. Have fun
you 2!


Thu May 25 20:00 2006
We will be down at my folks place at Lake Sinclair this weekend.
Hope everyone has a fun/safe weekend!!


Thu May 25 18:03 2006
Happy long holiday weekend everyone!


Thu May 25 13:06 2006
everyone!! please!!

try to contain your excitement.


Mon May 22 11:04 2006


Fri May 19 13:00 2006
I hit refresh in webmail not on the wall.


Fri May 19 12:56 2006
Damn!!! .... sorry dude.

Fri May 19 11:12 2006
way to hit refresh and yes to posting the data again!


Fri May 19 10:40 2006
It's spelled Meghan... You got Savanah right. And yes a little me runnin around 
is gonna be great!


Fri May 19 10:31 2006
It's spelled Meghan... You got Savanah right. And yes a little me runnin around 
is gonna be great!


Fri May 19 10:15 2006
Savanah    Maghan - your MOM

Fri May 19 08:49 2006

Another Rick in the World...oh nooooooooooooooooooo!  hahaha


Wed May 17 08:08 2006
ok.... so I have to go to her house and search through her endless file of 
Man you didn't make this easy did you. Phyllis has another check up visit Sat. 
maybe we can go by then and do that. 
I don't remember if I told eveyone on the site yet..... IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!


Tue May 16 17:03 2006
I downloaded a ton of pictures off Mom's camera to her computer the other day.
Pick through them and email or upload the pics of the girls you want on the site.


Tue May 16 16:02 2006
At least I care.


Mon May 15 17:33 2006
Picky bastard!


Mon May 15 16:15 2006
OK now why didn't you move the first sonogram and test from the faulkner duncan 
header to the dale header? And we gotta get some pics of the girls to you so 
you can set them up also.


Mon May 15 11:53 2006
Dale's sonograms are up on the family site.


Mon May 15 11:18 2006
You should have expected it!


Sat May 13 20:05 2006
And that my friends is my younger brother, the festering ass nugget himself.
I offer to help him rewire the outlets that are giving him problems and he 
gives me shit.


Fri May 12 11:03 2006
my bad.

Fri May 12 10:27 2006
He told you..sometime...geez pay attention!


Thu May 11 11:34 2006
Butt-munch! Ass Hat! what else would you like me to call you?


Tue May 9 14:39 2006
If you would call me sometime, I might be able to come and help fix the wiring 


Mon May 8 07:47 2006
I had a wiring problem that killed the power to the ups that holds up all the
servers last night. It wound up draining the ups and the servers went down. I
had most services back up last night within 30 mintues, as far as I know, except
the radio stations. I brought those back up just now. If you notice anything
else broken on the site let me know.


Sun May 7 16:35 2006
Yep..sure do.

Sun May 7 14:39 2006
Ummmmm.... You suck!!!!!

Fri May 5 11:07 2006
Not happening. Kristi and I will be, um, indisposed. I have to work the Sunday
after that so it may be best to try and jam that Saturday.


Fri May 5 08:06 2006
Ummmm? Jam this Sunday?


Thu May 4 12:50 2006
Yeah I read that today. Finally get the ORIGINAL version on DVD!!! WOOT!!!!

Han shot first!!!


Thu May 4 11:20 2006
The temperature in Hell today is currently -20F.

In other news, George Lucas has announced he is releasing the original classic
Star Wars trilogy, the original unmolested versions, on DVD. 

Let the truth be known that Han shot first!


Tue May 2 20:18 2006
What's up John?

Nice page...I wouldn't mind hearing you guys jam someday. See you later!


Tue May 2 19:45 2006
I had my postpartum checkup today, and the midwife said she couldn't even tell I
had a baby.  Guess that means everything is going well.  I weighed in at about
20 lbs less than I weighed before I got pregnant.  My appt with the surgeon for
my gallbladder follow up is tomorrow.  Hopefully they will do something with my
bandages..they are itchy and driving me insane


Tue May 2 11:14 2006
Tiffany had a Dr apppointment yesterday and weighed in at 9lbs 3ounces. she was
perfectly average in length and weight. she was above average in head
circumference (75th percentile). She's right on target and doing great.


Sun Apr 30 14:20 2006
Yeah we all know how complicated you are.    Glad you are better and home.


Fri Apr 28 13:43 2006
Well, since I haven't posted since I had my guts cut open, I thought I would.  
Okay, so they didn't cut me open per say.  It still hurt either way.  Lucky 
me,I had to have a "complicated case."  I not only had a gallbladder full of 
stones; one apparently got loose and got into my bile duct.  That inflamed my 
bile duct and my liver as well.  I was quite jaundiced when I went into the ER 
Friday night.  They said my bilirubin level was 4 times what it should have 
been.  They had to give me drugs Friday night and Saturday to get all that 
under control before they could operate Sunday.  Then, since I had a straggler 
in the duct, they had to go in Monday and run a tube to remove that.  When they 
got in there, they didn't see any stones, just a bunch of what they called 
sludge.  They made a cut in the opening of the bile duct to enlarge it just in 
case though.  They blew in this gas bubble so they could work; my GOD that 
SUCKED!!  Felt like being in labor again.  At least I got some good drugs while 
I was there though (dilaudid).  Otherwise they could have just killed me.  I 
got to come home Tuesday.  I am still a little sore, but doing much better.  It 
is mostly rough at night now.  I go back next week to the surgeon.  I hope he 
takes the bandages off; they are starting to heal and it itches.  Then in 3 
weeks I go back to the GI doctor who did the tube thing.  He is also going to 
check my liver function to make sure it is back where it should be.  Leave it 
to me to be complicated. 

Wed Apr 26 11:01 2006
You old bastards!


Wed Apr 26 10:32 2006

Wed Apr 26 10:21 2006
Happy Birthday Rick.


Tue Apr 25 10:03 2006
Since Rick mentioned Kristi's surgery, she is doing fine and coming home today.


Mon Apr 24 07:53 2006
Well since Kristi had to have surgery on sunday instead of tuesday... the first 
truck load came from my last residence. We will have to get the stuff from the 
basement later on. Thanks to dad we got everything in the first day. 2 truck 
loads and a trailer and a half, pulled back muscles and a near case of heat 
stoke and we were finished around 10 p.m.. We haven't heard anything else since 
sunday afternoon about Kristi so give me a call Bob you do have my friggin 
phone number.


Fri Apr 21 11:05 2006
Can the 1st truck load come from our basement?


Fri Apr 21 10:55 2006
What about Bob's strong back?  Well anyway..all is well with Tiff and I.  She 
slept last night too..yippie!  All I have to do is get my gallbladder out and I  
will be all set.  I had another attack yesterday..sucked.  Luckily my mom was 
able to come help with the kids..I sure can't do shit when those attacks hit.  
I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist (big word) next Tuesday.  
Hopefully we can get rolling on getting the thing out. 

Fri Apr 21 07:58 2006
Bob and John... I may need John but I will definitely need Bob.   I'm moving 
again. Phyllis and I are renting a place in Emerson and we need Bob and his 
truck and John's strong back. I'll call with more info later.


Thu Apr 20 14:51 2006
Both are doing great. If you guys are not busy saturday evening/night that would
be a good time. 

Tiffany actually slept for about 6 hours last night. It was nice.


Thu Apr 20 12:54 2006
How's Mama and Tiffany?  We need to come see her again...


Thu Apr 20 11:04 2006
But, it will again.


Thu Apr 20 09:42 2006
not any more


Wed Apr 19 14:01 2006
It's raining!

Tue Apr 18 09:57 2006

Mon Apr 17 14:45 2006


Mon Apr 17 14:37 2006


Sun Apr 16 19:02 2006
I enjoy a good beating from time to time.


Fri Apr 14 16:09 2006
Men...ya can't teach em anything...not even by beating...

Run...Run Away...quickly!


Fri Apr 14 14:38 2006
Tiffany seems capable of being in the living room while I am playing the lotus
in the there without any issue. I'm sure she will live through some low level
noise coming from the basement. The TV is louder than we will be. Not that we
are playing this weekend anyway since it's easter. I work the weekend after that
on sunday so unless we play on saturday that one is shot as well.


Fri Apr 14 14:20 2006
Hey I agreed to turn down to 8. HEHEHE


Fri Apr 14 14:13 2006
Give it up Karen.  Resistance is futile...the basement will be assimilated.   
Anyway, I can always do what I usually do and run away.  I have given up trying 
to reason about it. 

Fri Apr 14 14:02 2006
Does the knob stop the vibrations too?


Fri Apr 14 11:17 2006
Gotta start em early... besides there was one pic when she was born looked like 
she was playing air guitar. Gonna be a lefty player though.


Fri Apr 14 11:05 2006
There is this wonderful invention. They call it a volume knob.


Fri Apr 14 08:56 2006 guys can't blast the basement playing with a newborn upstairs...what
are you on Crack?!


Thu Apr 13 20:54 2006

Thu Apr 13 18:04 2006
I didn't spell check the site. feel free to do it sometime and let me know of
any mistakes.


Thu Apr 13 16:03 2006
OK BIG difference between typing and writing. (spellcheck)


Thu Apr 13 15:04 2006
... Given that I wrote every last scrap of text on this site except the bio's
for you and John, that should be apparent.


Thu Apr 13 12:31 2006
OMG.... Bob can write?!?!?!?!?


Thu Apr 13 11:27 2006
Term papers suck. That's one thing from college I do not miss.


Thu Apr 13 08:43 2006
1 paper down, 1 to go.


Wed Apr 12 11:07 2006
Dad saw Tiffany last night. I always forget about Easter =/


Wed Apr 12 08:32 2006
And don't forget that Dad still hasn't seen Tiffany. Probably gonna do the 
Easter thing on Sat. because Bailey's gotta be home on Sunday to do easter with 
her great grand parents.


Wed Apr 12 08:07 2006
Hmmm Easter Sunday?????? Might have a few conflicts there Bob.


Tue Apr 11 11:05 2006
Is everything clear with you guys to jam this sunday?


Sat Apr 8 14:41 2006
OK then I didn't know.


Fri Apr 7 12:56 2006
2 days ago. I went back on Wednesday.


Fri Apr 7 08:15 2006
When do you go back to work Bob?


Thu Apr 6 17:14 2006
But, it's all about the insults!

What other purpose could there be?


Thu Apr 6 15:10 2006
Insults aside... I was refering to the lack of input on the page since the baby 
was born. 


Tue Apr 4 12:33 2006
Sometimes...he is retarded sometimes?  Hmm...nevermind.


Tue Apr 4 11:27 2006
You're retarded sometimes Rick.

Anyway, I go back to work tommorrow, maybe I can catch up on some sleep there.


Tue Apr 4 08:44 2006
Soooo.... Kinda quiet in here...... AHAGHAGHAGAHGHAHAGHAHGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
That's better.


Sat Apr 1 22:14 2006
I was there too, and I admit it- she is adorable!  I might be biased though, 
you never know.  She already has my temper though-going to be a long life.  The 
dog thinks she is his own personal responsibility-it is pretty funny.  
Anyway-all is well.   

Sat Apr 1 14:04 2006
I was there and she is adorable.


Fri Mar 31 11:40 2006
Tiffany Lee Faulkner was born at 2:23am on 03/29/06. She was 7 pounds 13 ounces.
Mother and Daughter are both doing great and are now home. Pictures are posted
on the family picture site.


Tue Mar 28 15:47 2006

posting this link to get it once im at home.
neat info on PoHate anyway, may want to consider hitting the upper tiers of it.


Mon Mar 27 14:14 2006
Well ya gotta admit, A nice, warm, dark space to which there is no outside crap 
to mess with ya. I wouldn't want to leave either. 


Mon Mar 27 13:57 2006
She's tired of waiting too. Unfortunately, Tiffany is apparantly not tired of
Kristi's Uterus yet.


Mon Mar 27 11:14 2006
What John said!!!!!!!


Mon Mar 27 10:18 2006
Its time! The due date is today!! Get that kid in this world Kristi!!!! Im tired
of waiting!! ;op


Fri Mar 24 10:32 2006
Grats Karen!


Fri Mar 24 09:12 2006
Fabled King Tormax.....Dead
Fabled Kallis Stormcaller....Dead
Fabled Statue of Rallos Zek....Dead
Fabled Idol of Rallos Zek....Guild Dead

Grats Karen on:

Fabled Swftblade of Zek
Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 18
DMG: 17 Dmg Bonus: 15 AC: 25
STR: +14 HP: +235 MANA: +235 ENDUR: +235
Recommended level of 70. Required level of 63.
WT: 0.1 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8

Thu Mar 23 19:40 2006
LOL! Yeah I have the same list. The important people and those that just don't 
mean a damn thing to me list. But then again I know my brother and how long his 
memory is hehe. He will call Mom and Dad and then look at his phone and say " 
Who the hell else was I supposed to call?" " Oh well they will hear about it 
sooner or later." That is why I keep reminding him to call me when the day 


Thu Mar 23 19:19 2006
Well Rick, I somehow figured that you might already be on the "to call" list 
when I go into the hospital, being family and all.  Not like it's a long list, 
or anything; you know how anti-social we are.  Not like we have a huge list 
made out of friends and relatives. 

Thu Mar 23 08:09 2006
OUCH! that sucks Kristi, Phyllis goes in on the 1st for her next checkup. Make 
sure your hubby calls me when she finally makes an appearance.


Wed Mar 22 22:02 2006
Well, had 39 week dr appt today (5 days til d-day).  Finally a little progress,
but not much.  Went from 1 cm to 1 1/2 cm dilated.  No big deal there.  He did a
really rough exam to try to help things along, but so far all it did was hurt
like a bitch.  Dr had us schedule another ultrasound for next week to check
things out.  If she isn't here by the 3rd, then we will talk induction I guess.
 We will hope that doesn't happen, cuz it sux.  Next appt is Wednesday morning.

Wed Mar 22 16:08 2006
Thank you Bob.


Wed Mar 22 10:25 2006
Bob, Call me when you get a chance.


Tue Mar 21 18:07 2006
check your delusional mind email john.


Tue Mar 21 13:57 2006
I'm still drawing a blank.


Tue Mar 21 11:29 2006 could be a trait...


Mon Mar 20 11:12 2006
.... I'm drawing a blank...


Mon Mar 20 10:09 2006
...what are the good Faulkner traits!

Fri Mar 17 08:10 2006
Well the pissed off part is an inherited family trait. 


Thu Mar 16 17:59 2006
Yeah.  No progress this week.  Still at luck.  Dr says she will probably
be late since Caine was.  They will let me go as much as 2 weeks over before
inducing.  We will not talk about that.


Thu Mar 16 17:18 2006
hmmmm...where does she get that from?


Thu Mar 16 15:04 2006
Nope. She's pissed off and refuses to come out.


Thu Mar 16 13:33 2006
What?!?!?!   No baby update?  Is Tiffany getting closer to being here?


Wed Mar 15 09:36 2006
Be very afraid...

Tue Mar 14 14:36 2006
Bob??? Leave his house????? OMFG THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!!!


Tue Mar 14 11:10 2006
That's what I'm afraid of!!


Tue Mar 14 10:58 2006
Hey dont knock it, the kid might actually give Bob a reason to leave his house
more than once a year!! ;op


Tue Mar 14 07:53 2006
Bite your tounge! 


Mon Mar 13 17:55 2006
Watch. She'll be really social and we'll be wondering what happened.


Fri Mar 10 18:54 2006
Our child not be antisocial?  That is too much to ask.  What else could she be? 

Fri Mar 10 18:05 2006
In the belly! Though I kind of hope she quits being so antisocial and comes out
to  visit us soon.


Fri Mar 10 07:53 2006


Thu Mar 9 17:31 2006
Awesome - keep it up!  Hopefully she'll be close to "on time" :-)


Tue Mar 7 17:21 2006
Well, had 37 week check up today.  Everything looks good.  The baby finally 
turned!  She weighs in at 7 lbs 3 oz.  I gained 1 lb this week, so that is 3 
total.  So far so good!


Tue Mar 7 16:48 2006
Cool, I'll try to be there on time. Working till 2:39 A.M. sucks. Usually don't 
get home till 4 in the morning. But what can ya do. See ya then.


Mon Mar 6 09:54 2006
Yeah that sounds good Rick. Plan for a long session next Sunday. Me and Bob just
practiced a little. The girls went shopping.


Sun Mar 5 15:15 2006
Sorry I couldn't make it today guys, had to fix the car. Can we try to do the 
11 am thing next week?


Sat Mar 4 19:31 2006
I have been informed that there will only be 2 pics, unless I can intimidate 
the doc into givin us another one..... hehe. The doc seemed to be very nice and 
was very gentle through the exam. He explained everything as he went, which was 
a relief for me and for Phyllis as well since she was the examinee. This is a 
new experience for me as well since I wasn't able to be there for Bailey's 9 
month excursion into existence. I'm excited to see what it will be...(BOY)...
but which ever it is will be cool....(BOY).... Either way a new addition to the 
family is a great thing in itself.


Sat Mar 4 18:29 2006
Why they doing another pic?  I thought they only did like 2 the whole time.  I
feel jipped or something; either that or my dr sux.  Well, I mean, I get another
one next week, but an extra one early on would've been extra reassuring.  Here's
hoping your little peanut isn't as stubborn as ours seems to be and decides to
position his/her self the right way from the beginning, LOL.


Fri Mar 3 10:34 2006
Phyllis had her first Doctor Appt. on the 2nd. The sonogram is on the family 
site under the Faulkner/Duncan header. She is doing well and the baby is to. We 
go back on the 1st of April and get another pic and will be sent to Bob to be 
posted also.


Thu Mar 2 18:11 2006
Well, a C-Section isn't so bad - you get great drugs!!  LOL!!  Not to mention
the other benefits...  Sounds like everything is going great - glad to hear it!!


Thu Mar 2 16:55 2006
Well, had my dr appt today.  Not much news going on.  I gained my 2 lbs back 
that I lost last week, so I have gained 2 lbs so far total.  I have to go on 
Tuesday next week for another ultrasound to see if she is still breech.  They 
think she is, but she is still so high up they can't tell for sure.  If so, 
then it may be c-section city after all.  I went from 1/2 cm to 1 whole cm 
dilated; not much progress, but better than none I guess.  The dr did say he 
thinks this one will be a little smaller than Caine was born.  I sure hope so; 
he was 8 lbs 7 oz, any bigger I might die.


Thu Mar 2 15:05 2006
Fantasy land is a great place to work and play!


Wed Mar 1 14:08 2006
It's okay...he can live in fantasy land for another month.  Maybe the surprise
is better that way!  hehehehe


Wed Mar 1 07:04 2006
Told you!

Tue Feb 28 19:37 2006
It won't change that much.. Just more stinky diapers involved!


Tue Feb 28 18:38 2006
Don't tell Bob his life will change forever, you know he won't listen, LOL! 

Tue Feb 28 07:55 2006
Phyllis goes to the Doc on the second of March. As soon as we know how things 
are going I will let ya know.


Mon Feb 27 13:20 2006
Because once Tiffany is here...Bob's life will change forever!


Mon Feb 27 12:38 2006
We did a small bit of recording yesterday. We are planning a long session next
weekend to try and bang out another full song.


Sun Feb 26 17:48 2006

Thu Feb 23 20:01 2006
Well, had my dr appt today.  Got my group B strep test...that was loads of fun.   
Lost the 2 lbs I gained, so now I am back at prepregnancy weight again. Dr 
thinks she is head down now, but he wasn't positive because she was still 
really high up.  I am 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  I know that doesn't 
really mean anything, but at least it is some form of progress.  I didn't 
dilate or efface w/Caine at all until I was in the hospital in labor, so I am 
excited about it.   

Tue Feb 21 15:20 2006
Cool beans Karen, glad to hear everyone had a good time.


Tue Feb 21 12:59 2006
We went to Austin, TX.  I had meetings there.  My boss flew John and Dreah out
with me - which rocks!!!!  We had a really good time!  John and Dreah hung out
while I was in meetings.  The Marriott staff TOTALLY spoiled Dreah - they loved
her!  We did some sightseeing on Saturday.  Went down to their "6th Street" whis
is our Buckhead.  Got some great suveniors!  The weather was great til Saturday,
when it turned freezing, but we hung in there.  

And for the record, John is an AWESOME Dad!!!!


Tue Feb 21 11:42 2006
Hell that ain't good at all.


Tue Feb 21 11:04 2006
Your memory is almost as good as mine.


Tue Feb 21 09:25 2006
No one told me he was going to be out of town. I was just told we weren't 


Mon Feb 20 16:51 2006
... that's why we didn't jam yesterday.. john was out of town...


Mon Feb 20 15:39 2006
I didn't even know you were gone. Hope ya had a good time wherever ya went.


Mon Feb 20 11:06 2006
The Horror!


Mon Feb 20 08:51 2006
We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!


Sat Feb 18 17:36 2006

Sat Feb 18 16:41 2006


Sat Feb 18 14:59 2006
Has Mom sent you the pic of the pregnancy test for Phyllis?


Fri Feb 17 17:25 2006
More stuff and things.


Tue Feb 14 14:46 2006
Happy Cupid's Day!


Tue Feb 14 13:44 2006
Yeah Happy VD to you too


Tue Feb 14 11:37 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!


Tue Feb 14 08:13 2006
Update..... We may have miscalculated Phyllis' due month. She may actually be 
around 2 months pregnant. Ya know how mother nature works, allways keeping us 
in the dark. Gonna take her to the doctor and find out a more accurate time 
line. We will let you know what is going on.


Sat Feb 11 16:10 2006
Luck of the Irish! Green eyes and red hair.


Fri Feb 10 18:06 2006
That'll be special.  You'll have a Halloween baby, and ours will end up either 
St Patricks day or April Fools day. 

Fri Feb 10 08:11 2006
Yes we have discussed the possibility of a Hallows Eve child.


Thu Feb 9 22:10 2006
Halloween baby!!


Thu Feb 9 20:00 2006
Oh and BTW.... Some news for the masses. Phyllis is pregnant also. We have 
calculated she is 4 weeks along and the baby should be born in October.


Thu Feb 9 12:29 2006
Woohoo - Tiffany is on her way!! Glad all is still going great!


Thu Feb 9 11:28 2006
All went well at the doctor's office yesterday btw. still on schedule and on target!


Tue Feb 7 19:20 2006
Figures..I call and email everyone yesterday, and all the invites come today.  
Whatever!  We are registered at Babies R Us, btw.  Not that it matters, but it 
can at least give some ideas.


Tue Feb 7 15:31 2006
Oh...and I'll be there, but might be late.  We don't get out of class til 1:45
then have to pick up Dreah, bring her and John home...then head out again.  


Tue Feb 7 15:28 2006
Cancel invite today!


Tue Feb 7 12:52 2006
I'm pretty sure that would be a bad idea.

I don't know what you're gonna do Rick, but I'm gonna be playing video games. I
won't have any kids this weekend =)

I have to abuse that ability while I still can because I won't be able to
anymore in another month or 2.


Tue Feb 7 09:49 2006
Go ahead and post the directions...


Tue Feb 7 08:27 2006
If you will..... A soon to be mother's nightmare unfolds. She makes 
preparations for a baby shower yet no one knows..... she has stepped into the 
Twighlight Zone. She used snail mail to send her invitations and for some 
unknown reason no one has recieved them. LOL.

I'm sure everyone is gonna get em.... maybe after the shower tho. Bob....What 
are we gonna do all day with a buncha kids?


Mon Feb 6 14:02 2006
Okay, well no one seems to have gotten their baby shower invites for some 
reason, so I wanted to post the date/time for y'all.  The invites went out 
last week, so they should be coming, but who knows what happened.  Anyway, the 
shower is this Saturday the 11th at 3pm at my bosse's house in Bridge Mill.  I 
can give you directions if you need them (they are in the invites too if they 
ever come).


Sun Feb 5 12:30 2006
Fear the cleric powers.


Sat Feb 4 19:41 2006
only because you can heal yourself...:-P


Fri Feb 3 23:53 2006
And yet I would still win in a duel.


Fri Feb 3 20:14 2006
I have more HP than you!


Fri Feb 3 14:31 2006
I have more mana than you!


Fri Feb 3 14:09 2006
Everquest rocks

-- Galanity

Fri Feb 3 08:53 2006
I added 2 sonogram pics from October in Tiffany's section of the family picture


Wed Feb 1 13:52 2006
I wonder the same thing sometimes.


Wed Feb 1 13:51 2006
Why is no one posting anymore?

Sun Jan 29 19:26 2006
The Virtual Vintage I have in my six string is a Virtual Vintage Solo DP404. I 
researched it on the DiMarzio website and there is a sound byte also.


Sat Jan 28 10:03 2006
Bob says no. 

Sat Jan 28 08:58 2006
Yeah Bob had broken glass and he was wearing a seatbelt. I wound up in the 
passenger seat and the truck was in reverse backing me out into traffic. It was 
an interesting ride to say the least. And Bob has Mom sent you our wedding pics 
to post yet?

Fri Jan 27 20:11 2006
Well, had another doctor appt this week.sGained another pound.  I am still down 
one from before I started though.  I go back on the 8th and the 23rd, then 
after that it is every week visits. 
After carefully comparing dead Dodges, I still think that Bob did a better job 
overall.  Yours is still special and everything Rick, but Bob's had more flair 
to it I think.   

Fri Jan 27 13:21 2006
The pictures of Rick's Deceased Dodge are up on the family pictures site.


Thu Jan 26 22:30 2006
I like the new webmail. Has more features and is less buggy. I use it everday.


Thu Jan 26 11:11 2006
I work and I work and nobody notices =(


Tue Jan 24 19:52 2006
I changed the webmail server software from Roundcube to Open WebMail. Try it out
and let me know if you see any bugs. This software has a lot more features and
is a little less buggy.


Mon Jan 23 16:08 2006
The North Georgia trees have claimed another Dodge Truck today. Photos to be 
posted soon.


Mon Jan 23 11:18 2006
Beer Goggles?


Sat Jan 21 17:36 2006
Maybe your monitor is having issues. After a few hours it decides focus is no
longer important.


Sat Jan 21 10:41 2006
It looks crystal clear to me.


Thu Jan 19 14:11 2006
Why does this thing go blurry that Voodoo DNS???

K...I have to get off this ride now...i'm getting dizzy...


Wed Jan 18 08:10 2006
Kinda hard to tell them if I can't e mail them.


Tue Jan 17 19:14 2006
AOL sucks. They don't interoperate with half the planet.
Tell whoever it was you were sending it to that if they want to get all their
email get a different provider.


Tue Jan 17 15:19 2006
Hey Bob, I tried to send an e mail to someone with an aol acct. and it was 
returned. Is there a problem sending email from webmail to aol? Or is it just 
the crappy security that aol uses?


Tue Jan 17 08:08 2006
Drink lots of cranberry juice I heard that was excellent for kidney and bladder 
infections. That and water. Let us know how everything is going.


Mon Jan 16 20:13 2006
Well, leave it to me to have more issues!  My back woke me up killing me this 
morning, so after almost all day calling the dr back and forth I finally got 
worked in.  They kept telling me to take Tylenol and put heat on it; I knew 
that wasn't gonna help, but I did it anyway.  Finally, after 3 or 4 calls to 
the dr they agreed to see me.  Turns out, I have a really bad kidney infection.  
They gave me some antibiotics, and said if I don't feel better in 2 days to 
call them back.  In the meantime, all they tell me I can take is Tylenol, so I 
guess I get to suffer.  Oh well, at least now I know what the problem is.  
Needless to say, work didn't happen today, and probably not tomorrow unless I 
feel a ton better in the morning.  Could be worse though I suppose. 

Mon Jan 16 13:12 2006
I haven't heard anything about a harness.... Tell my non calling brother to 
fill me in sometime. I did hear about the glucose thing and I'm glad everything 
is normal Kristi. Keep the young-un bakin and hope the rest goes good.


Mon Jan 16 12:30 2006
Awesome Kristi!  That's a load off your mind!  The harness may be too small for
ya if it cuts ya in half.  I wouldn't wear it if that's the case.  

Mmmmmmm....chocolate (sugar) - enjoy it while ya can.  Losing the weight SUX!!

Uh...I don't know how the thing posted twice...I'm sure it's DNS and not me!!
Which is probably the same reason it's all blurry now...i'm getting dizzy...


Mon Jan 16 12:11 2006
Sugar good.


Sun Jan 15 13:10 2006
Well, as you can tell, I haven't been on the board lately.  The harness helps a
little.  I must be doing something wrong though, because when I sit down it like
cuts me in half.  My back is a lot better now though.  I guess whatever it is is
working it's way out.

On another note:  I passed my 3 hour glucose test!!! YAY!!!  I have the mother
of all bruises on my right arm, but I guess that is a small price to pay- that
means I can still eat sugar!!  WOOHOO!!


Fri Jan 13 19:55 2006
No holiday for the wicked!!!! We jam

Fri Jan 13 19:10 2006
You fell victom to hitting refresh again didn't you.. Stop that!!

I'm gonna have to break down and write a subroutine to check for duplicate posts
I guess.


Fri Jan 13 19:04 2006's Sunday...

Fri Jan 13 18:51 2006's Sunday...

Fri Jan 13 17:57 2006
That's Monday.. 


Fri Jan 13 16:06 2006
because of the holiday...

Fri Jan 13 13:34 2006
Why would it be?


Fri Jan 13 13:13 2006
I thought this weekend was cancelled...

Fri Jan 13 12:17 2006
mmmmmm.. crunch and destroy...



Thu Jan 12 20:47 2006
K guys I like the addition you made to the track. I think we can get a little 
more crunch and destroy in there also. See ya this weekend.


Thu Jan 12 19:50 2006
Hey Kristi - how's the back?  Are ya wearing the harness?


Wed Jan 11 08:56 2006
We worked a little on a new song this past weekend. Once we come up with a
little more for it we'll have another finished song written and in the queue to
be recorded. Slowly making progress toward finishing out the album. 


Tue Jan 10 10:00 2006


Mon Jan 9 11:11 2006


Sun Jan 8 09:42 2006
Gooooooooood Morning!


Thu Jan 5 18:05 2006
Yeah Happy New Year......dammit

Thu Jan 5 11:13 2006
BTW, Happy New Year!


Tue Jan 3 11:10 2006
Sounds about right.


Tue Jan 3 10:10 2006're having delusional thoughts about porn???


Mon Jan 2 18:02 2006
You forgot Delusional Mail.

I thought about the Delusional Porn thing as well, but it sounds a bit too far
over the top.


Mon Jan 2 18:00 2006
I don't know.  You've got Delusional Mind and Delusional Radio already.  I think
"Delusional Porn" sounds more official.  Of course, that sounds like a type of
strange fetish, but whatever works I guess.


Mon Jan 2 14:10 2006
Exploration of a Dirty Mind


Mon Jan 2 14:03 2006
What porn service?

Mon Jan 2 11:18 2006
That's what the name of our new porn service is going to be.


Sun Jan 1 14:00 2006
Did someone say Dirty Mind?

Fri Dec 30 12:39 2005


Fri Dec 30 11:10 2005
I guess not.


Tue Dec 27 13:23 2005
Was there ever any doubt?


Tue Dec 27 12:39 2005
You people should be ashamed...thinking of Santa in that way!!!

Of course, it also means you passed the test...yup, ya'll officially have DIRTY
MINDS 24/7!!  hahahahahaha


Tue Dec 27 11:10 2005
The same thought occured to me as well.


Mon Dec 26 18:27 2005
...dirty thoughts..dirty thoughts...shouldn't post things like that...

Mon Dec 26 15:57 2005
Santa Came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun Dec 25 15:24 2005

Sun Dec 25 14:05 2005
HO HO HO and stuff and things!

Sun Dec 25 07:36 2005


Fri Dec 23 11:11 2005
Actually, it IS because of DNS.. I added an entry in my DNS server for but that information probably hasn't been transferred to
John's server yet. My guess is when your machine asked for the address it asked
John's server and it said, "Huh?"

I'll log into it and force an update.


Fri Dec 23 10:26 2005
Because of DNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fri Dec 23 10:08 2005

Thu Dec 22 19:15 2005
I moved the pictures that aren't related to the band out of the image gallery to
their own space. The images in the Delusional Mind gallery are now limited to
band related images only. All the others are available at

Rick, I still need your wedding pics and anything else you want on the family album.

Thu Dec 22 11:28 2005


Wed Dec 21 14:12 2005
I heard you go blind if you do stuff and things.


Wed Dec 21 12:29 2005
Did some stuff and things this morning. Nothing else to report.


Wed Dec 21 12:10 2005
and then immediately fell silent for days.


Sun Dec 18 16:38 2005
yes, we jammed about 2 hours ago.


Sat Dec 17 19:38 2005
hahahaha :-)

Sat Dec 17 16:05 2005
Call me and let me know if we are jamming tomorrow.


Fri Dec 16 17:58 2005
i'm no traitor. It was obtained while John was still working there. Once
Earthlink outsourced his job as well I dropped them like a bad habit.


Fri Dec 16 16:10 2005

Thu Dec 15 16:24 2005
Yeah, its cause its from Earthlink.


Thu Dec 15 11:25 2005
I agree.


Thu Dec 15 08:12 2005

Wed Dec 14 12:33 2005
It also locked up again yesterday. Apparantly it's getting ready to die on me..
Time to start looking for a new one.


Wed Dec 14 12:21 2005
Shew!!  I feel better now that I know - thanks for more DNS!!!


Sun Dec 11 10:15 2005
Just in case anyone was wondering why the site was down all day Friday, my DSL
modem locked up right after I walked out the door to go to work. First time that
modem has even given me any trouble. As soon as I got home and reset it all was
well again.


Fri Dec 9 22:15 2005

Thu Dec 8 17:54 2005
John has suggested setting a date by which we should have the album completed. I
think it's a good idea. Applying some pressure to ourselves might help motivate
us to not spend an entire jam session playing when we should be focused on
writing and recording.

I want the album finished above all else. And by finished I mean a full
complement of songs of at least moderate technical difficulty(not the same riff
over and over ie chunk and epic). That way if/when we do play someplace, even if
it's only 2 songs we play, afterward we have something impressive to give to the
people there who want more.


Thu Dec 8 11:58 2005
OK for the record, I don't wear panties. I was upset at the way it was 
presented to me and yes you have been at some of the rehersals. But the ones 
you aren't at are some of the best. Bob I agree that we do not rehearse enough 
to be at a professional status. Frankly we don't have the enthusiasm or time 
to rehearse that much. As for playing live I did not mean that we were going 
to jump up and play an entire set... only a couple songs and get the hell out. 
As far as being nice? When the hell have I ever been nice? And yes the music 
we are doing now has been done to death and we have played it so many times 
that it has become boring and redundant to the point of mistakes because I 
have quit paying attention to what I am doing. We need to finish recording the 
songs we have YES... And it needs to be done soon. I have been working on some 
new arrangements that make "There and Back again" seem boring. I haven't 
played any of it because there are several movements to be considered. But 
until we get something going I am not going to bring in this drummer because 
he is that good. And I don't want to be considered by friends that actually 
play live and perform with at times to consider us ridiculous and 


Thu Dec 8 11:31 2005
no more show for you!


Tue Dec 6 13:46 2005
Woohoo - We love family fueds!!!  Damn right we're entertained!  Much better
than Bob's DNS!  hahahahaha

Now...Commence to the next round, please. :-)


Mon Dec 5 20:58 2005
What he said. As far as hearing you jam..well I've been there done that many
times.  That, and I have seen the video (over and over and over thanks to Bob).
I'm not saying you should never play live, and I'm not trying to be mean.  I'm
just looking at it from a marketing perspective.  Establishing a fan-base is
important (obviously), and word of mouth is instrumental in that.  You don't
want to jump into something too soon. Then you end up with a bunch of people 
leaving the show and telling their friends that you suck or something.  That
isn't the case, but one bad night (especially when it's your first) can ruin a
reputation really fast.   This next part is not nice, but I have to say it.  I
can't help myself.  Besides, if we were only allowed to say nice things all the
time on this wall, then it would be considerably shorter than it is now.  Okay,
here goes:  if the stuff you are playing now is boring, old, and redundant, then
following logic,  shouldn't that equate to less mistakes instead of more?  Just
curious(that is my sarcastic nature coming out again-sorry).  Anyway, that is my
retort for the moment. Didn't mean to make you get your panties in a wad or
anything dude.  If nothing else, at least we are putting the wall to use;no
annoying crickets chirping.  That, and we must be providing great reading
entertainment for John and Karen ;)


Sun Dec 4 21:38 2005
Zing!!  Right over his head...

I'll be honest and say right now my priority is to get the album finished..
playing live for an audience when we have no real album to point to and say "get
more here" is not very useful. I'm not against playing a venue now and then but
before we get on a stage we need something to play for them. In my opinion we
have 4 completed songs(Insanity's, Nameless, Aphro, and There and Back).
Everything else we play is at best an interesting riff that should be a part of
a better song. 

Rick, there are very few times we play a song all the way through without one of
us screwing something up. That's to be expected when we only jam 2-3 times a
month (if we're lucky).. The best example of this is the video we attempted to
make the other weekend.. The camera is on and all 3 of us managed to screw
up(royally) at least 1 thing in the song. Today we jammed and it was an awesome
session. We pretty much nailed everything. BUT, we need to be able to do that
EVERY time and right now we don't. If we can increase the frequency of jam
sessions, or at least all of us show up for the ones we schedule now, then we
can start talking about getting on stage. 

Kristi can say anything she wants on here, the same as you.(also keeping in mind
she owns the server and the bandwidth this is piping through).. everything she
said was true. i have no intention of setting foot on a stage in front of
anything more than people I already know unless we can get together and belt out
a set of COMPLETE songs without messing up bad enough for anyone to know the
difference. If that's the goal you're aiming for then our next several jam
sessions need to be dedicated to finishing recording what we have and writing at
least 4-5 more complete songs to fill out the album. Once the music page says
"Here's the complete album of Insanity's Realm" we can set our sights on a stage.


Sun Dec 4 21:10 2005
First off Kristi, you aren't there to hear us play and we don't f*ck up 
everything we play. And it's not like it's gonna be tomorrow that we play a 
live gig. First we have to get the drummer in line. And as far as it goes I 
have played live in front of an audience and so has John. The only one that 
hasn't is Bob. If you have nothing positive to say then don't say it, we have 
been practicing the same stuff for a very long time and to me it is getting 
boring. When we get an opportunity like this we need to take it. Mistakes 
happen in the basement because we have played it over and over so many times it 
has become redundant and therefore old. This is not meant to be mean or nasty, 
but until you can play guitar or bass or add something to the music let us be 
the judge of what we do or when we play live.


Sun Dec 4 16:34 2005
That was my wife.. Thank you.


Sun Dec 4 15:16 2005

Sat Dec 3 22:52 2005
Ummm..hey's a thought.  Before you go somewhere playing live in front
of people, don't you think you should learn how to play in the basement without
f***ing up on something every song.  By that I mean all of y'all, not
necessarily you in particular.  Not saying y'all suck or nothing..just saying
that playing live might be a little ways away.  Don't want to make total fools
of yourselves the first time out (at least not any more than you have to).


Sat Dec 3 22:47 2005
What's up aaron! things are going great with us.. you need to log back into eq
sometime and say hi..


Sat Dec 3 13:34 2005
Hey Aaron!!! Good to hear from ya. We miss ya in EQ land! Hope things are going
good for you and the family!!!


Sat Dec 3 11:44 2005
Yes John the guy is allready in a band and also happens to be a percussion 
teacher at a local music store that we visit from time to time. He is a kickass 
drummer and has agreed to give our stuff a try. And if he likes it and can play 
it will come and jam with us and record for us. Hell we may even have a small 
venue to play at live with his band. Although the place is not a metal club we 
can get Bob over the limitation of stage fright there.HEHEHEHE.


Sat Dec 3 09:04 2005
Howdy folks,

Just dropped by to say hello.  I haven't talked to you guys in a good long time 
hope things are going well.. it looks like they are.

Aaron (Fob)

Fri Dec 2 16:39 2005
it has been found and squashed. thanks for playing.


Fri Dec 2 14:48 2005
I'm hunting an obscure, nonfatal bug in the Wall..


Fri Dec 2 14:34 2005
Must be a hard question.


Wed Nov 30 13:05 2005
Is this guy already in a band? 


Tue Nov 29 10:46 2005
Actually I believe this guy can play the parts we wrote on the tracks on the 
web page. He is that good.


Mon Nov 28 11:35 2005
keep in mind there are copies of aphrodisiac, nameless, and insanity's realm
that have no drums in them at


Mon Nov 28 11:13 2005
Well lets hope that it turns out to be something positive!!


Sat Nov 26 16:41 2005
I'm taking a copy of the unfinished works to a friend of mine that just happens 
to play drums. I'm going to issue a challenge to him and see if he takes it.


Fri Nov 25 12:51 2005
I feel sorry for Bob.


Fri Nov 25 12:00 2005
Well, let's all feel sorry for Bob again since he has to work today too.  

Thu Nov 24 17:57 2005
You better.


Thu Nov 24 17:07 2005
I'll save ya some dressing Bob.


Thu Nov 24 16:06 2005
that's right.. you should.. I'm so bored it hurts.


Thu Nov 24 15:36 2005
Everyone feel sorry for Bob..all together now...awwwww!

Thu Nov 24 11:11 2005
somehow i got elected to work on thanksgiving, so eat some for me. i won't be
getting off till 8pm, which is too late to really partake in the feasting.

Only redeeming factor is holiday pay!!


Thu Nov 24 09:48 2005
Happy Thanksgiving all!!

John,Karen, and Dreah

Wed Nov 23 11:42 2005
Giving Happythanks everyone!!


Wed Nov 23 08:22 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!
Rick and Family

Tue Nov 22 19:24 2005
burned turkey doesn't taste good.

Also, to update, we recorded a video this past sunday, though we didn't mix it
well and we all managed to find a way to screw up something in the song. Call it
a practice run. We'll do a better version next time and use a real video camera
as opposed to our digital camera recording to it's 512MB SD.


Tue Nov 22 15:56 2005


Tue Nov 22 15:34 2005
If the beak fits...hahahaha



Mon Nov 21 15:59 2005
who are you calling a turkey?!?!


Mon Nov 21 15:43 2005
It's Turkey Week!  So Happy Turkey Day to all you Turkeys!


Fri Nov 18 12:08 2005
at least it seems that way.


Thu Nov 17 18:00 2005
into a void from which there is no return. and it just keeps getting sucked in
faster and faster..


Thu Nov 17 15:51 2005
Dreah will be a year old in 2 weeks!!!  Wow...where has the time gone?!


Thu Nov 17 11:06 2005
the server is starting to sound like crickets again..


Tue Nov 15 14:26 2005
btw, as of a few posts ago we broke 1000 posts on the wall.


Mon Nov 14 13:25 2005
update: we didn't get a chance to jam this past weekend so the video is on hold
until we do.

Fri Nov 11 21:43 2005
Don't have a clue.  Not really feeling pizza though.  Of course, Caine is kinda
picky, so it has to be something that has something he will eat.  Either that,
or if we decide ahead of time I can bring him something to fix.  Whatever; there
isn't much to choose from if we want to order in.  Whatever it is will give me
heartburn, so it doesn't much matter to me.


Fri Nov 11 12:32 2005
Blah...blah...blah...More DNS!!!!!!!!!

Pizza...maybe...Kristi - any ideas?


Fri Nov 11 11:59 2005
we are now hosting a copy of "there and back again" in the music section that is
in flac format. For those that don't know, flac is a lossless audio codec that
produces a perfect copy of the original. no loss at all. That means the audio
you listen to is perfectly identical to the source we created it from. Ogg and
mp3 formats are lossy and even if you can't tell, there is fidelity lost when
they are created that is preserved in the flac file. It is quite large since
it's lossless. The flac file is roughly 60% of the source file's size. If you
desperately want a perfect copy or are going to burn it to cd and want a cd
quality source then the flac file is what you're after. If you just want
something to listen to that is close to cd quality then the ogg and mp3 files
are what you want (and are MUCH smaller).

Once the album is completed, we will offer it on the web site for free in ogg
and mp3 formats. If you decide you like it and would like to purchase the album
(and help fund the next one) we will provide the entire album in flac format, or
burn a cd and ship it to you (your choice). 


Fri Nov 11 11:08 2005
dunno.. we can order pizza, or wings. or whatever..


Fri Nov 11 09:16 2005
The rematch is on for Saturday - woohoo!  hahahha

What do you guys want for din-din?


Thu Nov 10 15:21 2005
Just so others know, we're trying to get a rough video together of us playing
"There and Back Again". This isn't a glamour music video or anything. Just a
video of us, playing the song in the basement, mainly for kicks. We're going to
record it live through the mixer and once the whole thing is put together we'll
make it available from the site.


Thu Nov 10 11:31 2005
Don't everyone post at once. Don't think the server can handle it.


Tue Nov 8 15:15 2005
I was trying to hook him up with the super secret map to broodlands. but it
looks like the site had a hard drive failure between when i mailed it to him and
he checked it and they lost all their maps.. it's conspiracy i tell you!


Tue Nov 8 15:01 2005
Webmail...looks like the guys have their secrets now too...hehehe


Mon Nov 7 18:33 2005
john, check your webmail.


Mon Nov 7 15:44 2005

professional suicide is always fun to watch.


Mon Nov 7 13:16 2005
Every man's dream...TAMPA � Two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders were arrested
after a bar dispute that broke out early Sunday after patrons complained the
women were having sex in a bathroom stall, a police arrest report said.

damn...heheheh had to share - it was in the AJC today.


Sat Nov 5 21:59 2005
What sucks?

Sat Nov 5 15:33 2005
It sucks!

Sat Nov 5 00:04 2005
Well, if they wouldn't decide to raid Time on Saturday night we could do some
card playing.  Damn them.  Oh well, I suppose there will be another Saturday.

Yeah, you better believe I will be coming for some girly baby stuff at some
point.  I didn't keep much of Caine's, and what I did keep just isn't gonna work
out for Tiffany..hehe.  


Fri Nov 4 11:25 2005
Call me when you get a chance Bob


Thu Nov 3 16:03 2005
Ok, I changed around the look of the wall by moving the post box to it's own
screen. That way if all you came here for was to read the wall you won't have to
deal with the big white box in your face. 

Tell me what you think. If it sucks I'll set it back to the way it was.


Thu Nov 3 15:11 2005
I actually haven't listened to any of it yet. Can't crank it up here at work.
I was just getting a kick out of Steve Harris's daughter having a guitarist
named Faulkner, who's first name isn't far off from Rick's


Thu Nov 3 13:40 2005
She sounds like Pat


Thu Nov 3 12:17 2005
I just found this:

it's Steve Harris's daughter!! 
Want to know what's really wierd? Her guitarist is Richie Faulkner!!


Thu Nov 3 11:11 2005
EQ friday night right?


Tue Nov 1 17:51 2005
LOL!!!  If you remember, it was guys versus girls last time.  But either way is

Tue Nov 1 11:04 2005
you miss kicking our asses that much?


Tue Nov 1 09:56 2005
All ya need to do is come over and you'll have everything you'll need for little
Tiffany!!  Between what was given to us and what I bought for Dreah, you won't
have to buy anything for the first year of her life unless you just want to!!

Plus, it's about time for a rematch of Spades! :-)


Sun Oct 30 08:32 2005
Well, we are all registered now at Babies R Us.  Wow, that took a long time to
do, but it was kinda fun.  

Fri Oct 28 15:07 2005
FYI it was because the copy of firefox on your machine was version .9 something
and the webmail app requires firefox 1.0+. you're up-to-snuff now.


Thu Oct 27 21:15 2005


Thu Oct 27 19:50 2005
nothing! what browser are you using and from where? i just logged into it just
fine 20 seconds ago.


Thu Oct 27 19:47 2005
WTF???  My browser doesn't support webmail?  It did the other day.  What have
you done now Bob?


Thu Oct 27 08:20 2005
hahahahaha - yeah, you suck!  I like that one better!


Thu Oct 27 00:32 2005
ok, after a double-take i see what you mean. fixed.


Wed Oct 26 19:25 2005
What would you like for it to say? You suck?


Wed Oct 26 18:58 2005
Ok one thing I noticed on webmail. When you end the session it says... you have 
succesfully finished your session, goody bye. Ya think you could fix that.


Wed Oct 26 18:18 2005
Hey!  She was still OUR blob, even if she was a blob.  HEHE. Yeah, I will say 
the ultrasound technology has improved a lot since I was pregnant with Caine.  
I guess 8 years will do that.


Wed Oct 26 17:07 2005
i have to admit i'm pretty stoked. seeing her on the ultrasound kinda brought it
home. the picture was MUCH clearer this time. actually looked like a baby and
not a blob.


Wed Oct 26 15:55 2005
I knew it was a girl!!!  Little Tiffany is in production!!  Woohoo!  Congrats guys!!


P.S. yeah, I know Bob, but at least I can blame him for me forgetting...hahaha

Wed Oct 26 11:03 2005
You asked John to remind you?!? That's like Kristi asking me to remind her..

It's a girl btw. In case you were wondering or anything.


Wed Oct 26 09:04 2005
NO, its Bob's fault. He usually calls me on his way home from work. That would
have reminded me to tell Karen to call you!!!. I blame Bob ;op


Wed Oct 26 08:45 2005
well...the secrets will have to wait until tonight...I remembered to call you at
10...and knew that was too late - sorry!!  Have school tonight, but will call
you either on the way home or when I get home, which is roughly 8. 

I even told John to remind maybe it's his fault...hehehehe


Tue Oct 25 19:32 2005
Well, better make it 8.  I am still at mom and dad's atm.
Secret girl is all a great big conspiracy.


Tue Oct 25 12:56 2005
Secret girl talk. They're conspiring against us!


Tue Oct 25 09:08 2005
ok, I'll call ya tonight


And, a week is just the right amount of time to "prepare" for the bewitching

Mon Oct 24 19:57 2005
Well, 37 more hours until the ultrasound appt.  I am getting anxious..hehe. 
Anyway.  Hey Karen-call me when you get a chance.  I am usually home after 7 or
so, but always by 8.  I am having a baby related dilemma, and I need some input.
 I would post it, but it's a little TMI for the guys ;)


Mon Oct 24 17:08 2005
got a week to go.. i don't count that as almost.. close.. but not almost..


Mon Oct 24 16:36 2005
It's almost the bewitching hour...hoooohoooo

Sat Oct 22 10:41 2005
I like PIE!


Fri Oct 21 15:20 2005
yeah sure.


Fri Oct 21 14:55 2005
good choice. don't the buttons look better in a standards compliant browser?

Fri Oct 21 14:50 2005
I updated me and Karen to using Firefox now. w3 R l33t now.


Fri Oct 21 12:43 2005
ok. i have the webmail working, the radio stations are running. i'm bored here
at work. anyone have any feature ideas for the site that i haven't thought of yet?


Fri Oct 21 10:12 2005
hehehehehe sorry Kristi!  And we know that your brain cells are being 
confiscate by the little one!! buttons...We like buttons!!!!!


Fri Oct 21 09:11 2005
Ok, the new buttons are up. If you use older versions of Internet Explorer on
any OS pre XP you get to look at the pretty black boxes. If you would like to
see the buttons the way they're supposed to look then use a real web browser
that actually complies with 9 year old standards and you will see the nice
transparant buttons.


Thu Oct 20 21:21 2005
In case you haven't noticed, I'm in the process of creating new buttons for the
link bar. Expect some mixed button types through this weekend.


Thu Oct 20 17:21 2005
Alright Karen, don't confuse me.  Either be Karen or Towanda.  You can't be 
switching it up on me-it hurts my brain.


Thu Oct 20 15:29 2005
*gulp* more DNS...aaaahhhhhh


Thu Oct 20 14:29 2005
Ok, we now have internet radio stations running. One streams mp3 and the other
ogg format. The ogg version features better quality and a higher bitrate. You
need a media player capable of dealing with webcasting. Newer versions of
windows media player should be able to deal with it. If you have an ogg codec in
your system you can get the ogg stream. If not you can listen to the mp3 stream
at 96Kbps. 


Thu Oct 20 12:27 2005
Hello, my name is John and Im a D.N.S. addict!

Thu Oct 20 09:38 2005
I smell cake!

Thu Oct 20 09:05 2005
I smell dust...

Thu Oct 20 09:02 2005
Oh....Bob got a new sister in law, huh?  Well, exactly what the hell did I 
get?  I don't count or something?  Last time I checked if he gets one, then I 
get one too.


Thu Oct 20 08:18 2005
lemme know when you have em ready and i'll stick some in the gallery


Wed Oct 19 20:12 2005
Pictures of the wedding are forthcoming.

Wed Oct 19 20:10 2005
Rick and Phyllis tied the knot on Oct. 18th, 2005. Hey Bob ya got a new sister 
in law.

Wed Oct 19 14:06 2005
Hi, my name is Towanda and I'm addicted to DNS...

Tue Oct 18 17:37 2005
you refuse to admit it I see.


Mon Oct 17 17:17 2005
You love it. Admit it.


Mon Oct 17 10:12 2005

Sun Oct 16 11:52 2005
Ok, I've been slaving away fixing other people's code to get the webmail working
at least close to reasonable levels. You can now delete mail, though it does not
move it to the trash folder. The folders list functions now work as well. I'm
getting ready to send the patches to the developers so they can fix their code.


Sat Oct 15 17:26 2005
the server has new (old) drives which more than doubles our available space. not
to mention the drive these pages are served off of now is a faster drive than
the old one (still slow by today's standards though). I left the rest of the
machine alone. Why mess with something that works. This little p200 has been
running this server for 7 years and never breaks a sweat. All moving to a faster
one would do is increase the power bill.


Fri Oct 14 17:07 2005
Oh, and just to give some notice. I'm gonna be taking down the server tomorrow
(Saturday 10/15/05) and putting in larger drives. I'm low on space on both
drives in the server right now. Time to expand. I may also up the ante on the
cpu power as well. Right now the server is running on a pentium 200 with 96MB of
ram. This is only a thought as the machine really isn't even close to being taxed.


Fri Oct 14 17:03 2005
It appears the webmail app tries to move the deleted messages into a trash
folder which doesn't exist yet. There's always one more thing to fix. That's why
I love these things.


Fri Oct 14 16:40 2005
AHHH...I suppose that would be why all those messages (2) I kept deleting all 
morning are still there.  I thought I was just retarded or something (well, 
maybe I still am).


Fri Oct 14 15:57 2005
I added the link to the webmail system on the left for use by those who have an
email account on the server. If you don't have one, and want one, ask.

The only real bug I know of right now is you can't delete messages from it. I'm
working on it.


Fri Oct 14 14:01 2005
glad to be of service.


Fri Oct 14 13:12 2005
That's the DNS I was waiting for!!  hehehe


Fri Oct 14 11:36 2005
[Thu Oct 13 15:34:07 2005] [error] [client] Error adding new
entry., referer:

That was the death blow. It's actually the fault of both Karen and I. I was
compiling php yesterday to get the webmail system up and running and that took
the free space on that partition to less than 5% free. Linux will prevent any
nonroot user from writing to the drive if it's over 95% full to prevent the
system from becoming unstable so when she tried to post, the wall was able to
clear the contents of the file in order to rewrite it, but when it actually
tried to rewrite the OS told the wall to get bent. So we had a wall that was 0
bytes. I guess that's what backups are for. Maybe one day I'll make it generate
the new copy in a seperate work file then delete the original and rename the
work file. That would prevent this kind of incident in the future. One day..


Fri Oct 14 09:12 2005
I only did it so Bob would post all that bio-technical language about how he 
fixes the Damn Network She-ott - you know I live for that stuff!


Fri Oct 14 08:45 2005
WTG Karen!  I posted yesterday and it got erased, and now I don't remember what 
I posted!  Oh well, guess it wasn't that important.

Fri Oct 14 08:37 2005
That's right...I put my voodoo on it!  hehehehe


Thu Oct 13 18:12 2005
The wall deleted itself this afternoon. Investigation is underway, but I think
it's Karen's fault!!!! Running on a backup from last night.


Wed Oct 12 18:13 2005
I updated the image gallery code a bit. It now generates thumbnail images on the
fly so when you're looking at the gallery the pages will load an UNBELIEVABLE
MAGNITUDE faster than before. The trade-off is when you click on an image it
will take a while to load as you have to then download it, where before it
downloaded entirely as you pulled the gallery page. I decided being able to look
through the gallery pages with less pain was more important than quick display
of full quality images.

Lemme know what you think.


Wed Oct 12 17:02 2005
Then we find out of it's name will be Tiffany, or It


Wed Oct 12 15:27 2005
Two weeks from today until the big ultrasound!

Wed Oct 12 15:25 2005

Mon Oct 10 11:14 2005
One of these days I'll write a routine to parse the posts and remove them.. It
has potential security issues.

By the way, there is an updated version of There and Back Again in the music
section. We added a solo to it this past weekend.


Mon Oct 10 09:38 2005

Sun Oct 9 17:23 2005
I changed your post, Karen, so it would play nice. Just so you know, HTML (and
hence web browsers) enclose HTML tags within < and > signs. So if you use
them the way you just did in that post the web browser thinks it's a broken HTML
tag and simply doesn't display it.


Sun Oct 9 14:30 2005

Fri Oct 7 11:30 2005
Maybe you're right. I was trying to save us some money by not wearing out the
tooth brushes as often. That $1.80 for them breaks the bank ya know.


Fri Oct 7 08:51 2005
That's why you got sick honey...all those saved up germs.  You should never go 
more than 2 1/2 days without brushing or else bad things happen.


Fri Oct 7 07:26 2005
You Kiss Your Wife with that Mouth?!?!

Thu Oct 6 15:31 2005

Tue Oct 4 16:16 2005
Naa. I brushed 3 days ago.


Tue Oct 4 16:01 2005
Poor dog always gets blamed!

It was probably your breath!

Mon Oct 3 11:16 2005
It was the dog.


Sun Oct 2 18:30 2005
OK..... Who farted?

Fri Sep 30 16:17 2005
Actually, Bob is right.  It is really quite disturbing to see you with hair.  I 
have a hard time finding you now; I am so used to looking for the helmet that I 
don't recognize you in a crowd.


Fri Sep 30 08:20 2005
Really though, put the helmet back on. We don't want to see that.


Fri Sep 30 08:15 2005
No More Helmet Hair!!!!!


Wed Sep 28 09:03 2005

Wed Sep 28 08:51 2005
For sure! You two hooked up with some serious phat letwz!!!! :o)


Wed Sep 28 00:12 2005
Shout out for Time Lewts for me and Karen!!!


Tue Sep 27 19:43 2005
I wanted to cry it was so long and drawn out.. Really though, after about 9
hours of movie 20 minutes of wrapup wasn't too out of line.


Tue Sep 27 12:42 2005
He's in never-never land, right? they age/die there?  I cried during 
that scene! :-)


Tue Sep 27 11:23 2005
I still blame John


Tue Sep 27 10:59 2005
No Bilbo couldn't make it!  Don't act like you didn't watch Return of the King 
(cuz we all know you did).  You saw what happened to Bilbo; he can't just pop 
in on jam sessions from where he sailed off to ya know.  That would just be 


Tue Sep 27 02:02 2005
Thank your sweety. He named it!


Mon Sep 26 22:20 2005
No solo?  What...Bilbo couldn't make it to the recording?  LOL!

Mon Sep 26 18:57 2005
I added one of our newer songs to the music page. Check it out. It's titled
"There and Back Again".

It's far from finished and/or polished (missing a solo and some rough spots in
the recording) but it's been a LONG time since we've added any new songs to the
general access site and this one really shows the direction we're heading.



Sun Sep 25 18:32 2005
Very cool!  Glad all is well - keep it up!  I still say a girl...can't wait to 
find out!


Fri Sep 23 20:20 2005
Well, anyway...I went to the doctor yesterday.  Everything is going well they
say, and the 26th of next month they are going to do my second ultrasound.  If
little one cooperates, then we will find out the sex then.

Fri Sep 23 17:33 2005
I try.


Fri Sep 23 15:52 2005
ahhh...what a good husband....

Thu Sep 22 11:25 2005
I actually waited till she was asleep last night then snuck in there and put the
other set up.


Wed Sep 21 23:03 2005
LOL!!!  Sounds like you both need a handyman!  


Wed Sep 21 17:58 2005
He would be too busy laughing.. For that matter so would Kristi. I'm screwed..


Wed Sep 21 15:32 2005
Well hell, Caine can do that much. 

Wed Sep 21 14:59 2005
No, you call the ambulance.


Wed Sep 21 14:39 2005
Yeah, I don't think that they can think you are any lazier than they already 
thought.  Besides, I don't know what I am supposed to do about moving the 
furniture anyway.  Even if you kill yourself doing it, I still can't get you 
out of the floor; you'd just have to lay there and die or something.


Wed Sep 21 11:18 2005
Ya I have to move the entertainment center to get to the other window. When I
mentioned doing it last night Kristi said we can do it later. Just so people
don't think I'm more lazy than I really am. (which is still pretty lazy)


Wed Sep 21 08:55 2005
And just for the record...I still only have one set of curtains hung up.  
Apparently there is moving of furniture involved, so it may be a while.  On 
another note, I go to the doctor tomorrow, so I will update tomorrow night.


Tue Sep 20 17:54 2005
I had to lay down after doing the set last night. Took a lot out of me.


Tue Sep 20 15:40 2005
LOL!!!  Damn...don't hurt yourself, dude!  


Tue Sep 20 11:22 2005
As an added bonus I'm hanging up the other set tonight.. Yeah baby..


Tue Sep 20 10:00 2005
Oh yeah...hey Rick..I had a birthday!  Thanks was alright I 
guess..Bob even hung up one whole pair of curtains for me!  I am such a lucky 

Mon Sep 19 21:57 2005
Kristi had a birthday and no one told me?
Happy B day Kristi.


Mon Sep 19 13:00 2005
Yeah ya old fart!

Mon Sep 19 11:20 2005
She's gettin old!!

Like I have room to talk..


Mon Sep 19 09:27 2005
Happy Birthday Kristi!!


Sat Sep 17 00:44 2005
Well, don't do it in March or April..cuz I will be busy spitting out a kid.

Fri Sep 16 20:58 2005
I asked Phyllis to marry me Thursday night. She said yes. We are thinking about 
a spring or early summer wedding. So dust off the fancy duds guys there's gonna 
be a party.


Fri Sep 16 12:05 2005
uh...I think I'll reserve comment on that for now...LOL!

Cool beans on the monitor though!  It's still a girl!!  hehehehe


Fri Sep 16 11:19 2005
Nothing to be paranoid about. Faulkners make perfect babies. When they grow up
is when it all goes wrong.


Fri Sep 16 08:45 2005
Well, we finally got my doppler heartbeat monitor last night.  Bob had to go 
to the FedEx place and pick it up-the driver was too stupid to follow my 
directions about when to come to the house.  Anyway; it is pretty cool.  I 
couldn't find the heartbeat for a long time, but Bob found it in like a half a 
second.  We counted it to be somewhere between 160-165 per minute.  It's 
really neat to be able to hear it whenever you want.  Makes me feel better 
anyway since I have such paranoia about the whole thing.


Thu Sep 15 14:55 2005
LOL!!!  It's my voodoo at work!!  


Thu Sep 15 14:41 2005
dunno, but everyone quit talking when you posted the info on the expo.


Thu Sep 15 14:25 2005
rut'd i do that?  

Thu Sep 15 11:08 2005
this show and you stopped it


Thu Sep 15 09:12 2005
Huh?!  What show and who stopped it?


Wed Sep 14 17:58 2005
what a show stopper


Tue Sep 13 16:00 2005
Bob & Kristi - the Baby Expo at the Galleria is this weekend.  It's a big 
exhibit of baby stuff (latest and greatest) and they give away all kinds of 
samples and coupons.  John and I went last year - we both walked out with a bag 
full of goodies.  You guys should go :-)  


Tue Sep 13 11:18 2005
A flawless patch?      NEVER!!!


PS. I'm gonna correct my mistyping of concentration.

Tue Sep 13 10:06 2005
Maybe--instead of concentration--it was constipation.  That look is rough too 
ya know. is the day for Depths of be prepared 
for EQ tonight everyone.  Well, at least that is if the server doesn't crash 
from overload (our luck).


Tue Sep 13 08:20 2005
Don't confuse the look of concentration with the look of boredom.


Tue Sep 13 06:21 2005 were bored...or brain dead...hehehehe

Mon Sep 12 17:23 2005
The new pics look good we need some more though. I seem to look bored in all 
the new pictures, and I wasn't. 


Mon Sep 12 16:17 2005
Thanks sweety!


Mon Sep 12 15:43 2005
What's this "WE" stuff.  "WE" didn't take any pictures- I believe that was me 
doing the taking.


Mon Sep 12 09:06 2005
We took some new pictures during a jam session this weekend. They're posted in
the image gallery.


Fri Sep 9 08:59 2005
Well John complained that the picture of the 3 of us on the front page was too
big so I scaled it down a bit. It now fits entirely in the window even at
800x600 screen resolution (unless whoever is visiting has 13 toolbars installed).


Fri Sep 9 01:41 2005
A new look for the web page. Cool.


Thu Sep 8 13:37 2005
Bloody Good then!

Thu Sep 8 11:36 2005
ok. i changed the main background over to be an ocean of blood like the new
album cover. what do you think? I made it about 2200 pixels high so you would
have to be running at an immensely high resolution to actually see the image
tile at the bottom of the screen. A byproduct of this redesign is that people
who are on modem connections are going to be waiting awhile, and even on
broadband my upstream bandwidth cap is going to make it load a bit slow.


Wed Sep 7 17:56 2005
ok. i have png transparency working in internet explorer now. i had to do
horrible things to make it work. it's an ugly hack but it seems to work. Maybe
one day Microsoft will support that 9 year old standard. Maybe, in another 9 years.


Wed Sep 7 11:26 2005
Ya I'm tweaking everything trying to get it right. I put up the new logo but 
the background defaulted to white when viewed in broken web browsers that don't 
properly support well established (9 years old) image standards. (Grats 
microsoft on your PoS browser). It seems that the absolute latest updates to 
Internet Explorer in winxp enable transparency support for png files but the 
versions I've tested in Win2k don't. so, I've put up the old logo until i can 
get home and try to force the default background color of the image to black 
when viewed in said broken browsers. Too bad, the new logo actually looked 
really good with the new background. In the meantime I added a link to Firefox 
on the main page.


Wed Sep 7 09:48 2005
Looks like the Red Sea in here...

Mon Sep 5 19:41 2005
I'm changing the design of the site, and it will require me to redo all the
graphics to work with the new background. So expect the black borders on all the
graphics to go away over time.


Mon Sep 5 19:16 2005
It will probably be another couple of months at least.  Usually they can tell
between 16-20 weeks.  It depends on when my next ultrasound is, but most places
do them at around 20 weeks (halfway).  That would put it in early to mid
November sometime I suppose.


Mon Sep 5 11:37 2005
They have been announcing DragonCon on the radio all week long. I figured you 
guys would have been gone all weekend hehe. Oh well... Fanfair sounds like it 
might be fun though. Hopefully Kristi will be able to go. I can't wait to find 
out if it is a girl or a boy. How long till we know Kristi?


Sat Sep 3 09:59 2005
I forgot about it myself - but we wouldn't have gone this year either.  We'll 
be at next year's DragonCon since Dreah will be older and I won't be 
nursing...then I can nurse my hangover!  hehehe


Fri Sep 2 18:23 2005
John is an unemployed bum now =(


Fri Sep 2 15:43 2005
Yeah, and I heard this morning that DragonCon is this weekend!  What's up with 
that?  I didn't hear a thing about it this year.

Fri Sep 2 14:21 2005
Oh yeah, that will be right about that time. Well if yall cant go, we will be
sure to party extra for ya!!! ;op


Fri Sep 2 12:13 2005
looks the fan faire will likely be in early april, so kristi will either be
about to pop, or recovering.. gonna have to wait and see.


Thu Sep 1 18:36 2005
cool beans!


Thu Sep 1 16:45 2005
I just found out that the next EQ fan faire is going to be in Atlanta in April
at the marriot downtown.


Thu Sep 1 12:16 2005
You have the warning turned off in your browser settings then. Damn it john fix it!!

Keepalives typically are a method of keeping the connection open to handle
multiple requests on a single tcp connection (thereby saving the server and
network the overhead of opening and closing multiple connections for a single
client). maybe their keepalive method doesn't play nice with NAT so the server
was dumping the connection. Just a guess.


Thu Sep 1 09:08 2005
I bet it's more of that Damn Network Shit again...hehehehehehe


Thu Sep 1 08:52 2005
Oh...and I didn't get any warning before it double posted...;-p


Thu Sep 1 08:39 2005
Damn...Busted! I know and stuff...hehehehe


BTW - the VPN issue was the software as we had been telling them ALL ALONG!!!  
Something to do with "keepalives" whatever the hell those are...once they were 
turned more disconnect - yea!!!!!

Thu Sep 1 08:35 2005
Yeah that wasnt long winded or anthing!!!


Wed Aug 31 16:36 2005
It's not a glitch really, and it's not something I'm going to "fix" anytime
soon. you refreshed the page to see if anyone had posted since your last post.
When you submit a post you transmit all the info to have the wall add your post
to the database. If you refresh that page your browser should pop a warning
letting you know you're about to resend post information, to which you should
say no. That basically tells the wall to repost what you posted before. There is
a timeout on the wall that will not let you double post within a certain amount
of time, but seeing as how you let 39 minutes pass before refreshing the page
that couldn't catch it.


Wed Aug 31 16:25 2005
How the heck did I do that?!  Must be a glitch...but no long, winded 
explanation of how you fix it is needed...LOL :-)


Wed Aug 31 11:33 2005
He hasn't posted. And you double posted!! 


Wed Aug 31 09:17 2005
Now why would you think that?  Has he changed?


Wed Aug 31 08:38 2005
Now why would you think that?  Has he changed?


Tue Aug 30 17:12 2005
I think she used it on him or something.


Mon Aug 29 11:22 2005
Is it for john?


Mon Aug 29 08:04 2005
I have a voodoo doll...


Fri Aug 26 18:53 2005
You make perversion sound dirty somehow Bob.
It isn't dirty it is an art form.


Fri Aug 26 03:28 2005
Ok, I added the ability to host more than 1 wall on the same server. You'll note
the time above, and yes, tomorrow is going to be rough at work. I also fixed a
bug in the cookie handling routine that reared it's ugly head when I tried to
use the wall on another domain. It wasn't really a bug. Just stupid oversight on
my part. But I found it and fixed it.


Fri Aug 26 02:28 2005
testing a new version of the wall. please stand by.

Thu Aug 25 17:45 2005
It would be.


Thu Aug 25 17:30 2005
Perversion.... my favorite subject.


Thu Aug 25 12:46 2005
Perversion is a good thing sometimes.


Thu Aug 25 10:07 2005
Hehehe, I would be perverted with a voodoo doll. I would make one a a chick I
didnt like and make her get off and the most embarassing time!! ;op


Thu Aug 25 08:21 2005
You just have to believe!!  hehehe


Wed Aug 24 19:25 2005
i could be so cruel with a voodoo doll, if they actually worked.


Tue Aug 23 17:48 2005
that's just science and statistics - doesn't compare to witchdoctors and 


Tue Aug 23 15:29 2005
Well, apparently they didn't.  I just pulled up this website for an ultrasound 
company that did a study about the whole heart rate myth.  They say they 
didn't find any difference in the long run to correlate heart rate to the sex 
of the baby.  I don't really care either way, so whatever.  Guess we will know 
sometime in November.


Tue Aug 23 12:39 2005's a girl!!!   You know those wives knew what they were talking about!  


Tue Aug 23 11:16 2005
You know how wives tales go. I'm not calling it either way until i see the
sonogram at 5 months. btw, the sonogram is now on page 7 of the image gallery.


Tue Aug 23 09:11 2005
Woohoo!  A Little Girl is on the way!!!  Dreah will have another soul sister! 


Tue Aug 23 08:38 2005
Thats good news! Glad everthing is going smooth sofar, :o)
31 more weeks to go!!


Mon Aug 22 20:30 2005
I'm putting in my prediction for an April Fools Day birth!


Mon Aug 22 17:12 2005
Almost forgot; my due date (for now) is March 27th.


Mon Aug 22 17:09 2005
Well, we had our first official visit to the OB today.  They did an ultrasound 
and determined that I am at 9 weeks.  The heart rate was 174, which by old 
wives tales means a girl, but we will have to wait a few more months to see I 
suppose.  Everything checked out fine, and we got a cute pic of our little 
peanut-shaped fetus :)


Mon Aug 22 15:53 2005


Mon Aug 22 13:35 2005


Mon Aug 22 08:37 2005


Sun Aug 21 17:33 2005
and proud of it


Sat Aug 20 12:44 2005

Sat Aug 20 04:23 2005
you'll note I changed the picture on the main page. It's not permanent but I
thought it looked cool. I'm going to redesign the site and bring it more inline
with what the 1st album cover will look like. You can find it in the music
section through a link at the bottom. 1st in the list. Modem users beware.


Sat Aug 20 03:55 2005
Like the background change on the pic bob.


Thu Aug 18 18:36 2005
fyi we're running on bellsouth again

Thu Aug 18 09:54 2005
Sweet!  Lewts are kewl.

Thu Aug 18 08:34 2005
Bummer, hope it get better for ya KF. And yes, its worth it in the end :o)

In EQ news....Karen got Time flagged. She also got Ring of Force in P1.
Hopefully tonight she can score the earring or something. With full raid buffs
she had 8300hp. Not too shabby. gettin up there!


Thu Aug 18 08:26 2005
Yeah, my first one was a breeze.  I didn't have any problems at all.  No such 
luck this time, but at least I haven't thrown up yet :)

Wed Aug 17 17:19 2005
Wow - that stinks girl!  I felt pretty good my first trimester, actually 
through the whole pregnancy, just had heartburn all the time.  Hang in there...


Wed Aug 17 15:19 2005
Yeah, I will get there one day (maybe).  Maybe once I hit second trimester I 
will feel like actually playing.  This first trimester is gonna kill me I 
think.  I feel like such crap all the time I can't bring myself to do anything 
but sleep.  It sucks, but what can you do?  It is all worth it in the end :)


Wed Aug 17 14:50 2005
kristi will get in there, one day.

GL on getting loot! When karen gets to where she is 10K+ hp with just my buffs
on we can kill the world.


Wed Aug 17 12:43 2005
Yeah Defensive made a big difference. Karen gets to have her first Time raid
tonight!!! I hope she gets some loot out of it. She should atleast be flagged
after tonight.


Wed Aug 17 09:50 2005
ya i noticed the burst of damage on her was a lot less intense the 2nd time.
kristi was commenting on how on the 1st pull he was such a bitch and the 2nd
pull he was a wuss.. guess that explains it.


Tue Aug 16 12:50 2005
Getting another DPS from the guild will not be an issue. Im sure I can call in
any one of the other Wizards to give a hand, or pretty much anyone for that
matter. :o)

Another thing that helped was I told Karen to pop Defensive when the named hit
camp. That helped alot.


Tue Aug 16 11:17 2005
we're going to need to pickup another dps person to take down the named. the
only reason we did it last time was the extra dps rasta contributed.


Tue Aug 16 08:10 2005
Ok, thats cool. I want to finish the BoT key and get the PoJ trial out of the
way, then we can bang out the EP LDoNs.


Mon Aug 15 18:58 2005
we need to do everfrost ldon's to get kristi her copy of horror. it costs 650
points so we gotta do it a lot.

Too bad it takes about 3 runs in ldon to garner just 1 aa point =(


Fri Aug 12 11:17 2005
and Kristi got her first raid loot! now we're just trying to figure out what we
need to do to get her aa for the flag and her charm to update with stats.


Thu Aug 11 17:58 2005
Now if only I could remember doing it...damn...heehee


Thu Aug 11 13:23 2005
Yeah it was funny!! :o)

In other news.....Karen hit 65 lastnight!!!! WOOT!!!!


Thu Aug 11 11:13 2005
I wanted to see that. Would have been the best part of the show.


Thu Aug 11 08:19 2005
You didnt go that last time DT was in town Bob. It was at the Tabernackle. As we
were all leaving the show, we were walking to the car when a homeless guy walked
up to me, Gray, and Trey and started begging for money. Karen stepped in the
middle, got right in the dudes face and layed into him cussin him up and down!!!
It was a riot!!! hehehehehe.  LUV YA HONEY!! =p (thats my girl!!)


Wed Aug 10 16:07 2005
you mean i missed that part of the show?


Wed Aug 10 14:34 2005
And you didnt even have to cuss out any homeless people either!!! ;op


Wed Aug 10 14:11 2005
Yeah, I have to admit Dream Theatre was pretty damn good!  Man, I can't believe 
how much those guys are in sync!!  And...I actually remember this show!  
hehehehehehehehehe  :-)


Wed Aug 10 09:45 2005
I am just happy about having call waiting.


Tue Aug 9 18:02 2005
LOL @ caller I.D.

Tue Aug 9 17:25 2005
I did it all for the caller id.


Tue Aug 9 14:50 2005
BTW Bob, I was the one that posted asking was it worth it, therefore all the 
explanation really wasn't necessary.  I know how much we pay for it :)  


Mon Aug 8 18:37 2005
and you can post "WHOOPTY FREAKIN DO!" even faster to the wall!


Mon Aug 8 16:57 2005

Mon Aug 8 16:17 2005
not really. not anymore. other than the only reason i had for staying with
earthlink (and paying more) was because I had someone on the inside to fix it
when it broke (john). that incentive is gone, so now i'm trying to consolidate
everything and make life easier. right now i'm paying for 2 phone lines with no
extra features on either + the dsl. i'm ditching the extra phone line, paying
less for the dsl (not much less now that it's a business account, but still
less) and getting better speeds. when it's all said and done you should notice
the site is a tad faster to load.

Mon Aug 8 14:26 2005
OMG!!!  Is this really worth all the trouble?

Mon Aug 8 11:23 2005
and the next new twist, bellsouth is converting my line to a business line so I
can get the block on port 25 removed. so, the site will, once again, be acting
odd once they do the switch and i convert back to bellsouth.

BTW, dream theater kicked ass in concert last friday.


Sat Aug 6 21:11 2005
Well, as it turns out bellsouth blocks incoming connections on port 25, thereby
making it impossible for me to receive any emails to my domains. That's useless
to me so I'm terminating the service from bellsouth and switching back to
earthlink. right now the site is running on my original dsl again and I've
swapped the domain registration back to normal. once the changes repropogate
through the internet all will be normal again.


Fri Aug 5 19:30 2005

Fri Aug 5 08:47 2005
The DNS change has been done. I've tested resolving the domain name from several
dns servers on the net and most seem to be pointing to the new address now.
Hopefully all will be back to normal soon. On the bright side, the new service
seems to consistantly reach well into the 300Kbps range for upstream so the web
site should load a little faster at least.


Thu Aug 4 16:45 2005
I like my definition better!  heehee


Thu Aug 4 16:17 2005
alrighty. i'm doing the cutover tonight so the site will be unpredictable for a
little while. hopefully most of the dns system will be aware of the change
within a day or so.

Wed Aug 3 18:37 2005

Wed Aug 3 17:03 2005
Actually it's Domain Name Service/System (you pick one), but that's not too far
off base.


Wed Aug 3 14:00 2005
DNS = Damn Network Shit!


Wed Aug 3 11:31 2005
Sorry to interject here but I wanted to let everyone know that I'm in the
process of changing internet providers. During that time I'll have to change the
DNS registration for my domains and since that isn't something that works
instantly the site may be unavailable randomly until the change propogates
through DNS.


Wed Aug 3 08:55 2005
ROFL!!!!!!!   BURN!!!!   Now that's funny!!



Wed Aug 3 07:49 2005
Dude, the pickup line "Wanna Fuk" works on drunk rednecks women. Thats not
saying much! hehehehe. 


Wed Aug 3 00:51 2005
LOL... hell John it works on the ladies..... Well ladies in public but not in 
private.   No need to get personal here.


Tue Aug 2 08:22 2005
Bob, thats gross dude!  Rick, its a good thing I got my boots on...its getting
pretty deep!! ;op


Mon Aug 1 18:25 2005
Me??????? Rough???????? NAHHHHHHHHH. I'm sweet innocent and lovable.


Mon Aug 1 18:07 2005
bacon and lard sandwich! yum!


Mon Aug 1 15:22 2005
I was scared Dreah would come out walking and talking given John's bith size!!  
But, she was only 7lb. 7 oz. so don't sweat it!  Just start eating healthy (no 
junk food) and your baby will only gain healthy weight and not fat weight!  
Plus, it'll be less weight you have to loose too!  Not to mention, you'll feel 
better and have more energy eating healty!!  


Mon Aug 1 13:28 2005
I see the first Faulkner kid stays the roughest as well Rick.  Caine weighed
8lbs7oz, but to tell you the truth I don't think it really matters that much.
Excrutiating pain is excruatiating pain whether the kid is 6lbs or 12 lbs.  At
that point I think it is not about the weight-it sucks either way.


Mon Aug 1 13:04 2005
I got that beat!!! I was 10lbs 8oz!!! Get U Sum!!!! ;op


Mon Aug 1 00:00 2005
You didn't tell her Bob?
Kristi.... there is no easy way to put this.....
Faulkner babies are Big to say the least... I weighed 9lbs 10ozs. Bob didn't 
weigh as much but he was the second, the first Faulkner kid is always the 


Sun Jul 31 14:00 2005
The kid would be over done yes, but I don't think I could make it that long
either :)  That would be a lot of excess weight by that point. HEHEHE


Sun Jul 31 11:13 2005
April Fool's Baby...that would be wild!  Yeah, late April would be waaay to 
long - the kid would be burnt by then!  LOL


Sat Jul 30 20:45 2005
Don't think the 26th is feasible.  I think it will be earlier than
maybe the last week of March or the first week of April..maybe April
Fool's..that would be interesting.


Sat Jul 30 17:09 2005
ok looks like we are gonna jam on sunday around 1 oclock. Talked to Bob and 
John and so far it looks good. Post on the board if plans get changed and I'll 
check it when I get home tonight.


Fri Jul 29 19:42 2005
i actually mentioned that to mom already. birthday overload on the 26th.


Fri Jul 29 18:54 2005
Would be cool if it is born on the 26th of April huh John :)


Fri Jul 29 18:50 2005
I'm shooting for April 19th or the 26th and I hope it's a boy. I need another 
one to torture hehe(inside joke). I like kids they are fun. Grats to my brother 
and his darling wife. And no I'm not havin another one. One was enough for me.


Gonna use the initial thing also.

Fri Jul 29 12:31 2005
Yeah, but having to wait 8 or 9 more to see that little creature, sucks more! 
heehee I couldn't wait to see Dreah!!!  But, it's worth it in the long run.  
Sure don't want them to come too early!  


Fri Jul 29 11:08 2005
No due date yet.  He said it is still too early for anything like that.  
Apparently I am only a month at most, so I have to go back on the 22nd of 
August for my first work up.  I assume we will get an official due date then.  
By the best figures I can run, I think probably late March or very early April, 
but we will have to wait a while to find out for sure.  The wait is killing 
me!  I didn't find out with Caine until I was 8 or 9 weeks, so I got my due 
date and work up right away.  Having to wait another month really sucks.


Fri Jul 29 09:42 2005
Congrats Bob & Kristi!!  I've got boxes of little girl clothes just waiting on 
ya!!  Of course, if it's a're on your own.  heehee

The sweetest words in the world are "Da-da and Ma-ma" Dreah (8 months) now 
yells Ma-ma with a stern voice - just crackes me up - I'm sure that's the part 
of John in her doing that - LOL!!  

Dreah will have a new playmate soon!  Did the doc give ya a due date?  


Thu Jul 28 12:56 2005
I'm old =(


Thu Jul 28 11:43 2005
I'm not old..... I am a well seasoned veteran of life.

Wed Jul 27 17:53 2005
Well, I get to call all of you old all the time-so there!


Wed Jul 27 17:03 2005
I posted them dammit!


Wed Jul 27 12:43 2005
oh, well all I know is for 9 months out of the year I get to call you old Bob!! LOL


Wed Jul 27 11:11 2005
BTW john. I didn't post either of those responses.


Wed Jul 27 11:07 2005
You're gonna be there soon bud!

Wed Jul 27 09:40 2005


Tue Jul 26 17:13 2005
Who you callin old?

Tue Jul 26 15:19 2005
Happy B-Day ya old fart!!!


Tue Jul 26 14:34 2005
happy birthday, and congrats! if that isnt the gift that keeps on giving. they 
grow up so fast, I have a little girl named desiree', shes my world.           


Tue Jul 26 13:18 2005
today is my birthday. here is the gift my wife gave me. 

Gonna be a little Kristi/Bob hybrid running around the planet in 9 monthes =D


Tue Jul 26 10:21 2005
Bah, She can come listen anytime. Im not afraid of her hearing yous, and Rick's
mistakes!! LOL.


Mon Jul 25 18:35 2005
Damn skippy!

Mon Jul 25 10:22 2005
the first song or 2 were pretty rough, but we picked back up after that. Even
then I don't think I made it through more than 1 song without at least a small
mistake. Would be better to listen in after we're back to a more consistant


Mon Jul 25 07:48 2005
Dont worry Rach, jamming will be more regular now on the weekends so you should
have plenty of time to come hear us play :o)

On the good side, we actually sounded good for not playing in a few months!!!


Sun Jul 24 18:08 2005
I wanted 2 hear yall play, @#*@! I did not check this site until 6 on sunday , 
missed it again. 


Sat Jul 23 23:48 2005
It's hormones ;)

Fri Jul 22 21:48 2005
she's pissed!

Fri Jul 22 21:46 2005
Cake my sorry assholes don't get any cake this time!!!  You're lucky if
I grace you with my presence at all after last time.


Fri Jul 22 17:29 2005
Blue stuff?

Fri Jul 22 16:11 2005
was that the night of the famous camera incident?

Fri Jul 22 09:39 2005
hehehehehe...Oh but I remember, Sweetie! :-)

Fri Jul 22 07:53 2005
Dont remind me of the "Blue Stuff". Last time I drank that stuff...well, I dont
remember what happened after that.


Thu Jul 21 20:15 2005
Everyone raise up your finest scotish whiskey and pay tribute to Scotty. We all 
shall miss the original engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Now if he can only 
fix the problems we have here on earth from the true heavens he will be the 

Thu Jul 21 14:57 2005
What about the Blue Stuff??

Thu Jul 21 11:42 2005
ahh...I'm an fan of the original series...not the new stuff.  Scotty 
sad!  I guess you could say he was beamed up! 


Thu Jul 21 11:14 2005
only a star trek fan would know what a cellular peptide cake is.


Thu Jul 21 11:04 2005
I would shoot for Sunday afternoon around say 1ish.


Thu Jul 21 01:21 2005
Allright now we are talking.... sunday at what time? I'll be there if it 
hairlips the pope, even though the new one is a former nazi.
I'm ready to fuckin jam and have a good time. Let's play and record and 
whatever happens,.....happens.

Wed Jul 20 15:15 2005
I don't think I want to eat anything with the word "peptide" in it - is that 
some new super-duper laundry detergent?  If I want to clean out my insides, 
I'll eat at Affle House or have some gut bombs!  Heehee

Wed Jul 20 11:26 2005
Is it a cellular peptide cake with mint frosting?


Tue Jul 19 22:51 2005
MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I smell cake!

Tue Jul 19 19:19 2005
So, therefore, the blame is on Rick if it goes wrong this time.  I can deal with


Mon Jul 18 13:33 2005
Sunday should be good for me also.


Mon Jul 18 12:06 2005
i work this saturday, sunday is good for me though.


Mon Jul 18 07:54 2005
Patience young Padawan


Mon Jul 18 00:11 2005
OK when the hell are we gonna get together again? I'm missin it guys..... we 
need to get the old shit recorded and start on the new! I have fuckheads askin 
me why I'm not in a band at karaoke night. This is bullshit. I aM EXPECTING a 


Thu Jul 14 22:09 2005
If they are blue and green they need to be washed.

Thu Jul 14 11:18 2005
the kettle is blue and the pot is green.

Wed Jul 13 20:37 2005
Don't get me started on racism. And yes John what I posted could be considered 
criticism.... Allthough it was written in a statement form. And the friggin 
kettle is black as the ace of spades. So it is written.... so it shall be.

P.S. this is fun.....

Wed Jul 13 20:03 2005
The kettle is black!!  OMG!!  Now it's racist?!  What is wrong with you people.
 I mean, why is the kettle black, why can't it be blue or purple or something.


Wed Jul 13 07:56 2005
Not true, there is such a thing as "Constructive Criticism".
And if Im not mistaken, that last post was criticism of those who criticize.
So that would be the pot calling the kettle black.


Tue Jul 12 19:32 2005
Criticism is for assholes that have nothing better to do with their time than 
to berate what others have fun doing.

Tue Jul 12 15:46 2005
I criticize things that I DO understand, im an equal opportunity criticizer.


Tue Jul 12 11:25 2005
It's always best to criticize what you don't understand. That's so much easier
than investing the time and energy required to actually research and understand it.


Tue Jul 12 10:25 2005
Don't criticize things you don't understand!  

Tue Jul 12 09:34 2005
What the F@$K!

Tue Jul 12 08:51 2005
Sometimes you just have to say.....WTF???

Mon Jul 11 12:26 2005
Voices!  Waht's wrong with voices?  I talk back mine all the time.  "No!  Bad 
voices in my head; you can't have my cabbage, bad voices!"  You know, stuff 
like that.


Mon Jul 11 09:50 2005
and too many voices in your head...

Sun Jul 10 22:48 2005
Dude, Mouse you really have too much time on your hands or something.

Sun Jul 10 22:35 2005
atrocity is recognized as such by victim and perpetrator alike, by all who 
learn about it at whatever remove. atrocity has no excuses, no mitigating 
argument. atrocity never balances or rectifies the past. atrocity merely arms 
the future for more atrocity. it is self-perpetuating upon itself - a barbarous 
form of incest. whoever commits atrocity also commits those future atrocities 
thus bred.


Sat Jul 9 18:35 2005
If your kids are anything like we were they are gonna be social deviants 
anyways. But damn did we have fun hehe.

Fri Jul 8 17:21 2005
Our kids will have no such luck. They will feel the full wrath of the etowah curse.


Fri Jul 8 13:41 2005
I think we are in the Woodstock High least for now...


Fri Jul 8 11:21 2005
I don't know. Are John and Karen in the Etowah district? I think they are in
another district. Back when I was in high school it was Etowah that handled that
area but they have built schools closer since.

Fri Jul 8 07:46 2005
I thought that was the point of having kids.


Thu Jul 7 21:14 2005
Suffer the little children for they know not the pains of wisdom.

Thu Jul 7 19:19 2005
You will get no argument out of me that Etowah sucked.  What's sad is that, as
bad as it sucked, we will be sending our kids there too.  I guess we had to
suffer, so why shouldn't they?


Thu Jul 7 15:48 2005
Etowah sucked....end of story.


Thu Jul 7 11:32 2005
i hated high school. end of story.

Tue Jul 5 22:34 2005
Well, at that point in high school I was mostly in with the ROTC people.  I was
second in command over the squadron, and in charge of the drill team, color
guard, rifle team, etc.  I had a few friends in other areas, but not many; I
kinda kept to myself (kinda like now-I still have no friends that are not on
this board).  I had some friends that were metal heads and some that were in the
AP program with me, but like I said most were in ROTC.

Tue Jul 5 11:49 2005
What circle were you in, Kristi?

Mon Jul 4 17:53 2005
I don't recognize her either.

Fri Jul 1 19:28 2005
Well Rachel, I found you in the yearbook, but I don't recognize you.  I recall
the name, but not the face.  Guess we prolly were in different circles of people
or something.

Fri Jul 1 07:47 2005
Awwwww, its a reunion!! ;op


Thu Jun 30 17:53 2005
Gotcha..I will look it up..I graduated in 98 also.  I didn't go to Etowah my 
senior year though, I went to night school and summer school.  I am in the 
yearbook last name was Cantrell then.

Thu Jun 30 15:23 2005

I did go to Etowah my junior and senior yrs. I graduated in 98, so we might 
know each other. my freshman and soph. year I attended Lassiter, that sucked. 
U did look familiar in your wedding photos? I know I am in the 96-97 yearbook 
if u have one. last name was Lewis. 


Wed Jun 29 21:05 2005
Coming January 2006  ::  Queensr�che: Geoff Tate (vocals); Michael Wilton, Mike 
Stone (guitar, background vocals); Eddie Jackson (bass, background vocals); 
Scott Rockenfield (drums, percussion).  Produced by Queensryche & Jason Slater.


Wed Jun 29 20:57 2005
Oh and btw Operation Mindcrime is still one of the best albums ever recorded. 
Just thought I would say that.


Wed Jun 29 19:22 2005
Actually Kristi I really didn't know how old you were. Guess it just wasn't at 
the top of my need to know list hehe. But as for you knowing Rachel.... that 
would be cool to know that this wall is actually doing something other than 
taking up space on a hard drive. And Rachel.... If we ever get together and jam 
again we will let you know a couple days ahead of time and hopefully you can 
come listen. We will be a little rusty at first but we will get better as we go.


Wed Jun 29 18:19 2005
What else is new.

Wed Jun 29 13:52 2005
i'm confused.

Wed Jun 29 13:26 2005
Exactly WHAT are you guys talking about?  Not like you didn't know how old I 
was or something.  All I want to know is if me and Rachel might know each 
other.  I swear y'all are retarded or something.

Wed Jun 29 08:48 2005
Someone isn't watching the children...

Wed Jun 29 08:06 2005

Wed Jun 29 04:08 2005

Mon Jun 27 10:27 2005
Hmm..I will be 26 in September.  We don't know each other do we?  Did you go to 

Sun Jun 26 14:34 2005
some people(who r mid thirties , 40s, and older sometimes refer to younger 
people as"your still a baby" or make comments like "your just a baby". Or your 
still real young. 

Sun Jun 26 14:30 2005
bob and kristi

im not quite 26 still 25 till october. i dont worry much bout titles. my 
boyfriend and i would love to hear yall jam take care maybe we 'll c u yall 
soon.  rachel  

Fri Jun 24 21:45 2005
i'm married to the baby =)

and yes, i'm still doing the computer thing.. this site was made by me, hosted
on a server in my basement, and the program that generates this wall was written
entirely by me.


the geek factor hasn't subsided yet.


Fri Jun 24 21:34 2005
Just a baby?  Well, I am 25, so that makes me still the baby!  WOOHOOO..I get 
to keep my title.     KRISTI

Fri Jun 24 17:54 2005
let me know when u all get 2 gather 2 jam, i wanna come   rachel

Fri Jun 24 17:52 2005
that surprises me bout gray, still talk 2 him much? im just a baby , only 26 
years old. the last ten years has flewn by. I guess ur still doing the 
computer thing huh bob?

Fri Jun 24 17:43 2005
gray just lost interest in playing. if you read my bio on this site you'll see
the progression of who played when. a lot has changed in 10+ years =)


Fri Jun 24 17:28 2005
No the Rachel I dated was 20 in 88. 

Fri Jun 24 17:09 2005

sorry! all the years of hearing j say grimace, thats right road reaper, stress 
makes you 4get things(lol) not 2 pry but i was surprised not to see a certain 
other person in the band. his name is a color, thought he used to be an active 
part? Anywho, my friends and I would love to come hear yall play. 

Fri Jun 24 17:03 2005
so Rick dated a 9-year old?

Fri Jun 24 12:15 2005
omg my handle was not grimace! it was road reaper!

Thu Jun 23 18:35 2005
Hey Rachel, yes it sure has been a long time! Glad you like the website. We 
hope to update it soon with new pics and new songs. Yes I have a sweet little 
baby girl named Dreah. She is my world!!! Would be cool for you to come hear us 
jam. Its been a few weeks since we have , but I know we will get back at it. 
Great to hear from you and hope all is well!


Thu Jun 23 18:06 2005
rick,  tell grimace and powercord Rachel said hello 

Thu Jun 23 18:03 2005
  I was only nine years old in 88    Rachel

Wed Jun 22 20:10 2005
I dated a Rachel in Cali in 88..... Weird.


Wed Jun 22 19:11 2005
hi bob and john, heard ya'll had a band and website. haven't seen you two in 
years. The last time I saw either one of u , you still worked over there at 
the hut. Ages ago!! Shane(blue falcon) told me about the site here. congrats 
to u both .Bob heard u got married, jon heard u had a baby. anyway, its me 
sassy(in the cb days,I dated Shane) just wanted to say hello!  hope u both are 
good. Maybe I can hear yall play one day, the site looks great, hope yall get 
this message and between the two of you, might be able to recall who I am. 
Take care and keep rockin!!       Rachel

Wed Jun 22 16:46 2005
Have you fixed my lease time yet?

Wed Jun 22 08:13 2005
Not yet, but she will ding 60 this weekend for sure!

Tue Jun 21 12:11 2005
is karen level 60 yet?

Sat Jun 18 13:48 2005
it's THE text editer

Thu Jun 16 14:29 2005
Don't even know what vi is...

Thu Jun 16 12:18 2005
learn vi you slacker!

Thu Jun 16 11:28 2005
yes...please...need more time!

Thu Jun 16 08:22 2005
I cant find a text editor program to change the file Bob. You will have to
either tell me where it is or install one. Since I dont know how to change it in
command line, I will need you to adjust the lease time for Karen.


Thu Jun 16 04:01 2005
I am dying a slow painful death. Just to let you know.
I have givin up on life and just dont care  anymore.
I can't breathe and I can't sleep, What's
left but oblivion,

Wed Jun 15 13:30 2005
has he still not fixed that? slacker.. guess i'll have to break down and do it..
one day.

Wed Jun 15 13:30 2005
I need a longer lease time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tue Jun 14 15:15 2005
i'm pretty sure there should have been an extra "ly" somewhere in my last post.

Tue Jun 14 11:14 2005
i agree. but this one isn't one i would buy. there are songs on there that are
so amazing boring to listen to it's painful. here's hoping their next one is better.

Tue Jun 14 09:05 2005
Well its different from their last album. I like the fact that the band isnt
stagnant, rehashing the same songs album after album. Atleast they have the
creative ability to write diversive songs each album.


Mon Jun 13 16:06 2005
I listened to it yesterday and it sucks.. but i figured you would like it since
it sounds like rehashed Yes on acid.


Mon Jun 13 13:32 2005
The new DT album KICKS ASS!!!!!!


Sat Jun 11 12:05 2005
Anyway....where were we..oh yes...DREAM THEATER...they rock!!!

Fri Jun 10 20:21 2005

Fri Jun 10 16:56 2005
well anyone should know that time is purely conceptual and manufactured by man
to explain a dimension of the universe we percieve but is otherwise intangible.
To conclude that the brain is only aware of "now" is false as our brains require
a certain amount if "time" to perform the processes needed to conjure up a
memory, or any other thought for that matter. As soon as it finishes that
process it is already in the past. It's not reasonable to say there is a finite
moment in time as to even make a measurement of a point in time would require..
time. the instant you tried to capture a moment in time, it would be the past
and you would therefore be in the same situation of trying to prove to yourself
it was real. If you take time out of the equation then the fabric of the
universe comes undone as time is an integral part of existance. 

Fri Jun 10 01:50 2005
ok lets talk more about the past future and present then.

nature does not advance in a line - it happens simultaneously, everywhere all 
at once. because nature does not proceed in a line, it does not proceed in 
time, it has the whole of its existence simultaneously, and that is one nature 
of eternity.

the whole notion of succession, of one "thing" succeeding another "thing" in 
time, depends entirely and directly upon our precesses of memory. for it is 
quite obvious that without memory we would have no idea of time, either of the 
past or the future. the question, is whether memory reports a real phenomenon 
which we call time or whether memory creates an illusion of time. in 
remembering any "past event", we are not really aware of the actual past at 
all, but rather only dim mental images of the past, and these pictures exist 
only as present experience.

the same holds true for the "future" as well, for any thought of tomorrow is 
nonetheless a present thought. inescapably, we know the "past" and "future" 
only in the present and as part of the present. the only time we are ever aware 
of is now. mind is always now. there is no before or after for the mind. there 
is only now. the past is a memory and the future an expectation, both being a 
present fact. thinking of the past or future is an act of the present. all done 
with the mind - a state of ever-present non-duel awareness wherein the observer 
is observed. the now - moment, the only true reality for man.

Thu Jun 9 02:32 2005

Thu Jun 9 01:42 2005
something to think about -------

civilization is the greatest game of all, a wonderfully elaborate communal 
tournament in which one must play well in order to have the license to pursue 
secret pleasures; mastering its rules - manners, etiquette - is essential to 
successful gamesmanship.

------- enjoy..

Wed Jun 8 11:09 2005
got my K's confused.. =(

Tue Jun 7 22:19 2005
heehee...wrong "K"

John's K thinks DT is okay...

Just got the new Bruce Bruce Rocks!


Tue Jun 7 20:07 2005
Nope, I hope not.  If he was it would be a little awkward.  Didn't we already 
have a discussion about that?

Tue Jun 7 11:39 2005
should john be jealous?

Fri Jun 3 19:20 2005
Dude, I am all over DT!!!


Fri Jun 3 08:08 2005
True, I could give a fuck less about the other bands, Im only interested in
seeing DT and Megadeth. I have sat through some pretty horrid bands waiting for
the main band and many concerts in my time, so it wont be that bad.


Fri Jun 3 02:40 2005
They all suck ass..... DT all the way!

Thu Jun 2 17:49 2005
i don't know if it's worth suffering through the other bands to get to megadeth
and dream theater. but i'll try.

Thu Jun 2 15:43 2005
Confirmed GIGANTOUR Dates!
Updated on 05-24-2005

    GIGANTOUR featuring Megadeth & Dream Theater
    with Special Guests Fear Factory, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Nevermore,
Symphony X, Dry Kill Logic and many more TBA.

8/05 - Atlanta, GA - Gwinett Arena

We will be there......will you????


Thu Jun 2 11:23 2005
just a little pent up angst

Thu Jun 2 08:25 2005
Temper, Temper!!!!


Wed Jun 1 18:21 2005
You All Suck Donkey Ass!

Wed Jun 1 16:39 2005
shut up!!!!

Tue May 31 11:18 2005
so much for it being the weekend.. the grind continues.

Fri May 27 09:59 2005
thank god

Fri May 27 08:44 2005
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thu May 26 11:46 2005
It's good to be oozing.

Wed May 25 19:15 2005
eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee...he's ooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing...


Wed May 25 19:08 2005
Well, we are both off on Monday too, so I am all up for doing something.  Caine 
will be with his Dad, so whatever is good for me.  Although, the last time I 
saw a movie in the theater on Memorial Day the line was like 3 hours long.  Of 
course that was Jurassic Park; maybe it won't be like that (I can always hope).

Wed May 25 18:42 2005
I'm ooozzzing with joy!!!!!

Wed May 25 13:27 2005
Woohoo - my Sweetie's off on Monday :-)

Wed May 25 07:51 2005
I took Monday off so I will have a 3 day weekend. We should all go see Star


Tue May 24 16:03 2005
maybe. dunno. we'll see.

Tue May 24 11:30 2005
SOooooo, we gonna jam this weekend?

Tue May 24 10:24 2005
well at least i got your attention...LOL!  
Since i only work half days on Friday, it'll feel like 4 days...heehee

Tue May 24 10:19 2005
There is a 3 day weekend coming up.. I'm ready for it..


Tue May 24 09:15 2005
What 4 day weekend???


Tue May 24 08:44 2005
Who's ready for the 4-day weekend...?  I am, I am!!!

Sun May 22 12:28 2005
cool beans

Sat May 21 17:33 2005
I picked up a couple of star wars tpys at burger king for ya man and the AOL 
star wars cd rom unopened of course. Some keepsakes for ya hehe.

Fri May 20 11:02 2005
I feel left out. I want some voices in my head to talk to =(

Fri May 20 08:23 2005 hear that?!

Fri May 20 08:14 2005
Just dont start having arguments with yourself when you hear those voices in
your head!!!


Fri May 20 02:37 2005

Thu May 19 20:02 2005
I gave up on sanity years ago. Much better to be insane.... I meet new people 
in my head everyday and they keep me company while I'm at work.

Thu May 19 17:56 2005
Sane?  Who's sane?  Sane people are not allowed to post on this wall--it is 
strictly against policy and is forbidden! We will have none of that.

Thu May 19 17:44 2005
I think I finally reached full-on sellout status by the way. I work for IBM.


Thu May 19 15:39 2005
WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!  Now we have some action on this site!  

Thu May 19 08:12 2005
I never thought it was an attack, We are all a bunch of sarcastic smartasses.
Its what keeps us all sane. :o)

Thu May 19 00:48 2005
John ya gotta be able to tell the difference in the sarcasm form my sis in law 
from bob hehe. she has a pretty sharp tounge at times. Although i was only 
kiddin around, I seem to have struck a nerve. But nevertheless I am writing 
some music for some lyrics that Bob wrote and someday, when I get a chance to 
breath again, we can finish the solos on the newest track we have recorded.
As for the love talk I am glad you guys have found eachother and hope you all 
live happy and wonderful lives together. I myself have opted to remain single 
for the time being due to the stress level that I have in my life at the moment.
Once I get my life straightened out again I may go on the prowl and find 
another significant other. I will not get married again but. 2 times is enough 
and I'ld rather die alone than to be put through that hell again. So maybe in 
the next couple of weeks we can get together and jam and have some friggin fun 
instead of working ourselves to death and not hanging out like we used to. I do 
miss the days of jammin and then going on a twelve hour EQ binge hehe. Just 
wanted to stay in touch and let everyone know I'm alive. 
Laters and keep rockin,

Wed May 18 20:46 2005 agree with Bob that you love me?!!??  Wow John, I had no idea you 
felt that way!

Wed May 18 12:02 2005
That was Kristi who posted that John. I simply followed up with the I love my
wife post.


Wed May 18 10:52 2005
I have to agree with Bob here. I didnt say we were gonna change format to
writing love ballads. You know our music is heavy and fierce. I dont see that


Tue May 17 19:15 2005
I love you guys!

Tue May 17 19:13 2005

Tue May 17 18:27 2005
I love my wife =)


Tue May 17 18:25 2005
You can write all the music you want to man.  Not sure how everybody else's 
being in love effects YOUR ability to write.  Besides, I don't recall standing 
in the chapel saying "in sickness and in health, for better or worse, we will  
never listen to or play metal again, till death do us part."  Trust me, no 
mushy love songs going on here.  You just have an envy issue or something.

Tue May 17 18:03 2005
What the hell has happened to my brother and John. Used to be thrash, death 
metal and megadeth and Old school metallica. Now this...." I love you" stuff is 
commin out OMG Gimme some hate and evi;ness I need the old days. How am I 
supposed to write music if you guys are doing the love bug stuff?

Tue May 17 08:53 2005
awww...I need a moment......sniff....sniff...

Mon May 16 10:08 2005
Awww...its so nice to fell all the love thats being spread around!!

Get over your sickness and puke it up already, then you can start feelin the
love!! :o)

Sun May 15 20:52 2005
Too much love.

Sun May 15 15:10 2005
You'll feel better after you puke it up.. Really..

I love you too Kristi =D

Sun May 15 12:58 2005
Well then quit whining and do it already. 

Sat May 14 19:19 2005
I mean it I'm gonna PUKE!

Sat May 14 19:06 2005
Hmmm...well I got some Boston CDs for Mother's Day that we get to share..beat 
that!!!  I don't mean that the way it sounds really--I picked them out, so it's 
all good.  I get more use out of CDs than jewelry anyway. I just end up putting 
jewelry in a drawer eventually--CDs I can manage to keep up with ;) 

And just for Bob so he doesn't feel left out---  

I love you!!!!  (insert awwww's here)

Our anniversary is coming up in 3 wks---one whole year!!  Man it has gone by 
fast.  We'll be an old married couple before you know it 
(well old-er anyway).

Sat May 14 16:38 2005

Fri May 13 22:14 2005
I'm gonna puke!

Fri May 13 18:40 2005
That's so cute..

Fri May 13 10:53 2005
I love you too! :-)

Fri May 13 10:46 2005
Awwwww , I love you Honey!!! :O)

Thu May 12 15:58 2005
Oh but you're wrong...Dreah just raises the bar next year and each year after 
so it's all up hill! John just has to keep out doing himself each year - no 
pressure there, huh?!  LOL 

Of course, as I told him - it's not the value of something just that it comes 
from his heart, which makes it priceless!  Say it with me...aaaahhhhh :-)

Tue May 10 21:14 2005
IM workin on new material for some lyrics Bob wrote. I also have some partial 
lyrics that Im gonna need some help with writers block sucks ass.

Tue May 10 19:31 2005
First can't be the best. Come on.. 

Nothing but downhill now. Got the big one right at the start..

Mon May 9 12:46 2005
Thanks!  It was the best Mother's Day yet!  

"He went to Jared!"  


Sun May 8 22:42 2005

Sun May 8 18:04 2005
Happy Mother's Day to the new mom and the sis

Thu May 5 21:37 2005
Come to work with me one day and I'll show ya Physical labor.

Thu May 5 09:32 2005
What is this "physical labor" thing you speak of?

Thu May 5 08:51 2005
Cant do allergic to physical labor!

Wed May 4 19:44 2005
Come to work with me ONE day and you'll be lovin your job.

Wed May 4 13:56 2005
work...?  You call that working?

Tue May 3 08:02 2005
You would too if you had to work here!!

Mon May 2 19:08 2005
If I did I wouldnt be here.....

Mon May 2 18:19 2005

Sun May 1 22:44 2005
do you guys have nothing better to do?

Sat Apr 30 11:04 2005
Screw you guys..Im goin home!

Sat Apr 30 00:19 2005
Respect My Authoriti!

Sat Apr 30 00:03 2005
WWCD...what would Cartman do?

Fri Apr 29 13:52 2005
I don't even want to go there...

Fri Apr 29 10:45 2005
I go with the one closest to the food!!!

Thu Apr 28 13:58 2005
If i had 2 mouths, which one would i eat from?

JD From Montreal.


Sat Apr 23 21:26 2005
A state of euphoric eroticism...

Sat Apr 23 19:08 2005

Fri Apr 22 18:30 2005
What state?

Fri Apr 22 16:09 2005
Confusion is just another state of mind

Tue Apr 19 21:17 2005
Am I confusion?

Mon Apr 18 09:13 2005
I be confused...

Thu Apr 14 14:45 2005
its been a long haul, the division of life contends to the mass of the ball.

somewhere i was, there i will be going. oh yeah, HI....

Thu Apr 14 08:09 2005
I am he, the fallen one, the fallen angel watching you!!!

Wed Apr 13 18:35 2005
Whom for art thou?

Wed Apr 13 12:43 2005

Tue Apr 12 23:34 2005

Tue Apr 12 10:28 2005
I be...therefor...I is!!

Mon Apr 11 21:20 2005
What was the question?

Mon Apr 11 12:33 2005
"To be or not to be"

Mon Apr 11 11:08 2005
To disagree?

Sun Apr 10 22:55 2005
Well I agree

Thu Apr 7 19:14 2005
I forgot.

Thu Apr 7 08:42 2005
What was the question again???

Wed Apr 6 18:56 2005
OK Now who are ya and where do ya  live?

Wed Apr 6 18:33 2005
I'm not afraid of you!  You're not the boss of me!

Wed Apr 6 08:27 2005
Bring it on!!!!!!

Wed Apr 6 00:50 2005
Dont make me come over there!!

Tue Apr 5 20:33 2005
I'm not posting, and you can't make me.  

Tue Apr 5 10:45 2005
Fine, just fine!

Mon Apr 4 19:19 2005
Well dammit you should!

Fri Apr 1 21:07 2005
Not me.

Fri Apr 1 08:55 2005
Me neither

Wed Mar 30 19:09 2005
i certainly don't

Tue Mar 29 09:19 2005
yeah, no one ever posts here anymore.

Sun Mar 27 16:33 2005

Fri Mar 25 21:59 2005
Does anybody post here anymore?

Sat Mar 19 15:48 2005
Gonna get some newer pics of me to post in the gallery Bob/

Sat Mar 19 14:19 2005
Is there anyone left alive. Has the world gone insane.
Emotions no longer a factor. Is love another word for plague.

Thu Mar 17 10:02 2005
John played one of them for me - sounds good!  

Wed Mar 16 11:19 2005
I mean have them post what they like or don't like about the music in general.
Can't write music on what we like only I have a broad range of musical ideas 
and we need input so we can try to improve our music.

Wed Mar 16 10:25 2005

Mon Mar 14 17:15 2005
K then tell them to say something on this site.

Mon Mar 14 09:55 2005
Some people at work have heard it and some people in EQ have heard it also.


Fri Mar 11 13:49 2005
Who have you been playing it for?

Thu Mar 10 11:08 2005
Getting alot of great feedback on the new song!!!


Wed Mar 9 11:02 2005
Hey! When the hell did we start paying the computer! I'm not gettin paid!

Tue Mar 8 21:32 2005
Bass track is done. Just need to do the finishing touches and it will be ready
to post. Most likely release date will be this weekend or soon after (need to
tweak the drums a bit). It's been a LONG time since we've released a new song on
here so it's long overdue. We're getting back into the swing of things and will
hopefully have even more new songs to add to the site soon. We're also in the
process of finding a new drummer (the computer wants too much $$ and isn't very
entertaining to watch while it plays the drums).


Mon Mar 7 23:58 2005
We are going to do the bass tracks Tuesday right Bob....

Mon Mar 7 18:15 2005
As an update, we did record some on Saturday. We have Rick's main part down and
a rough cut of John's. We still need to record my bass line and also record the
solo tracks. It will be worth it when we're done.


Fri Mar 4 22:55 2005
Ready to record tomorrow, gonna get the new song done and ready to post on the 

Mon Feb 28 18:58 2005
Since you posted this on Bob's website, which is running on his server, in his
basement, he would like to say what's up Shane!!!

Man it's been FOREVER since I've seen/heard from you. Once we get to practicing
regularly again you'll have to come by when we're jamming and hang out.


PS, I'm going to blank your cell phone number.. No point in giving the planet
access to it. I'll email it to John.

Mon Feb 28 18:51 2005
Hey guys,
what's going on?

like the web site, music sound like it could be cool too. I would acually like 
to hear it some time soon. Hey john, I recently saw you at qt, and here's the 
info you asked for. cell# XXX-XXX-XXXX.

have a good one , guys and rock on!!!

tell bob i said hello also

Shane S. Darby

Mon Feb 28 15:17 2005
I'm workin on it!!

Mon Feb 28 10:07 2005
woohoo - Get Er Done!

Sat Feb 26 17:19 2005
Well here is some news. John, Bob and I got together today for the first time 
in about a year and practiced. After reemembering the songs I got back up to 
speed and we are planning to record the newest song.
 I think everyone is going to like it, so keep checking the music link on the 
site and hopefully we will have it up in a coyple of weeks.

Fri Feb 25 12:27 2005
He has to come out and play I probably won't be able to record anything after 
saturday. The weekend after I get Bailey. And if the job search doesn't go well 
I'll be in jail for non-payment of child support. Sooo.. if we are going to do 
this we need to get it done. I'm doing everything in my power to get employed 
but I can't take just any job, it has to meet a criteria to work around my 
visitation and summer schedule. I know it sounds ridiculous but it has to meet 
those aspects of my life. If I am working all the time I have no time for my 
kid and to me that isn't right. Do I sound insane or do I sound like I care 
about my kid? 

Thu Feb 24 15:26 2005

Thu Feb 24 09:43 2005
Grounded???? What for???

Thu Feb 24 08:28 2005
John's grounded - he can't come out to play on Saturday!

Wed Feb 23 23:18 2005
Well in case you haven't heard yet John I am unemployed again. The transport 
company I was working for has decided to close up shop. They are selling the 
trucks and I am out of work. Hmm... Guess I'm on the lookout for a new job. 
What time do you want to get started Sat? I'll be free all day.

Wed Feb 23 11:26 2005
Work sux, just thought I woould share!


Mon Feb 21 20:11 2005
I feel your pain.


Mon Feb 21 19:15 2005
OMG I'm bored. There is a storm and the tv doesn't work. HEEELLLLPPPP!

Tue Feb 15 21:28 2005
He's a cross-dresser!

Mon Feb 14 19:41 2005
Hmm Bob has a fan club and we didn't know about it?!?!?!
What else is he hiding from us John?

Mon Feb 14 15:10 2005
You make is seems as if that was something we didnt already know!! Sheesh!!


Sun Feb 13 19:15 2005
Glad to have my status reaffirmed here.


Sun Feb 13 10:33 2005
Bob is a dick

Tue Feb 8 22:53 2005
Talking to machines... hmmm...let me NOPE.

Tue Feb 8 18:02 2005
There's an answering machine on it. leave a message..

Tue Feb 8 15:57 2005
I call the other line DH... NO ANSWER.

Thu Feb 3 12:15 2005
Gave at the office, huh?!

Wed Feb 2 17:04 2005
We don't want any.

Tue Feb 1 16:55 2005

Tue Feb 1 14:38 2005
Someone always answers when I call.


Mon Jan 31 18:31 2005
call my phone and that won't be an issue. (Hint, I don't answer the other line)

Sun Jan 30 20:43 2005
Ok if I can ever get in touch with my brother we might be able to get together 
in the near future. I'm probably going out of town on another run in the next 
couple of days so I'll have to relay through messages on the board.
Answer the damn phone Bob!

Fri Jan 28 19:49 2005
I got some curlys for ya!

Fri Jan 28 17:23 2005
Three stooges, huh.  Guess that makes Rick Curly then.

Tue Jan 18 09:55 2005
Spread out!!!!!!

Mon Jan 17 10:58 2005
The three Stooges reunite...hehehehehehehehe

Mon Jan 17 09:33 2005
OK, well that clears that up!!


Fri Jan 14 11:19 2005


Fri Jan 14 10:15 2005
that place?


Thu Jan 13 20:55 2005
the place


Wed Jan 12 12:21 2005
in where?


Tue Jan 11 17:23 2005
somewhere in there


Tue Jan 11 10:43 2005
So......when we jammin????

Mon Jan 3 09:29 2005
Excellent news!!!


Tue Dec 28 16:42 2004


Mon Dec 27 20:12 2004
Well guys, I may be back to jam sooner than I thought. I just found out today 
that I am being moved to another section of the company to do transports. What 
that means is no more 12 hour days and weekends off. We can finally get back to 
recording and writing once again. Just thought I would pass along the news.


Mon Dec 20 20:48 2004
I'm going to run this version of graffiti wall for a week or 2 and see if it 
has any problems. if it appears stable then I'll promote it from beta state to 
version 1.0

In the meantime I'm going to be basically completely rewriting the backend 
database and cleaning up the code (because it's REALLY ugly right now).. Once 
that is complete I'll promote it to version 1.1 and release the source code in 
hopes others will check it out, use it, and improve it.


Sat Dec 18 17:38 2004
Pictures of Dreah and friends are now posted to the Image Gallery. I also
reduced the number of images per page to 8 to lessen the pain felt by dialup
users. This site has never been very dialup friendly though.


Fri Dec 17 01:11 2004
I finally wrote the code to display the wall in html tables. It was actually
easier than I thought it would be. I added a new option to allow users to select
which view they prefer (the classic text version is the default) and it will
store the selection in a cookie for convenience.

Let me know if you see the wall acting strangely as I haven't done a lot of
testing on it yet.


Mon Dec 6 12:12 2004
WOOT another EQ addict is born. Congrats guys! Sorry I wasn't able to come and 
see her at the hospital but I will be by soon to see her. I bet she is as cute 
as a button.

See ya soon, 

Sun Dec 5 15:23 2004
Congrats to John and Karen on the birth of their daughter, Dreah.


Tue Nov 30 12:25 2004
Oh too funny, Kristi!  I bet when the days of 20 questions come up, John and I 
will not only be struggling to answer them honestly, but will be dying laughing 
at knowing we have to give an answer and deciding whose turn it is to give it!  
These will be the days!  For now, we'll live in blitz and remain clueless. LOL!


Fri Nov 26 14:34 2004
Actually, it's probably easier to find play time when they are babies.  Once
they start walking and talking it's all over. Then they harass you the whole
time and try to help you play.  Life really gets hard when they learn to read. 
Try explaining what is being said in guild chat, or better yet try keeping them
from seeing the screen when the , shall we say, "bad" words come up.  Yeah,
babies are easier; they sleep a lot in between crying spells.  I miss the days
when nap time was still in effect.


Thu Nov 25 21:18 2004
They are all daddy's girl. But in time they grow up and they will go out into 
the mean old world, and that is when you really start to worry. 

This reality break brought to you by the people who care.

Mon Nov 15 13:47 2004
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeee - and she's gonna be a DADDY'S GIRL too!!!


Mon Nov 15 12:22 2004
This is true. No matter. I dont think the game or our guild is going anywhere
despite the release of EQ2 and WoW. EQ is gonna be around for a long time. Im
going to enjoy my baby girl!!!! 


Fri Nov 12 20:27 2004
Better enjoy it man... Hard to play EQ with a baby around. Can't tell a
screaming baby to hang on till you find a safe place to camp, or wait till after
this uber mob. Your next uber mob to face is named Dreah!

Plane of Time is nothing compared to that!


Fri Nov 5 10:50 2004
yeah...he has to get in all the EQ time he can...before Dreah gets here!! :-p
Then we'll both be on her time!  woohoo! 


Fri Nov 5 07:49 2004
I was witing for the right time. (pun also intended)


Thu Nov 4 17:45 2004
It's about time man.. (pun intended)


Thu Nov 4 15:58 2004
Well Duh!!  Who didnt know that???? ;op


Thu Nov 4 14:23 2004

Thu Nov 4 10:49 2004
Fennin Ro - Dead
Xegony - Dead
Rathe Council/Avatar of Earth - Dead
Coirnav - Dead

Welcome to the Plane of Time!


Fri Oct 29 16:53 2004
several wedding pictures are now posted in the image gallery. they are big so
dialup users beware!


Wed Oct 27 13:39 2004

Tue Oct 26 10:23 2004
This is no time to talk about time...we dont have the time!!!


Mon Oct 25 17:04 2004
all in good time

Mon Oct 25 09:44 2004
That picture turned out pretty good. Now post the others damnit!!!!


Fri Oct 22 12:51 2004
I put 1 picture from the wedding in the image gallery. Of the pictures we have,
it has the best lighting and color without any retouching.

It's on page 4 right now. (and it's large)

Thu Oct 21 16:08 2004
"touched up" that another way of saying they're pronographic and you have 
to add clothes to them?? LOL!! mean the wedding pictures...shew...scared me for a minute!  

Tue Oct 19 17:17 2004
I wanted to wait until I had them touched up before posting them in an easily
accessible area.

Mon Oct 18 19:35 2004
Well, so we survived the honeymoon.  The damn chapel still hasn't given us our
pictures yet, though.  We have the ones our parents took, but somehow none of
them have warranted being put in the image gallery like the wrecked Dodge. 
Priorities, you know.

Mon Oct 11 09:59 2004
Alrighty then...

Thu Oct 7 21:22 2004
It is possible to travel to another star system without controlling gravity or
time. It would just take generations to get there. That makes it impractical,
but it is possible.

Light has never been a "constant". It's speed depends on the medium in which it
travels as well as the properties of the space it travels through. Throw gravity
in the mix and it's linear velocity can be controlled.

Relativity is natural and existing in relativistic terms would be outside the
boundaries of our time and dimension.


Thu Oct 7 15:59 2004
Who's been circling Pluto???

Thu Oct 7 13:02 2004

Wed Oct 6 15:01 2004

Sat Oct 2 03:54 2004
well i figured out time travel. but on the bad side travelling to another star 
can never be done without controlling gravity or folding space. it seems light 
is not a constant. the process of time travel (fast forward or super high speed 
reverse) is natural and is also the reason we will never visit another solar 
system. there is some more bad news but also some good.

Wed Sep 29 21:42 2004
bum dum-ty dum
bum dum-ty dum
bum dum-ty dum dum-ty dum da da dum-ty-um.....

Mon Sep 27 16:32 2004
I agree.

Mon Sep 27 14:58 2004
Work sux..just thought I would share that with ya.


Sat Sep 11 15:35 2004
The Tux is black. the vest/tie/etc are blue.. anyway. Get sized now..


Sat Sep 11 15:31 2004
OMG John's gonna be a dad. I'm not the only one anymore HEHE.

Sat Sep 11 15:12 2004
Geez, seems we haven't seen much input as far as the music goes but I'll be 
back to record the new song... soon. Gotta get the fingers back in shape. By 
the way HELLO John and Karen. Sorry I haven't been around lately. Been workin 
on the scooter and tryin to make some money in between. Bob you need to let me 
know when we are going to get sized for the tuxes and for what reason are you 
going with blue? Stay basic and go black K..

Sat Sep 11 14:05 2004
I'm worried about not f**king up in the middle of it.  That and not laughing at
the "father, son, and holy ghost" thing.  That was rough at the courthouse.

Thu Sep 9 10:29 2004
What are you worried about then?  

Wed Sep 8 19:41 2004
Well, a month left till the big wedding (ceremony)day.  Guess Saturday will be
spent on tuxes and accessories.  I forgot I needed shoes.  Good thing I thought
about it..that would have been bad otherwise.  Baby blue seems to be the color
theme, but I don't know how hard it will be to match.  May end up with some
other variation of blue.  I really don't care; colors are not what I'm worried

Mon Sep 6 09:56 2004
Someone get some bug spray!!!!!

Fri Sep 3 20:18 2004 dammit, cricket

Thu Sep 2 20:25 2004
Karen's bad impression of a grasshopper?

Thu Sep 2 16:03 2004

Wed Sep 1 18:24 2004
Of pain

Wed Sep 1 12:02 2004
Its a never ending process.

Tue Aug 31 17:23 2004
Wow, listen to that---can you hear it?  I never heard so many crickets in one
place before.

Wed Aug 25 14:01 2004
And things

Sun Aug 15 11:22 2004
And stuff

Tue Aug 10 21:34 2004
Something like that =P

Tue Aug 10 16:18 2004
So what happen to you two last Friday..."pre-game activities" get the best of 


Fri Aug 6 09:00 2004
My memory of most of those days remains fuzzy...heehee


Thu Aug 5 18:01 2004
Those were the days.

Thu Aug 5 07:21 2004
Yeah I can say when we were kids, Bob had a golden horseshoe in his ass cause he
never got busted for anything. The lucky bastard. I remember the bag of "toys"
he use to keep in the back seat of his car. I use to always tell him "Dude your
gonna get busted!!"  He never did. Damn your luck Bob!!!


Wed Aug 4 18:05 2004
I spent my early years not getting caught, or at least faking my way out of it.
I'm still sure my mom had a clue of what I was up to but she was hoping she was


Wed Aug 4 13:59 2004
I'll second that!!!  Especially since John spent his childhood grounded...and I 
just never got caught!  Yup...we'll get it 10 fold!  


Wed Aug 4 13:47 2004
Well the way I see it, ff she takes after either one of us, we are in for a 
wild ride. If she takes after both of us...then we are in deep shit!!!!


Wed Aug 4 13:40 2004
Well...if she takes after me...we're really in trouble!!!  Oh the mouth that 
child will have...LOL!  


Tue Aug 3 15:38 2004
Hmm, a daughter that takes after John.. I don't know if that would be a good or
a bad thing.

Ride that excuse!


Tue Aug 3 13:54 2004
Yeah Bob, after I posted I realized you wanted confirmation...I'm 
I have no mind or memory anymore - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to 
least for another 4 or so months!  LOL!  Still had to harass you though :-)

Now let's hope she takes after John...

Mon Aug 2 08:07 2004
My response to that link can only be summed up by this:

"Jimmy crack corn...."

yeah, you know the rest.


Sun Aug 1 20:40 2004

Sat Jul 31 06:40 2004
someone said something about ?? ok here ya go..

Fri Jul 30 17:36 2004
well Karen, you see, there is a big difference between "they think we have" and
"we have"..

at that point we were waiting for tests to confirm it. I wanted to know if it
was confirmed! though i admit i didn't word it perfectly.


Fri Jul 30 07:51 2004
Well, when you do have to push out the watermelon, if you are like I
will be saying other things to god ;)  On the plus side, it's only one day out
of your I guess it's worth it.  Although some days ..well anyway..j/k :)


Thu Jul 29 13:00 2004
Hey Bob - read your wall sometime...right before you started playing with the 
server and posted that geek message that only you and other geeks understand, i 
posted this:

"Well they think we are having a little girl (which it is) - test results are 
expected this week.  So looks like we will soon be welcoming "Dreah Michelle 
Ward" to the world sometime around December 7 - God help me push that 
watermelon out!!!"



Wed Jul 28 07:43 2004
Well yeah thats the other side of the coin. I guess they just never developed a
game that was as good as Descent. Oh well. 


Tue Jul 27 19:15 2004
That was the problem. They had SO MANY different games that sold like 3 week old
fish that they were spread so thin they couldn't support anything.

Tue Jul 27 17:08 2004
I guess thats what they get for putting all their eggs in one basket. They
should have pushed into other game markets, maybe they would have survived.


Tue Jul 27 13:28 2004
After doing some digging I've found that Interplay isn't
dead yet, but they're on their death bed it seems. They were
almost evicted, closed the doors, had the labor dept close
them down for not maintaining workers comp and not paying
 wages. Add to that it appears their   website has been down
since sometime in April. Guess they blew all the money they
got from descent.



Tue Jul 27 10:34 2004
Interplay folded? A sad day indeed..


Mon Jul 26 12:04 2004
whats in the news as of late, well interplay is dead and gone. makes ya wonder 
whats next??

Fri Jul 23 15:12 2004
No excuses!!!!


Fri Jul 23 11:57 2004
I've been doing odd things to test the signal handling.


Thu Jul 22 14:44 2004
Its about time you got this thing working again!


Fri Jul 16 07:48 2004
Yes the results are in!!! We have a very healthy baby girl on the way!
Karen hit the 5month mark this Tuesday, so the time is getting closer and closer!!

Yeah Im right there with ya Bob. Its gonna be fun to do that! hehehehehe.


Thu Jul 15 23:38 2004
Don't keep us in the dark!! The results in yet? Boy? Girl? Maybe? I think it'll
be a girl. 

John and I can intimidate her future dates with large firearms.

15 years out and I'm already planning our next big hobby.


Thu Jul 15 23:28 2004
Man, upgrading the server sucks. You wouldn't imagine the hell I just went through.

Anyway, I think I've ironed out most of the kinks, and things should be running
much better now.  I've recompiled the wall with a much newer version of GCC and
also turned on all the compiler bells and whistles to make an optimized
executable. We'll see how she runs.


Mon Jul 12 13:44 2004
A new dishwasher...i thought by marrying you Bob was getting a new dishwasher?? 
LOL - Just kidding Kristi!!

Congrats at married life - i'm sure you guys are for life!  

Well they think we are having a little girl - test results are expected this 
week.  So looks like we will soon be welcoming "Dreah Michelle Ward" to the 
world sometime around December 7 - God help me push that watermelon out!!!

I've felt pretty damn good so far too - woohoo!  

Construction is currently at 19 weeks...and counting!

Take care all - Karen

Sun Jul 11 17:51 2004
I'm claiming the database for Graffiti Wall to be stable now. 

I'm also now stating that I'm about to do a major overhaul on it to make it much
more scalable. So it will again plunge back into a beta state.

I'm also going to start work on the HTML engine for the wall to give you the
choice of viewing the wall as flat text (as it is now) or in HTML.

Once I have the base of the HTML engine working and the new database running
I'll launch the wall as version 1.0 and release the source code for public
improvement(it will need it).


Thu Jul 8 07:40 2004
Yeah right!
You wouldnt come back to the Rathe anyway ;op


Wed Jul 7 21:53 2004
give me your cleric wtf!


Wed Jul 7 08:08 2004
That rocks! Its always good to have a quiet one. Nothing worse than not being 
able to hear yourself think over the noise of the dishwasher.

Grats on key!!!  
I only need Ssra shard to complete my VT key, so im very close!!.
They are doing a revamp of Veeshan's Peak in the next patch, looks like
it will be time to grind that key out now too..../sigh.

Karen started a Warrior, so she has been having a blast beating the shit out of 
stuff, I started a cleric to level up with her. We are both lvl 20 :o)


Tue Jul 6 17:02 2004
It's uber. When it's running you basically only hear the water running through
the pipes in the house unless you're standing next to it. 

BTW, grats Vinginz on her HS key!! 


Tue Jul 6 07:28 2004
Yeah I would say thats a good deal right there!
Too bad stuff like that doesnt happen more often!!! 
Grats on clean dishes!! 


Sun Jul 4 11:03 2004
Well, we got the uber dishwasher yesterday thanks to the dumb ass at Lowes, 
bless his little heart.  He loaded the wrong one on the truck, and we got two 
models higher than the one we paid for.  From now on, it's Lowes all the way, 

Sat Jul 3 18:28 2004
Im not as think as you stoned I am!!
So there!! ;op

Wed Jun 30 12:47 2004
OK, I got the be all end all DVD coming. Its the entire collection of Tex Avery 
cartoons!!! WOOOOOOOT! 89 classic Tex Avery, all uncensored and uncut!!, even 
the ones that were banned due to being called racist and sexist!!!


Sun Jun 27 20:55 2004
It really was an accident =(


Sun Jun 27 19:01 2004
OMG!!!  My computer is finally operational again!  Not having it sucked ass.  
Anyway, I see I missed all kind of stuff in the last three weeks.  

Married life is just peachy.  I get to park in the garage and don't have a 
curfew anymore.  Bob is pretty cool too, I guess.  Well except when he hits me 
in the head like he did last night, but that (he says) was an accident.  
Anyway, that's about it I suppose.  Peace.


Sun Jun 20 19:41 2004
Married life is pretty good so far. It's been fun having Caine around. And 
Kristi is kinda cool to have around too =P

No bed hogging so far. The king size waterbed affords plenty of room so it 
hasn't been an issue.

It's been really great. All the moving and building crap makes my days off more 
work than my days at work though. I'll be happy when it's all done. Almost 


Fri Jun 18 09:43 2004
Yeah I think it would be safe to say that the poor guy will be shitting his 
pants! But ill be fair. Im not a complete asshole. But rest assusred, if he 
fucks up, he will feel the wrath of the Dark Side!

Thu Jun 17 20:06 2004
I can just imagine John when his daughter's 1st date comes to pick her up..

Thu Jun 17 16:18 2004
My goodness...yeah, i'll say someone needs to get a life!  

So how is married life Bob & Kristi??  Any stories of bed hogs or sleepless 

On our end...Junior is growing like a weed.  We will probably find out what we 
are having next week - I think I want a boy and John wants a girl - so either 
way we win!  heehee

Tue Jun 8 13:23 2004
Someone has for too much time on thier hands!

Mon Jun 7 12:48 2004
.......('(...�...�.... �~/'...').......('...'\~� ....�...�...)')..
.........''...\.......... _.��............`��_......... ./...''...

maybe this is better?

and yes today is a boring day.

Mon Jun 7 11:59 2004
That's it - I'm naming my first-born Vortex Kinesis, regardless of whether it's
a boy or a girl.

Sun May 30 18:55 2004

Sun May 30 14:43 2004
Disappearances have confounded and entranced people for thousands of years, 
from Enoch�s sudden disappearance to Ambrose Bierce�s popular 1880�s articles 
of people disappearing while simply walking in a field. But one thing is 
consistent within the stories, whether true or false� a vortex or funnel is 
often written in. For Bierce, these were invisible funnels within a prairie, or 
anywhere, into which an unsuspecting person walked and was held in a different 
time or space, though certainly Space-Time Warps were not even a part of 
scientific or popular vernacular in the 1880s. For Elijah, he was taken away in 
a �fiery whirlwind��a vortex. For Ezekiel�s vision, whirlwinds turned within 

For the cynical these were only fanciful stories, and Bierce�s were Saturday 
afternoon mystery magazine pulp. But literature has an uncanny way of being 
prophetic. In the great scientific age of the 20th century, it was discovered 
that all matter is actually at a level of vortex kinesis, that is, swirling or 
spiraling motion. Whether it is the great galaxies, planets, suns, or the 
smallest atoms, all things rotate upon an axis and revolve around a core. The 
natural action of energy is vortex kinesis. 

Fri May 28 09:21 2004
Expect the unexpected!

Thu May 27 19:23 2004
I know a Norma, does that count?

Wed May 26 21:16 2004
Who is Norm and why must we deviate from him?

Wed May 26 16:19 2004
Norm....I know him...

Wed May 26 12:18 2004
Deviate From the Norm!!

Wed May 19 16:43 2004
thruff and stings

Tue May 18 17:10 2004
Things and stuff.

Tue May 18 12:03 2004
Stuff and Things

Thu May 13 14:55 2004
They give him head aches.

Mon May 10 21:41 2004
Why Mouse?

Mon May 10 18:30 2004
i hate cell phones...

Tue May 4 20:53 2004
As far as things are going with me. I'm fine also. I have a business going with 
some friends and it is actually starting to take off. I'm also working on my 
Harley, doing a complete custom chopper rebuild. The wreck wasn't as bad as it 
felt and I have completely recovered. As far as happiness goes Bob and John are 
probably the happiest I have ever seen them, I'm happy as well and havin a good 
time doing what I love best, building custom rides. 
Glad you are doing well man.

See ya in the next life,

Thu Apr 29 17:08 2004
Well, I try anyway.  It's not easy sometimes; wedding planning is rough stuff 
ya know :) Other than that everthing's pretty smooth.

Thu Apr 29 03:55 2004
sorry Kristi, didn't mean to not include you, i figured you were keeping 
everything together, hehehehe ;)

Tue Apr 27 20:29 2004
I'm getting married and I'm as happy as I've ever been.. John is as happy as 
I've ever known him to be. 

The house is in good shape and I just refinanced it for a lower payment while 
also eliminating all other debt. 

The business is starting to pick up and I'm looking to be 100% self employed 
within a matter of months.

I still play my bass every day. We have a new song written and can play it 
perfectly. We just need to find a day we can all get together and record the 

All is going well.

The .357 is fine and now defending my Silverado.

I'm not yet making what I was 3 years ago, but it's looking like that is about 
to change.

Good to know you're ok man, but I wouldn't make assumptions about your life 
compared to ours. You don't know what is going on in our lives anymore than we 
know what's going on in yours. I hope you're doing well and are happy. Feel 
free to post once in awhile.


Tue Apr 27 20:28 2004
Wow, don't I feel left out?!  Not even a mention of me, geez.  I'm fine too, 
thanks for asking.


Tue Apr 27 03:49 2004

Well so far you guys still look alive, but I will say it doesn�t look like your 
tryin to hard to stay that way. Bob the truck looks like shit, I hope the 357. 
faired better than the truck did. Rick, I read the thing about your wreck, I�m 
sure you know what I�m going to say, DUMBASS. John it seems like your doing the 
best so far, have them 2 tried to kill ya off yet? 

I know none of you have taken any time to find out what I�ve been doing so I 
guess I should tell ya�s. I�m alive, working out a lot, making money, going 
through women like underwear and expanding the mind. I haven�t been jamming at 
all hardly and don�t really care too much anymore but what I have found and 
figured out is really awesome. From what I�ve seen and read I�m doing far 
better than you guys and that doesn�t seem right but like I said, you haven�t 
taken any time for what�s important. Take care and try not to kill yourselves.


Sat Apr 17 22:09 2004
I was thinking that, but I thought I'd contain myself and not say it.  Since I 
didn't say it first, I guess it's okay to say it then:  HUH??!??

Fri Apr 16 12:22 2004

Thu Apr 15 16:14 2004
I am sealing off the dimensional window
Closing the hole in the fabric of the cosmos like a scar

Mon Apr 12 03:06 2004
I would like to appologize for the delay in recording efforts. I have been in 
the process of starting a new business with some of my friends, and have been 
tied up for awhile and probably will be for the next few months. Again I 
appologize to John and Bob and anyone else who has been waiting for the new 
release. I hope to have things under control soon and will be able to start 
recording again, the new song is a blast to play and listen to.

See yas,

Wed Apr 7 10:40 2004
Ahh...would that be going in or coming out...

Tue Apr 6 23:33 2004
It's all about protecting your back door.

Tue Apr 6 13:25 2004
Wait...!!  I want to get back to Bob closing his exactly does one 
close their hole....and which hole are we closing...

Fri Apr 2 19:59 2004
Well, I tried.  Sorry, that's the best I can do.

Wed Mar 31 20:55 2004
Didn't work

Wed Mar 31 19:44 2004
CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How's that?

Mon Mar 29 23:48 2004
ok, got a crash so i've narrowed down where the bug is. I've put in more code 
to tell me some more about it.. need another crash pls!

Sun Mar 28 21:36 2004
thank you

Sun Mar 28 09:21 2004

Thu Mar 25 19:05 2004
aww come on.. someone do something.. i just loaded up about 8 million lines of
debugging code in this thing to try and catch a crash and it hasn't crashed 1
time since then =(

Someone do anything!!


Sat Mar 20 09:03 2004
Nope.  Too much like work to do all that, and I am way too lazy for it.

Sat Mar 20 02:57 2004
Anyone else want to be cute so I have another hole to close?

Sat Mar 20 01:20 2004
testing post size limits now.. i hate when people make me patch security holes!

Fri Mar 19 15:36 2004
I already removed it, so without seeing the post I can understand your 
confusion. See the post 4 below this one and note where I edited it and put the 
*SNIP* in there.


Fri Mar 19 11:33 2004

Tue Mar 16 20:02 2004
No that means someone was trying to be cute and pasted the entire wall into one 
message. Which translates into post length limit inc!!

Also I'll remove the post, except for the cute comment, and rebuild the keys to 
fix it.. But for now it stays while I work on fixing my computer.

Thanks to -
for helping to point out that flaw so I can fix it.


Mon Mar 15 15:57 2004
Does that mean we should expect baby pictures of you guys to appear on the site?

Sun Mar 14 19:56 2004
And now a look back on where we've come from:

*SNIP* grats trying to break things!

Sun Mar 14 19:47 2004

Thu Mar 4 11:44 2004
Stuff and things.


Tue Mar 2 19:37 2004
Git er dun!!

Tue Mar 2 14:20 2004
Oh yes you are - admit it John.   Yeah, com'on. 
G'on up thare and get chu some boy!   LOL!!

Tue Mar 2 07:10 2004

Mon Mar 1 07:55 2004
Never,ever refer to me as a "Good Ole Boy".
There is no red on my reck.


Fri Feb 27 13:42 2004
"Good ol Boys" huh............

Mon Feb 23 17:16 2004
First things first, We as a band pose no threat to the general public we are 
not rap artists that want to beat women and kill people. We are simple southern 
guys that want to produce good music that people can actually listen to.


Sat Feb 21 00:07 2004
Not sure how seeing us with guns would scare off fans. Not like we're pointing 
em at the camera with crazy looks on our faces. 

Anyway, a drummer and a singer would be nice, but we're essentially a basement 
band and really don't do any shows. We all have busy lives and even jamming 
regularly is a challenge to maintain. It's taking literally months per song to 
get the tracks recorded and mixed because of the schedule conflicts. 

In the end, this is a hobby/love/passion for us that we indulge when we can. 
Until we get a full album ready to be produced and decide we want to do shows I 
doubt we'll have a lot of luck finding a *good* drummer that is interested in 
our slow paced style to making music. This album is literally years in the 
making now and we have a long way to go yet. Our schedules are coming together 
better now so I'm hoping we can get a lot done over the next couple of months.

Anyway thanks for stopping by and be sure to check back in soon. We're almost 
to the point of putting the latest song on the site, and it's one of my 
favorite to play so far.


Fri Feb 20 16:19 2004
Hey just browsing the net for unsigned bands.  Musically it is pretty good.  I 
think you guys should work on getting a drummer and singer.  Interesting pic 
with, what appear to be guns, kinda scares away fans.  Anyways, thats my 
37.5cents.  cheers Lucius

Fri Feb 20 10:54 2004
Or "Father God" hehehehe only John will probably get this... 

Fri Feb 13 18:01 2004
Praise Allah

Fri Feb 13 15:45 2004
ok fools. back to normal work week as of monday. So we should look for some
recording work to get done! 

Thu Feb 12 15:33 2004

Tue Feb 10 13:33 2004
Hey Rick!...what did the 5 fingers say to the face??.....SLAP!!!!!


Tue Feb 10 09:30 2004
Even things

Mon Feb 9 17:02 2004
odd things

Mon Feb 9 10:01 2004
Well Howdy Rick - how the hell are ya?!

Sun Feb 8 22:53 2004
Hmm no whinning intended. Just curious why no one says hello anymore.
So f__k it I won't look anymore.

Sun Feb 8 19:37 2004
Why don't you whine some more, then maybe you'd get more attention.

Sat Feb 7 13:03 2004
By the way I'm still alive. No one leaves me messages anymore. I still look at 
the GW from time to time.


Wed Feb 4 20:26 2004
Don't make me spew globblie-gook..

You wouldn't like it..

Wed Feb 4 14:28 2004
Oh no Mr. Bob, no more computer globblie-gook....

Tue Feb 3 19:18 2004
ok.. changed the form method to post instead of get.. now at least the browser
warns you that you're about to resend the info instead of just doing it.. We'll
see how that works until I make a better cludge. In the end I'll probably
implement some kind of more intelligent duplicate post detection such as a
checksum cache or something weird like that..

Tue Feb 3 19:16 2004
testing post

Tue Feb 3 18:57 2004
I'm doing some tweaking so if you see odd things over the next few days.. that's


Tue Feb 3 18:15 2004
Ya I've known about it for awhile.. That's why it's not yet version 1.0!

Tue Feb 3 18:09 2004

Tue Feb 3 17:17 2004
OK Bob,

You can goahead and fix the "refresh=repost" issue the wall seems to have.

Tue Feb 3 17:13 2004
Excuse me Senoir!, I asked for a Margarita and they brought me a Mai-Tai. I 
asked for no salt on the Margarita, NO SALT, and they brought me a glass 
covered in salt. Ill take my travelers checks to a competing resort!. I could 
have this whole place condemed!. I could put Strychnine in the guacomole.

Tue Feb 3 16:44 2004
Excuse me Senoir!, I asked for a Margarita and they brought me a Mai-Tai. I 
asked for no salt on the Margarita, NO SALT, and they brought me a glass 
covered in salt. Ill take my travelers checks to a competing resort!. I could 
have this whole place condemed!. I could put Strychnine in the guacomole.

Tue Feb 3 15:39 2004
Is this thing up and running now....hello...anyone...anyone...Buhler...Buhler...

Thu Jan 29 15:47 2004
Bob is a n00b!!!

I just had to say it. 


Tue Jan 27 13:29 2004
my SLAP didn't go SLAP to Bob!  heehee

Mon Jan 26 19:56 2004
 that's for Bob.  No, I wasn't calling him that - just the 
opposite...but i'll leave it at that for now... :-)

Mon Jan 26 17:37 2004
Well Bob, you can expect a slap from Karen for using the "P" word LOL!!.

Mon Jan 26 17:19 2004
Well Bob, you can expect a slap from Karen for using the "P" word LOL!!.

Sun Jan 25 20:11 2004
John is full of bull?

Sun Jan 25 12:54 2004
wow, that puts an interesting twist into the relationship, now don't it?!

Thu Jan 22 19:29 2004
john.. man.. i think she, in a round-about way, just called you a pussy..


Thu Jan 22 12:58 2004
LOL!!!   No Sweetie, you're actually just a sweet ol putty cat disguised as a 
Bull  :-)

The Lion

Mon Jan 19 14:34 2004
ok now, lets not start the name calling!
no, im not a monkey! im a bull!


Fri Jan 16 08:47 2004
so John is a Monkey?  

Wed Jan 14 21:46 2004
No, that was John, actually. 

Tue Jan 13 12:17 2004 could be the Monkeys

Mon Jan 12 19:11 2004
they aren't crickets; they are grasshoppers

Mon Jan 12 18:05 2004

Mon Jan 12 12:23 2004
I hear crickets chirping....

Sat Jan 10 17:44 2004

Sat Jan 10 12:39 2004

Fri Jan 2 23:33 2004
Heya, all!!

Just thought I'd drop a hello here to John, since he can't IM from work and I 
never get to talk to him anymore!!


Fri Jan 2 10:31 2004
Back at cha!

Fri Jan 2 10:09 2004
happy new year, btw!

Thu Dec 18 08:26 2003
just an update.. We've finished writing the music for our newest song and Have 
recorded a rough version. We're going to lay down better tracks and get it 
sounding decent, then we'll be posting a new song on the site.. The first in 
quite some time.. I like it and hope everyone else does too..We're going to be 
recording over the next several weeks (we have limited time to do it) and then 
hopefully we'll have something worth posting..


Fri Dec 12 11:20 2003

Fri Dec 5 07:08 2003
Just not recently, as you can see.

Sun Nov 30 15:56 2003
We've carried on a lot of ongoing conversations here =D

Fri Nov 28 16:04 2003
Er, is this thing on?

Bob, it's Brian... haven't seen you in eons.

This graffiti wall thing isn't so great for ongoing conversations, send me an

Fri Nov 28 14:34 2003
Er, is this thing on?

Bob, it's Brian... haven't seen you in eons.

This graffiti wall thing isn't so great for ongoing conversations, send me an

Tue Nov 25 15:11 2003
Looks like a rocket scientist visited the site...

Wed Nov 19 20:40 2003
click the link that says "The Music"

Wed Nov 19 11:08 2003
Looks like a class act!  Maybe you could add a .wav or mp3 
file to your page so visitors can hear you all at your best!

Fri Nov 14 06:52 2003
well, there is a fetish for everyone they say.

Wed Nov 12 11:19 2003
ya never know, some of us may be into that!

Wed Nov 12 10:37 2003
don't make me get graphic..

you wouldn't like me when I'm graphic..

Mon Nov 10 11:00 2003
EWE!!!!!!!!!!  Bob, please no visuals... hehehehe

Sat Nov 8 07:23 2003
ya we figured the blue paint was going to be a bit too messy.. so we were 
humans.. kinda took some out of it, but Kristi was really cute in her robe..

And I hydroplane with the best of them..

Fri Nov 7 12:55 2003
Be sure to check out the Image Gallery and check out Bob'd leet hydroplaning 
skills! LOL

Fri Nov 7 07:10 2003
Wow, Bob.  What a play by play that was; how detailed.  Actually we were only 
half dark elves, we decided being painted blue was too much trouble for lazy 
people like us.  We were some form of necro and cleric, though.  

Thu Nov 6 20:53 2003
I was dressed up as a cleric, and she was a necro..

Thu Nov 6 15:36 2003
So you're trying to crash it?  hmmm...

K, you could always give us a play by play of how you proposed to Kristi.  That 
should take up some space and be entertaining at the same time...hehehehe

Plus, since it was on Halloween, did you dress up as Cupid before hand???  C'om 
spill it....LOL!

Thu Nov 6 08:50 2003
ty.. even though it didn't help =(

Thu Nov 6 06:35 2003

Wed Nov 5 23:55 2003
not yet.. typical.. i put all the code in and it doesn't crash.. post more pls..

Wed Nov 5 14:32 2003
Blah...Blah...yadda..yadda...did you catch the critter or not?  

Wed Nov 5 13:19 2003
HAHAHA..good one Karen! :o)

Wed Nov 5 12:18 2003
It's a very difficult one to reproduce.. At this point I've just dumped about 8 
million lines of debugging code into the program to try and capture info about 
the crash.. I know roughly where it is crashing, I just don't know why.. 
Probably some obscure memory issue..

Wed Nov 5 12:11 2003
Whoa Nellie....Bob's on a Critter Catching Mission...

Mon Nov 3 18:03 2003
There appears to be a bug running around in graffiti wall.. i'm working on 
tracking it down.. 

Mon Nov 3 13:21 2003
well try not to wreck this one...LOL!!!!

Mon Nov 3 13:08 2003
Oh, they totalled the truck.. So I bought a 2001 Chevy silverado quad cab.. 
Pics inc before too long..

Mon Nov 3 13:05 2003
I was waiting for the right moment.. damn.. foiled again..


Mon Nov 3 12:25 2003


Mon Nov 3 11:17 2003


Sun Nov 2 19:51 2003
Well, since it's been 2 days and Bob hasn't said anything yet, I guess I'll be 
the one to announce it.  Friday (Halloween) night, Bob proposed, and being the 
hopeless romantic that I am I said "yeah, okay, sure."  That makes it official, 
we are now engaged.  The big date (for the moment)is October 9th next year.

Thu Oct 30 20:53 2003
It would be fun if it didn't cost me my truck.. that was an awesome truck =(

Still waiting to hear from the insurance people on whether it will be fixed or 
totalled.. If totalled I'm going to have to fight like hell to get enough out 
of them to buy another one..

My poor truck =(

Thu Oct 30 16:40 2003
At least you're ok.  Trucks can be replaced.  Oh come had to be a 
little fun afterwards...heehee.  Once during an ice/snow storm, I was driving a 
camaro and did about 3 complete 180's.  Several cars were coming straight 
towards me when I finally stopped - barely missed the wall on I-85 - shew!!  I 
had to floor it to keep the other cars from killing me too!  Scared the shit 
out me, but later it was pretty cool. LOL!


Sun Oct 26 20:18 2003
Well, today was a busy day.. It started off normally enough.. Got up at 5am for 
work.. It was raining and I was on the way to work when I hydroplaned on I-75 
at about 65mph and slid off into a patch of woods.. I came out with only some 
scratches and a nasty bruise from the seat belt, which saved my ass.. My trusty 
Dodge Ram 4x4 truck took one for the team in keeping me alive though and it 
doesn't look so good.. Hopefully the frame is ok and the rest can be fixed.. 
But it's pretty bad.. So I'll either be getting a new truck or this one will be 
virtually new once they replace everything that took a beating on this one.. 
Once I get pictures in I'll post em in the image gallery..

Just for the record, sliding sideways at 65mph into trees is not fun..


Fri Oct 24 13:44 2003
Well I'd be glad to share - especially the "happy drugs" ;-)
Man, they sure keep life to a more uh..."spiritual" level! hehehehe

Thu Oct 23 17:45 2003
i want some of your drugs pls

Thu Oct 23 12:25 2003
I'm sure it was the "little green men" playing on it.

Thu Oct 16 10:28 2003
the wall is fine btw.. it was another issue that affected the wall indirectly..

Wed Oct 15 19:19 2003
hmm. the wall appears to be acting up..

Wed Oct 15 09:25 2003
K, as soon as John downloads em, we'll email em to ya.  He looked AWESOME!!


Tue Oct 14 11:10 2003
Hey sweetie - could you be a doll and pick up a dozen eggs and the drycleaning
on the way home? Thanks!

Mon Oct 13 20:59 2003
Email em to me and I'll stick em in the image gallery

Mon Oct 13 14:37 2003
I think an updated photo of John in his Zoot Suit should be added...he looked 
awesome!  That's my Sweetie!


Wed Oct 8 12:17 2003
yeah, what he said!


Tue Oct 7 21:33 2003
yep.. we actually have a new song mostly done.. we just need to rerecord some 
of the tracks to get a better sound from them..

Tue Oct 7 11:42 2003
Yeah, but where's the new music???  Oh wait, is it the crickets I hear??   

Tue Sep 30 14:24 2003
damn straight

Tue Sep 30 07:15 2003
bitch, whine, moan

Mon Sep 29 20:18 2003
And nobody uses it =(

the horror

Wed Sep 24 22:02 2003
BTW I wrote a script to go through the old database and translate the dates to
the new format.. I haven't really checked.. hope it worked =P

Wed Sep 24 22:00 2003
I've launched the new version of graffiti wall.. Hopefully it doesn't go nuts
and wipe out the database =P

I'll be keeping a private (read accessible to me) version running for me to
continue adding features and refining the code base.. Right now it runs, but is
very sloppy..

Note that this version uses cookies to track your display preferences from
session to session. If you do not allow cookies then you will simply have to
deal with the entire wall being spit out at you..



Sun Sep 21 17:35 2003
yeah, yeah...whatever

Wed Sep 17 19:14 2003
Me and Rick just got done jamming actually.. New stuff soon.. really.. I mean 

Tue Sep 16 07:18 2003
...crickets again...

Tue Sep 02 18:33 2003
Busy atm... Will work on some new material soon though.

Tue Aug 26 21:32 2003
Hint not taken =(


Wed Aug 13 18:41 2003
Yeah, I think that was a hint.


Wed Aug 13 09:08 2003
Well I guess that means we should get busy huh guys??


Tue Aug 12 18:05 2003
OMG!!!!  Can we say spam?!

Tue Aug 12 16:50 2003
More, more, more Delusional Mind!!!! Give us more sound files!!!!! We're getting
delusional without fresh Delusional Mind, so please post more mp3's, if you
don't mind. 
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional
Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!
Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind! Delusional Mind!

Mon Aug 11 16:29 2003
Well I was wonder where you got off to...welcome back!  


Sun Aug 10 17:59 2003
Except for that one.. And this one.. nm


Sun Aug 10 17:45 2003
And get no response...


Fri Aug 08 17:51 2003
and then...Kristi decided once again to grace this board with her presence...

Thu Aug 07 09:17 2003
Hey Bro! Well they took AIM off our machines at work, so thats why I havent 
been on there. Im still kicking around though. Ill drop you a line and fill ya 
in on all the stuff thats been happening.


Wed Aug 06 19:35 2003
Hey folks this is Aaron(Fobban) from way up in Canada.  Trying to get a hold of 
John.  Where have you been man?  Step out of that world of space and send me an 
email sometime or talk to me on aol or something.  Oh I also noticed you guys 
have a couple more songs posted since last I looked!  Good job.

Tue Aug 05 08:25 2003
Oh stop your whinning...

Sun Aug 03 15:09 2003
BTW, somewhere in there I became an even older fossil... 32 years old =(


Fri Jul 25 13:08 2003
Bout friggin time

Fri Jul 25 12:07 2003
And then.....Bob got a JOB!   LOL!!!  Sorry, Bob couldn't resist! :-)

Fri Jul 25 07:59 2003
And then there was alot of "stuff" followed by a few "things".


Fri Jul 25 00:42 2003
And then Karen posted. "and then...."


Thu Jul 24 13:17 2003
and then....

Sat Jul 19 22:26 2003
But, but, I didn't go to school to read it... I went to school to learn how to
design what it runs on, but not to read and write the code.. I learned all that
on my own.. 

Anyway, I was just trying to point out that it's not possible to cheat when you
are the one writing the rules..


Sat Jul 19 08:09 2003
If I wanted to read code, I would have gone to school for it. I don't give two 
shits what it says.

Sat Jul 19 02:22 2003
Learn to read the code and you can cheat too.. I'll even show it to you so you can try to 
figure it out.. Hell I'll even answer questions about it =D 

Fri Jul 18 18:09 2003

Fri Jul 18 18:06 2003
Yes, well, it's my server, my program, and my logs that tell me who posted what =D


Fri Jul 18 13:22 2003
Its great when a plan comes together.


Fri Jul 18 12:21 2003
Ahh...two great minds thinking alike! 


Fri Jul 18 10:57 2003
Well I know I like your mind there!! Its right at home with my own mind!! So it 
works out well!


Fri Jul 18 10:26 2003
Awe still knew it was me without a signature....LOL!  Well....ya 
know...what can I mind stays in the gutter - only comes up for air!


Fri Jul 18 01:13 2003
Yes, someone did..

Well we know what's on Karen's mind!


Thu Jul 17 11:43 2003
Did someone mention 69?

Wed Jul 16 19:23 2003
Well, as many chicks as you bring home, I think anyone would barf for 
months after kissing your ass...and yes, Bob, I can count to 69...

Wed Jul 16 18:05 2003
Well in that case don't kiss my ass...

Wed Jul 16 12:34 2003
Im gonna have to decline your offer Rick, on the account that it would really 
make me barf for months.


Wed Jul 16 02:24 2003
I refuse to.. That would be wrong on so many levels.. 

Wed Jul 16 00:23 2003
You can all kiss my ass...

Tue Jul 15 23:43 2003
Well, you were able to tell me that 1000101 was 69 so you can't claim ignorance

Tue Jul 15 21:45 2003
Dammit...look at that, Bob.  You lost Karen with the binary shit.  It isn't 
just me...told ya so.  Run while you can Karen, or he will try to explain it to 
you.  Just pretend you understand like me...LOL

and yes, rick is an ass...


Tue Jul 15 15:10 2003
OMG.....there is still life on this planet... 


Mon Jul 14 19:35 2003
Yes, Rick, you are an ass..


Mon Jul 14 17:57 2003
What an ass....

Mon Jul 14 13:44 2003
Whoa Nellie....Ok lost me at "flat binary file!"  LOL!


Mon Jul 14 00:47 2003
Longest post ever.



Mon Jul 14 00:35 2003

I've been slacking lately and haven't worked much on the newer wall version.  I
have come up with some interesting future features such as allowing users to
upload and post pictures and files for others to view in their messages or
download.. I'd have to upgrade my server to handle that though as it is running
on old(read small) drives currently. 

This is a feature I really feel good about but I have to put some serious
thought into how to address various issues it raises.. One issue I'm debating
right now is the database format itself.. 

Currently it is basically a  flat binary file that contains mostly message
fields and delimiters.. This works fine for a simple function such as the wall's
current incarnation. The problem is that format is very limiting in what can be
done later.. Because of this, and my desire to really pour the features on over
time, I'm contemplating breaking the database into multiple files with cross

Of course this would entail an almost complete rewrite of the program's guts so
it's definately something slated for a "version 2.0" release..  I plan to finish
the current version I'm writing since what is left to do would basically be
unchanged in that newer version.. 

The advantage of breaking the database up and cross indexing the files is that I
could add features almost at a whim.. If I need to add a new piece of
information to each record I simply add a new file to the index. This also adds
a little extra intelligence in the files themselves. I still haven't decided if
I'd rather use a master index file to track field ownership across the files or
to embed the index information within the files with database fields pointing to
the other fields it is related to.. Both solutions offer advantages and

For example, the master index file getting corrupted would destroy the database
entirely since there would be no way to reassemble the fields from the other
files.. Conversely, the embedded indexing would be more robust in handling the
corruption of a single file without the entire database being destroyed. You
would lose a portion of the database such as the time/date stamps, the files
attached to the messages, or even the messages themselves (imagine logging in
and seeing when all the posts were made and all the files that were attached to
them, but no messages). The downside being added complexity when adding certain
new features to the system.

In the end I will likely resort to a combination of the 2. A master index file
which would be maintained but only used to rebuild the database in case the
embedded index is corrupted or to facilitate rebuilding the database files,
adding the index fields for database files needed for additional features..

This is my first attempt at writing a database, and since it's a forum for me to
play with, I'm going to go overboard on it and make it as robust and scalable as
I can. I'll even go so far as to seperate the database and graffiti wall code
into their own projects. I'm not sure if I'll go the route of making the
database engine an actual seperate program which is called by any program
needing to use it , or make it a seperate program that runs all the time as a
daemon that provides services to client programs, or just make it a source
file(or files) that can be included in the source of a program that requires
it's services. 

Making it a seperate program would be fairly easy, but the system pays for that
simplicity under a load and in other ways. Making it a daemon is a little harder
and requires interprocess communications(not something I've played with which
makes me lean toward this idea). This would have the major advantages of being
MUCH faster under heavy loads since the OS doesn't have to bear the overhead of
creating the database process everytime a program needs to use it, and this
option would also make adding the ability to host the database on another
machine almost trivial. The downside is the complexity of the database project
itself would be very much nontrivial. Bear in mind that having it running as a
daemon means that I would have to write a security protocol for it to
authenticate it's client processes and identify the database they wish to
access(so one daemon can support several databases simultaneously). This option
could literally take me years to realize if I'm the only person working on it.
Last but not least, making it just a couple of source files which can be added
into a program is probably the simplest implementation, but would limit my
learning experience in the issues related above.. 

In the end it's my hope that once I get a working version together that other
people interested in working on it would help to further enhance it(giving me
the opportunity to examine how others solve the problems the project presents).

Migrating the existing database into a newer version will be a real pain.. I'm
positive I can write a shell script to do it, but that doesn't change the fact
it will suck..

Anyway, this has grown long enough.. Until my next update,

Currently 683 lines of code in the project.


Sun Jul 13 10:56 2003
Just checkin in to see if antone had posted

Wed Jul 09 19:47 2003
well, i've been playing with the new format...don't know bout everyone else

Wed Jul 09 15:33 2003
Where'd everyone body go......???  Is it possible to piss all you guys off at 
once? Wow....such power.... LOL!


Fri Jul 04 22:00 2003
Maybe it's me, but is the Federal Trade Commission checking out our site?

Just kidding, thanks for the feedback man..


Fri Jul 04 03:35 2003
You guys look pretty rad. From the Guys of the FTC. Keep up the awesome work!

Thu Jul 03 19:39 2003
Feel free to abuse the new version of the wall linked above.. Let me know what
you think of the features, though at the moment it is still unstable.. The
cookie the new version installs will work when that version goes live so however
you set your preferences with this version is how you will view it once I launch
it on the live database(until you change it).


Tue Jul 01 21:22 2003

Wed Jun 25 14:33 2003
LOL!!!  Oh that's too good Kristi!!  Man, if I'd know I was being inteligent 
I'd definitely taken advantage of that!!!  Those moments are rare between the 
blonde moments I have so often - woohoo!  

Uh...what was that Boomhauser...hehehehe


Tue Jun 24 23:07 2003
Don't talk to her like that...she actually likes us (or pretends to 
anyway)...don't screw it up for us...and (I know this is a hundred posts ago-
well not really-but anyway)actually Karen, you could have played off the whole 
bpr typo...that stands for blood pressure, pulse, and respiration in the 
medical world-so you could've made us think you were all medical saavy and stuff


Tue Jun 24 14:38 2003
mmabahr mrph grib..


Tue Jun 24 14:34 2003
What "Boomhauer" ?!?  At least I can understand you when you type...heehee


Sun Jun 22 13:55 2003
I'm still lost, but only because I choose to be..


Fri Jun 20 12:22 2003
Ok, now Im up to speed. I get it. LOL.
Either that or maybe it was Colt45.


Fri Jun 20 12:00 2003
OMG...there goes those blonde moments of mine that keep life so 
interesting....I meant "PBR" AKA "Papst Blue Ribbon" as in the Beer...Ok, just 
in case I've lost all of you at this point (see you have to have blonde moments 
to understand them!)
Since Rick said he pissed off some girls the other night - I assume in a bar - 
I was implying that he bought them a "PBR" and they were offended....k, got 
it...  LOL!!!!


Fri Jun 20 11:18 2003
Ok, You lost me with that one. What the hell is BPR?


Fri Jun 20 08:01 2003
Well....that's one name for it anyway.  But wait...I want to hear more about 
these girls Rick pissed off. they not like BPR??


Fri Jun 20 01:02 2003
Burning mana? Is that what it's called now?


Thu Jun 19 15:05 2003
Oh yes, yes he does!!  We likes burning mana with him!!!  



Thu Jun 19 12:37 2003
Oh dont worry, I make sure that Karen uses up lots of energy. You can bet on 


Thu Jun 19 11:48 2003
See, Karen got the easy job.  All she has to do is sit back and watch us do all 
the work.

Thu Jun 19 09:13 2003
Woohoo!!!  You guys are feeding the beast - keep it up "My Pretties!"


Thu Jun 19 00:33 2003
Too late, I'm already pissed off now..


Thu Jun 19 00:06 2003
OK everyone but Karen can EAT ME!!! I will piss someone off when I get good and 
ready. Until then PISS OFF!!

Wed Jun 18 18:29 2003
Well, Rick wasn't pissing off fast enough.  I had to do something; gotta take 
up the slack for my team mate ya know. least Karen can keep her job 

Wed Jun 18 13:26 2003
What's even more funny is that I only stired the pot once and look what happed -
woohoo!!!!!   Just imagine what happens when I really get it brewing!!! 


Tue Jun 17 22:30 2003
Now wait just a moment!!! Its Rick's job to do the pissin off!. Your just 
supposed to get all offended. Whats up with that????


Tue Jun 17 22:29 2003
Shouldn't be too hard for me to get pissed at rick.. yep.. I'm pissed.. See..


Tue Jun 17 18:23 2003
Damn, you caught me.  That was my plan all along--to inadvertantly piss you 
off, John.  It was a test; so now it's Karen's turn to stir.  The plot 

Tue Jun 17 12:10 2003
You left me out damnit!!! How can you forget about me Kristi??????
Sheesh!!.. I knew this would happen, "I told ya so"!!!


Mon Jun 16 20:26 2003
Okay, then.  Bob, you have to act all pissed off at Rick now.  Then I will get 
all offended at him for making you mad.  Then Karen can stir it up a little.  
Then we start on someone else.  Everyone got it?  Let's get started; we can do 
this people.  We can make it happen.

Sun Jun 15 21:07 2003
K then I guess I'll start with Bob. I piss him off on a daily basis as it is.

Sat Jun 14 18:05 2003
No, dammit.  It has to be one of us you piss off or it doesn't count.

Sat Jun 14 17:38 2003
OK I'll start pissin people off... Oh wait I did that last night... I made a 
couple of girls mad at me. Does that count?

Sat Jun 14 11:45 2003
Delusional Mind

Sat Jun 14 10:58 2003
You're the pisser-offer.  You have to start it.  

Sat Jun 14 04:05 2003
Never.. You don't deserve the pleasure..


Fri Jun 13 19:54 2003
Well challenge is a good way to put it. So when are we gonna start this little 
endevor so I can start pissin people off?

Fri Jun 13 10:34 2003
Sounds like a challenge to me..... 


Thu Jun 12 21:15 2003
Ok the rest of you handle all the details,
Ill just sit back and be the one that says "I told ya so"


Thu Jun 12 18:50 2003
Okay, you stir, and you piss off, and I'll be the one that gets all offended.  
Someone has to be offended or it doesn't work right.


Thu Jun 12 12:16 2003
Sounds good to me - nothing like team work when you're creating havoc!!  


Wed Jun 11 18:00 2003
You stir I'll piss em off... Sound fair?

Wed Jun 11 10:51 2003
Oh my aim isn't to piss people off...I just like "stiring the pot" - Now THAT 
I'm good at!!! hehehehe


Tue Jun 10 20:22 2003
That's what I was born to do PISS PEOPLE OFF!!!!!

Tue Jun 10 18:50 2003
Hey, somebody's gotta make some noise on this wall.  Might as well piss of 
people, right.

Tue Jun 10 15:14 2003


Tue Jun 10 15:03 2003
Woohoo - I just love it when I stir up trouble!  hehehehe


Sun Jun 08 18:45 2003
If that offended you then I guess that's how it was intended... HEHE

Sun Jun 08 09:14 2003
Of that I have no doubt.

Sat Jun 07 20:55 2003
Rick intended to offend you I'm sure..


Sat Jun 07 08:11 2003
Hey!!!  Dammit, that's not funny.  I'm like all offended and stuff.


Fri Jun 06 21:19 2003
WOOO HOOO a chick!

Fri Jun 06 18:59 2003

Fri Jun 06 14:45 2003
Danger, person is now entering.....

Hi guys!!
Couldn't just read and not say hello!!  So....hellooooooooooooooooooo!


Fri Jun 06 12:30 2003
Yeah I agree..your the one who wanted to redo the wall..not me!!


Thu Jun 05 20:59 2003
that sounds like your problem to me

Thu Jun 05 07:46 2003
Still being awake at 7:45am hacking away at source code sucks...

Thu Jun 05 07:34 2003
Being sick sucks

Wed Jun 04 18:51 2003
I don't remeber him asking for an excuse.... just finish the wall.

Wed Jun 04 15:44 2003
When you learn to write C++ code then you can complain..

I'm in the process of optimizing the current code to minimize it's memory
footprint while running.. It involves being able to dynamically handle database
entries of an unknown length(and unknown content), while not attempting to load
the entire database into memory at 1 time(a fatal scalability flaw).. 

Wed Jun 04 13:16 2003
Hurry up and finish the wall slack ass!


Tue Jun 03 22:44 2003
Leave it to Rick to be so original..

Mon Jun 02 18:38 2003

Mon Jun 02 13:57 2003

Wed May 28 23:21 2003
I thought so..


Wed May 28 19:56 2003
Well that's a hell of a note ain't it.

Sun May 25 17:42 2003
Well we can do it this comming thursday Tammy, I was very impressed with the 
dashboard lights, you did an excellent job.

Sat May 24 13:00 2003
i can talk about music, sorry we didn't do the duet together, thursday see ya 

Thu May 22 17:49 2003
Seems like passing notes in class is more apropriate for what is written here. 
I on the other hand would like to hear what people think of the music, but so 
far no responses.

Thu May 22 14:20 2003
I feel like that all the time.. 

I remember reading some pretty interesting things on desks in school..


Thu May 22 11:38 2003
This is more like reading the graffiti on a desk in high school!  Pretty funny 

I'd write more if there were anything I could think of to write, but for some 
miraculous reason, I'm at a total loss for words.


Tue May 20 22:59 2003
It does.

Mon May 19 20:50 2003
alright, i will let you keep your delusions if it makes you feel better

Mon May 19 20:44 2003
a successful try =x

Mon May 19 20:29 2003
nice try

Mon May 19 20:17 2003
Yes, but you will have attained an age that you consider to be old right now.. 
I will remind you of that when it happens.. My age at that time is irrelevant..

Mon May 19 20:14 2003
well, then you will be even older, so feel free

Mon May 19 14:53 2003
I'll remind you of that when you get to my age..


Fri May 16 17:51 2003
well, whatever...then i guess you qualify too

Fri May 16 17:34 2003
Bite me I'm not OLD...

Fri May 16 16:58 2003
I have to spoil it cause otherwise I would have to admit I'm old as well.. 
There's only 6 years between us you know..

Fri May 16 06:46 2003
let me have my fun i am trying to make an old stab at rick and 
you're spoiling it

Thu May 15 23:31 2003
No.. Mom and Dad bought it new in 1986 and he traded em a jacked up monte carlo 
for it because the car got like .00378 miles to the gallon.. But it sure as 
hell got up and went when you pressed the pedal..


Thu May 15 21:49 2003
that's cuz you're've had more time to pay for it

Thu May 15 19:19 2003
Blah Blah I have a truck snd guess what....  ITS PAID FOR hehe

Thu May 15 18:59 2003
i looked at extended they cost too much..two my truck has more room 
than most of them do...three i don't feel like driving a there...get 
your own...

Thu May 15 17:45 2003
OK Cars.... Get a friggin FULL SIZE TRUCK!!!! Extended cab prefferably. 4x4 is 

Thu May 15 17:17 2003
All cars are a money sink..repairs, maint,insurance. they just suck your money. 
so your screwed no matter what car/ you get..your gonna bend over..and your 
gonna take it..repeatedly....hard.


Thu May 15 07:06 2003
they are expensive too...i'm a little poor ya know...i know a few people that 
have one and they haven't had any problems, and they are rated high in consumer 
reports...i guess any car can have issues

Thu May 15 01:02 2003
Kristi, are you talkin bout the PT crusier, this is my advice you may not want 
to hear it but my boss has one, and a friend of my has one they have had 
problems my friend had hers a week and the transmission went out, and my boss 
had somethin wrong with hers she's had to take her's back 3 times. now i like 
my car and they ride so smoothe if i was to trade or sell i would get another 
one it a Lexas they are nice...Tammy

Wed May 14 23:55 2003
I thought you'd find it annoying.  Believe me that was my sole intent.

Wed May 14 21:38 2003
omg, car updates on the wall..

Wed May 14 18:26 2003
Well, my search for a new car continues.  I'm gonna get a lower interest rate, 
but my payments will be the same or maybe like up to $25 more because I gotta 
pay my truck off.  Of course I owe like $1100 more than the blue book value on 
it.  I figure $25 extra a month won't kill me.  It may be less depending on 
what I can get them down to on the Cruiser.  I've got the sales guy trying to 
find me a different color.  They only have red and white and I don't want 
either one of those.  Oh well, sigh, that is my luck though.


Tue May 13 22:28 2003
ty hi kristi and bob rick told me the web-site it's good

Tue May 13 21:32 2003
Yes, please post whatever you want.  It's great not to be the only chick here 
for once.


Tue May 13 20:57 2003
As the rules above state, you're free to put anything on this wall you want.. 
Me and Kristi were simply reacting to the fact that someone other than her, 
Rick, John, and me actually posted something. Note the last post by another 
person was on February 27..


Tue May 13 17:28 2003
 Tammy can post anything she wants on this wall... That was Bob's GF that said 
that Tammy.. We are usually the only ones that write on this wall it seems and 
it took her by surprise hehe. As far as the e-mil addy I thought it was luv and 
sent the e-mail to the wrong person. I hope they get a kick out of it hehe.
Rewritting it now and sending it to ya.

Tue May 13 17:14 2003
so you don't want me to write on here, Tammy

Tue May 13 14:12 2003

Tue May 13 07:27 2003
OMG!!!  Someone besides us on the wall!  It is a momentous occasion.

Tue May 13 00:27 2003
ha ha rick i gave you my e-mail address  XXXXXXXXX@XXX.XXX  byee  Tammy

Mon May 12 20:46 2003
Okies Tammy I'll write you back right now hehe...

Mon May 12 19:02 2003

Fri May 09 06:32 2003
Well, I don't know if I like it.  It's just that I would worry otherwise.

Thu May 08 17:38 2003
You know you like it...

Thu May 08 06:35 2003
Well, somehow I guessed that.

Thu May 08 01:32 2003
That was Rick being an ass... 

Wed May 07 19:37 2003
Sure is.

Mon May 05 19:59 2003
Is that the best comeback you could come up with?


Mon May 05 19:03 2003
Well, I wouldn't I'll take it from you guys since you are the experts 
and all.

Mon May 05 18:39 2003
It really is..

Mon May 05 17:53 2003
ok...i dont even want to know what that is all about.
sometimes ignorance is bliss


Mon May 05 17:51 2003
HMM someone needs to tell me first.... Was i asleep?

Mon May 05 11:53 2003

You need to tell me something?

Mon May 05 06:34 2003
My fault, huh.  I see how it is.  I blame Rick.

Sun May 04 21:37 2003
wtf.. it was all your fault!! Maybe next time we can get it right..

Sun May 04 21:20 2003
Okay, somebody else be in charge of prizes, cuz what we got this weekend sucked 
pretty hard.  I want a refund.


Mon Apr 28 06:55 2003
WOOT!!!  I like prizes a lot.

Sun Apr 27 21:48 2003
Piss Off

Sun Apr 27 18:49 2003
I'm in charge of prizes.. I'll award you later..


Sun Apr 27 18:09 2003
Apparently nothing at all....

Sun Apr 27 12:29 2003
Happy B-day to Rick.  Okay I said it, now what happens?

Sat Apr 26 14:50 2003
Well everyone say Happy B-Day to Rick.

Fri Apr 25 02:14 2003


Wed Apr 23 20:24 2003
I didn't say anything else!!!  It's over..let it go!

Mon Apr 21 18:43 2003

Mon Apr 21 15:47 2003
exctly!!...more stuff..which inturn..yields more things!

Mon Apr 21 12:43 2003
Nothing at all wrong with that.. And you're good for much more than just sow..
There's haste, dexterity, agility, strength, stamina, even charisma!



Sun Apr 20 20:31 2003
SOW....SOW....I see how it is...that's all I'm good for.  What can I say, I 
like to sow alright.  Nothing wrong with that, is there?


Fri Apr 18 16:05 2003
uh...yeah..things and stuff

Fri Apr 18 01:13 2003

Fri Apr 18 00:58 2003
You just want to sow me.. Admit it..


Thu Apr 17 19:36 2003
You mean frogs croaking, don't you?


Fri Apr 11 02:32 2003
*Crickets chirping*


Thu Feb 27 10:04 2003
Hello John Ward ! I am pretty sure you know me well. People of SW.

Mon Feb 17 07:45 2003
Yourlord! Nice website! Peavey amps rock the universe!!!!!

Fri Feb 07 04:03 2003
So little activity =(

Tue Dec 31 16:01 2002
Happy New Year!!


Wed Dec 18 16:39 2002
James here:  That's a little better

Wed Dec 18 16:34 2002

James here again: Sorry that picture looked bad. I felt I needed to fix it. Lata
Wed Dec 18 16:28 2002

James here: Thought your equipment set up is cool. Like your site too. Let me know if you would like any graphics work done or would like an improvement in website design. James Racing Radios
Wed Dec 18 16:22 2002
*Removed broken image link* - Bob 

Wed Nov 27 17:05 2002
I do, not that it helps any.  Probably not what you were going for, but ya 
know.  I do what I can....


Wed Nov 27 00:39 2002
Is there not one single person that visits our site? I am becoming 

Sat Nov 23 15:00 2002
Well Rick is feelin a little better than he was, his wounds are starting to 
heal up with the exception of his chest. He had to go back to the doctors 
office again to get some more pain medication. It looks like the hair is gonna 
grow back in where the pavement removed it. The docs said the chest pain is 
gonna take some time to go away. The bruising of his heart and lungs make it a 
constant and agravating process. He has said that he is ready to get back to 
recording the rest of the music and lyrics for the album.
There will be more updates at a later time.

Thu Nov 14 02:58 2002
 11/13/02 Rick had an accident at work. Was riding a police HD and lost it in 
the parking lot of his place of employment. Injuries sustained were a head 
injury of which loss of the remaining hair on the back of his head is now 
missing and some of the skin a severe headache from smackin his head on the 
pavement. A contusion to his chest over his heart which makes breathing a 
nightmare in itself. His right elbow is missing some skin and swollen up and 
very much in pain. His right hand basically is missing some skin on his knuckle.
After the 8 hour ER visit he went to his brothers house to bask in his 
stupididty for trying to overcorrect a motorcycle in a manner that would cause 
this accident. And the fact that he was not wearing a helmet that would have 
saved him some pain and suffering was not worn. He does in fact feel that he is 
very lucky that he lived and was able to walk away from the wreck. WE will post 
on the progress of the healing process and wether or not Rick is still employed 
by his company.......

Thu Oct 24 05:29 2002
Glad to see other bands dropping in.. I went to your site and checked out some 
of your songs.. Your music has a very 80's sounding quality to it. I personally 
feel the 80's to very early 90's was the high point of quality metal. Too Weak 
was a great sounding song. Had some very nice and subtle technical work in it 
that made "real" metal worth listening to.. I will check out the rest tomorrow 
as it's way past time for me to sleep right now =(


Tue Oct 22 20:31 2002
Classic style Heavy Metal from Texas: SPITTIN JONAH-Louder Than

Thu Sep 26 13:14 2002
Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo:
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of 
our friends;
Black holes are where God divided by zero

My sayings for the day:

Chris C.

Fri Sep 20 00:33 2002
When did this become a poetry board and i may use some of this for a song 

Thu Sep 19 19:47 2002
This is what we fear,
No sight, no sound,
No touch or taste or smell,
Nothing to think with,
Nothing to love or link with,
The anesthetic from which none come around.

Thu Sep 19 14:25 2002
"A token of a better feeling,
vacation from chaotic real,
A smile, a nod, a plesant face
all giving permission to feel."

~MaryAnne (written 5/2/02)

P.S. John Rocks

Tue Sep 17 22:13 2002
I feel like that all the time..


Mon Sep 16 12:00 2002
"Looking out upon an endless sea,
 Of chaos, death, and misery.
 Hopin one day that I will find,
 The answers within my delusional mind."


Sun Sep 08 19:51 2002
Was that a light sabre...

Tue Sep 03 01:11 2002
Yes there has been some editing done to the site and hope to have some changes 
to the lineup soon we will let ya know....

Mon Sep 02 21:57 2002
uhh...HS...great...cept i'm not high enough let's get to PL'n 
me...k...then we'll talk about the way,i've noticed you've done some 


Mon Sep 02 17:06 2002
Bustling with activity.

Mon Aug 26 13:58 2002
Oh, and screw seb, HS all the way man..


Mon Aug 26 12:09 2002
Ok, blank posts and post floods should now be squashed.



Sat Aug 24 19:49 2002
cool now quit playing music and lets go to seb or something wtf

Sat Aug 24 19:18 2002
Love is a misconception created by foolish romantics that thrive on pain.....

Sat Aug 24 17:12 2002
Thank Rick for posting that blank entry, which has shown me I now need to write 
a routine for handling blank posts and to throttle how fast people can post 
from the same IP.


Sat Aug 24 16:50 2002

Sat Aug 24 16:49 2002
Kill everything that moves

Fri Aug 23 18:16 2002
Welcome to our graffiti wall. Put whatever you want on here. You can use it as a
"Guest book", or to post words of wisdom, or words of idiocy. It's all up to
you. Add your own delusional thoughts to our wall and preserve them for all to see.


-- The Forum Ends --